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da . ,-�� � l, ' ____."-----. .-- -------—�S�i'ty'�y7i�y.��.rr° r--rr.� ...t ._ ._ . - -` _—�- - - -- <br /> .�.�..,,�.�1}t. . 1� '• - - . . �6�Ik'y�`rvrtw+ y''S�{�r:��TYT�'r.4.i��Gi.v a��'Y6fe� � ' � .l�.;..�:.:.. <br /> � �, n5N :1 �:"tl�w. . . . .. .♦ . I � � ' .. __."��_ <br /> ., .. _ . , . 9�- �� . . <br /> 7�oa6THme wi'�H�iu u���w«�►oa.paw a b�wR«a�ea on u�e prop�+y..�a ail a�n�r,�Qu,ee�w�a,�. . <br /> �ud Astu�11�1P���prt al'd�eprop01��I: llll��wd�ddida��11�Mo b�covw�d by Ilib 3i�ou�iq/ r; �,�..�:�_ <br /> — . �al. AIlD�l101bre�oi�b t�iYrllbd W iO IW 80pKlty 6MYMMK�t dM"1'roparyt." <br /> eoRl�oweR oo`�NAM1 S nw Bartower k uwfuuy.�Mea a the aq�le naroay vomeyea..a Ma a,e d�bc w p�at . `� ' <br /> pad oouvey 1b�p�opsrty add 1lw d�a Propeity i�ua�w�b�d,�:apt!ar a�aunbanoes of rocad Ba�row�r w��ot�rad .. <br /> wiU defaW�ona�l(y tbe dtle w t6e Pro�aarty yaiwt aq c1WM�ad dan�sd�.wbJea lo�ny aiawa�noe�af reooed. ' <br /> ' THIS SB�CURITY M87RUA�IT oo�abina unifonn coYen� for ationd ws aid no�rwiEarat ao+��Meb,� .- <br /> .—_ .' limikd v�ui�ioni by juri`a�aion w ooNtcw�e.w�iram.eauity I�uuu�aeat covwia��e�l p�operey. �� ' <br /> a^� --- - - --� 11NIPORM QDVBNANi'S. Barowex ud 1.a�der oovenW aadap�e�t tollowt: � <br /> 1. Plqwpit a�PrJ�lpl a�d IrterMi�!'��a�i L.Mt Criea. 8arowa��11 P�Y P�Y wl�en duo the <br /> �of�nd inta�at on tiie deb evWe�wad by tho Nate u�d�ay prop►yment atal l�te s due wider the IVata, <br /> i+�t�4 tar 7Yiu�a�d tn�uraNOe. Subja�W�ppilc+�ble I�w ar a+�wdtten w�iver Lrender.Bortow�a��ludl p�y w <br /> La�der on the day maruhl9 WYmenu�ro duo widcr Ihe iVoto.wNl the Nate I�paid in iwll.�swn l"Fi�od�")for.(�)Y�Y <br /> uu�a aad�wWch may�tadn priaity over Ihi�Securitf►fn�uumenl u a lien a��iw Propatr:lb)3�ariY le�lald <br /> _. _. « payweow or�rouod� ao�he Pro�aty, iP any: (c) Ye�rly iut�td or propesty iawrarcc praN�nns: (d)yeuly flood <br /> io�rr�oee pr,miam�. d�ay:ttJ� Yeuiy moA�e lnsur�aae pr�u��if+�qt:+�d(�+�nY�P�Yabb by Bomwve�W <br /> . l.eede�i��coond�oe wid�tho�ovidons of p�ngrnph Ifa�of 1�e p�ymcM oi nartg�go in�unnoe promium�. 71�e <br /> i�aaa ao c�llod"Estmw Ipem�. Lender nuy��+t any Nme.cdlat Md Ao�d f�od4 in�n WmouM not w e:aed the auximum <br /> aaount�Iander for a federatly �elated nnongAge loan may�apira t'or Botmwerti es�mrv�ccouunt uMer the fedeal Rsal <br /> F.s�te Sdtlemaq Prooedu�es Act of 1974 ae ameMed from tiq�e to dmc.!2 U.S.C.�2b01 Nse�q l"RESPA").unlets anolher <br /> law dut appde,�to�he�sas a lesser�anoun� If w.l.ender aaX tiaAe.eollan w�d hold Red�la�n�nouu�t not to <br /> - ___ -- <br /> exux.i tha ksacr wui,wd. i.nnaler a� esamate the amour�t oP Fuads due oa Ine b�sis oi ciorait d�a aod�ombte <br /> -" ep�utia of eape�dihues of fWUro F.scrow Items or dhawize in�eca�d�oce wiW applicable�w. <br /> -- 7be R�nds s1uU bc held in iut institutlon whose depoeiq uo ins�ae4 b�r a fedetd a�aic�r.isa� entityr <br />_--..� (includjng L�enda�.if l.ender is such an institudon)or in any Federal Haaa i.aan B�nk. Lender aUall�pply the Rmds W PwY <br /> the Frcrow Items. Le�ader mey not chuge Borrower for fwlding�nd s�lying the Wnds,uuw�lly atalyccia�t6e acrow <br /> --� • eocoun� at verigr� tAe Esrrow Itema. unlcss L.ender paya Bormwer intuest an tbe Wnds �nd applicable I�w permin <br /> ' "�~ l.eoder W mAk�e�.w�',7 a c1�+rgc. However.Lender may�w�Barower to pay a one-lirne cl�arge for�n independent nyl <br /> �"�� ��;,�. � estate tau�partang sorvice uua9 by Lender in connectioa v�nth tlds lan.unless applicablo law proWdea dfierwise. Unless an <br /> ��'��� agneetpe�t ia mAde or w►plicabk law roquires intcrest w be paid Lender shall not bc roquir+ed w p�y Bamwer�ny lntercst a <br /> '�� �` � , eamings an the Fuqds. Homower�nd Lender may agnee ia writing.hawever.that interest slWl bepaid on the PWnds. Lender <br /> sAaU give to Bonuwer.without�nnual accauming of Ihe FL�ds.showing cRdils�nd debits to the Rmds and 1he <br /> - ,purpose for which e�ch deblt to the Ii�nda wos made. 'Itie�m�a pledgad as addiNonal�eeuriry for all saas sxwai by <br /> , tAis Securiry Insdutnen� <br /> ,-�-� - _ �.�° _ . If�he Funda held bv Lcoder excxd�he amounts g�rmided to be held by aQplk�ble law. I,ender shall aoaonpr t� <br /> �" �'� aonrower for the exceas Fbnds in accadence wlth the mcjuiremenu of applicabk law. If�he sunow�t of the Fund��eM by <br /> �"',�'�,' Lender at any tlme ie not sufficient to pay�he Escrow Items when due.l.ender may so noUfy Bannwer in writ+ng,uMi,iq <br /> '�'i`��%, such case Borrower ahall pay to l.ender the amount necessary to ma0ce up�defickncy. Bort�wer shall make up the <br />- � �' deficiency in no morc than twelve monthly Lenderk sole discretion. <br /> _�t�:;�� ;.. <br />,, •�� ,�, ' <br /> -�'." ��,��r��, Upon peyment in full of all sums securcd by this Secu�ry fnstrument.Lender shdl promptly refund to Borrower any <br />- ' ;���is.j�.g ;w ELnds held by l.endcr. lf,under paragmph 21.L.e�der sh�lA acquire or sell the Propeny,Leader,prior to the acquisition or <br /> ,'�' • '�'��''+� : sale of the Proptrty,shall apply any PUnds held by Lender at d�e�ime of acquisitlon or sale as a crcdit ageinst the sums <br /> _ • .y:�: � . <br /> �' �• securod by Ihis Security lnatTUmem. <br /> . ,.,,,�+�`'��3�� 3. Application ot P�yments. Unless applicablc law provides aherwisr., all payments nxeived by Lender under <br /> �.,'T •. ..kY�. , ' , Paragrapha 1 and 2 ahall be applied: first,to any prepayment chuges due under the Note; sccond,to amounts payable under - <br /> "� ,�• . ,,,�aj:., :,.� paragrnph 2;third,M interest due;fouAh,ta principal due;and lass6 to any late charges due under the Note. <br /> j"'•'� � � 3!';"���, !',�•�'�" • 4. ChprQes; Lieos. Horrowcr shall pay oll texes, assessrnents,charges, fines and impositions attributable to the <br />=1�,;� !�� �+s�'4�•:.; ' Property which may atwin pflarity over�his 5ecurity Instrument,and leasehold paymenls or ground rents,if any, Bortower <br /> ; � . ''���4:���, • shall pay these obligatians In the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrower ahall pay them on <br />°";r`� <br /> -�;�,.;,:. • time di�atly to the person owed paymcnt. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all noUces of umouMS to 6e puid under <br /> 3r.�1�h '`�'1;�- � this paregraph. If Borrower makes these puyments directly,Barrr,wer shall promptly funeish to l.ender receipls evidencing <br /> ,,.f.,, � �� �he PaYments. <br /> ' `°H � ;1��' Bortower shall rom tl dischar e an lien which has norit over�his Securit Instrument unless Bortower:(a)a rees <br />._ �' r,�� �•�4y;fc � P p Y 8 Y P � Y Y g <br /> : ,}j'�! �'1 '•�};�}:;�;''1�., in wrldng to the payment of the obliga�ion secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender.(b)contesis in good failh the <br /> ;:�i,,r, � -;�,p�„„ lien by,or defends agalnst enfacement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the _ <br /> `.�.i�f,+ �. •�;.,;. °�� enforcement of thr�ien;or(c)secures from�he holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the Ilen = <br /> ��� � `''� �•'�% to this Security Qa�suur�xmt, if Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which muy attain priority � <br /> - �. over U�is 5ecurizy Instrurneran,Leoder muy give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall sutisfy Ihe lien or take <br /> -�. �'}.�t." one or more af 1Qae actions se!fmth above within 10 duys of the giving of notice. = <br /> ��b �1i�•4;1i����:;+:�� 5. NASard or PrapePK�Qnsurance. Borrower shnll keep the improvements now exis�ing or hereaft�er erected on the = <br /> b�. +' -• '�•�• Property insure�l against loss by firc,hazards included within the ierm"extended coverage"and uny other hazardv,including <br /> ►� � h' ��i•i� '°��''�—F�r floods nr floading.(or which Lertder rec��ires insurance. This insuronce shall be maintained in Ihe amoums and for the <br /> a. (•r��7 . <br /> f`�►'i��+'��ci <br />= "'.`t't��,t r.,.,i'•r+r ror�3o=1 9/90 fvaRe 1 aJAao�¢ryi = <br /> ;y•;:.� �_. / <br /> '.�, <br /> � �:',i.��.Y; . <br /> ��',� ���i�,��`` . . •.r.•,r• , <br /> t � �_'�'M����k��p�i7.. ',� � :�. . , . �s'� l c• . . . :,i�t y` � .4. ~ r'��3!>�`,�- r•�•�n r. ...�-� <br /> -�V...v- �.t' � � •",. 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