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. � .�r„�'���y_i��.... _lnw . . .. ..�.a _ . <br /> -q-.L;,.1 lIN�1'� � . i . � . . •i:L.�.- ;�'. �41�ii�+k�'.il�"1'.•r..:.�W. � ---�- �---—...__ y -__ - <br /> �:.,�...�__.�. _ -h:. . t,: .� . , . . , .,,.,. . . .. ,�3 � <br /> , ,. . � S . _ <br /> ' 'I�B I'Ii�t w+mi�u tM iwpra�e+na eow a b�ra�lhr e�nct�d m qia p[ape�ey,�nd,�II a�uanema��appu�m�aoa. <br /> j. .. �und flAwroa ao�v or berailtar s prt a�d�e p�opeitY. Ail�aad a�1dWn��hal!�o be awt�red Iry 1bb S�wity� "- <br /> � Iaq�wnaa. IW o/IIM���b�/�r�d eo in thlt 8ewelty��r d�e'N±opedy: � " - <br /> s' BORRAW�ft OdVBNANTS t6�M 8amnwa�u I�wNlly�ei�ed oi'tla�t�e Aa�ebS'oonveyqd rmb Iw the d�ht to p�aR ...,:. <br /> �nd oaavay tue y+ro�Wt die Prnpaty i�unm�nbaed�esoept for�d racanf. Bonawur w��d� <br /> t ep��p�t rod <br /> ! �rW de�eAd sa�o�liy tMa ti8e a d�e HrapatY nMi�t�II cWmt�rd demmd�.wbjeq w any e�cvmbranoas of rocad ._- <br /> --_ _ _ -- ,. -. <br /> '1li1S SBL'UR17Y INS71tIJMRrR oombit� uNtam onvaw�u tur n�dond uoe�pd naaudtam eo�� wW� ' . <br /> _---.,_--,�---__--�..^�� Ilml�ed vari�tions by jta9sdi�ian mmnsdtutc�unifenn�ecurity i�At�ument aovedng ro�l propmty. - <br /> �' UN�ORM CtiVBNAM'S. Barower�nd[.aider oovanmt�nd�roe iu follour�: <br /> � L lJyr�ert d Pei�ciMl a�d I�terMi p�l���C�M'� Bamw�a sludl P�P�Y P�Y wUm dne die <br /> p�iacip�l of�nd LKdW aa 16e debt avidei�ced by Ihe Nato snd anY P�'CP�!'��nd I�te cturgea due under tho IVate. <br /> 2. i+r�s for'Itiaa�t�i Iawr�a. Sub3ecl w�p1k�ble I�w or w a wriaan w�iva by l.ender.Bortower�11 p�y to <br /> Lender ae the day manthl9 WYmeats an d�io�oder�ho_�Vote.until the Nwe ie pdd in f�H.R sum("[i�odt"1 for:(�)Y�Y <br /> tues and u9a�nenu which nu�y ntain p�io�it�r ora tl�Socu�ity lnwument��ikn on ide Propatar:lb)Y�9� <br /> p�ym�eea ar�ound�u aa �he PNOpenx.�f�r: (c)yatir hw�d or prupaty inw�uAaoe P[e+oiu�as;(d)Y�Y t� <br /> i�an�pre�w�u.if�ay:(e) yexfy�o�e�P�'�• ii aay: md (� �U'�P�Y�M'Bano�nar w <br /> /.� ac�N�Ce wi�d ehe p�ovista�ot pr�graph 8.ia lkn of thepa�yment of mwlg�c iunaxaa�e pKwua�. 7h�e <br /> iltapc am ealled"Ece�uw Uao�s:' Lrnder�ny woa�eollext and hoW Fimda ln�n aa�oual rot b axcad the m�mum <br /> �mount�krnder far a fednrally�nel�ted n�ong�go lo�n mRy nquiro far 8arower�escrow a000aot under tBe falaal Rea! <br /> FstYe Seq{eraa�t Ptocodires Act d'1974�s�meMed fram lime w tlme.l2 U.S.C.$2b01 et se�y,l"RESPAI'.unle:s anoll�er <br /> law dW�pplies to Ihe Au�ads sels a lesser m��.atu,,n.�t If w.Lende�may.u wy dme.collxt aM hotd f�rids in an unouot not to <br />_--- _ _ CAG'w.� 1�iC tRSCi 36SQim1. �.Cii�+"l Ii{OY ti.scciwzK �i' �!��RI/M�A f�1M /111 IRM �fl1RHt A`�II�pT� illd II�if001d0 '_ <br /> — - — wda�ata of ea�penditurcs d'fulune Bscmw IW�s a athawise in accindance with applkabk I�w. <br /> � 7Ue Fi�Ms sball be iield in m insdtution wlase depaitt are inwred by a federal age�cp.ii�,una�tality.or entitY <br /> "� (including I�ender.if l.ende�is such an inslitudan)ar in aey Fo�eral Home i.oan BAnk. I.endcr st�ll stpply ti�iiu�ds w psY <br /> the Escrow ltems. L.enda may oot chuge 9oROwer for holding and applying the Plmds,a�munlly aa�lyxiog the escmw <br /> ' a�cwnt,or veriiying the Escrow Items,unlesr I.ender payc Barower inteiest on the t'wids aod upplicable law permit� <br /> �C I..aider w make such A charge. lioweva. Lender may rcquire Borrowu tu pay a one-time cl�ge far an indepmdent rral <br /> •� esqte ax neporting savice used by L.ender in oonnection with this Ioan.unlas applicable law pravides otherwise. Unless�n <br />-�:r agra��Knt is made or�pplicable law coquues inteiest to be paiQ l.ender sfwll not 6e requircd to pay Nonowcrany Werest or <br />- = eamings on�he FLnds. Barmwer�nd L.ender may agroc in wridng.however.that interest sholl ba paid on�he Fbnds. L.e�der <br /> - slWl give to Bo�rowu,wfthout amual accamting of�he FLnds.showing cmdit�and debits to the Hmd�aad the <br /> }i.• pu�pose for which each debit w the Fund�w�made. 7Ue li�nds arc pledged as additiomi security for all,wpns socu�ed by <br /> ,: �! thit Securiry Insteument. <br />; _ --`�%_?�-- <br /> �,; �- If ihe !'Isstds ltele! !ty l,rnda est�ad !he amoelnts prrmltled to M hcld hy a�1icaNe law, Lendet sfWl account to <br /> • • k Barower for the excess(�nds tn accordonce with the requirements of applicabk law. If 1he amount of the FLnds held by =.: <br /> k �� Lender at any time is�t sufficient to pay the Fscrow Items when due.l.ende�may so notify Borrower u�writ� <br />- "�.':�f: such case Bamower shall pay to Lender the amount necessuy to make up the deflciency. Bomower shuH nwlce up the <br />__,,�; ;� ' deficiency in�to more th�n twelve monthly payments,ut l.ender§snts discretion. <br />.;:;'� �' Upnn�ayment in full of ult sums secured by this Security la�urument.Lender shall p�mpt�y refund to Bortower any <br /> °'f. ,`.,;` ;��� ! Funds D�e1d��y I.ender. If,under parag�aph 21.Lender shall ecquire or sell the Property,l.eader,prior to the acquisition or <br />-_ ��:;�'};;r � � I sak of�the Property.ahall apply any F�Imds held by Lender su the time of acquisidon or sale as a crcdit against the:ums <br /> ,.;�:�,� � secnred by this Securiry Instrumeru. _ <br />' '� 3. Applic�tMn of Pl�qmeats. Unless applicable IAw provides otherwise, all paymenta rcceived by L.ender under <br /> -��<r,'r�'°, paragrAphs 1 and 2 shall he applied:first,to ony prepuyment cherges duc under the Note;second,to amounts payabk under <br />� •, , ':s�x+��f'^ parAgra��; interest due; principal due;and lest,to any late chtuges due under the Note. <br />� ;'. ��' Y°� 4. C�wrQes; Liens. Borrowcr shaU puy all taues, assessments. charges, fincs und �on�nsi�ions attributnble to the _ <br /> - ' Property which may uttafn priority over this Securiry lnstrument,und leasehold payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower <br /> ;� ��,s,�� �. , ,, s9�a11 pay t�ese oblig�dons!n the mnnncr provided in paragrnph 2,or if not pae�l in that rnanner.Horrower sfiall pay them on ;�' <br /> __ {-�°�`•_'' �.^,• s time dorectly Io the person owed puyment. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Q.ender all noUces of amoun�s to be pafd under _. <br /> �°� � �;';�•`,;; .� this pnrugrAph. If Bomower makea thesc puyments directly,BoROwer shall promptly fumish �o Lender reccipts evidencing <br />� „� .i��:.:;.;Y,;:;�t thePaYments. <br /> ':�,, ' - j"" Borrower shull prnmptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Inswment unless Borrower:(a)agrees <br /> ;'.�;%� • :%{' �`�u• in writing to�he payment of 1he obligation secured by 1he lien in a mAnner acceptable to I.ender,(b)contests i�goad faith the =:_. <br /> _ '� ' , �.y;^���,�' lien by.or defends agains�enforcement of the liea in,legal pmceedings which in the Lender's opinion operat�io prevent the ° <br /> � •��..t�...:� _ <br />:°;�� ,;��.�_:^�.�. .,� enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures irom the hoWer of the lien an Ag�ment satisfactory to Lender subardinating the lien = <br />;�-y ��� �y� to this Security InswmenG If Lender determines that any part of the Pmperty is subject to u lien which may anain pdorlty - <br /> ._ over this Secu�ity Inswment,Lender may give Borrower u notice identifying the lien. Barrower shall sati�fy Ihe lien or lake _ <br /> � 5�,-7,v` ,•.,, � <br /> • „-. ��;._, one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. <br /> f� S. Namrd or Praperty Insarance. Borrower shull keep the improvemenls now existing or herc�ttc�erected on the �„ <br /> �f^:-�� ��-= ��,��; Property insured again�c�uss by fre, haxnrds included within the term"extenclecl coverage'and any other fiazards,including -= <br />- ��'+;- '-- +'' • • tloods or flooding. ior whicb Lender requines insurance. This insur�nce sha0o be maimuined in the amounts ond for the _ <br /> ;;,��. •�,.*.:.� ••h. _ <br /> :, . . ... � <br />,J ,,, '', . :.F�.:._. ' • Fon�3�ti 9l9D (paRt 2 ojb pagtsl _ <br /> , � ;tl��j{ _ ,r:`.�r;��.-' � �': <br /> # ��R:�,. . <br /> " R�'��• !:,<�,�F�:ny -; <br />_ ,�,>,:•.%::�, .4 -- <br />. �.:�: ,.,,j. .t;.;,. _ _ - -- =-. <br /> ';f� �}:. w ._ :T i�� _ 4 S•.���� <br /> '� ��� v,' I��:e.` r _ . i�� , _ �, : . � _ r..�. , �;y•�,.�r, � k�l' n ,, ('�'� <br /> - 'lt;;1. � t• � v , x - _i. t..�v7 0 5 y',i i.'R�•Y�. P� ��, <br /> �,S'n ti '��'i', �+�' 't I�j�f r1` }, � F`.'•��1 . s r <br /> I � �1��,.1 . ,ti� ic r� '+' ,jtJ� ik�.:; 4 �.latc4f4+%F'k� i�:.i�. y,� , 1 ti � A 1 �i.� <br /> s i . j-� _ ' ���T.',; , �y y, 8_.tZl��, i. _ .f�f�• . r. - Vl h �� � � .�+�� x�i�t <br /> � _.. i�u�.t..''�•� ' � ` �•'li, -�•�'. '�l.�V'''„. }...'�l.-f`'•'fv.'�`i i.i�J CF•'-�{��'' � a.�'�'�}�Ct' ��'�4a s`Jui:!!�� 4� � i, <br /> _i�i,:,,ib�, ,_ .��,s.±�Yi!��i:._S�r Y• �•�'�. �71� ti tiay�!_itL;t��7 ��. - <br /> - ...«.. -_. , -, 7��� �q��- . . }�— <br /> �; " x..,. .�'�' .i. + --._ --'_�—�;r}i `',�. 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