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� �� . , _ <br /> � ,�M �� 1^� _ ��. .. . - ` "�,� - _ _ ..� . .., t, . -_ <br /> _ _,._ �� . � : . . 4 ., - <br /> ' roae7`[i6R wn'H v�ua+mp�eme�.�►ar b�a�A�aeaoa on t4e p�pen,►.wa�u«.e�a,app�elen�aoe.�.m <br /> AaW�a now or h�rmltar � p�tt ot the propaty. All �eplwemonu ia�d �dditian� �II �la be oowted bY diL�6�a�tilf► <br /> bqqumaat.All of the fo�oio�i�roternd!o ia!W�Seauriry inpnunent�u tha"Pronaty.' <br /> . aonnwowea aov�rMrrs���►er�.�.�uy.�ed�ot�ne wa.e r�►r aon�yea�a�.�e rt�w�c�a <br /> so�vey tho rropaty�na unt tbe Pro�etty is ua�a�mba+ea. exap far a�� or r�eoana. eomuwcr w�re�or�.a ww ; <br /> ddend Qeaer�lly da tiUe a the Proporty a�aiaq all�cl�ims ad da�w�.wbjx[to any a�cumbr�noc�of reaird. <br /> 1HlS gFCpRiTY INS7'RUMENT oombina uaiform oovauuMi for rudond uce and aan�u�ifaia vovawit�.witb Ilo�iled <br /> wrinla�u by juri�dicdon w oo�a�unifarm tecu�ity inmumau ooverin�rod prc�aty. <br /> ,� -- -- -___�, UMFORM COVENAN7'S.8arrawer�nd l.cnder oovawu�nd�noo�followa: <br /> l. PMyaKat of IMaclpd a�d I�taati i�p�7maat�ad i.�te Cb�a�. Bonow�r clu�ll Pro�Y MY wben dua d�e _ - <br /> priacipwl of�nd inu�au oq the de6t evidenood by the Note�nd+my Pre�Yrt�n►�nd lato cl�es duo umkr t4a Noto. <br /> 2. Fiad�far T�za snd Io�urance. Subjoct to�►pliaible IAw or to a writteo wAiver by�dcr. Hornnwu chall p�y w <br /> Wder oo the d�Y�►�Y P�Y��a�due uedcr thc Note.wqil thc No�e i�pdd in full,a wm('Funda")for.(�)YeufY Uutet i <br /> and aa�a�akc�rhich may atWa p�lorfty over thi�Sawrity htsdumau�s x lien an IAe Property:(b)Yearly le�sd�old p�ymmMi . <br /> y or ground nait:ao t6c Prvpaty.if any:(c)Ye�rIY ha�aid or propa ty inwranoc pnmiva�s:(d)Y�Y���P��• - <br /> — if any:lel Y�Y�8�iawronoe pnemiumc. if any:aad t�mY��P�Y�bY&x�awRr to I� a�ocard�000 with .- <br /> — - --a tho Provisions of p�aph 8.ia licu of the paymmt of mortgage iow�uioe p�uwns.Tttes�itaans arc csdlod'Eacmw ltamt.' - <br />_ - -- I,endcr m�y. at my dmc, callec:and hold Fwds in ao awoud�c�t ta e�uxod the mucimum amuunt r� Fender for#fadaally <br />`.'��v, <br />::�.r.�:e. related mottgaige lo�e maf rcquire tar Bomnw�'s escmwr a000uat under thc fakral Real Estate Sdtle�r►c.�at Prooedu�es Act of <br /> � '' 1974 as anra�d�d fiom time to time. 12 U.S.C.Soetian 2601 a sey.('RESPA"),unte�s anollKr law�hat applies to the Fuads <br />:'�'.` , cets a Iesser amaum. !f so. l,dxkr may. at any time.oollect aal hold Funds in an amount oot to exoeed the lesser runau�rt. • <br />'_:�F,� Let�der may¢�imau�fee amoeuu oi Fu�eds d�on the basis oi'cu�rent J�wKf rc��Me�inwles of�xpenJiwrea ut Nu►ia _.. <br /> . <i„ <br /> r Hsaow Itans m otiu.•rwase in xcurdarce with applicable law. <br />`���r The Funds tihaU �e field in an institution whose ckpoaits arc in�uned by a fede�l agmcy, inctrurt�entaliry� ar aaity � <br />���j;� (including Lencler,if l.e�der is such an institution)or in any Federal Hamr Luan Hank. I,ender shall s►pply�he Funds to pay thc <br /> :'};�`±,, F.scrow Itans.Lender maP aat cha�e Borrower for holding aa�ci applying the Funds.annwdly a�wlyzng the escrow a�x�wnt.or __ <br /> �''��`�i} verifying the Escrow Items,unles�Lender pays Borrower ime�c,t o�the Funds and applicable law permits Lender ta muke such <br /> a chargc. Howeve�,Ixader may �equire BarruN�r ta pay a ane-time chsuge for an i�dependent real eswte tax neporting servke <br />:.`*� �� used by l�der io contiection wfth �his laan. ualess applicable law provides othervvise. Unle�� wr :agreement is made or <br /> ,.�,T�,• <br /> �'--�` applicable law roquires interest to be paid. L,rnder shall nvt be required to pay Barrower any or�:amings on tbe Funds. <br /> "�`� Borrower and Lender:ns+ a rce in wrltin however,that interrst sh311 be d an the Furds. Lender stwll rve to Norruwer, <br />,_:.� `i►<�v�.r Y 8 B. P� 8 <br /> ° - ���""� wi�hout rharge, an ann�al accounting of the Funde, showing u�{�d0.1 a11A(I{Jf{[S(O IIIC FUfIdS WId�IIC F1111j1DSt�Of W�IICII CAC�1 <br />.�;;;�«�,�,o,.;.;��;� debl!!o t�x Fs�slg N:�=�i�!Ie. 77�e Funds nre pled�ed as addiu�nol�ric�f�or ull wms secured by this Secur�ty <br />�;;� s --- - If the Funds he:�t t+y Lender exceed the ammnnts permittrrcJ to be heV�b�applicable law. I.ender shall account to Borrower <br /> ���� ��• for the eacess Funds in accor+dance with the requirornents af ug�pfirab9e luw. tl�'the am�unt of�he Funda held by l.ender at any <br />:-w-� } <br /> 3 ;�4• ;,, ' tirne is not su�cient ta pay the Esc.rnw Items when due,L.end�r may so notify Borrower in writing, and, in suoh case Barrower __ <br /> ••.��tT��a, <br /> '� ' f,�•- ahall pay to Leoder the amaunt neressary to make up the deffic�cncy. Bomower slwll mal�:ap the defiaiency io na more tl�n <br /> � ^�� ` � twelve monthly payments,at L.ender's snlc discretion. -- <br /> Upon payment in full of all sums wcured by this Security lnstrumeat. L.ender shall promptly rrffund to Bomawer any <br /> ,,r�'L, • Funds held by l.ender.If,under parngr�ph 21,Lender shall acquire ar��e14 ahe Property. I.ender,prior to ihe acquisitian or sale ° <br /> �•- Y. of the PMperty,shall apply any Funds held by I.cnder nt the aime nf acquisidon or sale�a credit agoinst the sums secured by <br /> � <br /> � �V '. this$ecurity Instrument. - <br /> �,,.. <br /> „� �� ' ??f.�; 3, applicatfon of Poymeats.Unless opplicable law prc��a�uc�rnherwise,all pnyments received by Lender under paragraphs <br />���•r? Y����,• —__ <br /> � and 2 shall be upplied: any prep:+yment chnrges due under t�e f��ue: semnd, to amounts payable under paragraph 2; <br />�"�1' thitd,to interest dut:fouAh,to prf�ipal duc;and lur.t,to anc]ate chru���:tu;under�he N�te. =" <br />' � ' '� �� 1.ChAegesi Liet�.Borrower yfiall pay all laxes.a.gscss�eirnt,.charg�.. fines und impositions auribu�eblc to the Praperty °�°'� <br /> .�4�+ rl:, •r,' �!1.'�'-,' <br /> r,�.'�C•�{f•4���,. . whirFr ma attain riorit over thi� Securit Ins�rument. und Ir.�:clMld ments or r,�und rents, if an Borroaer shall <br /> ii:;., t.,,,t Y P Y Y PLY F Y• paY <br /> {'.)��� :,V ��. <br /> -�:t�^;�:�4�'''� - these.�h3igatians in the munner pro��idod in paragtaph 2,cir if nnt paid in�hut munner,Burtow•er shall pay lhem on�ime cli�ectly ����:• <br /> •',;,r 1���: ` � to thP rson owe.� ment. Bnrn�wer.hull rnsr. t) furnivh to l.endcr ull m►tic��ul'amounts to lx �id under�his ra = - <br /> '';�;�, :�`� pe !mY P P 3' {' F�i� Ph• -- <br /> '�;�` 4�"�� lf Bonower muke�ttiesc paymcnt+direcdy.&�rrnwcr xhull promptly furni.h to l.cnJcr r..�ccipt�evidanna�::�he payments. --- <br /> '" '�>'` ":.>' Borrower shull pmmptly dischargc any licn whirh has priarity avcr thi�Scrurity In��rument unl�ws 8ormwer: IAl agree�in �;:. <br /> -`'r`: ' writing�o the payment uf the obligatinn.rcun�l by�hc li�n icr <�munner arcrp�able�u lx�xler; Ib1 cuntests in gaxi tai�h the lien <br />_ �`'�� J,�,+:" by, or defe�s ugoin,� enforrenxnt ��f thc lien in. Icgal pru�.aeding. whirh in thc l.rixlcr', opinian uper�te tk� petvent the <br /> y' �••�;?"°"-* enforcement of thc lien: or Icl+rcure�fr�im the huldrr��f Ihc litn an ag��ement wli.factury t��txnder+ut►nnlinuting�the litn to � <br />::�:r., :�;� �` �his Securi�y Instrument. If Lendrr Jaerniin��.�hc�t any pap�f�he Pro�rty i. whj�tit tu u lirn which muy uttuin princity nver �' <br />" ����'' � this Securit In�wment. lAnder ma��givc&�rrowrr u m�z�x irlemifying thc lirn. Barr�»�rr,hall ,ati.fy thc lien or tatce one or ?: <br /> '; �n,.:t : Y �r <br /> �,1 '�r�.x�;=, more of the actions set f�nh above within IU dayc��i the:�o�•ua,_ol no�icc. �.`` <br /> �/Ul'A �_.. <br /> � F '_'` Y,�" <br /> -�.+ i- r:�r:^•�,.. � FOI111.�� �.� � — <br /> '�•t�� ��__ <br /> � ��� , <br /> �1:%� " � � - <br /> 1t..>'S, tf .�fi�i4� .1('�.:tc� p�fp 2 0�6 _ <br />,.`-�;• ��4�1; 3.:._i�' �:r,� <br /> r� ,/•°:� ��'y'1(; .�: . R.W-- <br />-. ` ;"M1.��`��p� :..-.�_, r,�:, <br /> ^ '�',:," ; t - . <br /> :;;f`Y ���t.• .iA,:U^? �.:_ <br />� .U� 1+., t.�' :1►t ! ltf�f45 s i�i"'C��f�f" . . Y . , t ' . <br /> .t '�^�• � � , . . , . �.�i '•.ti ' , " <br /> � , , � " <br /> .,, • <br /> 4 � • ,. - " ' . . � 1� S�t�'' � : > <br /> . „�-�y..,a.�.:�.: . .. , . . • c��rfvut�.n, �.'�° <br /> -Y ' 9,QS�Y.�.�T+.a.]�r1'4 � .,, .�. � - i. n+G'�.- • . 14 <br /> . , <br /> �.olti;ai�:'.a�c..• ,; <br /> � .�ati':��„•�•zu..,t� _ �_= _ -•'- - - - - - --- - -� •--'--.a5n�•:icL� ' <br /> A� • � ,� . � . . ,^ • " ' ', .. .-_ ._ '_ — _- � <br /> 't'. , „ • �-:' _ ^ , . <br /> "�:a'v i : ' ti� ,,r'. . . � , <br /> a' ac:_w�a.. . � • ,,1: . .. . •,�.ti'. <br /> ��__ C . . . , t "l�if`+' ti-t'�II',..J..:.'.e{7.• t�. 1 \ •�.e- � , . . _ <br /> . ���� ; '' , T_�M •—=Y ' '� _ . _ . '_ -,�� _�.. f - : � .- . � . <br /> .��i'� Ir fl;tt�• '�\ t .• ` -. '' J !':\_ . ` ..- �1 • .� � �' , � <br /> - �.� . � _f j'. � � 'l' . . � .� 4.. .: � � ,.. .� _.� - - . - . � <br /> e. .. , � . . , <br /> _ � y�, I' �_,• � P- � � � ,� _ , p a ... � �,i V - . . . . ��. ;. ��F. ....�u' 1,i J...; ' . 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