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`�``a ' � t .. , . . ;i,,..rrx`c.. rr. ;:��. <br /> . 't��� +�',.� • ' ��y,� :d „ .� .. ' ' . -��..�-.-r—��.,.�.py•.r..- <br /> "',a�'i�i.��--=--`a� . . ... , t.�n� ,�'%:7:a. .. �1�.. iy�ly-• . " ' �C,�'�'���� _� .�.���...��y7.�- .. <br /> �' , ... ,, . . . , .. ' . <br /> . . • . . . ' � .. ' ., i)� . � _ — n � .i.�. <br /> o ' - <br /> ' + +�pptiaibia t�►.�q�i►fa iet�ee6oe�a1e r�!!be Pivpe�ty P�ro ��!►��,d:d.cmtW.a,ta Ids .. ..... <br /> � .s�a�ritf��t�b�u:or(b)ep�y of�j�d��le��sd�.t6eaaraY iau�un�at. T�p�e coadid4!o��nd��' �N �_.._ <br /> �� • py� laair aq wbich thp w�id be due wde�; tl��y lamaqe�t wd tMe NoM�K w�oo�i��li(Mf:#d �-' <br /> woua�ne�tb)c.aro.�►def�wt o�,uny►a�er or yroe �,me��(e1 iNo►+�1��+i+M��+��1�• . <br /> ' Im�,h�cladia�.b�at not IGaioe4�o.r�i�e Mla�ays't�eat +�t��ach actiba a l�Md�r�ay . <br /> �roquiro o�apure tMt tde Ua�d tiot�Secw�iry 1aq�amdot.t.aderl�r�W tde ptopaty and BonorMati����..V <br /> twus �ecu�ed bY dd� Sa�uitY inanaqau �il ooalMoe a�ed. Upaa � �Y + <br /> �_�,,,�._.._�___._ imaun�eau�nd the obUgWiau�ecwed harobY t6�U�en�ia fwlly etfectiva a�if ao rooet�Wau b�d aociptod. HoMSVer.lhif► • <br /> rl�l►t to��+l1 aot q►ply ia dia aue of�ooela�ttan a�der p�r�nph t7. � . <br /> i!. Swb d N�C�pt d I.aa Sa�viaa Tha Note ar• iata�at M the P7a�a{ wbb dds Secwity <br /> Iapnuna�t)a�y be ala«�ar moro dana.tiv�baat pr[or aod4e to�. A+u�e aMy ro�ult�ch�ia the a�ti► <br /> Qo�w��s tbe"Iro�Sav�Oa")tMt�opecn aloa�lY P�Y�d�ue under tbe Na�e uid d�5ac�iity In�ttumait. 1Uero�la <br /> m4Y be aoa ar ianora d�1�oi d�o L,aaia Sarvli�a t�oad�abd w�S�le of tLo Nato. U d�ero is�ch�n�a af the l.oM Savl�oer. <br /> Banc�wer w�l be�ivm wripa�aotioe ot We clur�e ia�ooad�witM�1��sbo�W�e m�ida'11�e o�a�loe wili <br /> wiU ap�d�e t�sunn�nd ad�ess ai t�e aaN!I.o�n Serviar apd tlio addneu w <br /> �bo co�lain my adhcr info�m�ioQ re9uLod 1►Y applia�ble Vw. <br /> �1. ��rqq�oea,�Barower sM�ll aot c�uue a p�tmit d�c ptesaioe.u�e.d'►�e+ar�elaue of ary <br /> H�1+dous 5tibuanoa an oS.ia %r�ce�ty. Banowet sbnll not do.aoir a11oM�ayoee el�e to do.anyW3q�dFecti�dto <br /> ;_:� pnrpr�mY dut is in vloluida n�� �:bnvGonmawl law. 71� g two srntatcer a��il not�PWY a�P��� <br /> - cWrage oa tbe Property of a�ulattties ot Haaa�dou�Sulx�d�nt ara�Y c�ecoyt�i�ed w be�pp�ropri�ole ta�+�� <br /> .. teddaNid uses an�to m�iate�e of tAe Pro}iariy. <br /> -- ' Born+wer a6�1!P�P�Y�ve I.eader writua notioe of aay imesti���nd.�awsuil ar ather action b3►d►Y <br /> �°--�.._..� . govenunerual or reBu�Y��Y�P��WKY involvfng dje PropeRy�nd�ny Haz�roow Subatq�e ar�virom�l <br /> - - I.iw of which Bortowa hAS utnail kaowledge. lt Baro�►rcr leuns.or ic notifled by any govcnih�enU! tx ne�alarorY <br /> - awhority,ti�t any remov�l or 2ither�emediuiaa of aay Hv.a�dous Substa�xs afiectin�the Propaty i�npoewr!'�{Sw�ower <br />�`!� �P�I�Y�all n�essarY nenx�d�tl acdot�in accoiduKx wlth Enviry�anenW Law. <br /> As usod in�6�xy paragraph 20�"Hazardous Suhstances"arc ttqse auhsn.tiaoes defiaed as to�tc or Iwzurdau sub�tu�ca by . <br /> F�vimnmentel Law m�d 1he following substancxs: guoline.kerosene.c�ar tlammable or wxic peYrolsum producq.toxic .. �� <br />__ _ pesticides and herbic�des,volutik solventa.materiels containing asbert�a+r formeldehyde. and rudiouct�ve materi�is. As - <br /> used in this paragr#ph 30,"�uti'irmm�enwl law"means federal lawa iu�d laar of the jurisdiction whe�+e the Prnpaty is lac�ted <br />_ th�t relote to healdi.sAtery ar era,,�onrnental protxt�on. <br />� NON-UNIFOIRM t'O�rt1N7'S. Bomower end Lender fu�tlkr covenant and a�rx�s follows: <br /> 24 Aooeler,w9,loa:Itemed�es. I.ender sMU ah'e aodae to Borrower prbr to ae�eleraflon fblbvrinQ Borrower's <br /> �, brsach at�ny aovcas�t or aRreetaent ia t6is Security Iqsaummt(but aot prior to aecderatioe uMder parn�aPr 17 <br />=. ualesa appflcAbfe Iww provides otherwi�e). 1'be nuNce sha11 epecifys (A)the detault;(b)the actio�reqnired ta cure Nie <br /> - - - defAalti(c)a dsu,ait iesc tbua 38 days i�ti�r dt�f.e i��i.kica{�givea ta Sorrorrer.bY�Cb!At�sa�3��s <br /> � cured;�nd(d11hN hilare to curo tUe defauit eo or befane 9he dote specified in the aotice may resdt ta�ccderntiop of <br /> n <br />,_�,��, ibe sua�s secured by tbis 3ecurity Instrument And eale oP the Property..7'he notice�haU further tntorm Borrower ot <br /> ��"• � tbe�gMt W relnsaave aRer acceleratbo and the right to bring a couM atdon to asserl t6e�an-exlstence ot s ddxult or <br /> '� sy otpdr de�ense of Borrower to Accekration and s�le. It Ihe defAU1��not cu�oa or before t6e date specifkd io <br />�`�'�� t6e notke,l.ender at its opfbn may rcquire immedtate�ayment In full dall sums sPCnred by this Secu�ily Instrument <br /> • withant �urtber demand s�nd mwy iavoke the power d' sale and any other remedies permitted by appikable I�w <br />'`"'� : Leader slwll be entitled to cotleM �II ezpenses incurred in pnrsuing the remedies provided in thia para�rapb 21. <br /> �f��� iacludlog,but aot Ilmited ta��nable attorneys'feea and costs of litle evideace. <br /> :,,, <br /> '�: lf t1ce power of sale Is invoked.7lrustee ahall record a nottce of defpult in each county in wi�ic4 Any part of the <br /> •' Prop�Ky is lacated and shall maU coptes of such not(ce in the manner prescribed by applkable low 3a�orrower end to <br /> _ 16e oWer persons prescribed by Applicable law. After Ihe time required by Applkable law�'IYustce 9haU�vt publk <br />^r 1,? p o t i c e o t s a l e t o Ide p ersons And in Ihe manne�prescribe�b y a p pltcable IAw 7Yustce.wilhout dem�nd oa omower, <br />,;.4� :�{� sdall sell lhe PropeHy at public auctbn lo the higl�est bqdder At tHe time and place nnd under lhe terms designa4e�1 in <br /> .,.. the arotice of one or more parcels And ia any order'I�ustee determines. 7lrustee may postpoae sple d'Afl ar any <br />,ti�+,. p�ral of the Propecly by publk Announcement at tt�e time and pince oi any previously schedulet�sale. Lende�or its <br />�"��j� �A. . ��11lC IIIYy�141ti�18SC lI1C PI'O�IEI'�y A�A11y SiIIC. � <br /> �� �,': . . �•�. j- Upon receipt of payment ot the price bid.'IYustee sbnll deliver tu the purchASer 'I�estee's deed conveying the <br /> �� '�ti.� ''' -''�"` PropeRy. The recitals in the 7lrustee's deed shall be prima�acie evidence oi the trulh of the statements made therein. <br /> � '�.,. ;,e <br /> ';ii• - ; ..:'-.�� .: 7lrustee Wwll apply the proceeds of tbe sale in the fdlowing order: lAI to pll costs end expepses of eYercbin�tbe power <br /> f _ .:i,� , <br /> , '�� r.. <br /> , • �. <br /> :P�; �r. <br />��ti;�;� ��ti��j.. _ . , <br /> �!; 3?:r`'r.�,� <br /> �' <br /> _ ' � i��.ti' <br /> ;;'i � +�„��t�*'.�'',. <br /> �1!d.n � 4S�7J1�� r�..," . <br />���:it 'y.l� ,.y i.��' <br />��,r�, r.,. ,..r�rl. � � fwR j l PaAtSI <br /> ... . .�;•+i t :N%'�' ' Florn 30]8 9/90 1 e. u o - <br /> .. .�: <br /> `, �Y `��,� <br /> _'�+, � r', 4�� . <br /> � 1� '. -t <br /> [1 lf • <br /> �Q�a '� � 1� . _. <br /> "•Sy=' . 1" . , <br /> . ����i �� • .r, ,nf^"`1 �����'�'' '�; R��� <br /> y=�: �,._��!,�� ��.� �t���� r ,��:_��''�x� �:1<• ;1�. - .r;' ��I�wRn!k' <br /> '€�+�'7��a 't�b'.'q�' • ,� ��:;`,�.,�,��,... ��..�/`�') s;1`' _ ,. � ,. �1: • �• <br /> ,�r h� l�l 't� • 1�?{' �. r�f' .�•ti/R`!� y��iFi�:l. {• + :.t ��'h � .� . � ��..��r� �a�, . , <br /> � t��ft-ti.r : � � !Y � .1 <br /> _ � � 'A . � f 1 ;=;:•E •, � "; , . , : ., � �3�r„���G� �• :�: .� <br /> . , �., <br /> • .. �� . <br /> . . . ,�. " � � <br /> . . , . . . •. .1 ) <br /> ' ,i��i�lf.���_'.L�ti!:i.4�. ' � :��;•.- _1 � �ii�lylr!'1n:4,I -��.r�,'� 71t,.ry.-.�`�.� `.. L ,1- ti�6:lf'� e�kn� n'�.�.L� <br /> i —}, - � �° • r �_•� , � - �,i �_ --___ - — - ---y`.�N`t���'r = -• _ <br /> ,� . . 1 , <br /> . � <br /> �+�� fi '���11`��F'7�`^- � r . � . . i . , l�lti'� �1 .� �� �� �:• <br /> ,.. � '���� ... . . .. <br /> � � �r• .��. , .. .. , . �' <br /> y�� .{ .. ;^ --;t.°-- .--^=� - - ... . ;•r.� � �� . '. '' . '_ � ,;''' .' � �.t r, ' - 1 ,� <br /> ��. .. ��,o�"�. _ 1t�:'. - .. � . : ' � � , ,� � - . ,' ' . <br /> �:� "a � � ,,. „ '. <br /> p..� .4 -°�'7 - ' �-� �i - . <br /> ��s .� , � .. �,ir� n:1I , , t .4 ... � �•r.. . /, .I. . , �� � F ' , .F .A.�. ,�.. ,;�,I...e: ... . ... <br /> yi� ` . . •� .� ' � 1.� , • 1 .. � '/� '', ' � ..iS.w'h�y.i•F�� �,, � •,. 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