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i..c: �r.. . �Y . . . . . . .., .. ' � . . .._ <br /> ...'_ "�' .._w. .. ' . . . . . ' .. 4i� 1 ... -I. ',i' , r _, - . .. � y�. <br /> • . ' . . ' ,. °�^' � �8�•1�9� �,.. <br /> y parloa.dw l,aeaa.requMe�. n�e i�urenoe ca�ppv�d(a�a�o i�w�noe�t�l�de chac�a try aar+�w�ar.u�ea to uoa�r �. <br /> � +y�poa►v which�n�a bo un�ooaay,w[tlu�ola. If e«nowe�fid4 w an�i�N�n aqpibea+�bova Load�r mw.�t . <br /> .�� `, Lendarti aption.obt�ieco�v�a�e 1�p'atect l.a�detl�d�in dia Propany in�ccatd���th pa+��ph R <br /> � All imyr�roe policles�nd Rnew��116e�o�ept�ble to L�endEr au�f t�ll Include�aand�td mort�e cl�u�e. I.ende� <br /> . ' �halt lave tbe tl�ht to twld tl�e policia�nd ronnw�la, lf t.rnder roqdre�,8a►ower�hdl ptemPUY�ive w L�eader�11 reoelplt , <br /> of pid pro�aiwns md�erawal ratkey. !n�he eva�t of loa+.pamower sh�ll�iva prompt natke to the ip�ur�e o�u�nd , <br /> � Land�er. I.a�der may m�ko peoot'ot lou if not m�de P�mPUY by Banav�er. <br /> 1.���_�,�t� Uole�l.ender�nd Batower df�wice sgroe in writing.Insutinoeproceeds aiull be appliod w ie�wntloa a ee�ir oP <br /> 1he�e�ty d�d, !f d�e roctoratian or�epwir i�eoonomicdly fc�c bli e s�nd I.anderh security fa not le�ened. If tlte <br /> an or is oot ecanomicaHy fo�wibb or L.ender�secwity would 6e les�enod.the inwruioe prooeeds sluill be <br /> �ppUed to the sur�u cecwed by thic 3ecud�y Insaument.whdher or not Il�eo due.wlth any aaaea p�id w iiarowar. U <br /> Borrower�baMau the Property,ar doee aot answer wilhia 30 clyrs a autice from l�a�dcr tiuit the imurruioe canier Wu <br /> of�'aed to saple x claim,�hen Len�ler may cal{ec�Q�e insu�u�ce praceeds. l�ender�y uso�he prucoed�to repair or re�tae <br /> Ihe P�oporiy or w p�y swnc�ecurod by th�a Socurity M�truroem.wt�ed�er ar not Ihen due. 71�e 30-0�y�xtiod will be�ln wben <br /> tho notica is given. ' <br /> Unles� Lender and Bomowar otheiwise agroe in writin�.�ny �£pn�eoods to princip�d shall not oxlend or <br /> postpone tbe due Aale of�he monlhly puyments rcfemed to in�ra 1 and 2 or change tlio amount of the pAymenos• lf <br /> -- � wMdet p�h 21 the Propeny i�x►r�phai by Leoder.Bo�mwerh right to Any irisurane��rcnlicies and p�noc�oeds r�itua� <br /> .:��oin�u�e to the i�YnpeqY Pr�or k�z�e acqui�itiai chqll pa&s w I.eAder b tll0 e�ctent of the swns cecu�ed by Wa SecuritY <br /> , '.��t�cc�t�immediate�y pSior w th�t ac�u�isi�lion. <br /> � �P�B� �'reserv�tloh, Ms+i�ten�nce pad Prolcctian ef IMe Property; Borrowe�'� �.aacw Applkallooi , <br /> _ '��'�'�., , y,awebaldt. Bormw�ar�h�ll oocuPY.establish,+u�d use the Ptaperty as Borrower!�principal residence�►7tl�ifi si, daya�fter ., , <br /> h <br /> �:�.. __--. ---__— �� �.tbe.pX�;Wip�i of U�is Securlty Inslrument end�11��rnu�tocMxupy U�e PropeRy ns tiorrawerk pdralpal farat - - <br /> -- -- kasl�nia: �rear afl4r.�tD�c date of occupancy. unleas Lender oe?�ervvixe writing. which conscpi r � �na�t !be <br /> - unre�or+ubly withheld,or unless extenuating ci�unnnsnances exisr ahich are beyond Borrower�s control. Bortower ahall nat <br /> destroy.damage a�im;�uir Ihe Property,allow the�iperty ta detcriorale.or commit waste an the Property. 8anawer ah�ll <br /> . be in defrult if any f�rJeiture acdon or proceeding,whether clvil orcriminal,is begun that in Lender�s gaod fAith judgment <br />- ' muld tesult in forFelture'of the Propeny or otharwisc matedally impalr the lien created by thls Stcurity lnatiument or <br />_� Lendot�ateuriry intet+es� Horrowe�may cure such a default and neinstate,as provtded In paragraph causing the action <br /> _ or p�ucee�iing to be dismissod with a nding�hat,in I.enderk good faith determinwion,prec�udes fortbiture of the Bomawer� <br />;;,1 i�terest in tho Praperty or other metedal impairrnBnt of tbe lien cieated by this Security Instrument or [.ender�s securi¢y <br />_ interes� Borrower shall also be in default if 8omawer, during the loan application process. geve materially falae or <br /> " inaccurate infortnadon or statements to l.ender(or failed to pmvide I.ender wi�h any mater�al information)in rnnnect�on w11h <br />�` the loan,evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, repr+esentations concerning Borrowers occupaacy of Ihe <br /> — Property as p principa(residence. If thie Securiry Instrument is on a lesisehold.Bomower ehall comply wilh all the provlsions <br /> - - -- <br /> •• of the lease. IF BorrAwer scquire�a fee title to thc Property.the leasehald and the fce tille shall nat merge unlesR I.ender Agrees <br /> :�, , • to the margcr in writing. <br /> 7. protection aY l.ender's Righta in tbe Property. If Bomower fuiln to pecform 1hc covenants and agneements <br /> • contained in Ihls Securily Instrument,or ther�c ir u legal praccedin� thul muy cigniFicundy affect L,ender� rights in the <br /> Pcoperty(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,probnte,fix conclemnaiun or forfefture or ta enforce laws or regulatlons),then -- <br /> l.ender may do and puy for whutever fa necessary �o pmtect the value of the Property and L.ender's rightx in the Property. Q- <br />- L.ender�actions may lnclude payi�g any sumx ssecurcd by n li�n which hu�priarity ovsr thiR Security Insuument,appearing -- <br /> in couR.paying ncusonablc attorneys'fees and entering on thc Property to make repairs.AltMough I.ender muy take action <br /> v. . under�his pamgrnph 7.l..ender dces not huve to do so. - <br /> � �' Any amounts dlsbursed by Lendcr under this p,uagrnph 7 shall become udditional debt of Borrower secured by this ��`_- <br /> �''�;" �' Security Insvumen� Unless Borrower und Lendes ugree to other term+of paymrnl,these nmounts shall bear interest from the <br /> •r date of disbursement at the Note rete and shull be payable. with interexl, upon notice from l.endcr�o Borrower requexting � <br /> puyment. � <br /> ' & Mortgage Insurance. If Lender reyuirecY mongnge in+urrnce as u condition of�+iaking�he laan seeurcd by u�i� <br /> I� � � <br /> ;" Securit Instromem. Bomower shnll a the remiums uimd ta mAintc�in the mort a e msumnce in cifect. If. for an �' ' <br /> �� � Y P Y P �1 F F Y �:;-: <br /> � reasa�, the mortgage insurance covemge reyuired hy Lenckr lapse� or ceuses to be in eifect. Hc�nower shall pay the _ � <br /> - !, �! premiums required to obtain cover�gc substuntiully cyuivpiem to the mortgage inxur.�nce prerious�y in efiec�, at a cost =____ <br /> . �' �,s•� subs�ontially equivalent to the coFt to Borrowcr of the mongaLr insurance previously in eficrt,faxn An aitemate mc�rtguge -- <br /> �- <br /> .:'�.���5 ,.s.;n� Insure�approved by Lendrr. If subst,�ntiully eyuivalent manga;c inxurunre cuvcruge i,noT.�cai0ubir, �orrower sh�U�pny to .� <br /> Lender each month a sum eyuul to one-twelfth of Ihe yeurly martguge insurun��e premium F►eing puid by Bortower when the �'-`-- <br /> •e <br /> insurance coveroge lapsed or ceased tn br in effec�. Lendrr will accept,uw and ntuin ihe�puymentti a,a Ic►ss reserve in�liru <br /> - �.� of martgage insurancc. La�s reserve paymentti muy nu k►n�rr he rcyuired,ai d�option of Lender, if mongage i�evurance �o. <br /> �� ;t;,;;.;;���'.., coverage(in the nmount�d for the period thut Lendcr reyuire+l provided hy un insurcr upproved by Lender ugt+in becart�es ��- <br />`+ �`�'r�''�� available and is abtuined.Barrower sh�ll pay the promiumti�eyuired to muimuin nuingage in.urunce in effe��.or to pmvi,;,le a �' <br /> p�'�`J�' loss reserve.until the requi�n�erN far mongage insurunce ends in acconiunrc w•i�h,�ny written agrcement between B.wrower ��, <br /> , �. <br /> �• <br />!�' ' and Lender or upplica2�le luw. F�'`:;, <br /> �- �'� • 9. Iaspection. Lender or its agent muy makr r�u�onahle rntdc.u�n und in,prctionz uf the Prapecty. Lender shall �"- <br /> ` �`��• ' ,,`'� ive Borrower notice at Ihe time of or nor to un ins �lion, cit'�in nasonnMe cuu�e 1'or the im �t�on. •�:- <br /> —, �' 6 P� 1►�' Ik R P��. <br /> %' .`. '•"� ' ' � '� 10. Condemnatloa. The meceds of un uwanl nr rlaim fi�r dama �� dircct or con.c uential,in eonnection with an � <br /> ,. , � ¢d�ti . P Y F' • 4 Y —• - <br /> , .. :,:,. i,�;,t���, �:�:�-. <br /> `. �;�1a�1�.;')�;�����*;, 5ingk f�tnilY••�nnak M�dFhddk�Wc UVIFYNtN INtiTRUMkNI'.•Uroti�tn C�i�en;w�r 9J90 qwKrl,y n�uss� N�}" <br /> Grcn faW'a Iw�t�Falr.hK' � �1`.:A. <br /> ar�� j,� � . m a+w c.u.��uos�rs�eo o rNt aw7e�•t ui ��.- <br /> � � f` t:y ti�� <br /> �; .� ��{ �{},� �'" <br /> -' �' x��'t C:''�:� ' ti,�! <br /> �{: �.�p�. s. '?���... ;.. `.. ..�r.... . �t 1.� . <br /> _� �' �rt.. . . . � . . ';' , ' . .t ., . <br /> � '�t'tY'.1 c.. .a�'j�:' Yr;..,;+, . , �t 1•;.. `<< �-., <br />._ p•/-;�+r'•c�• .�•,�etat;''pJ;r.. , . tia.. ',� �ll. .,i1�'r•� :1:1��kt?�..Y.<.:.«q,.. .� J`.c`i.r�_ .. .�....�..,�'�'�:..�;v <br /> �,�v 1 �j ��$ :�'�: .ti�� �....y. .;;.;. '^` '+.. y"� � :.,(�� I , <br /> ` s�Ylilir;Fws�4d�*3�.�sra�m!(e1LC.°��:��(���,/ ��}��`�{`�S(� �-`'`, �'�ly.� �{' l!.` I1')._ � y�/�M .. <br /> ..Llill��St 'l� •./}IS41f�k1/VYlil�ll�itfli)111MU}�S1YYN,w K C!•_�M�.4p�YL�IU�Q.SJl��O�..J. <br /> _ --- ��-r;� .�� - - � ���•� - �. �.r�rjl���e . ,�r` T'�+ �,�� -.G...---�;�•;�r�`��.11{.^`7'i.�� -k�5�.-�=� -?...-. i'.�" G ni:,�-'T-'= <br />..,�` , ! ,o _, r� . `:- ;�� c t;)..T . � �r . . �I'T;�'/. ... • '1`•y• . <br /> � �, Vy � ,�,_.r� ,�• ; r r , t,: i•. ' �' . y <br /> � r�4� �°Y � �a r� �q�l r '�� � � �'�IJ , . � ��..;'ic. ;�:' <br /> 2 U,. 'a�� .J.H�S:�i'1'�.4h ..,�•. - L ' . .'fl:,. _ . . .. ., - .�•, • - <br /> - _ ,��;-r..R ..���i" �.- '�=r�;�l���r , 1; r�'r� .. . .:� ,.� y,�•.� .y,,:�.�prk f'�.�,i j''�.�.��x: . . j �J�}�l�'� .' . -- . <br /> 's� ' ��� � . � -. . .. -'� r� • � �� . _ <br /> — s� r , i - .. - <br /> _� .�� � � .:-a o, � t` �,it �! ,. •'� i �Tdi1,r: � . �"v 3 ? <br /> ".,� �yT�ig� ,�rt .fw :. 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