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-` _n°Q�_-� .. ..�.*,�C� - . .' � =-_._ ,��. .•nti�-a� ..�..�rr•:W�.- - �' � • _ � ,� = <br /> •.n�Sq� �" +� • . b �. . ' I- Y�'� . <br /> Y� .Q.���k�i���. SOffON�f�� �iw �f10M �I� Q��hl'QrElyd aM fd <br /> ih <br /> ,R�%p�+Ay M�aMrd�pdmt kiM by Art�b�aal�d�i�ciWdMd�willliai�r��us sb�1�~��� a�ed*���� ., <br /> , �, �rNiab�L�nd�r ia�anMOe '�'f�► <br /> qpit ll+�ior�qrh�it.'[1�hw�o���idi�1M.i+�wnas�1 ba dioMa by Bor��wl�Ct to L�nd�r'��pprav�l�� :_;.:..�r. <br /> WAid�1��Ot bi Y�IOrIp��y NII� BOHt11Yi/1'�I!�d 1pvA{dA P0'M�1�0 dOiCf�b��1010. Li011dQ�I. �L�10r�� •:,f � <br /> apiva,ubt�p oow�t w p�oA�et Lad�ef'e tl�ha iq Ihe Pnoperty la �000�d�iwr wi�p�r�apb 7. ..;,.n <br /> l�ll i�wa�oe polidbr�ud �al�atull be a000puWe a Laider yod�Il ir►ctude A aaad�rd awrtao�e daua. [.a�dr . <br /> � �Inll IMw ths�i�Mt to hoid tbe polida aad�eaaw�b.if trende��aquinow�otrawar�II pr�uraplly Rive ta I�andeu all rooaipt�of - <br /> - ��___ _ _�_-_, pdd pwn�wn rd��I notk�e�.ta ehe event ol'losd,Bonowar�I!jiw�p�apt notioe te tiw iwuapoa a�ttior�nd L�MiK. <br /> lrawla au�y adoe poot of loa i!not mde P�o�tIY b3►Bor�rower. <br /> Unlea Laide�tnd 9amawer ad�dwi�o�nae in writinj►imw�noe pi000d�l��11 bo�pplia�d to te�wion or repdr of 1ba ;; "` <br /> PropatY dMa�ed. if d�e natot�tian ar�ir i�aoaiomically li�ulble�nd Lander's iecurlry i�not lea�'the�eaa�adon ar <br /> �ir i�nat aoorondcwlly fe�uible a�[�nder's secudty wauld be le�ened,tbe inwn�noe pvoeod�atWl be�ppiiod to d�e and <br /> wea�rad bY ti�Soaa�itY I�du�t. wbalher or nat dtea dua. with�ay e�tce� pdd to Bortowa. tt Borrower ab�ndom the <br /> P�oQaty,ar doa oat�nwe��tliia 30 d�y�s aotloo fiom I.awla tbat tbe inwranm canier haas of�'erod w�ettk�cWa�,thea <br /> Lmder miy odlat the i�wraaoo puooed�. L,rndar aa�y u�e the pooeedR w �ir ar re�eone 16te P�opaty a t�u pqr wm� <br /> �e�rod by t�Seam��Imawaant.wiKtMer or no1 t6d�dac.The 30�dt�y pxlod wrill be�in Mrl�eu die aotioe i�RiYea. , <br /> vakw r�ad�aa Barow�a othawi� .yoo in wri�, wy.ppi�ioo of p�o�eea.w priod�l ia�u�ot .a�d ar <br /> poapoee�ne aue a�te or a�e mo�uuy pymeaa Rrarea w ia pr,�gn�p�M � .�a 2 a am�e tl�e.aaouot o�f we Q.ymera. U <br /> . u:der pia�gaph 21 �de Propaty is aoqui�ad by I�ander.Ban�nw�r'c right b aay 6iwraaoe pdicia and prnoaods rowldq�fno�m <br /> _;�� doa�e to the P�npaty p�ta�l�e aoquititioa ch�ll pm w I.�d�w We esteat ot'�he aanc seouted by f6i�5eairi�y Ia�f��meot <br /> �_,� _.:..�.:;.n�_,;� �Y���_;,�- <br /> - - . f�po�poty.PnsavstloA.[►1wiWtea�wcsr nd P+otectloa ot 1Me Propaty:Ba�t»w�r's Laao Appl�tlo�i i�dwldr. <br /> Bamwu chall ooeupy. est�Wish.�i the P�apR.-�ty as Botmwer's prinap�'rcsida�ee wjthin sixty ci�ys a�dr tho ena.vtion of , <br /> this Secutity It�ctnuna�t atd slwll wtRinue ta aocupy the P�openy as Burtower's priadpal nesi�l�oe foP ut leaet ona y^�r dtu <br /> _- the date ai oavprrr,y, uNess[pwle�utherwlse agroes in writ�ng.which ooncait slWl not be uiuracoa�bly withAPAd.or un{os� <br /> - - extawuuir+g cinymst�wcs e�dst whjch ar+e boyand Borrowrr�s aontml. Borrower shall not de.uroy� da�nage or inp�uir tl�e <br /> — Pmpe�ty.allow tbe Pmp�e�ty b deterio�ate.or commit wa�te on tlu Prvperty. Bon�nwer slwll 6e ia defaWt ii�ny forfeiwre <br /> act�a�or pnnoceding,wbdber civil or begun th�t in l�ender'r good faf�h judgmau oould result in forfdwrc of the <br /> — —..W Piope�ty or dhezwisc iu�terially impair the lien crcated by this Savdty Inurume�t or I.eoder's sacurlty inte�est.Bomnwer may <br /> — curc wch a default aad provided in parag� l8. by causin�Ihe xtion or proc�eading to be dismissad wiW a n�ling <br /> _ -__— ' thu. in I.ender's�ood,faith determination. Preclwdes forfeitwe of the Borrower's intercst in the Property or otl�er materi�l <br /> . .....,..a . <br /> __. _-:.: im�saxsst uf tl:e !)m esested by slsia S.xndty fs�stsus:sesa ar I.a�er's secstrity intesssl. �wtf sbn!! el� be in def�ult if <br />� -- --�� Borrower.duri�g the loan application process.gaa�materially Palse or inxca�au inforniwion or s�atea¢�:r+c�a to t.rnckr(or fiiled , <br /> ���I� to provlde[.ender with any material inforn�tion)in connectlon with the loun�vide��ced by the Nde. in4.�tw�'�g. but not limitad ' <br />:=r�r�� ' to,repnesenwtions conceming Borrower'a oocupsuuy of the Property as u princip�l residence.If this Seets�oey lnsttumeot is on a <br /> .;°mr;�a%• ' , leaseholcl. B(tt1�OWCf BI18II COIIIpIy K'lt�l RII IFIC PI�DVISIQfL4 OF[IIE ICJSC. If Borrower xquircs fee dUC to the�P�+u,p��y, tl�e <br /> '�A leasehold and the fee Iftic shall not mcrge unless L.ender agrees to d�e merger in writing. <br /> 7.ProtecNon of O.ender's Wghts ia the Prnpcnty.lf Hormwer f�ils to pe�f'orm thc covenants and a�reements contained in <br /> � this Secudty Instrument.or thcre is a legsil proce��ing thet may aignificantly affect I.ender's rights in t�ce Property(such as a <br /> •�___ proceeding in bnnkruptcy.probate,for condcmnation or forfeitun or to enforce laws or re@�Uuions),them L.cnder may do and <br /> �� •.��:;�i'�-. • paY for whatever is neccssary to protect the value af the Property and i.ender's rights i�e etk Property. i.ender's srctionr may <br /> ,,�,;;. <br /> , include p�ying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security lastruonent. appearing in court, paying <br /> ; , re�sonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Propeny to malcc repairs. Although l.ender may tt�ke aaia►n wder this pars�raph <br /> 7,L.e�tder does not have to do so. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by I.ender under tfi�is paragraph 7 sh�ll become udditiotutl debt oF Borrawer securod by this <br /> �'� '� • � SocuHty Tnstrument. Unkss Borrower und Lender ag+'ee tu nther�erms of payment,these nmoun�c xhall 6ear interest from the <br /> ����r�� dAte of disbursement at the Nc►te rate ami shull be � a'�te, with interest. u n natice f�om I.ender la Botmwer r �esti <br /> �,. ..,. :,�� P'Y Po �l �B <br /> . ,.,y�,��?':. ,�.� payment. <br /> � 8.M a t g a g e I n s u ro n c e.I f l.e n d e r re q u i r n l rt k�r t u e i n s u r,�n c e a e a c o n d i t i o n o f m a k i n t h e l o a o s e c ur e d b this Scxvri <br /> °�'�'� 8 B � Y �Y <br /> Instrument. Borrower shall pay the premiumti required to maintain the mortgage insurnnce in effect. If, for any muson, the <br /> �-�`���,`� mort e insurance covern e uired b l.ender la ces or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shall the remiums uirod to <br />_:,_' d,,._,.�;.• SaB 8 re9 Y P• PnY P r'o9 <br /> - '�`� �! ��'' obtain oovero e subslantiall uivaFenc to Ilte mon a e insurance reviousl in effect,ut a cost substonti�ll uivnlent to the <br /> --- ,. '{.�; .9.•�`, B Y�{ & 8 P Y Y�1 <br />--- --�=-'�:f�e,`., wst to Homower of the mortgese insurnnre previ�,usly in effoct, from nn altemx�c mortgage insurer uppmved by Lender. If <br />-:�� � 'r ' � substantially equivAlent mortgage insurntxe cavcri,zc is not availablc. &�rmwer shull pay to Ixnder exh month a sum equnl to <br /> .:; r�?..;.••_,�, <br /> ;�`-�'`,R'±:-, � one-twelfth af the yearly mortgage insurunce premiam being paid by Born�wer when the in,uranre rovernge lapsod or ceased to <br /> •' ���u be in effect. l.ender will oocep�, uxe and retain�he�e puymen4+ns a loss reserve in lieu of' mongoge insurance. l.oss reserve <br /> - — ?E. ��`"+�i:--. <br /> �5{�h{��:i[�F4 . ��8 �I� <br /> t fi' vape a oe B <br /> � .\ :�.J �11 <br />- y/ 1�;} ' . l%4N "� , <br /> '.I .i7.�f'���` r'� . _. <br /> •i l�a <br /> i�{��i` <br />. �' jf�,`'t �����'u� ... <br /> _ �� � ����Y' - -_--_- <br /> , �i,`�� ' ., . - -��-�--�e��•��r,�' Y►,Y.'';1f„ _ 'if(, '�`t`�""""�* '�. <br />:�4. _.s_" ' � �'1-�.� .ti�' :' ��'v• �.t,t� .!t f���:�',''::5� �•-?s _ �'�:,'.�r,. R_.... r... ik: <br /> .� :a;t '� .w �:a, •,,, .:-r�. 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