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+ �<. <br /> �� .�� .5,/� d .1 • .. .. .. , � � . ;� �1',�. .. . . ..�4 .'__. ..- " �1'i:`' �..T �. <br /> ..� .�.�. <br /> . �q„a�cit.w,�,oo lon�er be reqninea�,M�bo opdon.�Lenda�.u motta+��n�uranoe oov�a�e c�u abe.a4ount,.a r�r tho perloa <br /> tl�t I.eal�r reqniro�)Proroidaa NY�a iirura�ppRn'°a bl'��arl��ain beooa�ia�v�il�ble�aid i�obnined. Horrow�e��ntl p�y <br /> t�e p�emium teqpind ta mdntdn moetp�e ia��c�lo e� to povlde s loa t�aowa waHl N�e nequitanoat fa�oey�e <br /> Iqwaaaoe adt in�000�d�noe�vitb aiq► w�itlo��pea�aM betwwa Bonow�a�d I.ender or applic�abb I�w. <br /> 9.le�p�cllo�.t�aKla or its�eat mipr nrira oa�oro�ble entria upon�nd inepaction�ot die P�opaty.Lmdrr:�mll jive � <br /> Aora�ower noNoe M tho time ot ar pio�a�n irtspeaioa�peCityi�ra�bb au�e for We incpealoo. <br /> 1�.CantleauMtio�. 71�prooeedi of my aw�ud or cWm for dam�ca. dlrax or ooapoqu�ot�at. ia�o�rrxdoe wW�w�r <br /> _ -- -- oondana�tbn or atMr 4kio�of say pA of U�e Pnopoily.or for ooave�r�uce im Rit,tt a1i aada�oao�ioo.�+m��+o�� - <br />, ���,--___----- -� sh�llbeqr�idWl.ender. . ,� }.�, . <br /> - In Booe oveat ot�a wt+�t r�ciog of t�e Ps+nparq�r.tde pcoceedR etr�il bo appli�8 t+�t�e su�ws cewrod by thia Sacurity�M�, ,. . ,.: <br /> e <br /> �h�ihcr or pot 1ita�r,�►1C. rriW am4r e� p�W�xtowes.IIit ltio et►Wt�dF s1 partlid'liiluug of tite Aroperty i�vi�icah the�tr.?i•,.;,� e, <br /> �rlr,et rr�lue oi kA��p�y�+�Y befoRS dfe qidog is eywl to or�neater U w n�t h e'amount o f the cumc"c e c l t i+e�b y.��u t s..:.: ',:-.�' <br /> ___-- Sewaity IrtatrumdiR d�wnadiaielY bdore the tal�iag.unless�om�wa wd�.erdes cNherwise agtae in wrltiq�.the ama secu�eil Yry' '- `�,: <br /> == ---- this Security Inslrumem sheU 6e roduoed by the�unounc of Ihe pro�eeds�muld'plied by the following fnctian: (o) the wuil� ', � <br /> -_ - amow�t of the eua�s secural immediatdy.l�ef'ure 1ho takinB.divided by(b)tho fwir mArket value of the PnapeKy►immodiately <br /> befo�e Ihe t�king. My halaioe sludl be paid w Hormwer. In tho event of A pyutial tpking of�ho PropeRy ia which the fai� <br /> LL-- �vuluo of the Propetty immediatdy befon the taking is lesa Ilwn�he+uiwunt of the wm:sea�rod immodiately beforo the <br /> Wcing.unkc�Borrowe�wnd[�der otlarwice agroe in writin�ar uMess applicable law ol�vvice providea. the proaeed:�11 <br /> . bo�@pliod to tho sut►w sacurod by lhia Saurity Inarumenl whdlkr or not Ihe cunu am 11Ka due. <br /> if the Pmpnty is ahaidonod by Harower.or if.�no�ica by Lender to Bo�mwer Iluit tho rnr�mor all'uc to rnl�e an <br /> --- ew�nl nr+�eak a cWm far da�aa�. Bornower fdls w napotd to I.aide�wi�hin 30 d�yr aflcr the dMe Ihe ndia i��iven. <br /> -- - _ - Let�der i�au�horirad ta onilal�axt rppty�he pra�seeda,w its optiaa.cither to rcuormlon or Kpair oP Ihe Prapeity ar w�e aan <br /> - �ecu�ed by�hf�Secu�ity Ins��ument,whpher�mx�hen duo. � <br /> Unle�u Lender u�d Barrower othe�wise a�roa in w�itin�, any +�pplicati�►n af pmcbods to princfpol :Full nw ex�ead or <br />`�� po�tputa the duc dwe oi tho mumhlY paYm�hu�refened�o in para�rophx I und 2 ar chan�e thc iunoum of r�uch ppymcnts. <br /> I 1.Borrnvrer NM Rdeppedt Foebew�wce By l.e�de�Not�Wdver.Extcncfon of tho timo for p�ymcnt or modificatian <br /> oiamonizalbn of the sums securod by�bix Socudly Insln�ment granted by I.ender ta a�y successor in interest oi Bomower shall <br /> not aperAte�o rcleuse the IMbility oi t1�e origMal Bornawer or Borrower's successorx in interrst.1.¢ndcr shnll not bc roquirod to <br /> commetK�e prncoedings�afnst any wcoe�sar i�intercct or r�fi�se to extend time for payment or athcrwise madify timmortiwtion <br /> 0 <br />- a dt Insuument b rcason oP uny demand mude by the original Bornnwer or Bomower's <br />;� of the sums securod by �hi Socu y Y <br /> successoB in interest. Any for6wranoe by Lender in eaerciaiog any �ight or �medy shall not be a waiver of or preciude the <br /> exercise of any right or remedy. <br />- - — i2. �toi�e.;serr6 wiid �B�adl+J�IM attd Sevsra! Lleb!!lty; Co-slgner+s. TIle MVPIM111A Bltd agreeme�us of this ' � <br /> _�'_ Security Imt�ument shall Mind and benetit the successors and assigos of Lender and Bomower, subject to the provisiais�06 <br /> ��;� puagraph 17. BatTOwer's covenante and agreemenls shc�ll be joint and seveml. Any Borrower who co-signs this Seaarit�� <br />-�Y 6;� Yr'����;,.���;t.• Instn�ment but daes nnt eaecute the Note: (a► is co-signing this Securiry lostroment anly to mongage. grunt and a�mey that <br />''����'--- � Horrower's intare�t in the Propeny ende� the terms of this Secu�ity Instmment:(b)is not personally obliguted to pay the surce; <br /> _;� u'��i:�x��*:�N�• sxured by�his Secudty Invrumem;und(c)agrees that L.eader und any other Borrower muy ogree ta exte�ui, modify,forbcAr ur <br />.::;.� , ;�r.:., .xT.�. <br />:�i�r.;�„�,^• a� , malce any uccammoda�ions with regur�d a the�ermc of this Secu�ity Inslrument or the Nate without that Horrower's eonsent. <br />��"'-�°;".; •.:*'y�: -�"� 13,I.aan Ctwrges. If the lonn�ecurcd by�his Security Ins�rument is subject to a law which sets mu�cimum loan chiuges, <br /> ��w.. <br /> �� ,��„�,.�, � ~ and�hat IAw is tituilly interpreted so that the interest ur ather lonn chu�ges collected or to be collected in connection with ihe <br /> • e <br />'"��� "' .3�'�^: ^=•.��� loan eaoeecl the permitted limits, then:lu)uny surh loan churge shall be reduced by the�unount necessary �o reduce the clw�e <br /> �7. r�'.;,.. .t�.,.,,.�.:ri <br />".:`;'�, ��:�r: .,:,� • to the p ermiued limit:��d Ib>uny aim.s almuciy collec�ed frum Borrower which exceeded permitteci limits will be�efunded Rn <br />-=`� �`' RnrmwPr I Pncler may ¢ha►se to ms�ke this refund by rcJucing the �rincipal owed unJer the Note or by making a direcl <br />-�'�+ r�����•S. payment to &►nower. if u rePund reduces principnl, �hr n�iuclion wi01 hr treai:d a4 u partial prcp•ryment without any <br /> ;:•tf•,r <br />`°��',�' ''�'x+•� �.t P�WY�nt charge under the Nate. .- <br /> �'��;'•.- � `' "� � 14.Notices.Any ncitice to Borra�wcr provided for in t6is Secuntv In�tmment xhaH be given by delivering it or by mai0ing <br /> ' '�u .:�d.,, - o.� <br />::';�� •;., „�.� it by tirst cluss muil unless upplics�ble law requiret use of arathe�rtkthcxi. 'fhe notire shall be dirr�Ked to the Property Addrrss <br /> •�r�a��';:' �•t. or uny othcr addrexs &mower desistwte� by notioe to L.rnd�r. An} nMice �o Lender shull be given by first class mail t� <br />_ �'"'' '" ';'� I.e�der's nckimss stated herein or nny a�her aJdres� Len�ler designateti hv n��ticc to Bc�rrower. Any notice providz�l Sor in thls <br />.`����` , , Securit lnstrument shall be d�.'emed to have been given a�Hcxr��we��ir Lender whrn given us providc�l in this par�gnph. <br /> '�^ �`+� y Severabilil This S�*�urit Instrurnzm shztl be �ovcrn�l b federal law und the law ol thc <br /> ,�;��i, �;. 15.Coverning; Y• Y b Y <br />-�,•;;� :�r;'c�;l'��••.`"<#� <br /> � r•••,-• jurisdictinn in which the Pmperty is laut�l. In�he event tha� ony pm�•i.ion or cluusc uf thi+Serurity Instrument ar�he Note <br /> �.,.,� . <br /> ,•:� � • � rnn0icts wi�h eppli��ble law, such�nn0ict shal I not uffec����hcr pruvixions oi this S«:urity Im�rumem ur the Nute which can be _ <br /> - '�� 'r.;i.;�,..,,., .. <br /> ��• '- given effect without the conf1ictinF pmrision. Tu this enJ the pruvi.iam..ii thi.Serurity Intitrumcnt anJ the Note are declared <br /> - ' • • to be severnble. <br /> �"'�;=��,='=�'�'� !6.Borro«er•s Copy.BO�C0ISCS'SM„tYP FK,^�lt�en one ri�nit•rnx�i e��+�ni the N�NC tmcl��f�hic tictivnty Imtrument_ <br /> - "� :lw;` Foem 3028 8190 <br /> ..i�,a� Paq�4 d 8 <br /> �•i.._'.p' .._ . <br /> � '.q. �.S� , <br /> ��,. , <br /> ♦ -t ���,�.a� �!.; <br /> ��' i. <br /> � �, a �.r ,nyw �r i� '�''j:.. �. � � e .. .y t+�Y1�;" _ .xia.�. - __ - ` �,v,_�' t� ? �-�.q�.-�.A <br /> t�pr =. .. f � �`' � .: � n • , . . ' . �n' � it��»\ ;�i Ji ��.�� t .A <br /> �. '7 A�i��. � ��i'�r.:...: - � ��- � i. . .. :� I � y' x3 t� R �. - ��i�rN.�S! 3i s r'�t�h'.�. <br /> � �„�� f�4,t�s}� <br /> — Z;a�Nwa4iX`_i: °��iM.tiv:r�.,A1w_��Lsstl�i•�.154�%:4����.�i.?i.,i�l�?�t�,diit. �x=�_�1F��� `�+SiYrl'Af,e�;'�}.�.. -'��1� <br />_ G '� _}.✓-_ ____— . _r . . '— __.�, VJ� ..--- . ' - . . . .•�r :C'�4'i�.A�-SYi�T� N _2}_ .� . . r•. - . . �.. <br /> , `fl��' - ' ,. . • - - ti' ,e, y� - - <br /> s � :��na�+.i.,tA.� . ,;__ . • � , . �.�' •<1<. L�''4t�,��;C r! _ <br /> �:1� �'� ��t�� ` 4�Q.\ ��� /. I . j,�r �. . ��R•?i`.~4�.��.��qy+'�CS. A+r, t r}.v��,,�1����`I� Ca. nj..`t <br /> - — ,ii�+ �r -)'"t�_ ,'T y<�t ?f.� '3� {' - , , � �1� ir� S , I� ` 'y- ? � t �- �:f�'`Iay1Y'r r'_ 7 <br /> - t�5`{'�4 ':�.� ' •1� '.V�1t�,1 \i.i:•'�_.�'t"�:"l��.�µ'L•' ' lyiY�;:�:Ii;3%y-�`ti�.1Y�i�ii� t.,,�.`��i.. ,;�;a:�,�. 'O� ` �t b:- •;l��r. .��1�`��{*,�Y.` :..�;.- <br /> �4�,t*�`.�r�.'y,y!1���l�+d•�'(�.-�.:)�� 4� �)yy}t M '•r'?� !+' .. . 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'�, �•:,;• ��+,;z, a dy}�..y ,�.2/�j ��1�i( .'�h'Ft t�f'l�r,4r �' .,�,� <br /> .� 1� � f� :� •rfi ,h1 r� ,k1� ry�� 'f�� .6 ,d,♦ , , .S���i,.j -l.', r.•i�'.•.`r7k� •1• r. �•�U P��� f;.�s { 1� .�11.,��l' St�„ <br /> .J ,�,t t,rr�C .9� '�{�.. '�V{S� ���f� �!'[-k+p�'. �, 'l: ° ♦,j�.: . � � r 5 5, i � .,��..' 1� - \ �� �,� � _ <br /> ��rtax .o �! i ;i �i ��4 1 , � .1 -j�' �i,rt ��� �. �1M .•�ja`. °I T� � ���, � rR � �. `1 i 7 <br /> 4 �k• . . .n�i9 J.��i\��i�t �i�•d� . .�� � �ii� � } '�tt f �1 i4� i��'77'��il t i 1- i- - �_ <br /> �t{ �a � ' ��r1'�� l�� i��' ft-!� :. . �'' .i' , J �'..;` �l � << � r -1�._, �ti Y. S ' S- 1 d ��. <br /> f •�il;:. . a. � • � .``��'-�,,,,r-„ ��'..,. �• �t` ,1��}� f. r��o r ♦� •� 'rf � �''+' ,' ..,��� <br /> �us , �.� 4i�15i..��v-� t.. a1�R � 1 \; S{.r.�'1:�.±Jti;.A.`.7•.]'itii�y!;°•{';f1��d�'��INltY��f.�•���lYff�: ' •. :.SY'E]'t�1'�C }- ��. r, . <br /> i r,r,��s�+�17� - ---. _ . . � - - �.�•�r.- . . 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