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_ �fy ri .1����? y __ . . -..�'r. 'r���.-_ <br /> �, <br /> * " <br /> . �F <br /> 11 ) ___ _ . _ . . . . __ _ <br /> � ✓ ' .. • __ _`u,.�,4F,__ <br /> . �� . � .�SR�J1��S�_� <br /> --- _---�----�. r � 9�� �.a�R '�J ,. : , <br /> perlod�tMt La�dar t�ul�+a. 7f�a inwnuioe c�urier prwWiqR!b�inw�nca e6�il ho qha�en by Honnwer wbject oo LaWde�� <br /> • �pp�r�l Mhi�l��IW!mR f�e unre�uon�My�vlthheJd. If Baftowet fills la nWaqboo�er�dacdbed above�I.end�t any.�t ,�. <br /> • �waderl�opaioa,o01�1n oawen�o a potoa t.enderw rf�lw in�6e P�i�n.ocadNn.wAn�ph 7. <br /> All inwrwtoo woNcies and raraw�s1ia11 be�oo�able to aad�Q includa�q�nd�d mo�t��e ciwre. l.��nda <br /> dWll IMVe tl�d ri�bt to bald the polida�nd caaw�ls. iF L.aider�equi+a,Ba�rowex�hrll P�P�Y�ve to La�cler�II racetpa <br /> a!pdd piemivau�nd meawd no8oa�. In tho evau of loa.Bort�ow�er r�udl�iva p�ompt aoHoe w ti�o i�uuranoe cairler aed <br /> l.aider. L�m�y muce proof af laa if na made promplY bY Bam�war <br /> ` ;`�_--_'_-'°. � Uni�s l.rnder and Banower a�hervv�co wgroo in wnti�.iasur�ncx shdl bo y�pliod�o reswntion or repaiir af <br /> ry��d�ed,it�he mstot�tian or repair i�exanomic+dly f ble�nd Lendery cautiry ie not kuenod. It the <br /> , ar 4 not eeanomiedly te�uibb ar Londer�ceeu�ity would be lescarbd�tiie inwranoe pmaod�siuiU bo <br /> applied to tbe wms taanrd by t6i�Sacudty Incuument�whaher or na thai due. wlth�ny e�coess paid w Boaower. If <br /> 8anower ab�ndon� the P�nperty.or doa nM uuwer wilhin 30 d�y��nwloe from I�ender thet the incuisnoe c�crier hu <br />__ offi�ad ro�mmle a cl�im.tha�I.encler may colloct Iho inwaurce pmcood�. l.ender may uco tMo prooeoda to�epair or re:Wne <br /> tha or to p�y aim�secwe4 by thi�Sxurlty Inanunent.w6ether or not 1t�ai due. The 30�day period wiU be�in wbeu <br /> _ dte oo ie glven. <br /> -- Uele�Leoder and Aamwer othe�wlce agroe in wdting,�ny application oi pr�oceods to priacipal:l�afi not extend a <br /> posipane Iha duo d�to of iha monthlY p�l�ments refrned w in pua�aphR t nnd 2 or change tbe amount of the paymenta. If <br /> undet pangnq�h 21 the Pir►perty ia aoquirod by L.ender.Borrowerl� dght M eny insu�ranoe polkies and proceeds rcsulting <br /> - fram dam�ga w�hO P�apenY Prlw to�he acquicition�iwll paw w Lenda to tbe extemt d tbe wms secured by diic Sec�uiry <br /> . __ Inq�umait immodlately prl�x to thcacquiRition. <br /> _... <br /> 6. OavpucR Pre�ert�duer Mdntemutce �Ad ProtectbA ot !he Pr�rty: Bw�raw�erM I.o�o Appliq�tior. <br /> _: i.e�wrfruwtr. 8wwwer�li:�cupy.�.,�d usc tlsc t'raperty as Barrawcr�princsgst r.:aidr�within sixty dxyx�Rer <br /> --- - - - <br /> ,.-� � the eaecudon of this Securiry Inslmment and shall caatinue to occaPY►Ir Pmperti'as Bartowsr�prio�tipal residenca fix at <br />- Ieact one yeu aRer tUa date of occuponcy. unless L.ender otberwbe agroes in wtidng. whicfi cans�ant sh�U no4 be . ' <br />-'.`'' unm�can�bly wllhheld,ar uolesx extenwuing clroums�u�ces exist which are beyond HoROwert cantnil. Homower stwll not • . <br /> ��' destroy.d�uge or impair Ihe Property.allow the P�nperty to dctedorate.or commit waste on�he Hupe�ty. Borrawer shall <br />_=� be in defiult if aoy forfeitune acdon or proceoding,whether civll or criminal,ic beguu tha in LeMer�s good faith judgment - <br />_",.� � - cauld �esult in forfeitu� of the Prvperiy or otlKrwise rtwterially i�np�ir the lien crcated by this Security lnswment or • <br /> _',� I.cmdert�sxurity intercst. Bonuwer may cw+e such a default and neinstaq�.as provided in puag�h causiag the act�an ; <br /> - or proeeedf�g to be dismissed wlth a rulin� Lender s gaod f�ith determinwion.prccludcs forFeiture of 1he Bomowul� <br />��:;� intercsl in tlte Property or wher male�ial impai►ment of the lirn created by this Socurity Instrument or l.ender's security <br /> :��: intenesG Borrower shall also be in default if Borrower, during the loan applica�ion process. gave materially fAise or <br /> ��' inaccutate ir�fom�wion or strtements to I..ender(or faikd to provide Lender with any materid infomution)in connectfon with <br /> - ��` -- ihe ban evldenced by the Note. including. but not limited to, representations conceming Borrower� occupency of Ihe <br /> _.,F._ . <br /> - Ps�ty�as s�sincipa!s+esl�sce. If slsis S��rr�}Ins�usrn�ns is on a ka.stlsold.Sosrourr sl�a!!comp.J�w s!!thc pruvfsians <br /> '195p�� of lease. If Borrowe�acquires Fee title t���Ptioperty,the leasehold and 1he fee title sholl not merge anless Lender agrces <br />;-��s,�--�----� w the merger in writing. , , <br /> ''•Y;� � .. 7. Proteclton of L,eoder's RiQhts.�91�t Property. If Bomower fails to pc�iarm tha covenants w�d agroements <br />.,.,-.{':_•�[, _� k � <br /> ;� ,��,� conudned in this Securiry lasu+ament, or IBcerc iR a kgal pr+oceeding lhat m�y signiU3camly effect l.ender's rights in the — <br />„� � �►�'��' Prope�ty(such ax a mg in bankruptcy,probue,for condemnation or forfeiturc or to enforce!aw•s or regulat:ans),then <br />__°" �� - ,� L�ender may do�or wha�ever is t�cessary to protect �he value ai t6+e Property and Lender4 dghts in the Property. - <br />=""�'��� . ?�-"`' I.enderk actions i^:ay include paying any su•r��secured by a lien which has prlarity over tMis Securiry Instrumnn�appearing =- <br /> °"�°�� ' in couh.paying musonnble attomeys'fees�ed rntedng on the Property to make repairs.Although L.ender may talce action <br />-11f�lYX� ' �."?: <br /> .,,F;��_ �±;��. �: . - under this paragraph 7.Lender does not have to do so. _ <br /> ?� `�"��H• A�y urnounts disbursed b�r Leneler under this paragrnph 7 shall become addidanal debt of Bomnwer secured by this <br /> � • S�:c�uity Instrument. Unless Bonow�r and Lender agree to aher temis of puyment.�hese umounts ahell bear interest from the � <br /> _::,._� r r' ` _ <br />�?;�• , date of disbursement at the Note rate and 4�a17 be puyable,with imeres�, u�an no�ice from Lender to Borrower roquesting t` <br />;���t�:� . <br />_ _ �- '�= � �y���Morfgage lasuraace. If 4encler Tsti�uired monguge in,urance ati u condition of making a?►e loan sesurcd by this [r.' <br />'�'' ' ' S�suriry Instrument. Horrou�r s�h�0a puy t?re premium� rrquired to muintuin�he mongage insurunce in effect. 16,f�any �: <br />_',•� . �E�.•. rea.wn, the moegoge iosun+c�r coverage reyuired by Lender lapses or ceaties in t+e in et'fect. Bonower sha00 pny the - <br />_ ,�,,��,.� ,,.... <br /> ,}., . ,;�! '�' � premiums required to obtain roveruge substantially eyuivalent to the mott�uge in�uz,i�:e previous0y in effect, at a cost �'' <br /> � t.,,..°,'•':.: subs�antiull uiealent to 1he cost to Borra�ti�cr of Ihe mort o e insur.�ncr � <br /> �•�.� . , . Y e9 �' B g prtviou�ly in e(fec�.t5rom an al�emute mortga�e -- <br /> �� t� • e'�' ��.��:, insurcr upproved by Lcnder. If subslomiully eyuivulent mongage insuranc�cover�ge is nut uvuilable,Borrower shall pay to - <br />' `�� `-`"=°e°'_�'`s� Lender euch month a wm eyual to orre-twelf�h of the ye:uly mortgage insuran�e prcmium being paid by Borrower whrn the �_ <br />_,� _ �, ' insuronce coveroge lapsed or ceASed to be in effect. LenJer will uccept,use und retnin these paymemc ax a los�reserve in lieu �-_ <br /> ��. �:^ �'-�:.: <br />;_.E�i y.,�`,4_y�.+,, of mortguge insuranre. Lms rescrvc p�ymems mny no longer be reyuimd,at the aption of Lender, if mortgnge insurance � <br />�s�. r } . , .,, covernge 1in Ihe amount and for the period thut LenJcr reyuiresl pmvided hy un in+urer upproved t+}�Lender oguin becomes � <br /> "';�''� � �' �••"� uvailuble�nd is obtained.Bomowcr shull pny the premiums reyuired to main�aim m�ngage insurance in riicct,or ta providc a � <br />���''i i''' , lo4s reserve,until�he re uirement for mon a�e inxurunce ucco�dar�re with an wrinen u reement between Borrower --- <br /> .L••t, ,: ���"� ::� 9 F : Y S <br />:-;;�'� "-:,;.• i ' and L.enderorapplic�ble law. <br /> .,.,.� .; ':±a,� � <br /> __, . 9. Ins4pecNon. Lender�x its agent muy mukr reu,onuhle emrir.r u�xm unJ ins��:iionx of thr Propeny. Lendrr xhall <br /> .,.�,cl4;$�'•, � _ <br />;<<.s�• �ive Dorrow�r�wtke at ti�r�i�uT•.�f u�p�ivr 1��u�iu�pr�liuu�Nr�ify iog r�a.uuablc�au,r da•�It� impettion. �_ <br /> '} .` `,;���;f `•>:�.,�, 10. CooderonaHao. The pt�uceeds of any aw•rrd or rluim for damaee•.direct or es►a� connection with ur�p ��'- <br /> s <br /> •.�;'���i ' . . . ' ���'',i4 SingkFsunily••�a�ieqae/FlrcddkNacU\IFlIN�71N.�'g1QWF.1'�'..l'nlGrmCn�vnam. 9�90 �/wRr.+nfnMi¢i�r1 <br />,:i..i% +��. •. , �ira�Wen Uu�ew Yanr.ler■ �. . <br />.. �'.c.,.� ' A1kJRC�1L'I�OOb3�13113�YAklIY�791.1131 <br /> t `=b..' . . �= <br /> �� - ` <br />- +fRcv Z.rr1:+. - <br /> �.w � . � �—=- <br /> �;_y. .� . ,' :" .':.., ' v. .::�'.";` `:�: , . ,� : , , �� • ' -c: ,F a '` Fn 1 .n':. ,�, 1 .J�M J <br /> . .d5iarL,e\!'.,jiSf�A^�4�JL��►�.nNtr.'.��I.�:.a` �c-?... _Yxi•;..:^s•_•__e._�_u:3�.�1MAY7� } !ti�:,i`�:i�.:.�.•�.:.�i,�,�'.r'6e:,�e.���a.. <br /> - �i�'�—' ' - . .. - °-�-=d=- _- __ -. � - .. ---U -- ---- . _ --- - -.-_ - ,-� - :...v'1,-n7` -�T!'��=+L'� _� - _--- -�- --_ : _° <br /> -�� i ,.Fw .. .r. .. ' � .• '� ��t. 'i%�G� 1 6t�� � . , ... <br /> ,xs�h��'�..�;�' • . ,�,. . , . . , , . ,f ' ' ,�t,',4"�pr �� � <br />-_.'� -..---�-_---:.-n_ Y. :r a ". ` . •-r- •, ` „ - - , - . :'.`�-.-- -==-..._ . , . <br /> �l — :,: ;� �;..�: .. '� t . . . , � , ' " ,.. :. . .. . <br /> _ a.. .�. ;:,' . .. � .. � ,... . . . <br /> " ,,,�'. •.� • � . b . � • .. . '�r�•, ' � . ' •. ', . ,.- ..:.y".:' � • ., �i .. <br /> � •' �-ia'f' a � , ,. ' �`�y'� ay'''7 . „�� �' <br /> -� �,�a,� _.: �.,�.-» � ., � , i � • <br /> �,.r�—�iY—�<.�a...L-C'+�i31�.+'_3'�q_ _✓.:.�1��IY1dY�.Ai�tJ•.L -.�..t. i ,:fyY'J.l..k��� -v_. <br /> ---:^��- ..rl,r -.,�,�t,--._.. _----- -- ' - - <br />