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_�_v.:..=.. . :, _ • .. . -.. .. __ <br /> ...i_ ...•...._..—�x� _ . . ' .i " � ���� . .,�J��.._i _ " - <br /> I �,l <br /> F�Y����be We oplon dl.andar�if naA�e irw�anoe oovarqe(in tue amouat nd fa doe pwi�d <br /> �M�t I.eMer re�quire�)puvlded bY����PP��bY��b�ec�ome��v�il�ble md i�o6ulaed. Ho�rowu��Wll p�y ' <br /> the pnamiwni feqniead w m�iiM�ia rnat�4 iewra�aoo in etYieut.a to provide�law ne�erre,unil�h requi�anan for a�ory� <br /> lmu�noe ebds�u�ouadM►ae wilh ary written NieasaK b�e�o Borroww�ad I.tnda�or�ppliable law. - <br /> i.4�ci1M.La�ler w iu a�t mwy m�ice rcMarble aarla upon�rd i�lon or d�e Pnopaty.l.aider Yull�ive , E <br /> Banaw�c�otlo�e Rt thp Nme of or prlor to�n in�pecdoq*pedfyias ne�roa�bb cMne for tbe iMpeotian. <br /> 1�. Co�d��lon.7Ue prooeed�of au�y Rwad or cWm for damqas.dlroct or oon�equaNW. ia oo�u�edlai witlt tey ; <br /> coada�doa ar ahcr t�IcinQ oP wy p�ut of tla Prapaty.a far ooavay�roe ia lku oP ooadaandiou. ae fiaebY�aed wd , <br />_— a..----_----_—_,_.�, a1nU be p�id w I.a�dar. <br /> ln the evau of a tat�l t�king of�he ihvpedy. tho p�ooeeda�hall be�ppliod to�he arru�aa�rod by tbis Saurity UiWumau, � <br /> whather or not tl�due�wlth any oxaess paid�o Bacro�ver. In the ovent of�puti�l taklaQ of the Pmpe�iy ia which U�o hir • - <br /> m�ricd.v�lua oP Iho Prope�ty immediuely betom the lakieg ic oqud w or�nater Ifwi tho�rt�aint of the sums�ocuted by lhis . � <br /> Sacu�ity I�pvmcnt immndiately beforc the tsdd�.unleu 8omnwer rrid I.eader a�he�wise�tbe ia writlo�.tue�ums searod by <br /> this Savdty Unuument sludl be roduood by U�e naount of Ihe pooeods muiliplied Ay tAo fdbwiqg fi�ction: (�)the tota! <br /> amaunt af Ihe wm��oairod itnmedi�tely betme thc taking.dividod by (b)the fiir naatut valne of Ihc Property immedLtely <br /> bcfore Ihe uking. My b�l�ooe shall be p�id to Bomowar. In the aent of�p�tti�l t�icio�oP the Property ia which tbe f�ir <br /> mvkct vdue of the Propaty i�nmodiatdy before the taking in les��the Amount oi't4c suma eeciuod�wnediatcly befa+e�he <br /> _ ----- tating.unkxs Bamo�rer�nd I.endar wberwise�gree ia wrlting or unless+ppiicabk law ad�rvri�puvida�.tlre pn�caodr �dWl _ <br /> be apQlied to the waps cecurod by thir Sa.�urity lostnmeat wlrcther or aot the sums iur tl�en due. <br /> li�he Prope�ty is ab�ndonod by Boaowsr,or if,aRer notioe by I,ende�w iiarrower th�u tLe condamor ot1'an to mdce an <br /> Awnd or seitFe�c4im for d�amges. Bom►wa fails to rcspond to l.ender within 30 d�ya aftcr tho d�tc the notiae is given. <br /> -��--_— =_—- -� ix��c IS iwtl�u�iuxi w cofle�a�t3 ap�,fy � pr�xa� its aptian,e�tAcr to ratoratloe:or►ep�air�f ehe P�opMy at to t!x stmes <br /> c�atrod by this Security Iinsuument. wheti�or not�due. <br /> . Unless [ender u�d &xrowcr othenvise�ee in writing, any applicatioa of pr000eds to prinripal �twlli not exw�d or <br /> pastpone thc due date of the monthly pa}ment�rcfertod to in pan�graphs I wx1:o�changc the�nauN of sueh p�ayments. <br /> ll. Borrowa�Na Rde�sedi Faro�na By I.eader Na A W�ive�. Extensicm of�he time for payrrKnt or modifiation <br />'=:��:. — of amortir.uion of the sums recured by t�hi;Security Insuument granted by Lendcr ta any sucr�ssc+r in interes�of Borrower sl�l! <br />- 4�;�; not operate to relcase Ihe liability of thc cxiginal Bomowcr or Borrov►�er's succeswrs in intemst.Leider shall not be requirod to <br /> oomma�ce proceedings ag�iast nny succeasor in inurcst o-refi�se to eatend time iur payment or otherwise modify amortlzatlon <br /> - ---- of the sums �.vrod by this 5ecu�ity•4ac:trumrnt by rca�on of any demand m:�e by 1hc original Bomnwer or Borro�ver's <br /> �ll� successors in intercst. Any forbea�ance h� L.eider in exercising any right or�nody slwll not be a waiver of or praclude�he <br /> -- - exucise of any right or remedy. <br /> '_--_ _ � . !3, S��M'A p�l A+�#�� A�w�a�i; J�lof aMl Several f.in7ulitY: ('�-sigoees. The covenants and agr�nts oE ihtis <br /> bSecurity Instrument shall bind and beneflt the sucress.,rs and assigns uf[xiuler r�nd Borrower, subject eo thc provisions of — <br /> - �H�agraph 17. Borrower's covenants And agreemen�s shalt be joint and scverat. qny Borrower who rc�-�;i;ns thia Security <br /> '• '• �➢nstrutnent but does not ex�cute�he N�te; (a)is casigning this Security InstrumeM unly to mortgage,grant and convey that — <br /> '� � `���:�t1��`�? 8omower's interest in tl�Property unde�r the temns of this Security Instrument:lb) is not personally obligated W pay the sums -- - <br />_• ''�`.�?.�: —._. <br /> ° t�,},,..t� aecured by this Securiry In��rumen�; wxi(c)�greeti�hat LenJer und any other BorMwer muy agrce to cztcnd,modify,forbevr or �Lx*� <br /> T 'i�,,, mako any accommodutiom x�i�h regard ta the tem�s oP this Secu�ity Instniment ar the Nae wi�hout �hut Borrower's rnnsent. ��:;y x. <br /> �, � 13. Loan Charges.If the loan secwed by this Sc�curity Instrument is cubject to u Inw whkh sets maximum loan chnrges. �.-•'�r <br /> ,`. ` ,t.,;�'_.,, _ and that law is iinully interpreted so that�he ineres�or ather loan rhArges rnllected or to be collected in connection wi�h�he '"1OL <br /> _�-�. - �---�N:) _ <br /> •�r,,����, loan ex�reci tfi�permitted limits,�hen: (a)uny wch loan charge�h�ll bc reJuced by the umount necessary to reduce the cFwrge <br />- ��y".;s,�''� � ., to the p�rmic��d limit: and Ibi nny sums alresdy�ollected fn�m Borrowcr which exceeded permit[ed limiu will be retunded to �i•: <br />„� �"�'�'' •ti`� 'Dorrower. Lender mny choose to muke this refund �y reducing the principul owed under the Note or by m�king a direct =_ <br />, •,� . �ayment to Bormwer. If a refund r+educec principal, the rrduction will be trented ac n partial prepayment wi�hout any <br /> �_.... <br />° ,1!,; � � � prepayment charge under tiie Natc. 6,;: <br /> � ; � �^'","'� ,;�1 14. NoticCS.Any natiec to Borrc�wcr prnvidc.�d for in this Security Instrument shull be giv�n by delivering it or by m�iling — <br />;;� +� .''i���`•,�'•'`•' it by first class m�il ua�7e:�c Applirable lua•requires use of another n�ethod.7'he naire�h�ll be directed to the Property Addrcss <br /> � � "�� � ,�,.,� �� or any uther addrcss Bc�r�ower de�ignute� by n��tice to Lender. Any notire to l.ender shulo be given by first cls�sss muil to �"� <br /> '��f�' •• ,� .. .,. �.4��°•f.! <br /> ,� ., . Lcnder's uddress stn�ed hemin or uny other addres,I.ender designutcs by no�irc io Bormwcr. Any notice pruvided for in this _____ <br /> '!`;;•�', X'- <br />`�� � •x�:'•� Securiry instn�mont shull t�deemed to huve been given to Borniwcr or lxndcr when given rs pmvided in Ihis parugraph. �' <br />_---�- �'!":�:: �:;' . <br /> �,.-_;:. <br /> - - �'� l5. Govern9ng Law: 5everabllity. This Securiry lnstrumrnt shull bc govcrned by tcderal law and the Inw of�he � <br /> ���' "�'�y:�,����; jurisdiction in which the Property i�Incs�tal. In the event tho� un} �mvi.ion or cluuk��f this Serurity Instrument or Itie y�ne �� <br /> - ��~ �,{��>..' ;.. <br /> -.�-� , �i5�1r.��,,,. conflicts with upplicoble I:►w.such conllic�shnll n��t affcet a�her pra�isiom��f thi.S�YUriry Instn�ment or�he'.Vote which cun be <br />_��• � :,��`�`�°:�; given effect with�wt the ciinilicting provitiion.To this ead t'he pr�+��itiion�of thiz Securiry In.trumem and tt�e Note are dt¢4�ted �=� <br />-. ��;``, �",%��� k,:� tu be xverabl�. � ,� <br /> � ;�'''�•���� '��J�i'��' 16. Borr+ower s Copy.Barn►wer s9call Ree giv�n one�ontiirm�J a�py ul'the N�►tc anJ M�tini.Serurity Instrunxnt. ...�F <br />- _"-'_ '_ ?F'(3:''�3:. "' <br /> - �'�;+�-:��;�;/{C°J„t+ Form 3028 9190 '•' <br /> \f�•�� !N�1!(yt <br /> �(t,`,�Yl I�' �ikF��i '� Pp�10l 8 y,r. <br /> ��,1C�� y l � �'` <br /> � .1 P��� , ��� '`;' <br /> .� - . �,.��,� �.� �.�.., <br /> y,'�, k'��''t1't��.��?J rl�`i�' �� <br />_ ,,,"�;,�.��:,; ..�'r�s?1� i <br /> �''i<. ,'.��A.��,,� �,� <br /> , � � ,� � , � , • y�rf•� • �: . ,• <br /> � � tti. .•v {• ,rtnit: \- °+.::•s� y ' ,"�� ) ;i a.r' r ti�.. <br />- -�j i>7' _,-th`�t }ILt,.�' �`.: .``l. . . ��`'7 . ;, '.� .�+a' ,I.�.����al,��i� r,��1.� ��IS�t�'w�• .«'�'1y�.• •- . . <br /> ti_ '� ,L.. ��1�'!!aa[u _ . ' �` . .- ,�:�...;.. ,�...`. •�i ti.. * . ..� .�.....: :t .ci , - , - ._ <br /> ;r• T,c � <br /> -- ?4t,Y��� ,,:q._.;s',�.�rlel�SlaL�ltl�fif'svk�lti� �liy .�_e.��`Lt_.'�<rl��iu'4e�.►:�;�:� <br /> i�F� � : -- - _s;rn . . -��.�-_�.T«, _.,,..c...,�,.,-.,�..,.R�....,�r-. - - -T . <br /> � t �';r• � � . • .' 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