. y.�wjyn�-...�� .�M �"'} {.+��. �,n ���r,�i1�I-�'= _�j�Ji�i�� � . �(�,. _;_i,�i_� ����:1.�%'S''����� _..:.-_-.
<br /> .� r'; .3����� �r� - - --- --_
<br /> _ t,� s.-.....,,.-�--. .. ,_. -°°—.
<br /> � ' °��-'. — -
<br /> - "- _ ..i '4'�y_ � -- �__� .
<br /> � � -' .i,e.errl�Nui. . ' n�� —.
<br /> ... . .;,�r,,,��,r• , `
<br /> ,�.,�.y�.,�i .. y. _ _---'- .� _
<br /> M
<br /> _ ..5k'.F'!Te�C�A7.�L�. .___— - _ . ' ._--
<br /> ' � ' 91-- 102418
<br /> . �,., �:
<br /> ,.
<br /> . :�, �.�
<br /> Any apnlication of the proceeds to the principal ahall na�extend ar pas�pane tha due date aP the monthly paymeots, which �
<br /> . ��' all out��a din�iindeblednpess2unde�he N te wnd thif�Secur tY Inu�ument shall he 1 id t�the�nti y le�plly antl�ledahar to __ -
<br /> a � �• _. �, Fees, Lender may collect fees und chwr�es authorized by the 9ec�ota�y. ____.
<br /> . .; -„ .� „...ti
<br /> ' ,.y.::;;;,�;,- 9.C�+ouads for Accekntloa of lkbl. ��_�u-�:-
<br /> �,. . ..*�t;ca+� .. _-- -_ -
<br /> ,�_,, ,.__:�,;;;_ ��►Det�ult.Lender may,except aa litnited by regulations Issued by t he Secretnry in Ihe cuce af pnyme�t defpulta,requiro -
<br /> : -` �-- --- - immedio�c payment in full af ull sums securcd by this Security Inguumeo� ii': r __
<br /> �.::w.�.�,
<br /> •--�� oir onrthe due dat'�of hcAinexe monthly paym nt o�nthly puymoni requircd by this Security Inslrumenl p�ior la y+
<br /> �— .•aw�;��•.:�, '.+,
<br /> ,;,' `-`�'�>' �.. ,„ (ii)8orrower defauUs by failing.for a pariod of tMrty day�,to perform any o�her oblipation�eontained in this
<br /> ,� , •.--
<br /> ;.. � 5ecurity It4ctrument. `'•'� ,,y.'�:�.,
<br />±�-:::,� ... ... _. ..__ -___ _
<br />.LIJf.. ' __'
<br />..�f�� � (b)SWe WitOoat C�ed11 Approv�l. Lender shall, if permitted by applicable law and with the prior upproval of thc
<br />�n'l •:.., Secretary. �equi�e immediate payment in full of all the sums secured by this Security Instrument iP: -
<br /> � --�-� r"7' --
<br /> y... , '•�;•:: ��:�
<br />�'��'��'", ,-•�•.••���• (i)All or part of the Propeny is otherwisc IransPerred lother thaa by devise ur dex-rnU by the Borrower. and —
<br /> rytl'Y,,1�i%r . � ;,tl����
<br /> '�i�:.;",
<br /> �. � ,�,•,,`•;t;,':,f;�'��•;,tl (ii)The Propenx is aat occupied by the purchaser or yru�HC�u�his or her primary o:se�wndary resedence,or�he ��.J�NT- '
<br /> 1• � , � , }�� purchaser or grantee does so occupy Ihe PropenY bW his or her credit I�as not been approved in accordance with
<br />�•� •� �°� ";;'.�-' �;F`�{'' the ree�uerements aP tbe 5ecretary. —���--�
<br /> 'r.,.:: .... :;y;;� .��. ����,�� � `
<br /> , '�.. ��;�>'.�:;.. ���=-
<br /> ?,:..t � •1�: (e)No Waiver. IF circumstances occur tha�would permit Lender to require immedia�e paymeat in i'ull,but l.ender — �+,��
<br />�;�~� ' � . :;�;�.. .:,,•� ,• ' --.�—-.
<br /> • ,�y�} •;•,., r, , �.,� does not require such payments, Lender dqes not wa�ve its rights with respect to subsequent cve��.. �,
<br /> ' •�� ..,� 't..�S 6 �::-:_
<br /> r� � , ^�•n�Z�'t,�";� td)Re�uladaas of HUD SeerctAry. in many circumstances regulations issued by the Secrelary W�����m��Lender's ri hts _
<br /> .; ��,r. in the case of ayment defaults to require immediate payment in full and fareclose if not aid.This Security Inurument ����%i;�>•
<br />. .. ,� ,;':., p �
<br /> - }.'r`.:� does not authorize acceleration or foreclasure if not permitted by regulatians of the Secretary. «+�:�
<br /> ,;:�.,�
<br />�;° ^ � .•;:;,.., -—��
<br /> 10. Refqslalement.Bo�ra��s�r has a right to be reinstated if l.ender has required immediate payment in full because oi .:,.,�,,,,___
<br /> ' . . Borrower's fallure to pay an flmount due under the Note or�his Security Instrument.This right Applies eveR ufter foreclo�ure �..�;t�,"i,r'_-
<br /> ��r�.--
<br />�; c,�, proceedings are instituted, fic+reinstate the Security Instrument.Borrower shall tender in a lump sum all amounts required r
<br /> � �• � to bring Borrower's account current including.to the extent the!ace.���liBations of Borrower under this Security lnstrument, y �p�;
<br />, �''`� �� � ••���'�"��`�� foreclosure costs and�easonab9e and customary attorneys'Pees aa�cl e�3�emses properly associated with the foreclosure proceedinR. -�`+:�•:,.•...,.
<br /> .��,�•,��:;_ ...,,�� ' ,,., • . �r.:•••:. ,
<br /> � -~� ,�^;��� � , ���on reinaiaiciiient by l2a�:vtiti.;,ihis Security lnstru��!!!a4+�1�he c�Mligations that�t secures sball�emain in eifect as if Lenac:r �+�.z_�''�,_
<br /> r'�i;>'c;�;;�V�, t;. � ad not required immediate Ay�rnent in NII.However.l.er.-'�rr is not required to permit reinstatemem iP:(il l-ende�has accepied �r�i w' --,
<br /> �•`;::.,;;. ', ., ` • . d...,
<br /> ; r..,.,'i Y ' einstatement after the comro�iPr�cement of foreclosure psocredings within two years immediately rrecedinF�hc�:��mmencement ,�'.�;��ti�v�t'-:.
<br /> ' ''�''r;'j �S�' � of a current foreclosure proceeding, (ii)reinstatement �vill preclude forecbsure on different erounds In ch� iuture, or (iiil '•� �•r�•,.�;,�--�
<br /> - y;:..., , �.__
<br /> � ��'�1�� � `'•�', reinstatement will adversely at'fect the pri�:ity of the lien creuted by this Security lnstrument. '' i"F;;'
<br /> � �. 7���$�.I .,�• �.��y� ' �.���.�._�
<br /> : f.t����:�'�'�� . ll. BoROwer Not Released:�orbeorAnce By Lender Nol a Waiver. Extension af the lime uf pAymen�or modification t ��, '`y, ��,•
<br /> J ,` R � f�'�� '._
<br /> •'�`'�'���� at amortization of the sums secured by this5ecurity Ins�rument granted by Lender�o uny successor in m�erest of Borrower , ;;, I�+�:=�—��.
<br /> ..t�,,,,;�.• ::.,,.
<br /> • •�••.�:�,,: shall not operate to release the Ifability of theariginul Borrawer or Borrower'c successor in interest.Lender shall not be required
<br /> • '�..}. to commence proceedings aguinst uny successor in interest or ref use to extend iime Ibr puyment or otherwise modify amortizution '-�,•.•�:1 .•,;�#A�«�
<br /> t::•••
<br /> •,:,,:y,., �.. of the sums secu�ed by this Security Instrument by reason oP uny demand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's successors :;:..�;��. T,�� ,�.,,�;R
<br /> � in interest.Any forbea�ance by Lender In exercising any righc or remedy snall not be a waive�c�ti or preclude the exercise a�i ��,••;;,;)-- ,, ,:?�.
<br /> � .i...S�4�� � ___.�
<br /> ,. '',����' � � . .� , any r�ght or remedy. n+� ; � :�-
<br /> �;: ;. _�,, �,,..';,,:.: . '::',�: _
<br /> ' • �'"..; .:' " 12.Suecessors nnd Assigas Bouad;JofM and Several LiabiUly:Co-Signers.The co��enants and agreemems of this Security ,,- ' '�;„.r,�-
<br />� ._.. � �!r` ' `•-'�__--
<br /> �� � Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of 4ender and Borrower,subject to the provisions of paragraph •�;:;;••, ,. �� 'F--
<br /> •- � • • '��' 9.b. Borrower's covenants and agreements shull be joint and several. Any Borrower who ca-cigns this Security Instrument �;e�,�,,,T,;�.:��
<br />- . • � '.�}•�'"�� but dces not execute the Note:(a1 is co•signing this Security Instrument unly to mortgage.@�ac�e And convey that Borrower's .
<br /> , ..�'!,�'•�;';:,�'}�'_
<br /> ' • ';;�;r inrerest in the Propeny under the terms ot'ihi�Security lnstrument;(b1 is not personally�t�9a+��ied to p�y the sums secured ..�•,-�• ,�;�it_�L,.-
<br />- `��S�. by this Sewrity Instrumen[;and(c)agrees ths�t Lender and any other Borrowcr mal.Agrce t�+ex�end,modify,forbear or make ?�r4+���_.I��'_-,
<br />- �";;��:;?r' � , any accommodations with regard io the term of this Security Instrument or�'he �ntc �tii�haut that Borrower's�onsent. : t
<br /> �(,j , �'•.,.`;�'r�4�,��'_�'-,,.::..
<br /> � ; •E��•
<br />- :;;�. 13.Nolices. Any notice to Borrower providrd for in this Security Instrumea�a s�halE be g��en by delivering it or by mAiling ��:��r�yk.Fk���
<br />� ��.r�.,;;,,�,• , it by first class mail unless applicable luw rrquires use of unother rrn�r�h�,x1. The nrnice shall br clirected to the Property Address 4'"'°�'��'��;�,:��t�,:.:_
<br /> �,,:,i.1,i:,� , S�;� � �� or any other address Borrower designatcs by nutice to Lendcr. .4ny aa.�z6,:c lo Lendcr shnll be�d�en by first class mail to Lendcr's � , �F�,�? !�.�{
<br /> ' j,� a��ess stated herein or uny address Lender designates by�no�ice�o Borrow��.Any noticc providreJ for in this Security Instrument �,i���f�,� y,ik�,;�;�,,�}��
<br /> - „i�•.����.: l�liy ��if�/-w:'.• (
<br /> �•�•:,� ._ '.`i"'. ' sEoA11 be deemed lo have bcen given to BorroWcr or lendcr ��•hen given as providrd in this paragraph. ,�,5'.,,:,•}•i ,•,`,�r ��i„
<br /> • �i �; <��.:��,�' • . ..�,,.; _ ;,��.:�;,.ti.� ,
<br /> �''.'.;'. � �?�;�(��•'•�{� {.f`' �;;;:'•' 14.Governing l.aw;Seve�billty.This Security Ins�rumcn�Shall bc go�•crncd by Fedrral la��•and the law vC thc jurisdic�ion i�t;,;..�,•�� �,,,
<br /> � ' 't" �'�"�';�� � in which the Propeny is locuted. In the�r�ent that any provision ur clau�e a(Ihis Security 3n�arument ur the Note cunflicts ,}�S;;;;�.�,,f',�ti ..�t•,
<br /> .•,•,.::,a.�•_; .
<br /> Fi`�'`'�.f,''.: ' �it�l,'t'':� Nf�h t wpthout thc o tli ting pro�h on��•l�o t hi.r�end�th�pro�i�ion,� thihikti«urit}��InsUrum�n�`and hetNo c�ahr de lared to 1 i�.tt 1�;"j;;;'�t'��'
<br /> �. � , , z fe t,,�,t,'i:• •,. .
<br /> ,;�L_.�, .
<br /> t1,����li' �� besc�•crablc. �• ���i,".
<br /> r�. . �,, ,
<br /> �:•{,
<br /> �`•�f'� 15. Borruwcr'��'op�. Fk��ro��rr ,fi�ll hr Lnri¢ ��r:: .:unl��i�n�d .u4�} rt t!:,. ,:.•��•it> In.i�umcm. '�:'.,:i�., � .
<br /> r � �J��•i'.t '
<br /> . , ���....: ,.. ;' ... 1,,,�,•;.�
<br /> " "�;�;� 16.Assi�inem of Renls.Borrower unconditiona➢@}a�vigns an�cr:,n•t'rrs ii�Lendcr all thc rrnt,and revenucs of the Praperty.
<br /> � ;':;,•:'.
<br /> "'%:�;�� ' Bocrower authorixes Lender or Lender'�agents�c��oGt�:�[�e rents an.i rc��nuec and hereby dir�r�s each�enam of the Propeny , ,
<br /> ��'�'1'' tu pay the rents to Lrnder or Lender'�a�ene5. HuNr�rr. prior to Lcnda:r'�no:i�e to Uurrowcr ol'eorrov►rr'i brea�h of an}•
<br /> '"i'���1`'' covenant or agreemenl in the 5e�uri[c Imuument. E3�>rru��cr+hall ci�lle�t anJ r�rei�c ail tenl�and re�enae►��t the Property
<br /> i,...,:;;. �
<br /> + ;t� �• �� . , as trustce for thr bencfit of Lendcr and Nurrc�wrr. l�hi� a�si�cnm�m ��f reat.�d�mritur��. an aF�olutc a�+�gnment and not an
<br /> ,�:.•--_� . ..�.
<br /> �.'�.:,-,._..- . assignmrni i�� ..uuu�..�...� .,::�:::: :...,. ; .
<br /> ', . li'Lendcr�i�•r�nuticc uf brca�l7 ro liurruarr:lal all rcnt�rc��i�rJ h� Ff��rr.�ucr.h.ill h,:Ucld h�•Narroarr a,�ru�trc lur
<br /> . ' henefit of Lender only, to be applirJ io thr �um..rrurrJ b��ihc tie�un�� F��•n•um�nt: Ihl I ender.hall hr rnti�lyd tu cullect
<br /> and recei�e all oi thr rem,ut �he 1'ra�xrt�::�nd 1�1 rach ien:un ul ihr 1'n��.:rr� .I�all r�� all rcnt.Jue.inJ unp;ud i�,1 rnder •
<br /> . or Lender'y agem un Lrndrr'• ��ntten drmand �o th�:irnarn.
<br /> Burrowcr ha�nut r�c�utcd am pn��r a,.iEnnunt��I�he rrnh:wd Ici.nu[;ind��ill nin rrrt�►rm,im.�:� ih.0���nil�l�,ir�rui
<br /> Lcndrr from c�rrci+inµ i�+ ri�ht.undcr thi, paraEraph Ih.
<br /> Lrndcr,hall n�n tn rryuircd��,��ur� upun.tal�<<unttul ul ur ma�utain thc Ih����e�l� hct��rr�a.�Itri�i�mF nau.r�,I hrr:�rh
<br /> • � lo Horroacr. Hu��e�cr. (.�nd�r ar a �udiciall> appoimrJ rr.enrr ma> alu.u,u am nmr ihe�r i• .i I�ira.li. \n> .q���li:.iuon
<br /> �. . i►f rcntti�hall nut �ur�ur ��m«am Jel:�ull ur imaliJ:ur;ut>„thcr n�:hi��► rrmr.l> �,t I rndc�- I h�..�..icnmcet ,�t itnt� ,��
<br /> .. �hc Pro{xrt�•.hall tcrminatr ahen th�Jcbi ,r�urcd h) th� tiitiu�u� In.um�irn� �• �au.l in lull
<br /> � ��,.v, ,,. �
<br /> . ;
<br /> . 1
<br /> �
<br />