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� �,�'•� <br /> .��� __. ;. .. � . . a�_ . ... _ __ <br /> 17.7'n�tar ot tMt l�n�N�wMIMeW I�t�r1 b M�ea�ra�.U dl or yp�rc ot the Propary a'+wY���in N <br /> io aW or 4wtaned(ar i�� In1a�t ia�arrowo�i�aaW ar dmder�ed nd�Borrower b not��pWnl pena► wilha�ut <br /> dm <br /> .Lprfor•� piur wriroen aone�nt. l�nder m�y. �t jb optboo. re iannedi�te paymmt in Poll ot dl wnu by t6i� <br /> inqromaN.Howovar.thi�oplba tlWl aut be a�esci�or�y i.a�de�it a:ardre 4 p�nhibitoA M►tadexal Unr a oi tha dre <br /> � <br /> of tbi� iasqurna�t• <br /> If l.ead�r mceadsa tbis opion.[�ender�ln11 ve 9oeror�w notioe af�.7't�o naioe�hwli r parfod of not <br /> YCf <br /> les�tha� 30 d�ya tiom�be d�te the mtioe b del�vaad or mRilod within vvhirb BoROwer us��pry d nua� sauwd by d� <br /> Sxudty G�spument.If Borrower fiW W qy ib�a cumt prbr to tha aui►intion of�ds potiod,1�endar nnY iAVOloa�uY ra�qedk�► <br /> _ - -_. pe�mittodby tida 1n�un�pit wiQ�aul Netder aadce ot danand oa eots�owa. , - <br /> _= IS. �rovvsr•� to kd�te. If RMrower med� oauln oonduioas. Boirower cluill b�ve �he �t W have <br /> �" ":.�'-�.�� enfo�oement of thio 1�+�ioo�Nitwel �t smy tia�e�xior lo tho cauller af. (a) S daya tor such M�'p��d u <br /> - �pplicabte law m�Y 9��Y fa�reinq�iwaant) betbre t�tk of�ho�hvpany Punw�n� �o W► Ppwcr of We ac�ntdneA in tbl� <br /> -" Secu�ity in�auma�t;ar tb)amY aiR jaA�narl anfh�da�thi�Sxudty lnihumenl.71�aso aoaditiau are Ilut Bamwar:U)p�ya <br /> th <br /> Lende�vl sums which�i�en wauW be due under tbi�Spocudty lnsuumcnl�nd�he Nate as if�o acuelemllan hNd ac�w�0(b) <br /> cu�es any de1'�ult oi any alher oovnu�nq or�gneemenu: <clp�y�all�enpensc�inn�rnod in eafarin�thi�Sa��it!'i�p to�tro� . <br /> iocluding.bnt nat Ilmited la. rcasaq�hle mama�A'iea:�nd(d)tR{ca cuct��ctian a�I.e�der m�y�o�ly�qu <br /> tiut the lion af�hi�Socu�ity In�prumap� L+rndcr�d hu in�he P�apcny and Botmwer'�ubli�1ion p�p�y tfio�um+�oauad by • <br /> �_ thlc Secu�ity latnu�t�et�t �hdl cantitwe u�. Upon reinct�tcmc� by B�xtnwer. thl� Sea��ily I�Irwne�M �ad Ibe <br /> obli�tianw r�ocurod herotiy shall ren�in fWly eflbc�iva�s if n��ooelenitba hrJ axunod. Nowever,�bi.n�hl w�iapa�o riWl <br /> � oaapply in the c�o uf�ccelerMi.n wwler para�raph 17. <br /> 19. 14de af Notei L'r�o�Los�&rrice�. The Note ar w putial intetest fn tha N�xa Itu�dher wi�h tbb Sawlfy <br /> Imtruma►t)moY bo caW uno cx mone�ima wi�hau�priar nolicc�o Bonnw¢r.A We m�y nwlt in�cl�npo in tho auity Iknawn <br />- ��ho•Lnan Serviar'1 that colloct��mnthly p�ymailn due under�ho N�1e+ux!thl►�au�ity 1nu�umnN. Thero dw�m�y be o� <br /> - ar maro chan�c�oP ihc Lcwn�ioor un�l�tod ta a�alc at thc Nde.If�hero i�A clwnQa of�he I.t�n Scrviccr.Bonawc�will be <br /> :;:.�:�.�--,--.--..._:r� givu�w�iltrn noiicr uP ti�c�iwnyc iu�Y►i'�ia�:e wiin gar�sh 14 ttbave ts�ap�lk�le latv.'!1�nM4oa will ct�ta the mutxt�nd <br /> address of the new L.a�n Scrviaer w�d the addns�lo which pnymctu� �hould bo rtwdo.Tho m�►i�n will wlw cotM�in+u�y otl�er <br />- infornuuion rcquirod by�pplicAbla lww. <br />" tp. {Iwzwrdou� SubA�pceo.Bartower sholl not cause or permit Uk prcsence. uce. dispaaul. star�e.or rolexce of any <br /> Hawrdous Substanccs on or in �hc Propeny. Bc►rrower shell not do. nar allow unyone elsc ta da. anything aifecting the <br /> Property that ic in violutian af uny Envimnmenwl Luw. Thc pro��eding two semences shall nd�pply to the presence,use.or <br /> ' storage on the Pnoperty of smell quentities of HAZaMoua Subs�oes thal are B���Y�8nized to be°pprop�i�e�°°°� <br /> �" ��ecidemial uses nnd�o maintenance of the Property. <br /> Borrower shall promptly givo Lender written notice oi any inrestigation.claim.detnand.luwsuit or dher�ction by auq► <br /> ,,��, governmental or regulatory ugency orpnvate pcuty invalving the Prnperty and aoY Hur,udous Subst�nce or Fnvironnentd La►w <br /> . of wAich Burnower has uctuni kaowlnlge. li Borrower le;uns, or is notiPied by any goveaurrental or�egulutary autMrity.that <br /> Any remaval ur ather remedintion of w�y Har.a�dous Substance�ffei.-¢ing the PropenY�s nece�.�wrY.Bontiwer shall pr+omptly takt <br /> all ne��es�n remedial•ictions in accortlance with�a�erunmental Lsw. <br />- ���±`£;� As u4ed in this paragmph 20, 'H�ardous SuM�u�cec"sue t9�ose substar�s defined as t�xic or hazardous subs�aac¢s by <br /> � '�°' �n�•ironroienral a�d tl� following substance.: �aKe9e�ae. kemsene, other tiummable or cosic peiroicu�u pn�tu�t:. taxic <br /> �' . ,,,�, _ i, �pe5aicides nnc!herbkides,volutile solvents,material.cara�aini�a�a�!hcstos or fornwldehyde,and rudioactive materials. A�useil in <br />_ R.���:�. thi� pwp;igruph 20, "Environn�ental Law" means fcderal luws aRu laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is lacawd tiwt <br /> ` iK+r.�y4�i lc <br /> •f` relAt�tm heuJth,safety or envimnmemal protectian. <br /> !� T1�N-UTVIFORM COVENANTS. &�Rawer uRC�Lender tl�nh�r cove�wnt und ugree u.,Follows: <br /> •����;s•„ • ,,.,{.:� �1. Acceleration;Remedl�. I.ender shall slve notice to Uorrower prlor to acceleratlon following Borrower's br�ch . ' - <br /> R�`n�°,�'r ; ot�ay cnve�nt or agt�eement In this Security Inslrumenl (but nut {srior to acceleration underp�ragtapn 17 . <br /> M•���• icabk!nw rovidea otherwise).7'bc notire shall x if(s�!the default;(b) the Actian requtred to cure the deYa�9t; � <br /> i. ;-.-.::fi�,�•� +�PPO p !� Y� <br /> A t�, � 1��� (c)a d�te,�aol Icss thon 30 dnys frun� the date the noNce iti�iv�n to Borrower. by which the default must be cur�d;nnd <br /> ' ` ,(d) that iui�ure to rure Ihe deiault oa i��before the date yp�c��icd in the notice may resal¢ in accelerntion ut tla�c s�ms <br /> _ �'=.� •secuced by thls Security Instrumem and sale of Ihe Prapert�. "�he nodce shaU furlher intarm Borrower ot the righ� !o <br /> +�.. �' rei�utate at�er accelers�tlon and the right to h��n� n coart uct�on to asscrt the non-exlstence oP a de�awlt or any ot'her <br />'• ' '��r'�•"°.` '�':•� det'en5e of Borrower to uc��eleretion and sale. li' tC�e defua�lt is not cured nn or betore the date apec�tie�in the notiee. <br /> �� ` ��y�p�,��ler. nt its opdon. mpy requlre immediate pi►yment in full of aii 4ums,ecured by thts Security tnstrument ���thM�t <br /> *-?'' �'�� � further[�cmand and may invoke the powcr of w�lr And uea oth�r remedl�permitted by appllcable law•. l,rnc�er sf+adl be <br /> ', ' k;�Sf' � entitlecl to cnllect wll expeas�incurred in pursulnA the remer�ees provided in this para8raph 21�includl�;..bat nat limited <br />'��I/. 1. , v.;�: . <br /> .;;f,.-,.���- ,:,. . to. repsonable attorneys'fce�s�nd costs of title evidence. <br /> y ",'- ` ��"'� � � If thepo wer�f tiale is invoked. Trustee aha�l rerurd a notice nf de4uult In each county in which any purt of the <br /> •���' �:��;?.�" : piraperl�•is l�cuted and shall moil copies oi'such notice in the manner prescribed by appllcable law to Borruwer and to <br /> � ;�..':< <• �'� .•'�4�' ' the other persong prescrlbed by upplicable luw.Ai�ter t6e li�ne required by Upplicablc law,Ttustce shall give puhlk notice <br />=`� �'�'�{�t;}�j"�y:;� ot�le ta the persnns aa�t1 in thc���a�ncr prescrilx�d b� uppUca•blc law. Tru+tec. withuut<iemond on Horrower,�h�11 sell <br /> �� r�x L�';t�:+ Ihe Prapertv at pubUc auctiun to thc hiRhest bidder at thc eime and pluce und under the tcr�nc dcsign�ted In the datice of <br /> �� �''=,.;•; ,: � sale in one or mure parcels and in any order Trustee detcrmin�s. Trustce ma�� pustponc!wle of all or aay parcel uP the <br /> :,_•: , t';,": <br /> � , propert� by publlc announcement at the dme und p�uce of un}�previ��wl� xheduled .r•ulr. IAnder �its d�Klgnee may <br /> ;-•� .��`�'1` puQChase Ihe Property et eny sak. <br /> _ •�,.: <br />_�. :,'�-f''��`�`• . <br /> '�5.;.. <br /> ;�:,.�^.,ua;c�i� <br /> ,�'�^" , . Form 30$6 9180 <br /> , . ' � P�p B ol 8 <br />. �. � ,���_�.i:; <br /> 4 '.�.Ji._' :• -' .��i <br /> "•:,�i^',t . �•'�6 ... <br /> , r �i. � ' <br /> . ,� ,,<r . -,:,,r•_, y .,,. <br /> . ..,•,•-;;g; ., <br /> .. , ... <br />-. . ysa�` ,r ° � ;4 i< ---- - �����tJSk� - - - . . _ .._ -� -- - - J��. �- <br /> .' y��'��� �. "'�i�'�tti,,��', i�� . ' . ' . • . , , ' � �.� , "i"' L 1[° ,� � `�_�r uy� - <br /> ..L K' a•_. ` � _ • _c., � r e: .:!�..� •�C:�li�T�� . + i.�.:p�i' t'�°7+_s.tnr <br /> � "'� �y�+!,f'Szfiar _ <br /> -- "'4•'' '�l:.ds. .r - _.ti�z;5��.�._�._i. _�1.�:� :..1L.��'.'.j_y�z��A'' 1 is.uL�!',��k�:.��_Y6���3�.�}it�.:. <br /> — <br /> ��- .. „ . � -— - :--.. ... . - - - -- - --- - ---- --; - - -- --- - . .. � . . . . � <br /> , �. � , . <br /> ,�. . , it�i tt�'`' , , . f. + – _ - -- �- .- . 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