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•ry <br /> � ✓ ► f . �_ ..n�...,Jr, ... . ,N.'":... __"-=-•---- <br /> �-'r.�:.h"�:. :li . . . `.,. � �. �,1�. 7w.�=;y;cv: <br /> _ -------_- - � .. � � 93- � �AS - . � ,�`r;"� <br /> . � �� ooa�n�ian�ar�ar aad�of�ay p�t ot,he N�ape�ty,orra�oomo,►�noe ta ueu a�.00qd�u�a�.�ro b�bi►�d�ed�d . � ._� <br /> "�Arllbe�pddw�e�►dx. � '��- :':; <br /> � !a da e+rent at�w t�l t�k i n�a f t h e P i o p a i y. t h ap��o h d l �e�p p l i e d w�h a w m� �e a�ro d b y d�u 8 a a w i t y � . <br /> lau�aaeat.whelher ar na thai due�whh sny exaa�p�i d w Bomnwer, �n d�a aw�t d'�putul Wdn�of thep�o�ty� <br /> whkh Ihc fair nn�ket value oP the Propaty Gnmedl�tely bafaro tiw Id�in�is'qwl b ar�maler tluia the�nwunt of�fie wais <br /> aoain+d by Ibi� Sawrity Ininument hnmedLlely beforo tho tdcin�.unle:s tlaonw�e�and Le�othawi�o�roe in wr1�1�. . <br /> thc wm��curod by lhiw 3ecurlty LntnuoaW sh�ll 6e rcdua�d by�he�ra�att ot thep� mullipliedby�he tdlowin�; <br /> ::`��".-�"`��`.—'�,� i�dam (a)dio�opil�rt�wnt of�ho cwn��ecurud Mjnediotely beFae Iho tuking.divlded by d(b)tbc fai�mmicet vAlue af�he <br /> PropisdY imaiodi�tcly befae thc W�iny. Mr b�W�ce shdl ba paid to B�xia�re� !n the evaN ot�piutid Wtia of 160. ---- <br /> Property in which tho fdr mutcet vduo of the Pao�ty immediuely befa�e ihe t�kiny I�lesti th�n the�naum of�wm� <br /> cecurod immal i i u e ly b a fare t h o a k G�g.u n k�s A a r ower w M f l.c n d c r a h e r w l c o a�n e c i n w d t i n� ur unlcs� a p pliaible I�w <br /> o�l�wioo prwida.We proceoA��b�ll be applfed a tha rum�acwed by thix Sxurity tmaunknt whether ar not U�o wnu wia <br /> tb�a�due. <br /> /f the P+apeqy is�ba�odo�Kd by Borrowcr.or iF�fler noticc by l.ender w 8onowc�Ih�t�he ca�de�o�or oiiar�w aoW�e <br /> �n�waN or�eute a ctdm for d�nw�es.Rormwer hiYs�o�eapood w I.eeder witAia 30 dwys aftcr tQ�e d�a d�o a�otioe ts gi+ren. <br /> l.ader is a�WAorized w colloct aad applg the pnoaed�,at its opioa either to res�oratlon�x rep�ir ot the Pivpn�Y ut to tl�e <br />- ar��ecund by diis SecumtY Inatn�nent.whnLerar not�thn due. <br /> Uakss Ltnder�ad Bomower a�l�awise�rrce in wridag.�n�r applicmion oi pnxroeds�o prineippl�ll�ot e�cta�d or <br /> pa�tpone t1�e due date of�he mauhlY P�Y�nts�efenrd to in pua�r+phs 1 und 2 or cinngc the�mount of such prymxnls. <br />- 11. Barowcr Nat Relawed: �1a�bdruKe B I.a�der Not a Walver. �ctenslon of the time fa psymau a' <br /> - <br /> `° modification of ano�ti�a�of the sums securod by is Security Ipstrument Srented by Lender to ony sucoessor in intercst <br /> --- <br /> _ -�� af Bamon�erslrall sm�t eperete to trka�c thc lirl�ilits•�f the��igin�l I�rrowa or BarowerY cucoes�ors in intarst. <br /> ..�----..,.�___...� sh�ll �a bc roqdrod lo comnxnce proceedings against my successor in intercst or reFuse w extend t�me far paymrnt�x � <br /> dhenvise modify amonizetion of the suma secw+ed by this Security Inshument by aason of any demand made by the ariginal <br /> Bonowa or Borrower's successors in inter�est. Any forbearance by Lender in exer�ising ony d�ht or remedy�Iw11 not be a <br /> - wniver of car�v!e�clude�he exereise of any�ght o�remcdy. <br />- 12. �woer�ors�ad Acsi�s Bownd;Jdnt�nd 3everai Li�bility;Co-si�oere. The covenants and�+oeme�as of thls <br />= Securiry loiw.ument shall bind ond bene8t the suaessas und agsigns of L.ender r�nd Borrowe�.�ubject a the provisions of <br />�� parAgrapb 17. Bomower�covcnanls and agrarmmt.�shall be joint und several.Any Bomnwcr who co-signs�his Security <br />'� Insaument but cbes not exocute the Nae: (a)is cn-Qigning this Securiry Insuument only to mortgage,grant sind canvey that <br /> Bamwer�intenst in�he Property wMer the terms of this Security In4trument; (b)is�wt persooal�y abligated to pay the aums = <br /> ;� socured by lhis Secu�ity Insuument;und�c)Asnees that Lender pnd any other Bamwer may ag�ee to extend.modify,fotbear <br /> �' or make �ny accommodAtbns with regaid to the te�ma of this Secudty Inst�ument or�ho Note without that Barower3� <br /> = cancen� <br /> , - ' l3. Loo� Clsarges. If slse loan stcarcd �y l3�+s Stcut':ty Inuromrnt ic .ub�ect to n law which sets moximum loan <br /> � � -- — cbarges.and Ihat luw is�F nally interpreted so that trc interest or other loun char�z�callected or to be rnllectai in connecUon <br /> �`?��4;�"�, wi�h the loan exceed the,pertnitted limils.then: (a)u;x wch loan chsuge slu►11 be ret�uced by the umount necessary to reduce E•':°;_-. <br />:;�► �'he ch;u�ge u�1he permitted liroit;and(b)any sum:ulr�ady collected�rom Bo�rr�wer which exceeded permitted Ilmits wiU be ___. <br />::;,,�; reiunsYed[m 8orrower. Lender muy choose to muke this tefund by reciucing�he Qx+ncipal owed under�he Note or by meking u <br /> elirert payQ�ent to Borrower. If u refund reduces pri�cipal.the t�eduction will t�treated�.c a partiul prepayment widKwt any <br /> - pnpayment charge under�he Nota. `- <br /> •b= 14. Notices. Any notice to Bomuwer provldecl for in thiti Security Instrument shull be given by delivering it or by <br /> ' a " mailing it by first moil unless applicuble law reyuires use of unother method.'t'he ndice shall be directed to tire Rvperty __ <br /> Address or any other uddress Borrawer designutes by notice ta Lender. Any ndice to Lender shall be given by first class <br />-C meil toLender's uddress stuted herein or any otheraddress Lende�dexignute,by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for �'�: <br /> in this Security Ins�rument shall l+e deemed to have been givcn to Borrowa�or Lender when given ax provkled in this � <br /> _ ,� �`�w` <br />-- •r ,�l_ p�€T�Ph• �-- <br /> - �' ���:= IS. Governing I.Aw; SeverabUity. 71�i4 Securi�y Ins�rument shnll be governed by tederal luw nnd the luw of the _. <br /> ,i.{ jurisalictian in which the Property iti lacuted. In the r�•ent thut�ny pmvi�ion or clause of this Security InxtNment or the Note �;x'=• <br />�;; cunf�ic+s wilh upplicable law,such contli�t +hul9�ot affert other prrni�inns af thic Security Inxtrument or�he Nae whirh rAn �;;.: <br />_ ^;��;�.;a r�,:, be given eftece without 1he contlir�in�}�ravi�ian. To�his end the pTnvisionr�i�f ihis Security In�troment and the Nate are � �y,,,�. <br />- �.�• �, dealared to be tieverable. �c =- <br /> `Y �;a ` ' -f ' 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower�hull be pi�en on�conformed wpy of�he 1�ote und of this Security Insan�ment. �.;. <br />_ ��� . ,�; `e�,,- 17. 7lwnsfer of the Property or t�Beneficial➢nterest in Bor�uwer. If ull or any purt of the Propeny or any imerest in <br /> � ��� �`�� :'•�`� •� it is sold or trunsferred lor if u beneficiul imen�w in Bormwer i.�old or trunxfrrred und Burcciwer is not a natural per�nnl - <br /> � sy����k' .� without Lender's prior written rnnsent,Lcnder mny. ut it�option,rcyuire immediate puyment in full of all sums Kecured t�;. "_` <br /> ., ,•,;,�;'�';'. this Security Instrument. However.this option studl na t�e exenixed by Lendcr if exercix i�prohlbitcd by Federal luw as o:f �`�'. <br /> the date of thi�:Securi�y Instrumcnt. <br />-,�' '°����� � If Lender exer+ci,ex this option,LenJ�r shuN g��•e Burrower notice of uccelerution. Thr noUce shull pr.�vicl�a period of <br /> �=w <br /> ��" `�� �; ; � •• not I�ss thun 3Q duys f�uin 9he dutc the noticr i.dalivcred or muilad wilhin which Borr�iwcr mu.t pay ull sum+aecurcd by this =w"z. <br /> "� t� «.,' .y�i Securiry Inswment. If 8orrowcr failx to puy Ihr��,um+ prior io the expirati�m ot'thi+ prriai, Lender muy invoke any �` <br /> %�•�:-." . '� �. remedies�+e�mitted by thix Security In,�rument wiih��ut tunher notire or dem•rnJ�m Burniwer. �_ <br /> - _----„_,_., ,. ., !8. �?orroirer's Itf�kt to Relnstate. If Hnrr��wer mer�. cenain ronditiona. Borrnwrr .h:�ll huve the riaht to havr <br /> � rv ":r:� � enforcemen►of this Securily Instrumrnl Ji�rontinucd at any�ime pri��r�o ti►e earlirr of: lul 5 duy+Inr.uch niher period ae ��:: <br /> , '•,. :.�, ie.,' <br /> t�t,r� '.�:f.• .�!� .:•l Singk Wrmily..Fannk�1�e'FradOfe Mac l'\IFOR\f I�S7'Nl'I�1F.rT•-UnifiHm Cuv��paw. 9I90 tl�+�J r�e puKrs 1 4`+``.Y:�; <br /> ;�, u `�.' ��� , <br /> ,:� a:i.��c�»n•{:_,�.�;';t ' �r <br /> _ c��.. �.., ..�.•;+ �;., <br /> .•' y 3�1;.t. � ..a..' • <br />.V',., � ' 1 `'` 1 t'A <br /> ' ' • !.r��,� .• �:S, � 4tr - - r� - - - - -,�es:t.ty - , ,t- ��,�k fi��1 <br /> r .:f`i�:• '. .�i •• • , .�S!: � �i` -.1.. �ror{!�t�M1,^h`r,\v'h��`���. ., . �f � !{ <br /> `,�• � � f��il���b �, i !J\•1`�n:._. _ � .., . 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Js�r�e�i;ll�"�s ir; ..-.. `i: ;�* � <br /> �-�t� t�� ,��'- :�, k - � . � _ � --�-- �M.,..,�•�`'•• -� ' � .. _-_ _ . <br /> "ti ��r��`�S'r �- - - `..:��?.��_ �_� �'�' t <br /> �� �•r - - y .,i, �Ty , y — _._.._. _ �. - ; .. . ._ . . -, - ��- ���j�"- e,�t �• . . - .. .. <br /> 'a1�tyJ ��.yt��.� �.�Y,�f� . � � .. . <br /> = �r ' r. , d . . .�.`�i -, , �.(� <br /> ' _ �f ','� •�l:tr �,n i.6 ,��., � .. ._ • . . . :� -r .�F•.. i. ��� , <br /> r= :..,v ' ., i�..., . • .��- :T,�,r - . , � � ' � ,. . . . . . .. . . • . <br /> ' -.���_���y �r , c ."-;� . . - . .,, ' . �i' ' � �. �� .. . • ,� . ., . <br /> �'�� � w,;�: � ti ,i;;Y� ,y� � :. , • , .' , ,.,, ;..� ., • � ' : •.. • ... , ' ,' <br /> , � , + H. t.�r� r •�. � <br /> .�� i i.��� �.r. ��is�.� d'It�+�.�.�'.2�a1�T'kiiO�f�.g1J•.:''v:i]M:=a•"��•tLE�.+�Ey{EiSY��t�e!l.e�_1�ieY*}S•IlF�etLaM'y.ti1l".• � �. .�f1.. <br /> ,c' - . : - � - -- � .„_ _ ;7,:��I.4.'v�Vry . � ,�;;,y�, •.—�-•-';-.,;---���_�.. <br /> ,� , . � . , �.� ;��,. l.pp^t;,�� ' , ., <br /> -., . � � _ - .4S-y� ' ti . ?;y.'��, ':tts•"�. 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