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.�- .'�"'-..-�,l��'-f"��'�T �' : . r..wq�w�±..s..�..,.,rasra.w.Yr•.�'B,�i.�t-L;, . " :�' . r . .' �n� .' ,.. .'�-. ;1�.'n,= :_'- <br /> y't�r� .� . � � , . �• � " .� ^:b�.a-'-.- . <br /> � . '� � . , 93-� . , . <br /> �� <br /> �� �� �� � rqci�wx,w�u m�. t�pe�e�ona n�►a�o�aa o��ne�ora�,.�+��a��:.�, <br /> �,�� an6 tl�,a�►ar li.�a.tlir�.p�eti`,of'd�e prape�ty. Al��.++�I�a.aakla»ri�u+tqo e.od►�.e�j►dd�►�u+at+�► . -, <br /> Inwa�nau. AI�ot dia fane�q ii�arrea ro in Oar seau�ry Io�aa�aeat�a�e"Prnae�ty." , <br /> EoRROwB�t eov8lvAM�t aac 9a�ower i�uwNUy►,ei�ea d me eqiMe baehy ooaveyed aod h•�dia rl�t 1�0�r+uu <br /> � � �ad oanvey tbe �ad dut dd Propaty,i�uulencumbe�ed.exaept tar a�ambnr�a nf rocad. Non�4vver w�uranu�nd <br /> � ww daf'ab��dtb a da r'ropmty aQdna vl cl�fms�ad den+rdr.subject��ny aacua�ot rooad. � <br /> _,-�.z��._t_,���,�, '.. � '!'HIS SECIJRI'['Y MS7'ItUMBlV7' combines unifarm caYe�saats fa aadvml u++a and na�-wifor�o oov�uats w7tb <br /> �• liwited vadatiam by jtui�diclian w oonuiwte�w�ifiNm�eaaity i�rua�au caverin�teai P�oP�7• � <br /> UNU+URM C'OV�1AM'S. Banowa oa4d I.etider onv�uot ind�groe�s follown: <br /> l. Pa�wa�t ot Pri�cip�l�ad Iatenr�li Pee�9aa�t�d late C�. Barower�II pompllYpay whon due d�e <br /> �of�nd intaeat m tbe debt cvWa�ced by the Notc md anY i�'�P�l�t md I�ie dMBe4 due undar the Nate. <br /> IhtN¢t�ar'Il��te��d i�au'a�oe. Subjoct to�ppUpWe law or w a wrivai wdver by Ladcr�Bornw�'sluU pY I�o <br /> _ l.a�der oa tbe daY�Y WY��+Me due mder d�e IVooe.wW Ihe Note i�pa�W in PoII.a sum("P1u�d4")fa:(a)Y�Y <br /> tues�ad u�maua which nu�y�twa piotity ova Wis Sec�i�Y Ia�a�aoR�s a lien oa�be Piopaty:(b)yearlY� <br /> p�ymcnt�or ground t�aits ao tbe Ptope�'ty. if an�r: (c) Yearly I�uurd a"pqPaa�1Y iaat�aoe Panmiwns: (�? �10 <br /> �uraooe p�emiunw. if�ny; (o)Yauh►mat�lgo�anoe P�.�+�Dr �(�+�°Dr� P�Y�dY ,� <br /> wcoaid�nce with�he provisions af pu+�gr+�ph liea ot thap�yma�t of moA�a�o���aoe Pro�- <br /> itaas ae called"Fsc�ow Itaps." La�der any tia�e.colloct and hold F�Unds in an�moua�t oot to exceed tho aawpci�uivai► <br /> anatuu a le�da�tar a tade�ally reWed mo�ge loon may rcquine for Banow+erl�esc.yarv aoo�wnt uader the fade�al R�1 <br /> &qte Sdtlanait Yrocod�urs�ICt of 1974 ss�mended fran dme to dme.12 U.S,C.4 2601 e�aeq.("ItE3PA'�.unles�aaod�er <br /> -�-------..,.._�_-._� kw i!�apgties ta tlet Poee�s:�s+t.e le++��mnu�e If sa Lelrier may.�t+�nY�me.collect�d hdd Hp�ds in an amount�a1 W , <br />- eaoeed tbe lascr mwant. l,ender m�y �the amount of Wnda due oa Ihe bais of c�ment dua and �sa�b�o .. <br /> - ,�- adaatta of expetuGd�es af fuq�m 6sccow item:or othervrise in�ocadance with applicaWe law. <br /> - -••�� The Funds s1�U be 1�eld in un institutim whose deposits are insurod by a feder�l�gency. L� entit� <br /> - - (iacluding l.aider,if Laalet is such an institutian)or in any Foderwl Hane Lown B�nk. l.e�dcr shAll sipply the Punds w PaY <br /> ` • the Esc�ow Items. Leucier au�Y not charB�Bamunar for holding aad npplying�he Fiuida.�nnwllY+w�l!►zin8 tUe esctow <br />�- Acoo�mt,a verifying thc �scrow Items. unle.s �.c�ler peys Hornower Luerest on the F'vnds aad�pplicable law permeta <br /> _- • ' Laxler to m�ke such�charge. However.Lender muy r�equ�re Bo�nwer to p�y a a�e-w�e charge for�+��indepa�dera ral <br /> - .;<a� • ' eatate tax reponing servlce usod by drz+�der in coiu�ecdon wlth this b�,unless appIlcablo law providos ath�rwise. Unless an <br /> y <br /> — agroement is mulc or�{►1lcabk law r�uites interest to bc ps�id.l.�der atiall not be�oquirod w pay llan+oWa any interest a <br /> .� — - wmitigs an the i�nds.8orr�wer and i.ender may agree i�wridng.tawevar.lhat interest slaill be paid aa Ihe PWnds. L.a�{er <br /> = slWl give to Borrower,writhout annual aaounting of tAe P�nds.slawi�g coedits and debits w tLe Ponds and the , <br /> — p�uposo for whiah cach debit to Ihe P�nds wa�mrde. 7be Fhnda are pledged aa additioiaail�ecu�itY for�11 runu cecwed by <br /> -- .--- ihlc�curtty instrsuiueat� <br />'�� '���',� If tha Fi�nds held by Lender eaceod the amounts permiqed to be held by appUcable law. Lender slwll acecwnt to <br /> .,� ' Bamwer for the exc.ess Flinds in nccadance with the requirements of applicable law. If tha amount of the Wnds held by <br /> La�der at any tima ic not sufticient to pay the Escrow Items when due.L.ender may so notjfy Borrowcr i�wrNng.and. in <br /> ' . such c�se Bamwar sh�Jl paY to l.ender the amount nocessary to malce up the deficiency. Bor�ower shall make up dro <br /> _ deBciency in no more thun twelve monthly payments,at I.ender's sok discretion. P ����to 8orrowet aaY <br /> - ,► Upnnp�yment in fuil of all euma secured by this Security Inswment.I.ender shall romptly - <br />_ •w�. F�nda•heW by I,ender. If.under paragraph 21,Lender shall acquire or scll the Property.L.ender.prior to tbe acquisitio�ar _ <br /> �"�' sale of the Property. shall apply eny Funds held by I.ender at�he Nme of acquieftion or sale as a credit sguiast the sanu <br /> �� tecu�ed by this Sec�l�ity Inswment. - <br /> ''� r•�`k � 3. AppNcaqon aP Pl�yments. Unless applicable law provides otherwlse,all peyments rcaived by I.�nder uoder <br />_ ,�a ` p�uagraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:fi� anY prePayn�ent chergcs due under the amounus p�yable under _ <br /> gA <br /> = paragrapd 2;� interest due; principal due;and any late charges due undet the Note. <br /> "`� � �'} � 4. C6ar�e�; l.kas. Borrower shall pay all �aues, assessments,charges. fines and imposidons anributable lo the - <br />� _ '��=x� Prope�ty which may atuin priority over this Security Instrumenl,and leasehold payments or ground r�ents,if any. Bortowe� <br />_ ' � slwll pay these oblfgatia�s in the manne�provided in paragraph 2,ar if not paid in lhat manncr,Bortower shall pay them on <br /> ���'R:� ,; •: . lfine dinatly to the person owed payment. Borrower shall pramptly furnish to Lender all notices of amaunts to 6e paid under <br /> ,��?^.':;'�,x i " thia paragraph. lf gorrower mcikes ttiese payments directly.Bomuwer shall promptly fumish to L.ender receipts evidencing <br /> �.N ' ` �.s':t:;:..yC:= the enta. <br />- �.��° y� ' Borrower shall promptly discharge uny lien which has prfority over�his Security Insaument unless Borrower.(a)agrees <br /> ..:�_.:.: , . . , <br /> :''���•:_:.. �° � in writing to the payment of the obliga�ion secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender.(b)contests in goad faith the <br /> = '�` ' :H•�: � lieh by,or defends Agaiost rnfon�ement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the I.ender's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> l��'�f"��'y,,;� enforc.ement of ihe lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreenwe�u s.�tisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien _ <br /> ;,�TN ,.•:,y;�,�=,,N t o t h i s S e c u r i t y I n s t r i m�e n t. I P L e n d e r d e t e r m i n e s I h a t a n y p a A o f t t i e P r o p e v t y i s s u b j e c t t o a l i e n which ma y wtain priori ry <br /> _ '�;,.�:�t��y��, over this S�ecudty Mstrument.Lender may give Horrower a notice identifying the lien. Bottower shall salisfy tt�e licn w lake <br /> - �''�+��� one or rt+oce of the actions set fodh above within 10 days of the giving of notice. <br />>;.•. ;;�'"�':��•:'1?'r�':' <br /> _ �fi� ,_..,���, �, S. W�rd ar 1'roperty Insuronce. Borrower shaU keep the improvements now exis�ing or hereafter erected on the <br /> x • . � Property insurec0 Agaiast loss by fire,hazands included wi�hin the tertn"extencded coverage"artd any other hazards,including <br />� - floods or floodjng, ffor�vhich Lender requirca in�urence. 71iia inauranoe shall be maintained in die aawuntc and for the <br /> � `�..r��'�, +,, . , <br /> ,•::�r�•. ,.r��.e--,h Firw 310/ tYlO IPvBt Z�I6PaRet1 <br /> �.. <br /> r+•�•41,��{,ti_. �,yi'r <br /> . 4�� ,� <br />_ ���;,�f �,����;•,,.. . <br /> � ,�_`�� ;�,t.�:��::�A�''� � � _ <br /> � ;1r{,'� 'Si - <br /> �, .��;��,.., <br /> A1 l`I �� �,�� �{'s�c_ rn v.a:` <br /> �� 'ti!n't: J�l'��}� f: . � , •��'�`�'1'{` K` � , � . . . <br /> �� I �i17��'.:;:r'((� q 4T�,trt . <br /> -���__�'�� "- ' it - --' � . ;id1���i1 -, � . - .. �.•��. ��.�� ��f �•• :� "A���1�l�1�/ ' ' - � . : <br /> .����.,�„ '%ti� '. ti)#t��•. F - . 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