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-�£�,.e.w�.,P t •Y_ i...n��.' . . . , 't � .11' vt���'��R!"�'1{,M�l�'`alPL�r' . . . . n=—'_ .;�� � _� _�.,,..r...- <br /> •.� >�►ci'Y!. ±d i. � <br /> - •- , . . _ - . , . • 'ci� _ M.S.'� . . _ _ . . ;T�.'r^ <br /> � . _ � '.� ��� , , 1 . , � _ •h�+,��n��.• - _��;� <br /> ..q�... -�.-�� <br /> , � . -y. <br /> • ������/�Y�Yw��������i1{������� � � - <br /> �IIIAII bl!pllid�O Ir01�11R. ' � ' ' . •� <br /> ' lu ��w�t d� rvW�:d 1M thap�ty.IM �il b a�pptied ta the��urod b�r�is�owity ..,,•:.. <br /> lma�nia�wfiaMr ur�ot dian�.wld��ny an+aw" �p x�av�cr. Ia tbs evaq of�p�utW uachV d die.Pbopaty M � - <br /> wfild�tiM iMir mtic�t valw ol dN P�npaity hrordfMelY bato�e d►e 1dc�i�aqu�l w ar�anar�b�n d�a�aru ot qie � <br /> �ecwed by thi�Sewity ia�rna�al iamod41e1y befa�e d�e aldaj. ��ad I.aider alhavvla � �� <br /> tbe�anu�aau�ed by twr Sea�ritY lamunaat�11 be�eduood by vlded by(b)��mari�et vsJ�e d dN <br /> A�actlan: ��)d►e btsl a�porw or d�a war x�red 1�ye!y 6efae�Be akfry,di <br /> �°_-�_--�°.°.-°°.--_.. �P�Y��f'befate the takina. Aoy ir�U�noe�ituN iie pNf w 8aro+ver. ta�he evaet of a pnt�)t ef d�e <br /> �h �cta� <br /> Property in whidi th tdt antk�et v�lao ot tla Rropaty i�taaedl�dy bdaro tbe W�in�is b�s�h�n tbe�rrrount o1'me"ww • . <br /> seeavd knmedi�oely befae the�tpdeu Bonower a�d l.endrr aUwvvi�o�nee in wriUn�ar u�a�pplic�ie Itw <br /> o�wwhe p�unrida.die p�oceedt�tnll �pplied to tbo�wa��ecu�ed by thit S�wdty►Ip�quntau arhdherar not�ha�w�e <br /> �U 1ro Pra�paty b ab�adooed by Boeowa.or if.altor aotioa by I.ender to Bamuwer t!W die oondemnoc olfen to m�ka <br /> .o.��aa.�.�raa.m�.�wa r.�t�w�,o�a a i.�a«M►tua�3o a.y..r��no a.�u�aoaoo���o�. <br /> I.00der E�at�Acri�,ed ea aolloct rsd�ppJgt Ihepooeed .At in optia0.eLhet�o eeaoratloo ar�ep�ir at tbt Propaty ar to tbe <br /> wint�ecm�d by dw Sccurity lomuo�nt..ifiie�x a� �eot�n�c. <br /> udcs.Laiaer rra eonow�r olhawioe�v�o in writing,.•q ' d'po�xod�w piecip�l rh�u noc wa�e ar <br /> poqpone the dne dae of d�e mo�h�r p►ymenu Rfe�a i� 1 and 2 ar cb�a the amaw of�p�ymeots. <br /> 11. Mnwier Nd Rdawee: I�ie�r�oe �x I�er IY�t �M�irdr. E�t�niion d ihe ti�e fa p�yaent ar <br /> �00�111011 Of 8u�01flLI�011 Of(IIE SYIMt4 SOCtllyd by dlli SOCltily�Y�1N1t�Illed�►y�.RIIdGt'b a0y 91DOaiA�is�Je�t <br /> OF BOflDMl�i�li��I01 4Q�f�0�D R�CiiC 1hQ�IA�11�1�I O�1�10 Ofl��Q�NCf QT B�1fOVVtI�'i lN00�iOR��1.�Cf <br /> _--- e4r!���aq�i�ed w oam�eooa p000edia�a�iOW�uY�ssor in irMen�s1 ar refbsc w extaid twoe fa paya�at or . <br /> �- --- 9 �iso 'tjr amontirnian of the wms�ed by this Sa.-urity lattiu[na+t Itiy�asa�of a�ry dema�o3 nwak Ly ti'��..'l�ia�t - <br /> Bonower a Barowa7�w�aoesw�s iu i�uerest. My fabewance bY Lea�a ia exerci�aay t1�M or t�eaiedy chall not be a <br /> - — wiivrr of or poeclwie the exercise of my ri�ht or�rmedy. ' <br /> - 19.Snooes�w9 aad A�l�a Ba�adt Jai�t�ad 5everal Li�Wlityi c�� 7rie wvenants aM agneeme�w of thic <br /> Soa�rity Iuatrun�a�t�ball bind and benefit the suooescars aad assigns of l�endcr wid Sarnuwer.subject to the provWons uf <br /> q 17.BoROwa�ooveronts and+igiaments sh�ll be joint and sev�tal.My Ba�wer who co-sigas�his Secutiry <br /> - uw�ient but does not execute�he Nate: (al is co-signing thic Security Inatrument aaly to matgage.8�nt aad canvey dut <br />•,� Bonvwah i�udest in the Propr�ty uadtr�he tenns of thls Security Inswma�� (b)la nat pe�sawlly obligate�rA w pay�he anns <br /> seeurod by�his Socurity t�aume��;and(c)aS�ees thst l�ender and�ny atlkr Borrnwu may xgc�c to eaiepd.modify,fabea� <br />:;-, or ma�Ce aay a000mmod�tions wi�h iegs�d ro the temtc of thic Security Inwument or�ba IYute without 11t�t Banow�at� <br /> - cauau. <br />"-'{ !3r I.o�CI�M�es. If�he loan secuiod by�hiF Socurity Insu�unent is subject to a lau which se� nwximum loon <br /> ,, <br /> -- --- chuga.�nd tb�t law is M�IIy inte�qrted so�lut Ihe interest or u16er lo�n chargex collectod ar to be oollected in an <br /> `� wld�the k►�n exoeed the permined limits.�hen: (al any such loan charge chall Ee roduced by ti�r amaun�nec�sary to roduce <br /> tl�e charge to the pem�itted limj�and lbl any sums already collocted from Bomower which exc�permitte�Iimits will be <br /> ' refunded to Boaawer. L.ender may choose co mWce this refund by mducing the prinaipal awed under�he Note or by making a <br /> dLect p�ymrnt to Bomnwer. If a�efw�d reduceu priiripal.the reductfan wlll be aeated ar a pertial prep�yment wtthwt any <br /> _:� prcp�Ytnent charge w�de�the Nwe. <br /> 14. Noticei. Any naice�a Bomnwer provided for in thig S�curity InstNment sholl be given by delivering it or by <br /> m�iling it by fi�sl cl�.cs rtwjl unles�applicable I�w�eyuire�une of nnather meti�d.The notice shnll be directed to the Property <br /> Addrrs�or siny ahcr addresg Borrowe�detiignates by notice ta l.ender. My notke lo Lender shall be given by first cless <br /> =.�;4�• mail to l.encler's address atuted herein or uny wher addrany Lender designutes by notice ta Borrower. Any notice provided for <br /> -- in�his Securiry Insnument shall be deemed lo luwu hrxn given to Barnuwer or Lender when biven as provided in this <br />- ` •�:�.. �IS�Goveroing Law;Severabflity. ThiK Securi�y In,uument ,Iwll be govcrned by federal law and �he Inw of the <br /> ,���4 � �M�,.:"..,:. <br />.. ,.-;�- •�..-,; jurisdiction in which the Piropeny is locnted. In Ihe cvent�hut any provi►ian or cluuxe of this Securiry Insuument or�he Note <br /> s. '"� � conflirts a�iet�applicable low.+uch contlicl�hall nrn alfi�.t aher pmvisions of this Securily Ingtn�ment or the Nate which can <br /> �.}. . • <br /> be �ct without�he con0irtinR pmvi�ion. To�hi.end�he pmvi.ion. of�hi,Security Insuument and the Note are <br /> ' �; , .�;��"r - ' a:, .. �eseve�ble. <br />- 7�:.� " ��• °'���'� (e. f rower's Copy. BcHmwer+h•rll he�ivrn anc conkxmed copy of�he Note und ot thiK Se�:uri�y Insuument. <br /> : . ,.r .. <br /> �„;�_�..•••.- . . . A7. �'rou::Fe�eP the Propeny ur o BeaeticiAl lnten�st in Borrower. If all or any pwt of thc Propena•.w uny interest in <br /> .t�. ��,° �.. - it is g�tG o :asfemed(or iF u t+cne6ciol imerc,� in Burmwcr i..uld or�run,ferned und Borrower is�at a nulurnl person) <br /> , �""° without�.��,;�r�s prior written conxenl. Lender mvy,u�i�.��ti�m.R•yuire immrdiatr paynx:nt in fuU of all sums securecl by <br />��,�. c�'� . ��• this Securiry Instrumern. Huwevrr,thiti aption.hall not lx rxeniKd hy Lender if cxerciae is prohibited by federal luw as of <br /> ��' '�'�'� "' � - the date of this Secunty Inxlrument. <br /> .� •.. If Lender exerci�es this option.Lcnikr,h•rll give Born►w¢r�wlicr of uccrlerr�iun. The natice shull pruvide a period of <br /> � � not less Ihan 30 days frnm Ihc datc the noticc i+drlivcrcd ur m•rileJ�vithin which Rorn���cr must pay•rll sums xecured by thi. <br />�::;.�q. +�+�f��'. ' Securit Instrumenl, If Borrower fails to r tlx.e ,um. riur�o the cx irmiun uf thi. e�iod. Lcnder mu invokc an <br /> �:.:, Y P'Y P P P Y Y <br /> - �'�''� ,� rcmedies permitted by thir Security Instrumcnl wilhout funhrr nutice urd�m:�nd on Barm��er. <br /> ' '�� °- ' • 18. Borrower's Rtght to Reinstvte. If Horn�wrr mrea cenain conJi�ion+. Borrm ver +h a l l h n v r t h e r i�h l to huve <br /> - ' "`-� enforCetnent of this S�urity Inx�rument JiKUntinurJ al;uiy �im�pri��r t��Ihe r•rrlicr�►i': (ul S Juy+lor such other period ux <br /> y.l,.;, . "':'` . Smgk HnmNy..F�nnk M�lFYeddk Nae UNIFYINM U�!�TRUl�1F N7'•-Umfurm Covrnaa�s 9/90 q+uRe J��jA�wgeal <br /> �.���'�.!`?!:.',. • <br />. �N>' � . <br /> '� <br /> _ i. . <br />.. ,'+ � <br /> � '2.'` � y�t��JX� hP� �!�6� �1��Twwo � y�,.,,�,� `f�' ��:4 ��>� r.���r.^'a..,�+"`.,y{�� ���l.7L 1,. <br /> Y" • ', .nk i,i . �1�/%�/ZS�tF�•:tt�vc� � 7 S. 1� i � i y' i . <br /> +..r ( {;c�`; ' .;�. ���� � 's•...,• 1;,, �1} ,� ,�F,�: <br /> i�� ���� � � ,�y� ' ���`�(�, .�' � y �; <br /> . 4,.tti� ,��Ff�`y!�..}�,��"� .`•lt.J��',�. ' �l�t r�f�t .r i !,i� � .f,R � t f � ,�.�( �1 .:�j�: �.�.1 r`���.� `.'. � f' � �'���til��E � <br /> � r. `�:..c S� .� � �'tii�• '( tifiti�L:,.�!� s t ,+..'.y1� �sr,�,�T�Y�'tttt�,�p . � � �1(�ti���� )!1-. �Lmiht' �Z'-r'. <br /> �' ' �` �;t�x � i �, �, }W(f�.�,�Q�w ,. ,'i: .� y+,p'yj ' , i, 'k• � � � t <br /> _ �� '.��`1' r 1 1`'i 1• '�1'. 11���1����yPRi1�i� +.� '�1--- �".*'...• : .,. �(•� .'i�,.0 .:��T.. .� �y;�l_;..�r��r ` i_ t .1 �� � r,q��}�}y���s. <br /> -- ''��G1it���l.u,�:a`h,�'t�dE�5r2't���r�%3e'4ii��A'�A�,�1�i'7%'��R:GDazYSlklfYy;4:?'�4s1�rLi1�� ��1L�+�`Sifd�.l�N!!{_ �.`;:�r����`itil��.����L_ <br /> t4 .:�� yit�( }y��� .'YI 1 F 7 - - :..1.+�R{�M1�.�s R.--ry�TS'!"�'_R�"-.!'a n„f. �7.-.IIS�•(yw t-f �J`t'�, �u <br /> �� � �_A. . � <1'�t��SZ_Ik�'�'t fM1�£lr��j5y..�;/„�.f� ��-� �� t.� �. _� .."�Lr'_ � �)4;v�J � ` i���' 1� �['���r -�C��!ii _- <br /> � �; 1�4 )T�y ; ! I 1/ +I^.r..1 � � <br /> �j x,j f , � S'r ir. ,� N. ..: / ! � � ' : �' rF�1`L 3�r-�. <br /> r a . 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