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...—.. . V�.� a.. - _— - .-- -t_ -r-a. <br /> - ,. .. -` - ------� _.... -- <br /> . .. -. ; . . ...�`_.. �+r• � . • _ . - .. .. , , .., .:nc,e+ . . . . _ . _ ,..•�'. -° <br /> .,. - = t'V • _ - � .. " _ .- �� �� ' . ~.. <br /> ,1, , <br /> � :` .ppx�te 4w m.r.�e�ty ra��.ea�e��eero�e we�r a�e�eny�w.�y ww«ot�r«,�ea�a Ma. . <br /> �laaa�a(b� i�a��nta�tbh searity iawumaat. 'I1�e 000dYiau am tlnt�nmow�r. (�) <br /> b�du�andx tMi��► Gamwaeot�pd the Nole q U na�oc�ierafioo M�0 <br /> . oocvne4(b)a�ra aoy defwh af�(atber oovqa�a�piea�N�,'(o)Pqn�vl ezpeo�a i�ursd in mfaicty Wi�S�arity <br /> rnan.�e.�.inct�iap.eMa�a watlad�o.�.wWble momey.•ree.:,�na(a)c�ka wea.cdoo u t�de�a.y ma�oMbls► <br /> roquhe b a�aue dat the 1{eo of Ihu Sscudty ln�eiM.l.atdcr�d4ha Ip�he Property�acl8onowerS�obli�wioa w p�y the <br /> wnu iecuted by 1hi� Security In�trutnent �all oaatinue wich�n�ed. Upoa rdrot�taneat by Banuwcr. �At� Sec�ity <br /> fncpwnant aM the obU�,uio�a��eauied ha�eby e1W1 rm�in fWly affactive a it ao aaeientfon A�d aocire+ed. Ho�w�ever.tki� <br /> _�---.--�--,--.-fl,--,__-�-, rl�t to ninstdc ehall no1�ply in the case ot�ocele�ada�wider pv�gaph�7. <br /> I!. S�M d Nalei 4��d 1�S�rviar. The Nae or a irwa�e�t in tbe Nate(ta�e�lia wkl�tbi�Sanaity <br /> - Inst�utaeat)awY bc wld ane a mo�e Nmes widiout pi�noticc ro o�mrver. A We m�y rault in a ch�n�o ia the aWty <br /> _ (Iuwwn u ehe"L�n 3ervica"1 thwt ooUoqa mouthly MYmema due w�der Ihe Noro�md ihis Security Inununent. 11wre�leo <br /> ' mny be ono or mone chai�ea otthe Lo�n Servlcer wnoluod to��le of tho Ndc. if thrne i��chanQe aF the l�n Sdviar. <br /> Bo��wiY be piven w�ina�aotica of ihc ch�nae in�cootdinca wilh pan�aph 14�bove�nd appli��bk I�w. The nodae <br /> will st�e d�e a�wne and addres�of thc anw Lam Serviar u�d tho�dd�e�10 which p�yrtienta sboWd Ae mrde. TNe uotioe will <br /> ���m=-�.� �too oarr�uia aqg a�r Warnn�tim roquired by�pp8cabb law. <br /> ?� N��Now S�6rl�ces. Bormwer siall non cauce cr paa�i�t drc presenoe.�ce.disp�wl.ston�e.or�rkue of�r <br /> Ha�zttdoYS Sub�tNUOes oa ar i�ihe P�o�etty. Ban�awer s1�W ad do.nor dbw�cnya�o cice to do.anythiq��'octin�IAo <br /> — Pfnopaty that i�io vidation of my Lnvl�o�ntal l.ww. The procoding two aMtaKes sAall not spply to the p�ance.�we.or <br /> __,:: sto�go w We PiropertY of small qwntitks of H�ardo�SYbwooa Ihw��enuatlY�oc�imd ro be�ppropnale w oamd <br /> _�;�,,. residendal uses iwd to mainten�nce of�he Pr+opehy. • <br /> -i''`" tiartowcr shdl P�PUY 8ive Lender wnttrn notkc d'any inves�igatioo,cl�im.dan�rW,iswr,uit a otfKr�ctioa Qy any <br /> -- -- �ae�e�sx:tta!os tege�Mu+ry rg�ncy or prlvatc psuty hsrolrit�dsr R+�gnty end any F1��•�d�us Sel+str�a�vinrwaa�W <br /> - - Law of MrAich Barower h�s �ctwl Wwwledge. If Bamwer k�ns, or is notified �a�' Bm'anm�a�t�l or resuWDwf <br /> � authority.Uwt any nemoval a dher rcmcdiation ai ony H�. •a Subswnce afiecW�g Floputy i�aeoeuary.Bamwa <br /> `;., , a ��P�Y wke sll neces.tiary rcmedial ai.�tiaos in accondance wi�h Enviranmenlal l.�►w. <br />:'.:i:1':�:� i As used in dus paragtaph 7A."Noziudous Substances"arc tbose substanoes defined as wzic a hazar�dous su6spu�oes by <br /> "'''..:..t•``� �i Environmental law and the folluwing sobsanccs: gasoline.kemsen�e.o11Kr tlaipnwble or Wxic petmkum pnoducts.Wxic <br />.. �:� <br />�`���, • t,,t�,; pesticides and herbicides,voladle solvenu, mate�ial�cantaini�g asbestos or formaldehyde.�nd mdfo�ctive materials. As <br />'.��;�� used in�hie puagraph ZO,"F�viiauaentai Law"means fedenl laws and laws of tlie juticdlctian where tbe piope�ty i:lacatod <br /> :x%`1� Uiat rolate to or enrir+aimenW protection. <br />'•.��{' NON-UNtFORM COVENAM'S. Banrwer w�d L.ender furtfKr covenant wtd agrce as follows: <br />_=_�.�;�� 21. Acoderntioa; Retaedks. I.ea�e�shaN give aatic�to Rarrower prior to accekratio� (dbvvi� Borrower•s <br /> �"'��. brpch ot aoy covenpat or+u�eemeni in thia Securhy lastrnmest llwt not prior w accekratloo aeder p�r;graph 17 <br /> � :t aalese applic�bk law prori�Yes aiherwisel. 77�e�otice shall speciFy: 1�)tl�e def'�ult;(bl tloe�ction requiMd I�+eu�+e tMe <br /> defwlt;(c)s dWe.tiot kss laan 30 days flrom the date the aotice is givea to Borrower,by which 16e dd'Apil mast De <br />"_,�T;:•'�'!�`� cural;�ad(dl tlwt taflure ta cure!he det�ult on or before the dAte SpeciRed in the ndice m�y resuN fa acceleatioa d <br /> '�;�; � _ t6e swre secp�re�by this Secnrity Insf��ment and sWe oP Ihe Pro�ty. The notia sbap tbrther hform BorroWer of <br /> '� IUe right to rpir�siate�fler s�ccderatioa pad the rigMt to brlag a court acllon to assert tNe namexWeoee ot A ddnnit or <br />:�.• � ' .,� pny other detei�se of Bnrr�w��e�w acceleratbn and sak, I�the de�ault is�M cured on or before the d�te specified in <br /> '' the�otice,I.eoder At hs c+p�w may require immediatc pnyment in full of WI sroms secured by thts Securlly Arstrua�eat <br /> '���' �*�� � �"' wd+t4au1�'�rtbe�demand uad mny invuke tAe poKC� of sale and any other remedies permitted by appiicabk Is�w <br /> ��s— �.� <br /> - ,��`lf' Lr.�kler shall me entltled to collecl all expenses incurred in pursuin� the remaNes provlded in Ihis pnra�rAph 21� <br /> ��'��.;` .,,,��� �� iaclw�iag,Me aa limited ta.reasonabk attorneys'fees and cosfs ot tille evidence. <br /> _�_��,'-;� � ti Ihe power uf sale is invoked.7lrustee shwll�ecord a nottce of dePwult in each county in which Aay part o�tbe <br />�„��;, � Property is IocAted and shaU x�aU copies of such noU�r in the manner prescrlbed by epplkabk law to Barrower aad lo <br />-�� -;"r� tQ�e other persons pre.scribed by appliceble law. Atte�•1he lime required by�ppllcable lww.7Yustee shalt give pubNc <br />,��::��:,`�.. ' :°•� aotice of sale ta tbe persons and in the manner prescribed by upplicable law 1lrustee.witdout demaad oa Borrower� <br /> '��s'� slwU sell the P rt at ablk puction to the h hecr bi�l.le�at the lime aod lace and under the terms desl oated in <br /> ;�,.; � � Y P �6 P B <br />,__;:_,� �T'� ,= ° :�',;; '.�� the nodce oP sale in one or more parcels and io any or+der'I�ustee detr�rmines. Trustee awy posl�pode s�le of wU or any <br />-�: .. �.;" ."'': --..�-, parcel of the F°�opeMy by pu6lic announcremrnt�t Ihe time smd place o1 aav previously scheduled apk. l.ender or Ils <br /> =. � :u , � :�`1� desi�nee may purchase Ihe Property al a��•sale. <br /> ;-'�F.;as�?�s.:��.;-.� <br />"ti ° s;�:�ti'�';�r, ''.. r:�r Upon rereipt of ps�cmeai oi the price bid.71�u�1ee shall deliver lo the purct�aser 7Yustee's deed caua•eying the <br /> �,c��� Property. The recifals ln t�Truslee's deed shpll be prima facie evidence of the trulh of the sfate�penta r��e therein. <br />^�` o��'`�{ �•���� ����• 'Iy�qstee shAll Apply the proeeeds of the sAle in 11�foMowing order: lal to all costs and expensec o�exee+ci�ing tbe power <br />_';�l��}�T , , y '' ��n:; '., <br /> -.��y� ����'�� .�'ti���:;'�. <br />•'v,.'':7� �j,� ,4, �1i <br /> -�r� ��. <br /> ��s:���..�� a:: <br />-_- ,��;',:.�:��'. <br />�e ,�'�y',.a.,V�,l,., f�{. <br />�;. ..'., .,:-i:'': <br /> -= �,'y,-.. : � <br /> - ��` t�{�1Mn'�Ea�_tC+. <br /> _ ' � Zy.�� � .��� Form382A f/40 Ipde�'!���lwXesl <br /> ';N'! ' �'��1�`�!�::i� <br /> a.{1`i1't. '.U,�I., .,. ),'iF,.�K . <br /> 1�:�. �� 7� <br />_? ;t.`� .`�• ;•iji��'' <br /> i , <br /> , fil,'�,�,��5...., � <br /> .-<� r��6J� t 1.+�-�r�i. �''-"5 trr:-- -- <br /> f y r �:.i �h��',:+, .'t�.�1t ,.����y �i t,.. ,�t. _ro. •. •, , ".;d:.iyw,,;,, _{T�+Q'�ir� ;�y�Y�i}�� ��!�+r��y��y ;�,:K�•-_ <br /> H� �� ' '���.f� ;:t�� .4.; :1� � -�•ly" • - c , �.ti ' .j' .r t r p!.r.^e-� >�` ���Ti.'�`"`• �',.,,'7,•6•���'1�� • ctur_xna`-." . <br /> �Fa ��� �. r a " � •1'=�� . -l- Y'• � � t. ,. 1 1 . <br /> �: y1 � S (,t.� r�p�.. �t° i 1 SxtY.' �1 .. S: :�.. . _ .. •, i ��rt.• ' t 1: :!3.� 5. .� ����r,'c:�f� <br /> ,t i i;krt+;;�? !'��,:���„ y� � '�. 7�_.� �• . . ',' ,..i� .._,,..;•��� 'r����,i��: � rA.. S , ., � .. : , <br /> ---__• a��!ta!�{��u.:�ifxd�k7.k�ar��S1v1�Jl���.��.-l.,'�����`�i!�"i►�•��'�•'��.�..s,n..�:?.�:,Yt�fiNF3A�i1fl'C���,�Jl�(A�i, �-.�:...i!•",1►fi'�{5�'L��.faM1y — = <br /> ..�f� � �1i(�+,�.t, ��" ',e�ra jy� �l+ � �' •'�ts���(��11•C�'�y'!,v "'Sy';iF�;'"•a-r.--s-? . 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