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.��. ' �R ` �_"'_ ._-_ .- __ • . T .... _ _ . ., <br /> --_ , " "� . -...l.i .... I� • . ��•-- <br /> ''�'- 93- 1�6.'�4 . <br /> � 17.7Y�adir af Nie�or�Ba�efk�i Lit�twt 4 8on+nww�.U dl or prt of Ihe Pmpaty or�ny lntaat ia h <br /> i��old a tr�aJated(a�If�bane cl�l iMae�t in Ba�awa i�iold ar Ir�naferrnd an�f�wa'ip�at�nMU�xl penon)witlwut <br /> Lsnder'�pdor wriqal ootua�t, I.,ander nury �t iu aptlon. Iro Immedl�le p�ymeat io fWl oi�II wmr securod by thi� � <br /> � Saauity imtn�ma�c.Nowavor.thi�option clw�l nat be axercited�y Londcr if euarl�o i�pnobibitod by fadenl I�w iu at tha dua ; <br /> . attb{�Sea�dty M�tromeM. � <br /> If Lendnr acerclia�hi�optbn,Loadar�Iwll ive ibtrower notiao af�caleratian.The eo�ioe sl�llpro vldo�period oP not ; <br /> — la�th�n 30 d�yi from�ho d�te tlte ndlce(�del�vcrod ar m�ilod within which Bormwer must p�y all cunua rocurod by thio � <br /> � Socutity Inwn�ment.IF Bormwer falla a pry thae �prlar w the oxpirntion of thir pe�iod,La�der n�y ievoke any ranadfea , <br /> portaiued b�y thi�Savrft�r�In��ruman wUlaut fWAhcr aotloo or dcnund an Borrower. <br /> 18. Sa�7�ower'� Ri�bt to Rdnq�te� If Qorrower meetp acruin condllioma Bonuwer sludl havo U�o �igh� a luve <br /> -�� �-`�� enforrxmont of thi�Secu�iry Inqnirtie�t di�oorpinued u my Nme pdor w the carlier uf: (A) S dwya (ar xur.h wUcr period we � <br /> �pplicabk I�w may cpecify far�in�tAtcme�►t) before sde of the Property purww�rt ta any puwar of wde cantafnal in thi� _ <br /> - Searity Instnmia�t;or(b)entry of a judginent cnforcing tfiis Socu�ity Inrtruma�t.Thase conditionr aro thw Bcirrowcr:(a)p�ye , <br /> '�. T.�nder�II surtu wi�icl� then would ba due under thi�Sacu�iey Inslrument ond the Noto as if no acoeleration lud occurnod:(b) <br /> curos any defauk of ony other covenants or agroements; (c) poy�all expenees incurrod in enfarcing this Sxu�ity Itisuwrrcnt. <br /> including.but nat Umitod to. rc�anable�twrne�s' Foe.s:and(d)takes auch action as I.ender may rcar�nabiy roquire w Assure <br /> that the lien M�his Socu�ity Insaument,i.endcr s rlghts in the PropcRy wid Borrnwcr's c�bligation to pay the sums securod by <br />-- � �'�� this Savrity Incttument �hAll continue unchwnged. Upon �instatemcnt by Barruwer. d�ia Secudt�r Instrument And Uro -.. <br />�•, obli�atior�sesuro�f heneby shall rcmAin fully efTxtive�x if no wxekration had oocumed. However.lhis ri�ht w reinsute sh�ll ___ <br />� - not apply in tlrc casc of awekr�tian utWer pungapl�17. <br /> i9. S�le a Nate; (,'h�of Lo�p Sekykw.71�e (Yote or a paAial intercsl in Ihc Nae (together wilh this Secvrity <br /> -�:'�.�' I�suumem)may be sold one or morc times without preor mtice to Bomawer. A snle may rcsuU in a chaqgc in the entity llu�own <br />- as the'Loan Servicet')th�t oollocts monthly payments due under�he IVate and thia Security Instrument.There also may be one <br /> or mo�+e dwnges of�Ue Loa�n 5ervicer uw�ri�ted to a�ale af ihe Note.(f thonc is a change af the l.aa�Servicer. Barrower will 6e <br /> ^� � .,'r , givrn writl�cn��Wicr of tdc c"ange ln aar^r�Wnee wit6 paragraph 14 srbove aml applicable law.The ndia will state the tuime au�d - <br /> -- _"T-1�"� udArss of ttss new ioari S�:�.icer an.t;t�t :�ddsMC: •a xfiirh payr�crits shaufd be m�de. The noti�:�w3ii�1�c�nii{n ru�y uitier <br /> � ��`��;, infanmationroquiredby applicwblelaw. E�,_•i-- <br /> 7A. 11n�a�dotu Sutrslanoe�. BorrowPr shall nut cause ar permit the pra,.ace, use, dispasal, storage, or rclease of Any � <br />- �;��i,,�r'• Harardous Subsances on or in du Propeny. Borrower shall nol do. �r allow anyone else to do, anything afFecting the �„_. <br />_ -•�;�.�;; 1�mperty ti�at it in violatian of any Environmemet law. The prec�aslin, two sentences shall not apply to the presence.use,or ___ <br />-= storage o�the Pmpetty of small quantities of Hauudous Substance�that are gcnerolly recogni•r.ed to bc appropriatc to nornial c__ <br /> � r�cidenti�l uses�ud to maintenance of the Property. <br /> ',� � Borrower shall promptly give L.ender wntten notice af any investig�tfon,claim, denwnd, lawsuit or a�her action by any =__ <br /> ' ' �i�_, govemmrntal or re$ulatory agency or private party involving the Property end any Hauudous Subs�ance or finvironmental � <br /> of which Borrower Iws actual knowledge. If Borrower leams,ar is natified by ciny governmental or rcgulatory authorit , lhat <br /> n y <br /> any removal ar other remediation of any Hawrdous Substance affecting Ihe Property is necessup�. Borrower slwll promptly take - <br /> all nacc.ssary remodi�l octioos in acrn�e with Emironmental Law. �_ <br /> _ _ As usod in this parag�h 20. "Hazard�ws SubWances" are those substanaes defined as tox+c ar hazardaus substAnces by -� <br /> ���',�x?� Environmenu►I and the follawing substances: �easoline, kerosene, other flammable or taxic petroleum �roducts, toxic P = <br /> ,��p�,Y pesticides and herbicides �•olatile solvents,materiuls curetainiog s�sbestas or Parmnlclehyde,and radioactive matenals.As used in r�:� <br /> _� '�����`', ,��r,' � t h is p a r a g r a p h 2 0. 'E n v�ro n m e n wl L aw" rneans federal lawa und laws of thc jurisdiction wherP �he P m p ert y is located �hat __ <br /> _ �!�(e�,�.,, t+elate to or environmentul PrWectiun. . _ <br /> ' "`•'� N O N-U N I F U R M C O V E N A N T S.B u r r o w e r u n d L e n d e r f�a�i:ec c�rvenant anci n grec as foU.��v,: <br /> ��.�,.y ,,���� ;.:-: <br /> � .. ?'v•��:�: f�� , <br /> , 21.AccelernNon; Remedies. Lender shell give notlee ta 8o�rrower prior ta occelerAtlon foNowin�Borrower R brcuch <br /> ;,�(%{• .; oi'any covenaat or a�reement in thts Security Instrument (but not prior to acceleration under paru�raph 17 unless ��•'� <br /> � '•`' ��pflcable law provldes utherwise).The notice shall specify: (a)the defaup: (b)the acNon required to�cure the default; ���_ <br /> �4� ., !�,,,_.�, <br /> �- ;i•,�:• ' (c o ds�te,not les.s than 30 days from the dpte the noNce Is given ta Borrower, by whicb the deFault or+wt be cured; and <br /> -" "� (d)that t�ullvre lo cure the detault un or befarc the date xpeclf�ed in the aotice mAy recull in acee�erallon of the sums �•" <br /> ��s secured by this Security Instrument an�!wle of the Property.The notice shall Purther Infi»AorroK•er oP thc rlRht to �� <br /> t '� . relnsWte aner w�eleration and the ri�9�t to brir�a court actlon to as.seM the non-exlgtene�e �f a tiefawlt or Any other <br /> � " defense ot Borrower to�cceleration �nd sale. it the detAUlt is not cured an or bePore the �late spedtird in the natice, �.=.--`� <br /> "`� I.ender.At its a ion. ma uim immedi�te n��e�Pnt in full oP�II sumz secured b� lais Securit�• las¢rument withoW C <br />; f� , , . P� Y �1 t� . � ���° <br /> f '�� ' �'uNl�r �ua�ni rud nwy mvoke the powcr oi rnw0e and�ny other remcdies permlttcd bv app1lcable ImN, 4.ender Alwll be • ti:; _ <br />+�; ' ``'�' �, �� � entltled 10 rnllect aN expensec incurred in pu�uinR Ihe remediati provided in this py��raph 21.includia�.but nw limite�l .. <br />: �.°�� to,reasomible�ttorneys'fi��nd cosls of title evidence. <br /> •:�'�� � � I t t h e g�ow e r o f s a l e is i nvo k e d, Trustee sh all record a nntice of defaull in rach rnunt y in w•hlch Any p art ofi 9he �f�' <br /> �� "2�'� � ' • 6'ropert3�is I�cated and slwll muil copies of such nul9re in the manner prescribed by applicable law to'f3orrower and to .'.-:; <br /> '.:a�'?�`� '.�,'�. • ' �t�e other p ersons prescrlbed b y u p plirable IaN•,Afler 1he time rc yuimd by applicable lew•.Tru�tee!ihAp};ive public nMice �;.,�� <br /> d_'_./ <br /> � of xale ro the pens�s pnd in ttie manner prescribevl by applirable I�w•.Trustcr. ��ithout demand on Borrower. Khall sell ��" <br /> �• ;�: . ., <br /> �: ;��.,�.s:.•:� .,��•.��' ' the Property at publlc auctlon to the htghest bldder ut the time and place and under thc terms dexignated in the notice of <br /> � �, -'� .. ,�Sy�,,,. . sale in one or more purcel�and in any order Tru.ctee detrrn�in�w.7'ru+t��e m�y p��titp�me wM of all or nn� parcel of the <br /> =-- '� °,;;�;��,ti�.•:. Property by public announrement at the timc s�nd placc oP�ny previoach scheduled srle. I.ender or itx declgnee mpy _,• . <br />_,. � :fir�?+` pwrhase the Ikopeny nt opy sale. �•. <br />;;�'� , a�'°', :� � � �,.n <br /> `•�1�2�.. ,,. Fo.m 3028 9� R�_'." <br /> ./' } '�1�!`� �^., .r;: P�9 ar B � . <br /> + tJ r � . ��,,.. <br /> ,(� �,Ii�, ' •.. .,} : <br /> � �ti't�41� '' ":',• . :: <br /> ��� ��: <br />' �.��;�,�.. • ,i;�r _„ <br /> .��::<.�•. • <br />- .'"f;:. � ',�f,J,�:,;:.y . <br /> 4 {�} ���1 � <br /> f���i � ` ,+�n�1+�jsel,t ..;,,. . .i ,ti 4",,mq�l��tatd+�;�e:u <br /> ;� � ': ;;;����yyy````�4�" H , . � : ..'• , ' <br /> � 1 ry� r��/�l� �ir,�v..� i' � f : _�. . ..1 •��. -���;`.:1��� � <br /> - . . <br />. . <br /> . <br /> . <br /> _ � . 1 � � . <br />_ • . 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