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�,f�'^ . _ ��� I .� . __�._' ___-- ._'. __._._ - . . _. .. -_ <br /> -. �,_._... _ . __ 93: ��� . . . ;;: <br /> � S. � or Propwty Iaiurmoe. 8or�owor �iull Iceep tbe ImpavanQnti aow� or berosftar aeeoleit a�dM . <br /> ' �Y f��+�Y��b!'flro.hw�Includod wlthia tiw teim 'ama�ded cove�e"+aid any other lurr�u+da,btdudloQ <br /> i:�. : ltoad�a�Aoodin�,for whid�L�der requl�ra.inwanoe.Thip iawnu�oe�hali be n�ned in the Amau�ad tor tbb pariod� <br /> tb�t l�nqui�a. Tho irwnu�oR c�riar provjdin�t tNe i�uur,�nca shdl be clioun by 8orn►wer wbject w Lender•��p�pnwal . <br /> �vhich atu�ll not bo unrarcoa�bly wlthifdd. If ttomawor fiilo w m�imsin cavera�e da�ribod�bove. L+ender m� Le�d�'� <br /> qKion�obuiin ooven�e w protect[.endar's ri�fiu la tba Propa�ty in A000ed�noe wlth p�ragr�q�h 7. . . <br /> MI inwr�nca policiq�d anewal��11 bo aooept�blc w I.ender�nd tball includa a st�nd�id moK�ge alau�e. L�aidet <br /> �11 luiva tb�e dght w hold Ihe poliaia�nd�enewd�.if I.ender nequira.Bo�rnwer dull PewnMlY�ivc to I.aider aU rooe3pa tlf <br /> ° ,°-. - -- - pdd pr.miuma�nd rca�ew�l uotica�. in the ovwn oi loss�Horrower cb�l!�ive prompt aoi�oe w tite iiwuauwe carrlcr aad i.cadcr. <br /> Lender tnpy mdte proof of loc�if aot m�de Promp1Y bY Bornnwer. � , <br /> ---- Unksa I.awler and Borrower otkawlce agroo in wrlting.iacunu�oe prooeeds shall be applied to n�toratlan or rep�ir of d�e <br /> Pnnpaty dRan�gai.ii We�+estoradon or n�air ip oa►nomic�lly fa�ible�ad L,ender's seeurity le not Ic�ceaed.Tf tbe rataaudoa ut , <br /> �ai�iQ not eoonomically fa�ibk or[.ender'�secarity would be lacw�.ned.the inouraaoo pr0000do�ludl be qppliod ta d�e mmt <br /> � . axurod by thit Searity Inctnun�t. wheti�er or�wt thet�dua. with any exass prid w Borrower. IP Borrowat �the . <br /> � • ; Pr�e�ty, or does not anewer wilhin 30 dwys a notke from I.ender that the inwrw�ce carrier has ot1'end w setda a cloipn.thm <br /> _ i ;� I.awkx nay wiled the inauranoe pmca�ds. Lerrler may ute the pt�eed� to �pair or rrswro the Properiy or w p�► auq� <br /> • tavred by thL Sexudty Insqument.whethcr or tat thnt due.The 30-dey period will bcgin when Wc holnob is�ivaa. •5 <br /> . Unlese I.ender�d,Romawer atherwise agroe in wrldng, any applicallon of proeeeda to pniac�ra►ch�U not at�d or .;��'l.�::;�: <br /> ' postpa�e the due date af tlie mantAlY PoY�� aferrod to in pnragrnphs 1 and 2 or ciwnge tbe atuawst of the payma�u. If ;;:` ';:,: <br /> . - - under pamgmph 21 ihe Propetty is acqui�ed by I.a�der.Bornnwer's dght w aay lusun�e polkia a�d peooeeds reau[dng from <br />-'_ --'��-— durwgc u►the Prope�ty prior to the aoqui�itlon chtll pa�w[.endcr w 1he eatent of the swm sxurad by this Sa�rity Ip�q7m�tt <br /> ... <br />'_,�—_���..:--.��_�� imnfadiately prior w[hc ac:yuisidun. • _ <br /> �, : 6.Occuqt�cy P�erv�tion�MpiWanapce aad P�ntection ot tbe Pra�erty;Bomuwsr's[.pt� �ipl�atla�I�eia7ds. <br />:;� ,,� - 9orrower shall«xupy.establish,and use the Property as Bornnwer's principal rcsideaoe wi,thin sia(y cl�ys aRer tbe eaeauion oY <br /> :, this Sxurity Iastn�mdit and shall cotuinue to occupy the Pr�operty as Bormwer's princi�al Qesidence for at Inst one yeat�fter <br /> '� — � the dote of ocw <br /> - paney.unless Lender atherwise agrees in writing.which oonsent shall nat be unroasonably withbeld.or unkss <br />�� extemwting citcumstanas exist wbich are beyand Borrower's control. Bomawer 9da�] not dc�tmy. damage or io�ir the <br /> rd` �. <br /> ,;. Propeity. allew thc Propcny ta detedor�te. ar commit waste on the Pro�ertc: Horrow,er sl�ll be in default if any forfddue ' : . <br /> ..r action or proaeediog. whether civil or crfminal. is begun thnt in Lender's go�ad fidt7�ju�gment cauld msult in forfciwne of the <br /> � Propaty or otherwise mwterlally impalr the lien crcated by this Security Instrument��l.sndrr's security interest. Horrowu may <br /> i curc weh q default and provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action ar p���ceeding to be diemissed v►�th a ruling <br /> tl�t. in Lender's determination. precludes forFeiture of the 8orrower's interest in the Property or other material <br /> Y� - � impairment of the lien�crc.ated by this Security Instrument ar Lender's secunry mterest. t3orrower sha11 also be in defauh if <br />,�;; '� I Borrower,du�ing the loan applica�ion pmcess.�ave materiully f�lse or inaccurate infomiation or statem;.:us to Lender(or f�iled <br />.-'c:, ,,'� ' ' to provide Lender with any matedal inforn�etion)in rnnnection with the loan evidenced by the Nae. in�luding, but not limited <br /> :�• ' �''�� to, r�epresentations coneerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property sis a principal residence.If this 5eeudty Instrumem is on a <br />- � '�Si�� ' s <br />�'" 9 leasehold. Barrower shall comply with all the provisi�ns of the lease. If &►rrower xquires fee tide to the Property, the <br /> ' �h' ���' leasehald w�d 1he fee title ahall aot me e unless I.ender a rees�o the mer er in writin � <br /> r�;�., `,,,�.k...r _.. <br /> �> ,yu; h�a <br /> '�''� 7. Protection ef I.eader's Rights in the Prnperty.If Barrower fwl�to,perform the covenants and ugreements containad in -- <br /> •'"���'�',��.`'' this Socuri lnst�ument. or there is a le ul r«:eedin thcu mo si ni�rnnU affect Leader's ri hts in the Pm -- <br />- • - ,�-;v�r �Y B P B Y • 8 Y � PeKy(such as a <br /> �:. <br /> �}v P�'�ing in bankruptcy,probate, for�bndemnwion or forfeiture ar ta enforce luws o�regulations). Ihen L.ender may do and _ <br /> _ y�11:, p�y for whetevar is necessary w protect thc value af the Property und l.ender's rlghts in the P�operty. L.ender's actions nwy - <br />-' ,„ , '' �'� include paying any sums secu�ed by A lien whkh has priority over this Security Instrument, appearing in coun, paying <br />:.•:�, :.�'�+��� ��, � �' fGIS0118bI@ AItOTi1CyF fees und entering on the Praperty to make repairs. Although Lender may take action under this para��aph -- <br />:� ' ' y,'.�'{' � 7.Lender does not heve to do�o. <br />