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<br /> . .S. _�:.- _
<br /> _ ` 2 . - �7�w 10�i4�v _.
<br /> :'��.
<br /> 'a.; —
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENAN7'S. Borrower and l.e�der furlher covenant and a�res�follow�:
<br /> - 17.Foredowue Proc�da�e.lf I�der rW�Iaan�diNte p�ywesl l�tall wnder P�t�PM 9.L.e�der�uy Inoict Ibo power
<br /> at ak sN ug otrer aesedlea pernJlNd b wipplk�bla I��r.1.e�der slai116e entllkd 10 colkct�!1 e�cpaaa Ircon+ed 1�pursalnp
<br /> er r
<br /> 1�K��IM�p�tfw 17. Ird�di��but aat liailted to,re�wa�bb�itoraeya'tea u�d cat�ot Iitte evldeace.
<br /> � - If tYe power of qk b INVOked�Trrslee sYdl ncord�nallce a/det�all ia eacb couatY ip��M a�y part ol lhe P�opeAy
<br /> Ir loated ud rYaN au�U eopks ot srcY�odce i�INe r�suer prtscdbed by�pPUabk I�w ta 8orrower�ad to I�t oUet pe�soa�
<br /> u�
<br /> . - prp�lbed by oppNcAb{e Inw.Atles IAe date reqdted bY�PPNhtbk Ipw,TmMee rMdl glYe pabUc aolke ot cak 10 tMe persoa� c
<br /> ud 1�tk M�uerp�snIber by�poYcaMe law.TrWee�will�a�t dem�ad ap BorraMe�,sh�ll sep IMe Propert�'d poWk�actlo�
<br /> -'- lo tYe MltMat ridder at tMe qaro�td plaes*�d wder IMe tenrs daiRp�ted (n Ihe nolica ot ssk la o�e or awre p�rcels�Md
<br /> 1�a�Y order T�tee detenNina.T�tee puY P�Poae gn{e ot aq or�ey pwrcel at Ihe P�opeM9 bY Pnblic su�onrcea�eat�t
<br /> �,��°-`� IM�tlaa a�d p!*a ot uY ProviaudY scbednled ak. Le�der or i!s dalQnoe maY PurcbRCe 1he Propertv �1 �ay s�te.
<br /> >r��;.,•
<br /> ,,;r �±��,_ Upo�receipt ot p�ymenl ot tha p�ice bid�Trasta�UW 1e11Yer la Ibe purch�se�Trnatee'�dad coNVeyfa�Ide P�opeMy.
<br /> " The rociWs i�tY�e Trwtea�deed Rhdl be p�inu�t�cie edde�ce oi Ike tralh ot IYe staletaeatR m�dc iberela.Trurtee sdpll�pP�Y
<br /> ,��4�T';` Ide proc�eds o/1!e cale la tbe follo�faR ordees (U to pd expe�es at Ihe sale.l�cladiag, bp! 1101 IIf1llltll!O�Tnisleds ka �_
<br /> ;+ �...�•:>�� :• u permlited by�ppUcable I�rv�ad reacaa�bk�ttorneY+� fEpi lb)10 dl���K71[d 4�1M1Y SlCYrItY IAYIf111110pt:Ytld(C�W9
<br /> ���;� e�caa to Ihe Penon or persoai le�11Y ealltled to il.
<br /> -"'°'�`•"-�"`-�•=^ le.Reeo�veyaaeo.Upon paymont of sll sums secured by this Security Insuument.Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey
<br /> _ .�-�-�'�.,
<br /> �- the Property and shaii surrender thls Security Instrument and all notes eYidencing debt�ec��red by this Secu�Ity nstrument G
<br /> �'�,��'�"`� to TNStee.Truste�st�itil reconvcy the Pro riy without warronty and wilAout charYe to the person or persons le�ally enutled
<br /> ""S'"y��,-'' to it. Such person or persoas shall paY any rarordation cosls. �'~��
<br /> __ '.7!:�R�.�Tr75�'4,�.c
<br /> ,a�rntue„�;�,
<br /> .. ..._ :, i9.S��sdl�le Trrstee.Lender,at its option,may from timc tu time remove Trustee mnd appoint a succ�essor trustee to 4,�.�..=
<br /> •r�!�+L�::Y:� �r; any Trustee appointed hereunder by ao instrument recorded in the counry in which this Securr:y Instrument is recorded.'W'ithout
<br /> � ��°-''"� '`• conveyrAnce of the Property,the successor trustee ahall succeed to all the tiQe.power anaB�ltirt'r:s conferred upon Trustee hereia
<br /> -.-"�.-- �'';__�:�_;__::�.z,�,� ' Aud by apPlicable law. =--
<br /> -- «<•�"�:'• �t ���
<br /> =��:• ?A.Iteqoat tar Notkes.Borrower rcquests that rnpie�of the notices oi dePault a�d sale be sent to Bonower's add�ess
<br /> _ ,,.�.:u«.•.;Y::�.�� '
<br /> -_""—;r,;t�.:c��. . `g J which i�the Property Addrcss. _
<br /> _- a,
<br /> __��•L p
<br /> -�_� . ..,:; :,'°,',,, �" Accelerado�Qanse.Borrower agrees that should this Saurlty Instrument and the note secured thereby not be eligible _
<br /> :�+" ior insurance under the National Housin�Act wlthin NMety deys from the dute hereof. Lender may,at _
<br /> h ,r;r..;�.,.:;g •.
<br /> ��.:�' ���- � : its option and notwithstanding any�hin�in Paragraph 9,requfre immodiAtc paKrtnent in full of all sums secured by this Secudty
<br />--=��,-�� ;�;;�c;r�t��r,�� ����_.A��_��s��s Qf eny nuth�x4z!�Agent of the Secreterv dated subsequent to Ninety days
<br /> �i�� ��,,,rt� t�,�r;E����� from the date hereof,deeiining to insure this Security Instrument and the note secured thereby.shall be deemed conclus�ve .
<br /> � �,� �
<br /> . •r, F •�,. proof of such ineligibility.Notwithstanding the foregoing.this option may a�t be exercise�by Lendcr when thc unavailability �,,
<br /> ��''r`'`��'. � . - � of insu�nee fs sokly dwe to Lenda's iailure to remit a mongage Insurancr y�remium to the secretary. .�„�,_
<br />_t_::��,.,;:. �. �si�
<br /> ts"��`�'' ��"`"""�" ��� � Rlders to Ihis Secndty Inqrumeal• If one or more dders are execuaa��l by Borrower and recorded togtther with this ,�1
<br /> �,;;;r..� . , •;';,,. f" /
<br /> M',�rF� ���:••-�:..�::�•• Secur�ty Instrument,the covenants oP each such d�er shall be ihcorporated iaan�+and shall amend and supplement the covenants �.�
<br />•"-''�� "'t''' and�roeme+�t�of this Security Inswment as if the dder(s)were In a part oi'chw SocuritY Inatrument.[Check applicable bou(w)] �
<br /> .�.• , �-..
<br /> ';y��{ �i�• ', �x
<br /> � '� '��' �� �Condominium Rider 0 Adjustabk Rate Rider �Growing Equity Rider
<br /> �,2"v�",•'i;� � -�.��� [�Other �7,.�:
<br /> Planned Unit Development Rider �Graduated Payment Rider
<br /> R.~;::a�x��'��?��,",�Jr,,�', �' -_�
<br /> '_ r�5�,'. 1 � r.:
<br /> -'�-��'�� . BY SIGNINa BELOW.Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms contained in this Security Instrument and in any dder(s) �;.
<br /> -=-f'' - ° °'" exccuted by Borrower s►nd recorded with it. �
<br /> -_;:�-i: . a, . �-
<br /> �_�:�: :a� .
<br /> �1�:�_�.!'� , . . Witncsses: eSeap =---
<br /> _-.�1, - ,�'`�.. . ,.4 (,p. ep 8. Ferguson) •ooryowe� `---
<br /> r:_,�,;, �,�
<br /> :,;�•'�N •;.•�,,;"- •�; (Catherine M.F/e guso )�� .eo��r� --�
<br />-_ �:�; . .'��;�,4 �: . �":
<br /> � „ ,�, ,��� .,�.n- �.
<br /> , .�VC,,,. (Seal)
<br /> •,:.t.� (Seal)
<br /> ,;, ��. •Bonowet l ;
<br /> �• . �:,�. ' -Borrower � ..
<br /> 1';S,'1'.,,�_` PaRe Io.^'4 �
<br />,;.,5+',�,l�k�,�.. ACKNOH'�£D�iNO�NT I �.
<br /> ' � � � � 1/We,�os�eph B. 6 Cetherine M. Ferg uson, h�Q �� �" ,("Trustor"),under that cenain Deed oi'�rust dated
<br /> � ��,•:i April S5, 1991 , 1"Deed of Trus� )to be entered into among Trustor. Commercial �ederal `
<br /> �'`''°:; ' Bank, A Fed�Ka4 Savinr�s Bank ("Trustee")and {
<br /> �-���` � Five Points ����ok, Cr'and Island, tV�ek�raska 1"Bene�cear!.")co�erinpthe 1'otto��:,r��described praperty: _
<br /> ' � .;_�•��i��u;� : }f,�� LEGAL DE5CR➢P'E'➢�N: E16' of Lot lq & the WS9.21' of Lot 15, in BDock 1, in Bel Air G,�
<br /> '�����• '�t '� AdcHitcon to the cit of Grand Island, HaGI �'o�onty, Nebraska,
<br /> , ,;,,;,,:;r f�' ; � Y
<br /> ,�,�,�,;.��; . �� .
<br /> . �•�±;;�., r,.��, hereby acknowledge that it�s understood that(a1 the Deed o:fruvt tu be erecuted by Trusc��r is a trust deed and no[a mortgage
<br /> � -L�_�.�,_:��__ -:�, _ and rb1 the nowu o6 s�le provided for in the Deed of Trust pro��des subs�antiatly different rights und obligations to the Trutitor
<br /> , ' th�n a mon�age irt• rhe event of a dcfuult of brcacb or dbtigation.
<br /> a
<br /> .� ,� . Tru9toc Acknowledges that this Acknowledgmenr wu amade prior to th�execution of the Uerd of Trust. •
<br /> . Exc�cated d delivcred this 25t �Y et April , [9 .91 i
<br /> � �
<br /> '�� —
<br /> . � , r�ouw �� ph . Fergus n) r ���o� (Catherine M. Fer son) ' ' ,
<br /> ,�
<br /> ,�.
<br /> • .� Stste ot Nebraska. Hall ��°N°��� �'
<br /> . � The foregoing ins�rument was acknowledged belorc me this 2 5tF� da}•uf, April .�y 91 .
<br /> • by Joseph B. Ferguson and C�th�rine �i. Ferguson, husband and wife • �
<br /> ' ' Witness my hand and notariel scal ut Grand Island, Nebraska in said cuuncy,thc date aforecaid. �
<br /> � ;� ��r,w���.r ��. ��1 G�� - �
<br /> w� . � _
<br /> �� My Commission Expires: � pEyMM�1� �
<br /> ������ \a�ar♦ 1 nhh. '
<br />