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� , � <br /> ;; �_. �h�:. .. -- �:.---�.".�:- --;_— _ <br /> � . ------ .. <br /> � ,� ... �.�Y . .. • . . �: � . . ,��n1i�,;-:r <br /> � � 93= �o�s <br /> . ' paio�i�tlwt t�ondor�eqW4a. The 9n�aoo cartiar prwidiat tiM 6aiw�o��II a cfia�a iy Ban+�wbj�ct a Landerti <br /> � y�pnp�v�l wAicb�aot ba�uaeuomblY wGhAeW. ItBarrowar fi�M w n�W�le cowr�o de�rii�d a1a��l��da taqr.M <br /> � Lwdert opda�.cbqkroow�ye a poleut 1wr+dKti rylw fa dis�M�ooahlMal whh p�p�ph 7. <br /> ' AU b�a�nooe pollde�and ronaw�l��aQ be�o�ptab�e ro Mwl ahvl�Siude��Undad�aohp�e�lwp�. L�d�t <br /> dWl�tnve d�e ri�lq ta hold the policla�nd nr�ervalt. 1 I�ad�r iwpiro�,8aro�x�II pruaiplly aive to lrander r4 r�Npq <br /> of�id prapiwps+iad�aiewal natio�. In tho e�ant d loa.Bam�ar sh�ll�ive pna�npt tiolio�to the inw�arri�r a�d <br /> I.a�de� l.e�der a�y ank�e p�nof of loa if aat m�de p�nmpliy bY Baro+�"a: <br /> vnls�Laidcr.ea eam►,�w aherwl�e.�ee in wdanR,��u�a�oe p�ooeod�.n.l�6e.ppikd to roMonaion«edp�d <br /> .�` _ tho d�ed,if the�ta�ation or�h ooanomieally feuiWo wKl l�erdah iec�urlty i� not lec�a�od. U the <br /> nw P on yor te�pair is�wt eoonoa�iadly feadble ar I.ende�ti seaniry waild be la�aied.the Mwn�noe pooeed��b�N be <br /> -- applied w the �u s�eairod by thi�Secudty tnwn�nent.whedier ar aat �Nen due.w�ith aay eaoa�pdd to Bunov►�ar U <br /> Borrower abu�don4 the Pnopa�ty�a doa nw�uwer wUhtn 30 d�ys�naioe fe�an La�der th�t tho inwrmae c+ur�ha <br /> offerod W sqtla�cl�im,ti�en Lader an+y collec!tMe insur�noe p�ooeed�. Lo�dor m�y we Ihe prooeeds w or reswre <br /> tt�e�ropeny or w py►wuu tecw�e�by d�s SeaWty�v�hed�a or not diati due. ?ia 30�d�Y Perlod 6e�ia whea <br /> the otioe 4 givon. <br /> _�_. �� Uakss I.endnr ad Non�o+�rer a�uee�rise�{proo in wdtin�, my Uc+uion of pooeod�ro pdacipd rhdl�ot extaid a <br /> poo�roee thc dne d�te af tbc aioolhl�pa►�►ma�ts�ef'arod a in � � 1 uid 2 or ciwi�e!be�ou�u d tbe p� U <br /> — -- �der p�rag�aph 2i the Plropeity ia a�qu6rd b�r LReder.Bom�wer9 ri�ht to�ny inwnnce P�"���P�� <br />-_-- fi,oip d�rr�,ge�a the pr+oppty prior b 1be soquisitjoo c�ll pa�lo Lender W lile extaW d We amx�aecaned by�tW S�ardy <br /> v In�at immedi�telypr�o�w tbe uisitiao. <br /> :�` � �P�9� P��vatioa���e a�d Protectian ot the Prope�y: Barr+ower'� I.a� Appliallo�; <br /> l�alds. &xu�wer thall accupy.esta6li�h.�md use the P►+opeery�Bormwerlt pitrcipN taide,�ace wilbin sixty dqi�floa� <br /> tttc ezecuticm af t'�ca°�tcutiiy h�ut�-nt�ssd sSt�!!u.��.ta arcupy tia3 S'roperty�L�.��rri�Nriu�:iYai�ir�e far a� <br />_-°°'' kau one y�str ;���r t6e dAte of occupmcy. unkss L.ender otherwice agnees in writing, which caasrnt a1�N aot 6e <br /> " urueasorwbly whhheld.or un�ess extenuatiag clrcumstu�ces exiu wbich aro beyand Barowa�cantrol. Bo�row�er sh�ll not <br /> - destray.datnage or imp�ir the fYoperty,albw the Properiy to deteriorate.or commit w�ste an�he Prope�ty. Bonower slWl <br /> be in default if any farfeique Actlon or prooeediag.whether civil or crimind,is begun Ih�t in I.erderls goad fiith jud�a�aM <br />..— cauld rcsult i� fo�Fzitun of the Pmperty a aherwise m�teriaUy (mp�ir tbe lien c��ud by t6is Security Inaroo�ent a <br /> a L.ender`s security interrst. Borrower mxy cur�::ucb a default and�inst�te.s�s provided in paragrapd causin$the�ctim <br /> „ or prooeoding to b�dismissal with a nil'�ng that.In I.enderl�goad faith detenninujon.p�ecludes forfeiwre of the Banow�erl� <br /> ' �e ��� � Intercst in the Propaty or oti+�material impairment of�he lien cRated by this Security Gisa�unent or I.enderh security <br />�_,.� ;��;;� i�tenca� Borrowsr shall aiso 8: jn default if Bormwer. during U�e lo�n application process. gave ma�i�lly fatse or <br /> �� ,inaaaurAte inforrt�wdoo or suuemeats to Lender(or failed to provide I.eader with any material iaformstion)in canna.tiuo with <br /> .�,�'�� � .tF�e oTaai� evide�ioeG!t�y the Note, including, but na limitod to� �ep�esent�tions cancrn�ing Bamwerh occup�ncy e�f'the <br /> =_ 1f1ro{�rcy a�a praor.ipai residence. If this Secuniry Insnument is on a kasehold.Bornower shall camply with all the provisions <br /> x: - -:,�.�, ._-'°— ..:�ka3r. �:'S:,�aawar acciu�+2.c fea titfa ta�-a!'rapctty.tlsc lcaschold�3!!se fse side sls�!!r.os�e w�ltss L.�s aIIrtes <br /> t - �.�,'.�y,i. te+thrmergerinwhting. <br /> � �;�;.�;f;r 7. Protectbn of L.entler's Rtghts in the PropeKy. !f Borrower fuils to perform the covenents and agrcements <br /> _ ��i•�:"•t:�:� comained in thi� Secudy le�ument,or then is a �gel proceoding that mey significandy afTect Lender's rights in the <br /> . .�.�;,;:;..r,� E'�openy(such ac u�proceoding In b�nkruptcg,�ubate,for condemnadan or forfeiture or to enforee laws or regulatfona),then <br /> ':,�ti;rr�:�ct,; Lender may da aaerd pay for whutever is nece;aary to pr+otect the value of the Property and L.ender!+�i�h1s in the Property. <br /> •�r y-. ;� Y ��Y S Y Y P� Y �Y PPe�nB <br /> . .. �,� Lender's actions ma include � in on sums axurcd b a lien which has orit over U�is Sec�ui lnstrumen�a <br /> � �`�� in court, in reasonable Atear�ze c'fees and enterin on the to make r+e rs.Atthou Lender ma t�lce acNon <br /> ,,".,�: .� ,...;•;r PaY � Y• B �'OP��Y P� 8h Y <br /> '� � ,�,kj�� under this paragraph 7,Lender daes not have to do so. <br /> �, '�,9. . My omounts d�sbur:sed by Lender under this puragraph 7 shall bocome additional debt of Bomnwer securcd by this <br />--=-.L Q , ,.,� , Securiry Instrument. Unless Borrowcr und Lender agrce to aher terms of puyment.these amounts shall bear interest from the <br />'''�;�'" . � •;r:'�.�t�r:' dnte of dir�lwrsemeat ut�he Notc rnte and shall be paynble,with interest, upon notice from Lcnder l0 8orrower requeetfng <br /> t� ;_.:1,..:,; • .4'"' payment. <br /> � ���' 8. Matgage Insnrnace. If Lender required mottguge insumnce as u condition of molcing the loan secured hy this <br /> rj� ' . , g�th.::,.�;y:.: :-� <br /> .. •�+�::t.-,.�,, . <br /> _, ; � '��:,Q..,� •' Security Insuument,BoROwer sha01 pay the premiums reyuired to muintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, Yur s�oy . <br /> - re�wn, the mongage insursi�ne coverage required by Lender Inpses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shell pay t6�e <br /> �� ��°�`J � � remiums re uire* to obta9�n covera e substandall e uivnlent to the mort n e insurance viousl in effect,at a cast <br /> •. �,�'.���• �.:•. �I ; P 9 S Y 9 8 � pre Y <br /> •. -°•�r�., �. subetantially e��uivale�s to!he cost to Borrowee of the mongage insuran�:c previously in effect,from an alternate mortgage <br /> �-�`"'`�`•'�r'���`t incurer approved by Lender. af aubslantic+lly equivulent mongage insuronce coveruge is not available.Borrower shall pay lo _ <br /> ;',';,�:. ,y, . L.encler esuh montb a sum eyua!t.i one-twclfth of the ye�rly mongwge insuronce premium being paid by Borrower when thc <br /> +�,:,,,•,":" ir�,�irance coverage lAp:�ed or ceased�o be in effect. Lender will nccept.use und retpin these puymen�s as a loss reserve in lieu <br /> ,� �__ °;z""�, , of mortgage insurance. Loss rescrve payments muy no longer he required,at the option of Lender,iP moriguge insurance <br /> '.��� - �• c�verage(in the nmount and fur the period thut Lendar requires)provided by un insurer approved by Ixnder ugain becomes <br /> ;r � .���� .�'-' nvailu��e and is obtained.Borrower shall pny the premiums reyuired�o maintain mortgage insuronce in effed,or to provide o <br /> � losx reservt,unii��?re reyuiretnent for morlgu�te intiu►ance ends in uccordance wi�h uny written ugreement 6etween Bortower _ <br /> •. r` �;:�,,,:K• �,�, � � aad L.r�der or applicable luw. _ <br />'�' �. Inspecdon. Lendrr ar its agent muy make reusonuble entries upon:uid inspections of the Property. Lender shall ` <br /> , ;.-' . <br /> give f3orrower notice at the time of or prinr ia an inspection specifying reasonable cuuxe for the impection. <br /> — , !9. Condemnation. The pmceeds r.f an�au�ard or cl�im for d;unages,dircct or con.k.�ucntial,in�uunectiuu wi11i w�y <br /> `s <br />_ � ��. � '� � ;.y�. Singk Fam�ly•.Faaaie Mx1F�tddk Moe UNIFORM INSTRUMLIV'1'•-Udfortn Cuvenui4s 9l90 qwx�3 aj A pagral <br /> • �-. <7�i���l.{r�,,� �"•"�' ' �xat Istee Brl�es Fa�.Ix.■ _ <br /> ' r.' ���,5?;;111. .�f`'t 7bQdtfCY:1�8008�iY0Y00�1U101Y�7914�91 - <br /> ',•f., �r� �JF�, . � <br /> d1������ ��f f'.�} , t, ,A,1 '� .. �t"t� ° �v �_ . . _ ______ __ ,�_v_.-�--e <br /> ,•' .`y'.: i11=� - � • " • is�ec�i <br /> : � � ����1 �. , .: �.ri`f�; ..i! ry���it 1� l.; ��`�,1.�.�..� .1.��'��,�-{.a�. .� ,��e.Y�.sK4��(��'�(�1_�' _ - - — .. _ <br /> y � , i t,( �'•,.�1p .` '� � . �. . � `..'1I..�?'�M;1 -ni <br /> -.�",�. " t�.- . 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