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' .. .. • „ •- — . <br /> '�i� , ' ...... __. . . . ._T_ <br /> � <br /> -•— � ' ------.-- — ---------- -`-- ------ — <br /> .._ _.y �.� ,.,��_h�_.� . 93•' i0�4 .. _ <br /> p�ymap4 quiy no lon�u be rc�quired,at the optlon af I.endor.if morl�e incumnco oovera�o(in�6e�moiwt aad for tha petiod <br /> �t l�+der roqulta)Provided by m iasutar�pprovod by trende���in boopmas avdl�Me�nd i�obuined.�ormwa tiqll PY <br /> d►e pro�dwtr raquirod ta m�innia matt�ge intudu�oe ln to p�ovldo�loo�rc�va,untfl the roqufronta�t tot qaort��ps <br /> �oe aada in�canrdanoe wUh any wr�ttai+�roemau betwea�HarrowKr and Lenda ar yipNable law. . <br /> !:iaspqtle�. l�cader or its�ent rtuy m�ke�awnrble akria upoia and inRpediotu of tbe Pnopaty.Le�dar�all=ive <br /> Borinwer aotfoe at lho drae of a priar a�n inapeaian speclfyfa�roaw��bk c+iuie for the Incpectian. <br /> 10.Copdequqldop.The ptoceah of any awa�d o�cl�im for dun�ges� dlroct or ooncoqucntld. fn oonnectian wNb my <br /> oondaruuuioa or aher ak1nQ of any put of the Propa�ty.or for ooavey�noe in liau oP oondcmwtioa, +me had�y�iyned aad <br /> -� -----__—�--.---,,-�, sbaU be�wid w l.cnder. <br /> In Ihe ava►t of a wtal t�king of the Property.iho proceeds sfwtl be applied a�he�umc cecurod by�his Sxa��iry ln�aument� <br /> _ whed�er or not tlx�i due.with ony eKaaw pNid w Bumuwer. [n the svent of a pwnial wkin�af the Pro�erty in whicit the frir <br /> '�z' mnrket v�lue aF the Propeity immodiately befaro thc taking ia oqual w or grca�r than Iha tu�wunt of the amu s�xurod by tblt <br /> Secudts+t�pument imnediately before the taking,unless 8orrower and I.cnder otherwise agroe in writi�,the cums sawed by <br />---—��'� t6is Sxudty InattumeNt sAAlf be �+educed by Ihe amount of the pr�ceede muldplied by the followfn� fractlon: (a) tla td�l <br /> ---- - -- -- -- emount of the sums socurod immodic�tely befixe 1he taking.dividod by (b) the fair merket v�luc oP the PnnpeRy �y <br />.�'�1a ���� beforc the taki�. M�y b�lana sludl be paid w Borrower. In the evrnt of A prrtl�l taking of the Property in wl�idi�he Giir <br /> 4� nr�rlut value of the immediatel befae tbe tnkin u less tlw��bc�rnount of the surns securod immediately befac 14e <br /> :�.� �y � y s' ► <br /> i`�';.�`;�ih��k� ��' Wcing, unle:s Barowcr and LaKler otherwise agtar�n writing or u�less Applirable low otherwise pravid[s.the procaod�sMU <br /> • �,�.� <br />�.� , i� �;.� be appliad W the sums�e��urcd by this Secudty Instrur��ent wl�etl�er or not the sums�+e then due. . '. <br /> Xi .;�f. • IF the Property•is abandoned by Bomowe.�.or if.aker nntice nv l.e��der to Ac�rnnwer tfwt the cx►ndemno�ofl'ers to mtks An - <br /> _ award r►r setile a claim for danwges. Borrower fails�o respon� to Lender within 30 days aRer the date the notioe is�i�en. � <br /> �_ :=7a,��`° Lessder 4s authoriza!tn cattect usd appiy the pr.;cix3;.at ita upti�iu. ��e������w���� ���r���cy����w��, <br /> �,, rxured by this Seru�ity Inswment.wlkther or nat then due. <br /> �,'�'. .�'�`i:�: Unleas Lender and Horrower otherwiae agrc� in writing, any appllcation of proceeds to principal shall not extend or <br /> ��' .�, poatpone�he due date of the monthly payments refeROd to in paraeraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments. <br />'�� �r� �• ll.Bt�rrower Nat Relwnd; Forbea�ance By Lender Not a Waiver.Eztension of tYir time for paymeot o�modification <br />•• •,, �:: <br /> ,� �'� of amart+uition of the sums secured by this Secu�ity Instrument granted by Lender to any succ�ssor in inter�.ct of Bornaxer�tuJ) <br /> �:. ,{ �ot operate ta release the liabiliry of the original9oc�awer or Borrower's successors in interest.I.eraler shali nw be nequired to <br /> `"r' t�t commence proceedings aeainst any successor in interest or rcfuse ta eatend time for payme�t or otherwise modify emoriiration <br />" •�''� of the sums secured b�� this Security Instrument by reason af a��y demand made by the original Borrower or BcNrower's <br /> ��'��. f� successo�rs in interest. An fo�Marance b L.ender in exercisin y shall not 6e a w�iver of or preclYde 1qe <br /> ,,.t 1� Y Y g:+ny right or remed <br /> � �� 3 , . exereise of.�rry right or cemody. — <br /> -:`:: ,:� : 12. S�r�� uoai As�rw Suund;Jui�l ami Severni Lls�biiilys Ca-sigaenr. The cavonants and agreernenus of this <br />,'•i,, , 5ecurity I�.stru�nt �hall bind and benefit the successors and a�ssigns of L.ender und Borrower, subject to the provisions of <br /> � �• �'''' paragrap h 1 7. B orrower's covenants an d agreements s ha l l b e jaint a n d severa l. Any B onuwer w ho co-s igas t his S e c urity -- <br />���*'' Instrument but does nat execute the Note: (a) is rn-signing this Security instniment only tu mongage. grant and concey that ��'`� <br /> .,+F�m!+ � , _--- <br /> 'H� Borrower's imene.W in the Property under the ternts of this Security Instrument;(b)is not perkmally obligeted to pay 14�e sums N'- <br /> ^ t'��=�'r.:�. � securod by this Security Inswment:pnd(c)agree�Ihal I.ender nr,d Any other&inower may agree to eatend,modify, forbear or -f <br /> ''�""'"' '� �� �" malce any accommcxlAtiana with re�ard to the terms ot this Securit�•Instrument or the Nae without thut Borroa•er's consent. ° <br /> . •(�-..���r� 13.l.oan Chae�e�. If the loan secured by thls Securlty Ins�rument is subject to a law which sets maximum loun cBerges, — <br /> .,� .�,�:,r.;• : — <br /> �-��`"' , � ' and that luw is�nuily interpreied w that the intereu or other l+r.�n churges collectod or to be collected in connection wiUt 1he <br />_�w, �'. � P ' loan excec�ct �he permitled limits, then: Iu►any such loan rharge sha)I he reduced by�he umount necessary to rcduce t7�e chatge ` <br /> `�`a,, , '�� ' ��•~ �o the pemti�ted limit;and(b)any sumx already collected from B�rrower which exceoded permitted limits will t�e refunded to <br />;;r;;� �:,,_. <br /> (��S,f 1t„ r Borrowar. Lender may choose ta muke this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Nrne or by making n direct �_,_ <br /> ' '•�� -�IE t�t?�{. <br /> . payment ta Bottower. �f u refund redu�e. priikipal, the reduc�ion will be treated us u partiul prcpnyment without any <br />_.. ;•,; � � ,, prepayment charge under the Note. °" <br />—..z' '�r_�+��•",+,��d,<<f —. <br /> T �r.+;��t,; 1�.Notices.Any noticc to Barrowcr provided for in this Securiry Instrument shnll tw gi+•en by delivering it or by rnailing w-� <br />'" � a ; �4� '° it by�rsl class muil unless applicnble Inw rrquires use of annther method. The rx�tice shal] b�directed to the Propetty Address �' <br /> ,•�' �. , '=�_ <br /> ::'';,�, fl.��,�'� ��, � ar any'other widress Bormwrr designates by noticr tn Lender. Any nn�i�e t.� l.ender shull be grven by first class mai0 to <br /> Lender s addrcss s�Ated herein or an ather sxldres+ Lcnder desl n.►te�h notice tu&irrower. An notice rovided fi�r in this ��.� <br /> J��*.�c�,.. 'r�,°. ,; •• Y � ' Y Y p _ <br /> '` •� '0�' Secudt;�•lostrument shall be J��emed to h•rve becn given to Borrrn�•�r or l.r.ndcr whcn givcn u+pmvidcd in this paragrapfi. `" <br /> a• ... � <br /> _ � r�� ° � 1�,d'rnverninq law; 5ererabHity. 7'his Security In.trument tihall hr guvcrn��J hy fcdcral law and the lau• of ihe -.,-y. <br /> `==� � jurisdiction in which the Propeny is Icxuted. In thc cvcnt thot any provi,ion or clau+c of this S�wurily Instrument or tt�e Note � <br />— ����, ti; <br /> �,,;�, ;±;_;,:� conflicts with applicable low. ,uch conflict shull not uffi�ct uther pmvision�at'this Sccurity lii�wmem ur the Note which can 6e ; <br /> > >�' • �_N1` given effect withuut the contlicting provi.ion. To this end the provisions�f thi�Security Instrum�nt and tlx: Nute ur+e decland � <br />- • i'+ � ' ' to be srverable. -�„ <br /> �Mfi:. • 16.�orrower's Copy.Borrower sholl be given ane ronti�rn�ed copy of Ihe Note o�ul.-�f this Serurity Instrument. ����'`� <br /> _ '.�•�':�' �._.'za -- <br />'' • - Form 3028 9/90 <br />-- ;,, �,. . . - °�a c•8 ���. <br />: i�• •,� <br /> .. `.-. <br /> �;�.4i��^,''� :;,'rk <br /> _ �5ra r ��r, <br />'.;'r{� �;N� ... <br /> ���� <br />- �~� . . � , wr..:� .•! _ . ��•r n�e`7��r-.,T.�`.:•'�4i•:i;:.4::-�,TJ�,'�! , .. - - �-,.-.r.� . <br /> .� `� 11 �t�rn: <br />��. ,��C'�ifr, � . . ,. ' ' �. �,..., . r, . ,;�� r,f: •,�..; <br /> ;,i�� 'wci. �x : - � . .,. . � ��. . . . t . .sYi;:,�.. . . 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