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�..�w�+rq� .— _. _ '-r... . . ..�. '� � _n ... <br /> . . ' . .. _Jf� . ,• ' -��t�q' . <br /> . n _. ' 1- . . . . ..b����- .���t _ • .��J ..g:.� . . '4_��P�i' � <br /> � . �� �� .. . . ., 9�►'�8 � - <br /> ,-:: <br /> . ca�cian�w�o�ar adw aida�d+or art o!thb Prapra,or rar c�o�vey�no.rn��w d aoaa�nw.tiat.«M a.ael►�� � - <br /> . �MIi bo P�a irardx � ,.roc ,�.be qiplled w the wnu�ecurod by dda�c�ek�r ,:�,'�:�,4f; <br /> ln dia event of�tot�l q�ld� ot d�e P�up�Y• pw Banower. ln tAe eveN ot a d the�W � , . <br /> Inwua�a�t�wlatt�or nM.�hea due.wi�h�ny Nceeu psid � P�w�i .., <br /> which�he filr nuuicot vdue of tha Piroipmty Immedhae�y bda�e Idie t�idnp i�equd a or�duu�d�a�a�ow�t ot arr� � ��'- <br /> �eowed by thi�8acudry I��Imte�t immedi�te!y b�e�faro the tatcin�.�lesi Bo�mwer�td l.enier Mber�vire�in�� .. <br /> t11e aans�eairod by thia Seaurity Immuna�t�!I b�ted��ced by tho amount ot the pooeed�'�rtwkat value oP d» ' � <br /> �c�on: (�)the toW�mount nf tbe waa�recured immedi�oely bafoce�he t�kf���divided by tb �� ' <br /> pnoppty immedl�ooly bet'arr tUa t�in�. Any bNl�noe siWl be pUd to 8a�rower. N the evau�f'o pw'd� . <br /> e <br /> p�qty in which tha fair m�u�vWue of the P�p�tY ��y�f���it k�Utwt the anant of sw�n� � <br /> �ecurod immedistely beforo the ,ualeu 8amwar�nd I.enclar othenvl�e�e in wriWia or unku�pplk�b{e l�w <br /> od�wj�e provW�,tbo p�e��u be applied to the wm��ecurod by tflU Seau�ity Lwauma�t whe�w or rot tthe sumr�t�e <br /> d�en due. <br /> IP the�'roperyr ia�b�ndabd by Bomuwer�or if.�fter naloe by Lender w Homawer d�at th�oo�de+nnor offen w nu�ke <br /> en award or sepk�cl�im for d�m�ge�,Bonower fiilt W rc�pond to Lenda witl�ia 30 dqrs t6kr dw dMe�bo notbe js�ivoa. <br /> I.ender��udwcEaed a oollciK and apply tbe proceed��at its opian.ett�a a r�swiraBon or�of d�e 1Ptoperty ar a r1�e <br /> wmi sacwed b�r d�Socu�r last�uao�ent,wMether or not tlkn due. �. a ne a6a�n�1 w�we�d a i%� �,; <br /> Uwiass�I.ender aud 0oaxaWrcr a�vrrise a�ree in wrida�.aq�►e�lEcetlon t�o�.'oeds p� � . • .i�:, _-- <br /> . p a a p w b tria c�te dr�of t�o p�r p�cs r�ferred to in par�Capl�s D�ad 2 a cAnge the�af sa�A pa��nane�Ms, .. .,� '��`r, - <br /> 11, g�p� � ; �e B� I.tudar Nat a W i iver. B xtens ion o f t he t l m o f o r,�i t y++i�d n t ar•. . <br /> .0 <br /> mudificadon of amoidcaNan of the sums secwed by NFs Socuriry Incavment g�anted by Lendar w any auceansn►in i�tenen •� • . . _-- <br /> o f B o n o w e r�1 1 n o t o p e r A t e t o�a l e�s e t h e liobili ry of the ori g in�l Borrower or�otrowerY suaxsaoea in inter��t. I.�nde► . . ._ <br /> stwil nw bes� uired w eotrunen�P�ecdings agaiast any successor in iatenat or rofu�e to exow►3 time for puy,ti�i t c►r: � • _ . <br /> otherwise madi�ty ounatizatian oP ihe sums secw+ed by ihis Secudty Insuumau by reason of Any darru�nd m�de By the origin�l =__ <br /> geKrower or Bon+nwerk su�cesaors in intercst. Any forbearance by l.ender in exerci�ioa ony d�ht or ren�edy�hdl not be a:, — <br /> •' wafver of or p�cluda the exercise of any rlaht or nnhedy. -_ <br /> � lZ. Suocessors and-Asslgne Bouad=Joint and Several Uability;Co-signera. 7'hc wvcnpnts And s�groements of this - <br /> Sxurfty InsaumGnt shaq biad and benefit ihe successors and aasigns of Lender and Bomower.oubjec[to the provi�ions of <br /> p�ragraph !7. Borrowerb covenants and agreements shell lse Joint and severel.Any Horrower who co-signs thjs Secur�ty <br /> Inswment but does not exeaute the Note: (a)is co-sigoing thia Security Insdumetlt anly Io mottgage.grant end convoy th+U ,. <br /> Bamwerh intereat in the Prapetty under the tenns of ihis Security Insuument; (b)is not personally obligated to pwy the sums <br /> secwed by this Secudty Insuumenr,and(c)ag�ees that Lender and any other Borrower moy agroe to extend.modify.for6ear <br /> or meke any accommadaUons wilh regard w�he terms of thir Security In�dument or the No� without that Bormworti <br /> cnnfent. ' <br /> 13. Lqan Clwrgea if the laan secuoed by this Securiry In4trument is subject to a law whkh seta maximum loan <br /> charqes.end that law is tinally into�p�eted so thac�he inteiest o�olhc�1uw�ci�arges coliecied or to!�ro!lectaF ia co�cn <br />-= with the laan exoeed the permitted limits.then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by tha amount necessary to reclucc <br /> � � the chargc to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already collected from Borrower which excxeded pertnined limits will ba <br />- � �efunded to Borrower. I.cnder may choose to make thia r�efund by reducing the pdncipal awed under thc Note or by making A <br /> direct payment to Bortnwer. If a rsfund roduces principal,the r�eductian will be treuted as a partial prepayment without any <br /> prepayment charge ander�he Note. _ <br />. 14. Notices. Any noti�b to Bonower provided for in this Secu�ity Insaument shall be given by delivering It or by <br /> mailing it by firct class mail unless applicuMe luw requires ura of unother melhad.The notke shall be directed to Ihe Property <br /> Addmss or any other address Bomnwer designates by notice to I.cnder. Any notice to L.ender shsll be given by firsl class <br /> mail to I.ender�s address swted hcrein or uny other udd�ess Lendcr designates by notice to Borrower. Any noticc provided for <br /> in this Security Instmment shall be deemed to have been givcn to Borrower or L.ender when given as provfdod in this <br /> ra — <br /> �lS�Governing Law; SeverabflNy. This Security Instrument ahall be govemcd by fedeml law and the law of the _ <br /> Jurisdfction in which the Propeny is lacated. In tha event ihat any provision or clause of this Security InstrumetN or the Note -- <br /> conflfcts with applicoble law,such conflict shall not affect other provlsions of thi�Secutity Instrument or Ihe Note which can � <br /> be given effect without the conflicting pravixfon. 'Ib this end the provisiona� of this Security Instrument and ihe NWe a�e �" <br /> declered ta be Reverable. �-; <br />- l6. Borrower's Copy. Bonower shull be given one conformed cupy of the Note nnd of this Secudry Inslrument. �_ <br />_ 17. 'IMansfer of the Properly ar a Heneficial interest in Borrower. If ull or any pan of the Propeny or any interest in = <br /> it is sold ot trunsiernd (or if a beneflcinl interest in Bortower is sold or transferred and Borrower i�not a natural person) �:: <br /> withouc Lender�s prior wrilten consent,Lender may,ui ita op�ion,require immedfute puyment in full of ull sums secured by �; <br />- ihis Security Instrument. tlowever,this option shull not be exercixed by Lender if axercise is prohibited by federul law as of �;-; <br />- the date of this Security Instrument. _- <br /> If Lender exercises this option,Lender ahall give Borrower notice of accelerution. 71�e notice shull provlde a periad of � <br /> - not less�han 3a days from the date the notice is delivered or muiled wi�hin�vhich Borrower must puy all sums secured by this �' <br />�- Security Instrument. U Borrower foils to puy these suma prior to the expirntion of this periai, Lender ms�y iavoke uny <br /> f_r,: <br />° remedies pertniued by ihis Securiry Instrument wilhout further noticc or demund on Burmwer. .__:. <br /> � l8. Borrower's Rigl�1 to ReinstAte� If Barrowe�mee�x cenain conditions, Borrower shnll huve the right to have �, <br /> enforcement of this Secunt�Ingtrumenl dis�:ontinued aa am t�nx p�w�to 11k curl�er of: Ia)J days(or such other penod a�c t� <br />- �; <br /> S�npk Family•-Fannie MaclF�eddie Mac UNI�ORM IN�"fRUMkNT•-UMf«m Covenanu 9/90 1/wRt�njb po�+l ,fl- <br /> H <br />- ■::: <br /> • � <br />._ �i� <br /> — -- . � "A;%i.',t 1e�'f}n•. •��j�; ' � �"'�`w��e <br /> �+r�-_nvc -T,--�i_ ��•pR91AlIR q }T_� _�� i�1 �:. .�. x _ �) r -jiJ � 5 �� ��• t]1��yj i � !�..•�:.r' �.. <br /> ��_,„. .. 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