.. ?�,.. .., q..a:•ta�atnrw-:�����,.�4�.'::i'�� ,�„.n.�_ —__ r�as..,s..;�, _ __ _ _ •-- .
<br /> . i.I - - _ _. . . . .._ ���--�..--�r..-...
<br /> , �,�Fr.. � . �. . _. �'i.. �'• ... _ .'�-,___ .
<br /> , ���� {.-L:. 1 _.
<br /> ,,..;.;�, �.�t. -
<br /> Yry.
<br /> � ' . . ... �---
<br /> � • • 91-- 102418 �
<br /> �� Th� tolla+inq ar� +�4d�nda to tl�� Itortqap�. P��as� ch�ck th� appiicabl� add�aduw. Th�
<br /> add�ndua ohrolc�d �h�il b� inoorporat�d lnto, and r�cord�d wieh� th� llortiqa9�. Th� t�cv
<br /> •�r�qRa�• �t1�i1 !� das�d to lnalud� •DNd ot Tsust", it �pplia�bi�. �..
<br /> ) �H11 71DDtMDtlll _
<br /> f�6 �
<br /> (� ���( �r...,� .. .
<br /> ItlV'�k.'. . .
<br /> ~ ��=. � lonp +�� tih� KorbOaq� ir out�tandinq. tih� L�ad�r may d�olar� all ��uas ��ous�d bY th�
<br /> �:u�.�+ar..�.,.::.��., Nort�aq� to bs iea�diat�ly du� aed p�y�bl� i!�
<br /> - - --- -�•.-s+�.�i�. ' _ _ —-
<br /> lH���n. (a) all or parti o! th� prop�rty is sold or oth�rwis� eran�i�rr�d (othor th�r► by d�vi��, r
<br /> .,::.,s�`'_.�'1;•. , d��a�nts or op�ration o! isv�� by Borrow�r to a puroha��r or oth�r tr�n�t�rt��
<br /> - r.. ,
<br /> . . ; , , :`,' '.,
<br /> �i) Who oannot r�Y�on�ly b� �xp�ot�d to ocoupy tho prop�rty a� a prloaipsl r��id�nt =-_.
<br /> - ,�:� .� . : . - within a rta�onabl� tim� att�r eho �al� or tra�siar, all a� provided !n e�ation �,._
<br /> ° = ��. 143(a� and la3(i)(1) or tho Znt�rnsi R�venus Cod� o! 1986, a� am�nd�d� oe =-. _._ __
<br /> �� �w�In:i A��nwir.rl�
<br /> __,_ . . . • (ii) wtw ha�� had a pr��ont arn�r�hip int�r�pe in a principal ra�id�nao duriaq any part _
<br /> --- .,,..�.,:....�..�. of tM tt�rw-yoar p�riod �ndinq on th� dat*ot th��al� or �rwn�t�r, all a� provid�d
<br />_ _
<br />.-- .� ::.,-�=x:_ :_--_ ia B�ction 1431d) � ���(1112) o� thw int�rnal Ravonuo Codo �axcapt thae t
<br /> .�.. ._. .. . �-
<br /> l+u►yuap� "S00 p�ra�nt" �haii b� �ub�titut�d !os 'Si� poro�at or �nnrw° rt4�ro t o
<br /> -� •:,;. '. .,;..;,s latt�r �pp�as� in s�ation 143�d)(1): or
<br /> ._ :.�.,, - --
<br /> _,��•�i�' ���:' -F � -- -
<br /> '�� •`� '��' � '•�^ (iii) at an acqui�ition aosti which is qr�aL�r t1�sn 90t oE tho av�raga araa purchaa� prica
<br />_,-,j��'rf
<br /> -�.•.?:��: , (qr�at�r than 110t !or targotad aroa ro�iele�a�a), all a� providad i» S�ation 143(e)
<br /> ,,..... �.
<br /> `�`�• • �' ,;,° r�r .- � and 1�3(i)(�� o! th� Int�rnal A�v�nw ood�� or
<br />;y�:� ��.s,� . �
<br /> ����.�:. � ';,: •� ,�,f., (iv) who ha� a yros� lamily incano in Qxca�• o! tho appbficablQ porcwntaqe oi applicablo ;,,��ti,.___
<br /> � � t ,. •i•��; m�dian lamlly incom� ws providod i� Soction 143(f p aad 143(i)(2) o! tho Int�rna3 �....�
<br /> :a,� �. .}�:.
<br />����;. �� • � ',•?� Rav�nu� Cod�s or
<br /> �',+ t ti
<br />_ , ' " �b) 8orrowQr lail� to oacupy tho proporty do�cribad in tho Mortqaqe witbout prior writt�n
<br /> �,==�•-`-.'
<br /> �_ - ,..,,,�,�;,��,.,,::;�1r;; con�ont o! Londor or ito auaaoa�oro or aaoiqn�: os
<br /> ���' .� �� ' �; (a) eostowar omito or mior�praaanto a lact that fo matarial wfth roopact to tha provi�ioris
<br /> ',S�',�:• S j.'�;;,'i �.��., �, ,` a! 9ectiat� 143 0! thq Ta�arnsl Ravonuo Codo in an appllaarion for th� tlortqaqe. �'�"
<br /> �., +�,It.j.. . _
<br /> . � �. •;'��`lv;;i;,'�:;', , . .,
<br /> • . `�,; Rot�r�naao rre to t?�o 1966 Intornsl Rovonuo Codo in a�;tect on �ho datQ o! oxoaation
<br /> � �' �: ..�. ,:;.,1� ,� oi ths lsortqay� and ars deAa�ed to inolude tha implemontlnq rar�ulatian4.
<br /> , . ''r,,��:.. �'�;.:
<br /> - 1�:L._ .
<br /> � ..
<br /> �.. . �
<br />, a:_ i�,�' Borrow�r (J p B. Fe gus ,
<br /> ! � �pr.l!35, tau� _ ~ � � �.vs�-
<br /> ,�.:
<br /> � Dat� Borrower (Catherine M. Ferguson) ��
<br />, ,f��.,,a�- f
<br /> ,,:�` ;�,� *��w��wsrtrt**Ra*w�twr�+a�**RRw��trrw�w��ww��t»wr�w�sw�rte+rrw���t►��*rtwrRw*wr►w��ww*�t►�• �_�__
<br /> .:{, ' ,�f�',h ,` „ �
<br /> "� , �� ��ti;+; 'e• V71 MORTG71GIr• ]1DDENDUM -
<br />':,":f; • ' r`,.:.s ._...�._ -�-:__
<br /> ; t>',� ,..:.,� ._.
<br /> :�•.:,;
<br /> '3'�f���%+ It, eo lonq a� tho tiortgage ia outatandinq, all or any part of the prop4rty is �old or ��+�=�'�
<br /> r �� tra�siQrred by Horrowor without Londor'o prior writtan conaQne, othor thae a tiransler by ,
<br /> .. �.�; �. �.
<br />- �. � .�,.•• •''. clovi��, desc�nt or by oporation o! law, tha LQndex may, at LQndar'a aption, declare ali the j�,,.__.
<br /> -� � :,,�,;�;� �was aac�ared by tho Mortgage to be immediately due and payable. ��:��
<br /> ,. .� 4_,
<br /> " � . F
<br /> „ . ':;, , Borrowor ;
<br /> . �• . , Dat� Sorrc�rez�
<br /> ' � O1-91,MTG-11DDENDUM-C �
<br /> t
<br /> • • . .1` � . ... .�'.'S. ...
<br /> -.. - - ' --- ' . ' . . � '
<br /> 3 � , � . � . t . �
<br /> , 'i. . .
<br /> .. .� .' � ' ' ,
<br /> h '
<br />- , 1 �_. _._. . '
<br />