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-� _R.�_i-\9`.t -1 ��h�l�.�i � .��� , . . . .._^_ .��.,.��._ . �� . ��/ ��� ' -. .` _ .._ -. <br /> .--. _._ . ' �.` . . 1 <br /> � '�$'J��1�YU�10�OVpMOM�OIUW A��Of EIOCfOd 011 lu0}1fO�GMty.��0���I�i00��� <br /> ��Mf� MD'Mi oP MMiM�i � p11! O�t� pi10�01ty. /w � �tld �I�OIIt i���!0�f0 p11/R1� bj► 1� �C111�1y <br /> � MM�np�at.All ot d�o fa�eRois�p 4 col�a�rod to In thi�Bece�ity In�teoment p the"Pro�ty." � . <br /> fORR4�VItIR C4VBNANI�tlrt IlotrowMr b 4�Ily�d d dM aa�e baeby oomeyed�ad hd 1he dpht ta�at�ad � <br /> � oalwy IM Pn+paty�nd Ih�t tbe Propaty i�uoenau�be�ed.axoep�t for ar�uai6rmoe�of ra�oad. 8ortowet w�rnw�u�ad wip, . . <br /> , �d aq�nUy a�t�hle a Ihe Prop�cy�an�t d�d� a�.wbbjea w.�y a�cu�brmoa or rnaone. <br /> '11i1,9 l4RCURITY[NSTRUM6NT oorabino�unlform oovaurrt�for nadoml we and aoa�unifam oovan�nt�wlth lit�ed <br /> w�iNiN��by juN�dla�a�n a oon�tmue•udram�eautey iaKwmeat ooverin�real p�apeny. <br /> __ — --- -- ` UtYI1+dRM�VRNAN'#19. emnuwer�ed Lender oovaMnt�nd�gree�s folbws: �. . <br /> ' 1� l�Ay1M1�1 ot P�iadpd ud I�M+rti hep�� �ad Lwte Ch�.Bormwr,t slWl prompllY P�Y wf�dae tba, <br /> prilfel�af aid iatateM aa ihe debi evidencod by tbo Notc and anY P�9mcnt and lau chuQas due under the Noto. — <br /> ►�Ibr'1'�r��nd Iewn�e. Subjxt w rpptic�blo I�w or to a wrllta�w�iver by l.eodor. Borrowcr�II p�y to <br /> l,�nde�an thb dpr moMhly p�ymant�ue due wder t6e No�e,,wqil the Note i�paid in fWl,�wm('Funds')tor.(�)Ye�uly uuces <br /> �nd�wa�n�en��wqicM m�y uuin prbNty over Ihis Se�aritY 6rspuman+u a lien on tho Property;(b)Ye�riy laicel�old pay�aonts <br /> — -- or�nwnd roMe a1 the P�r�erty,if any;(c1 Yearly ha�d ar�raQe�tY incuranoe pnmiuun►:(d)YwrfY flood incutanoe pnmiunn. <br /> If rnyt le)xariy mahQ�a f�uuranca premium�.if�ay:�nd fk��+oy wnn payabk by Bom►wor to 4ender. i�accordanoe wlt6 <br /> Ibe prnvl�of pwr+iY�B•ia licu oi�hc pxy�eat of�aaor�,qee L�wranco premiums.Tt�ese (tems are called"Bscrow Itans.' <br /> l,o�rler rtny.�y �ny Ume,callect aad IaW Fuads in w�uot to oxcxaf �he maximum amount a leodcr for a fakrally <br /> rolM�l mixt4y�e Iwn nuy noqufro far Bamw�r's acrnw�wNer the foderal Real 6steto SetUement Procedura Act of <br /> 147�1 r Mnendai tMm Ume to time.12 U.S.C.Ssction 2UOi er�.r,�.("RBSPA'),unle�s another law that appNas ta tha Funds :� .___...... <br />' Mts�(�or•rrlxwnt. If w, [.endar mrqr.a1+�ny tiano.a�lbct m�d hold Funde in an amauat not ta exceod the lesser amount. =__- <br /> -- i.arkr m�y axliwwio Iiw�aeuwd vf Fa�Suc w,�R t��:�C3fi�'�S�iCdi(3ii�7IS�C CS2IiRGICS IIf tX�(SlltlS'CS of tl�tur� . =_- <br />-e•r Btcrow llan�or Wherwi�o(n�t+d�nc�with r�ppliabie law. <br /> �IyfO R41KIN IIIIqII (1C IICId Ip YII 11151it11ti0G w11t1s0 dC�Siis 8tp it1tU[Cd by e fhderal egency, instrumentality, or entity <br />- (includlnp l..andar,if I.endor id such an insti�wianl or ia an}-1Federal Homc Loan Bank.i.ender shull apply the Funds to pay the <br /> ' &cmw Uenu. Ldxler mry ao�rhury{e&�mnwer for haldin�wid�piying the Funds.annually wwlyzin$tixs escrow aaount.or <br />' verifyin�Ilk lx�mw(lemx,ualeax L,ender pays Borrowcr iMerest on the Funds and applicable IAw pertnits I.cndcr to make such <br /> ���e. H�wvcver. Lendar muy rcqufrc Bomawer lo pry a one-timc charge for an indeperdent real esteta tau rcporting servioe <br /> u.od by l.rnder in rnnnocUnn with lhis laan, unleas qpplicable law provides othenvise, Unless An agroement ls made or <br /> q�pliubb law rrypirc�imerex��o t+e paW, l.e�xlcr�iwll not be roquired w p�y Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. <br />. B��rr�wa�w�J l�endar mpy agrce in w�iting.however. Uiat interest�Fwll be Qaid on t6e fiunds. Lender shell give to Borrower. _ <br /> .f wi1M�u1 rhWqe, wt Wnnuol w:cnunting of 1he Funda, sh�wing crcdits wd clebits a �iie Funds end thc purpose for which eaeh __: <br /> - _ - sk�i tri i!��usxfx u;�x ts�. '�!»Fur.s:s ss:pltdged as sddfsions!s�r,s:i;�i�r�6 ssss�s secured by tnis Security Instrumtnt. - - <br /> ° '� ' ' Ii the Fundp hrld by I.rrnk�ex.�l the amounts permitted w be held by applic:+ble law, l.ender shall account to Bonower <br /> • ,i��,,,�,: fi�r Ihe cw��x Fund,r in a►tinrdvk�wi�h�he requirements of applicnbic law. If the amount of Ihe Funds hcld by L,ender at any �-- <br /> '' IimC Ir 1101 r�uffi�ietll N�pay Ihr Es�p�w•Itcm.�whe�duc,lw.�iler may so nwify Borruwer in wriNng, bnd,in such case Borrower �:_-::_ <br /> �Iwll pry ���Lcnder Ihe wn�►ual ��e��ry �o makr up d�e d�ficiency. Borrower siwll tnake up the deficiency in no more tl�an - <br /> 'ms�s�•�� IMCJvc m��n11dY P+�Y��xn��.w lAtkkr:udc Jiscretion. �=: <br /> � �4 Up►n �wynxnt in full .�f all wn�� .�rurcd hy this Sccurity Ins�rument. Lender sh�ll prom�t9y refund t� Borrawer any °'��� <br /> Futwlw helJ h I.etKlrr. If.unJcr ra r.� 'I, l.cnJer shall ue uire or�cll the P ny, l.,ender, rior to t he oc u is it ion or s a le ��'� <br /> Y (w B Ph- 9 � P q 1�� <br /> of Uie Pn►perty. !�hull upply+�ny f�u�ls he1J hy I.rmler ul a��e time of acyuisiti�►n or>a!e as r credit against the sums secured by __ <br />_ =��t;-, • :���; . �hii&�urily Inurunxm. ._ <br /> ,. �4" <br /> :;� �.. �. • ' J.Applkalbn��f PymentN. Unlr..applirahlr law pru�•idr.oth�na�ise.all payments received b� Lender ur�:ler paragraphs �. <br /> .•'�''"` ��, • ,�;. I �l 2.iwll i+r u�lk�l: lir./.1�►+u�y pre�}•mrm clwr�e+Jue unikr the Vote: tiec�nd. to amount�payable unc�cr prragraph 2: ``� <br />.',:i�:: - rr,a• ,..: ¢tr�. <br /> �°' ''r+� thiN.tu intcm.�duc:li.unh. tu pri�ufral Jur:aml 1•r�t.�c►;u�y lutc rtwr�rs duc u�ier the Nrne. �lt;~';.` <br /> •Y *. ., •. "�` 4.l'bu�ert I.le�w. Bnrrawer�hull puy uU �atc.,�.mcnt�. rhargc�. finec aa«! impn�i�ions uttribwable t..the Prcrperty 3,-r�. <br /> �,�,,,� �. �.. <br /> • ,��;;;��,. -. �!: whirh nu�y w�uin pri�►rity ���ar Ih„ticruri�} In,�runkM. and Ic•rtich�dd payment�nr cmund rents, if'any. Borrox•�• ghaEl pay ;'i.�. <br /> .t K.,�`• `"i', '' II1L'AC 11I1II�lWIINIti IQ IIk IIIi11qCf(If�►\IIII`I�Ip(1JfJ�f:trll :..►r if nut paiJ in�h��manner,�3��rm��•er shall pay�hem or�t+me directly ��__ <br /> ' ' . �. . 1u IIk pen�+m�►w�vl paynkiu. iA�rr�►wrr.Irrll praoq+lly fumitih u�l.cmlcr•rll naticc+��f amount�tn h�puid under�his par�raph. � <br /> ae°- <br /> -_",• �. • If&�m,wcr nuk..�Iti�x payi�knt,dlrc.U..Ik�rn�wcr,hall pr��mptl} furni.h�o L.enJrr recciptti e�i.9t�king the payments. �- <br /> ,�s..a.� __ <br /> , �"�; -E W�trower+lull pn�ui�Nly di.rhurEr ru� liru wl�i�h ha.priori�� a�cr�hi.S��.urit� Imtrument unle+�Bomnwer:(s►1 ugrees in <br /> o • w�ilin�lu Ilk�w�ukm ul Uk ��+li�utba�xtiur�tl hy d��li�n�o�nuni�r xc�ptahle tu LenJer: Ibl contestx in gcxid fAith the lien �'4:�; <br /> ° • by, ��r Jeleid. uµa�u.� rnl��r.�nxn� �►t Uk licn in, IcEal pnk•�w�ling. uhirh in ih� I.��aler'. opinion operare to prevent the '°" <br /> �� �. , rnGKrcnkw ul Uk licrr ur i:�titi•urc. fru�u d�r h��Wrr ut'�hc lirn an rgmcnunt wtitifuctan t.i Lcnder wMirdinating the lien tu =- <br />`�-' , � • thiw ti��.urn� hi.tnu��ciu II I.cndcr �ktrm�i�k,thu��ny rarl ut Ihr 1'rupert�• i+.uhji�l la u li�n whi�h nwy aUuin pri��rity oeer <br /> i. tM���1'Ultl� I11�111UIM'lll. I CIMIft IIW1 KI�C IAm��N.�r c�iwNicr idenuljin�U�e h��n.Fiurmw�r�h�ll .��i,l}�ttk lien ur tuke�me nr . - <br /> '� � narc ut�hr w�N�n►,�a t�Mh,.M���r wuh�n lu du!•�ur dx��tn mg�H In�ticc. * <br /> �•: <br /> - . r•orm 3ola �l�o �; `. <br /> � �! . P�'��` �:'e.. <br /> i�i�A'��f�� .. " ��'. <br /> , .�..:f.' <br /> ,,• �`; L „� . :.,,+•�.�,�:� ��p� �.,,.. �� �- <br /> G , �. . . k 1�j�!�,:' ' �_. , -,4•.I`.:�'��� ''f��'r����jt,: <br /> .� . ,,.�i t�. . �.'.•r�I`;�` • . 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