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_J[1';�w. '.T'�����t i 1 .. "'c.+"M ..R�� ^WSTLN.h��t�tY^. � . . '„ �� ..A� ..«.� <br /> ;£,r`�` "* � . '' ' ' ., � ,. , ' -' ��� � �� a .' ��ti.d,�. . <br /> r � <br /> .' S. ��Mf� M' �,� ��f�l.�01'IrK/0!� �)i�N �1DYrlrt tlOwl!�j Or��14yC1/d O!IrL ., <br /> . �flr�fispl� �f��OM�►Qn�hRT�id��11C1U�rY�fh�fl 1�M N(III�lil00f�Id pDY��/���1.01�i��. � <br /> flaod�or A�odinl,lbr'rrA�ich Landar�eqnit�e�itu�wanoo.'I'hi�iowrNeoe aadw�ia�d ln tl�e�anoimu�nd fi�.dr prtioiM.. <br /> tlat i�1d11'if�qninr. '11N iraur�aoe airlar piovWin�d�laruaeoi+b�U ba�cUorea l� Bortow�x tiubject t4 i�end�r'�r�p�n�r� <br /> wbkh�II na be unna�bly wtUibeld. lP Banawer hU�a aMiaain oova�e�ie�ibed abow. I.aMtrr aiy.�t�L*ndK'� <br /> aptioM�abhia aoven�ta�notea t.ender'�d�hq in tbe ProQaty in�noordmoe wDW pia�i�7. <br /> All iMauaoaor�Pdkies�nd ronaw�b�1 bs�aoqibble to La�dor ad �II ladude��t�nd�rd aio�t��haw. laidar <br /> •bdl hve tba rl�Lt w kdd t6a poUcla nd n�eiv�4.V 1.�der roqul��Haro��iuq promP�Y�ive to l.eorler all teodpu of <br /> -�- -=�_ - ___, Tmid pnaaturus tt�tr,�wal nottcrA. Ia the eveat af tosa�Borrower�Iwll�iva proaapt iwtioe w die incu�aaoa ciurriu�nd I.eadr,r. <br /> I�ender au�y,a�k�e proof ot laa it aot nnd�e PromptlY bY Bo�ro�va�. <br /> Uak�Irendet ard 9onower otha�wi�e a�ee ia wrltln�.ioour*ooe pmoeeA�shdl be�plied 1�ro�toation or rop�iR ot tbe <br /> PmQatY dam�ed,if tbo�estoratron cr�opir is aoonopScallr PoariDk ad Lender'a�ocM�iyr i�not Iccraod:it t1�reMOetiop ar • ,. <br /> �ir is aot 000maroicaUy fe�iWe a�I,enda's pecucity vruuld 6e taaa�od.�e i�iwawo��raonadq sWl be�iiad to dre ataoR : <br /> secur�ed Iry Wit Soaurity Ir�a�R.wE�er or uot tl��aa.witA�rqr euce�s p�W��qi,7t�oer.:��'�,+�b�►�do�r�4e <br /> - ..,��.� ..�;P�e�yr.or das uoR�m*rar w&4i�34.�pn:�er:nc�E?oc�d kirk�t�e�t c$e�ne��S+s adf��.�n:�t'J�'f r.�A.�6Cit � -, :: <br /> ,��?�������i�"� � ',' A.ea�let''it(n�y►col4aat,ibe�e�oe"�. l�rtdcr.may uuc�hc ptr�ocdds"w t�pair wr�.the P�aQeaty or w pry aqdl . <br /> � „� seri�reA Q�y��t�i�s S�em�ity Instniment.�+he�ar aoc it�ep dud.ltiti 3p;tft�r peri�d w1�1 �We notice ia glven, <br />_:�et�ra�se�t.:?�7�P1��r.,e�.�n'i" � �. <br /> -�=�•,�K�.Yx.w��;�■����� •�'-;;��;� , 4�e��.el�der�apd.BorroWer othetrwise �groe in writin8• �Y APP�I{�OD'OP�1IbCCDdB �O(I�IIC�j1�I sIqII IIOI Q1IIEild Oi <br /> �<,�� postpone the due due of tha monthlY paymenu roferrotl w in p�r�g�he 1 wid 2 or dunge 1he wnaunt ot the p�yma�M�. IP <br /> un�ler poragraph 21 tF�e Prope�ty i�acquined by Lender.Bomowar's dgdt w any inwiranoe poNda ipd prooeeda taWdn�from <br /> — ----- --� dartmgt to the Pnoperty prlor ta the acquieidon ehell pns�to[�t�der to tbe eatent of the��aa�a�nd by tbia fi�wrlty Ia�na�at <br /> immcdiuely prbr to the w�qui�ition. <br /> _ 6.Ooap�ncy,�11�41Maa�e�d Protectlon at Ibe P�+npertyt It�erower'�Law Appilntla�lwwiol�ir. <br /> - Bannwer�h�ll ooaipy.atabtich.�nd u�e Ihe Prop�cny�r Barr�wer'�princlpsl�aidenoe wilhln dxty d�y��Ner the mcaauion�t <br />=- thix Sa�u�iry tnunimont w�d�ll cwMinuo�o nccupy U�o F�opehy+�r Bormwer'r pincipd rosideMb for M(or�t one yMr� <br /> Iho d�lo of aacupmcy.unla�L,endor aherwico��ees in writin�. whkh a►nReM ahall not bo unro�ra�wbly wllhheW. or unlea� <br />':c cx�onu�tiry{ eircum�t+uion e�tlsl which wro boy��f Bormwer'r a►n�rol. Borrowcr sbdl not dwmy. dart�e ar im�.ir�ho <br />'=�;; Prope Y Propeny. BMnawer chall bo in defwlt {f�ny farl'dlure <br /> Praprny. allaw �ho rt to daterk►r�te.�x��Hnmi� wiuue on tho <br /> +icNon nr pmeoodlag. wlbther civfl cx c�iminal.i�beaun ih�t in Londer's goaJ fiilh�ud�mau oauld rowll in fodeitum of the <br /> `* PropenY or athenvlce m�te�idly fmprir tho Ilen crcated by�hi�Socudty Inslrumrnt or Lceder'c socudly intotat.Horrower may <br /> curo wch a defwU u�d pmvided in p�uag�ph causin�tho actian ar pr000eding to bo dismis�od with�rulirt� <br /> .:, Ih�t. in Lendar'e�ood f�th determin�tion. proclwks fort'aituro of the Bomnwar's intcre�t in the Pruperty or aher mataial <br /> _. <br /> - --- - <br /> � oqwim�rni oE li.o iien croaiod by�his Socurity i�utrumem or Lender's security imar�t. Horrower sh�ii aiso be in dafanit if <br /> - Borrower.durfng�he laan application pmcss,s,gavo materially false or inaocurate infomution or statdna�ts to Lender(or fiiled <br /> ta provide Lender with any rt�terial iniomution)in cannection with the loan evldenced by the Note.including.but not limitod <br /> ta.represenuuions a►naming Bamnwer's oocupancy of the Property as u pri�uipal recidence.lf tliis Socurity Instrument is an a <br /> '�K � 4, • leaschold. Rarrower sh�ll wmply with all the provisions of Ihe lease. If Borrower acquires fee dIk to tho Property, the <br /> ' ':�' � leasohold and the foe titic s6all not merge unless I.ender agr�ees to the merger in writing. <br /> '' • 7.Prntectbn ot I.eader's Rf$bb(n the Prnperty.If Borrower fejls to perform the rnvenants aM agreemerus mntainod in <br /> ' NJt" • this Securi Instrument,or there ia a le al roceedin that ma c� nificanU efi'e�K Lender's ri hts in the Pro a such as a <br /> ������������'�6r;;� • �!' 8 P E Y•�S Y 8 {x�Y( _. <br /> ,f'}z: �`�;�� prooeeding in bu�ruptcy, probate, for condemr�ation or farf'eiture or to enfarcc laws or regulations).then Lender may da and , ' <br /> _ �'. 4'����•�` pAy for whatevor is�ary to protect the vulue of the Properly and L.ender's rights in the Property. l.ender's octians rru�y � <br />_ ,y �a�,;;'�:,;�'; <br /> ) ��F, include paying any sums xecured by u lien which has priority over this Security Instrument, appearing in court. payin� _ <br /> . '� • �, . �a�sorwble attomeys' fePS And entering on the Propehy to rtwke re�wiro.Although l.eMcr may take action under this paragraph <br /> ;��;u1 r, � r � 7,Lender dces nut have la do so. -. <br /> � h ; �'.',r"�,�}�,?�1< , pny amounts disbursecl by Lender under �his paragrpph 7 shull bocome additional debt af Borrower secured by this <br /> �-�'?�'''•'�''�� �' S e curi t Instniment. Un l ess B orrower ui x f l.en der v rec to a her terms o f inenl. t hese amounts s hall beur interest from thc <br /> . :�r :,.... ':,.��.r.: Y 8 P�Y - <br /> }�p,,�!;�i,�'''�' ' , date of disbursement at the Note rate ntid�11 be puyable, with intcrest. upon notice from I.ender to Bort�c+wer requestinQ <br /> ';ti�:z;',j� .. .<, paytrleM. <br /> ,�f�';;�.;` .. S.Mort - <br />_ . ��;��,�,.:. �. �e lnsurAnre.lf I.ender required rnortgage insurance a,u cundition of making the losu�secuced by this Security <br />'"`�. B,.Y.�`+,:r� .,.,.,•�r; lnstrument. Borcower shall <br />..;�. ,,,-.y•�a������r�t,,�,.� p:►y �he prcmiums rcyuired to m;xintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, far any renson.the <br /> � "�} �•��`''' mort e insuronce coveruge reyuireci by L,eixier lap�s or cca�es ta bc in effect.Borrawer shull pay the premiums required to <br />- ..'r ,. . ,7 ,F��ljf;',,;� Ba8 <br /> -'`� ��vt,�4'�!,a)?�.����i obtAin coverage tiubstantiully equivalent to the m�mgage insurunce previously in effect,ut n cost substantially eyuivatent to the - <br />_ :- ; ���Y�+��`��}I:;'�SY� _ <br />'A"�` ��`�'���";�:�•��t�Y{��'fi�`J��:� ubstantiall�WUivalentem n u�e inxumnce covera e is ncx uvailable��&rr werrnha�����age insurer approved by Lender. tf _ <br /> �,`.•:�� ,�!� Y MI R 8 F pay to Lrnder cach month a sum equal to <br /> ti� f t�,.�.t5� - <br /> ��'�'���r,�l�i one•twelfth af the curl mon a e inguranre remium t�ein n�J b &ircuwer when the insurance��vera e la sed or ceu.4ed to - <br /> y � �u�`_`y.':'. Y Y 8'8 P !�P � Y R P - <br /> �,�=`- =`'`� ' ,° � ix in effat.Len�ier will ucccept. use utKi�e�ain theae puyment+�+ u lu„ �cac�o�i�� licu JI flkill�d(jC iiuu�wx�. i.o„ resen•e � <br />_ � r�5i�'.;�.; Cf '_ <br /> Fam 3028 81�0 <br />• ' . .� . �i� PN199o18 �_ <br /> /�r''• ''�: -. <br /> � <br /> �,. . <br /> f ? ��},,� '� <br /> �,,;..' . . �..yi ,�- .. . <br /> �� . .,y �. y ':., -- <br /> '},� >�'�.i - • .,� ',i•, -e.� • . .°', . --^ . .. - -^-•-----',- -..-R-...-.a...�,..�-�aaµ`� �.� �.,.r_ <br /> . <br /> ]' ` z�� <br /> .,. . . j � .}� . .. _ <br /> �• 7.. •.».�� .S�li�'11Lew. n " . : - , \ •. 1'tti...(' , T�f/!F�t�,q�e'�l.'sr � <br /> . . - <br /> .- _ <br /> _ .,. � � {� FI <br /> . � ' ' • � 'I:i�.. . i'• - .. . ' r ,�`T.t2r� .� ��y7'1'��= <br /> — �� C: '_is�.�Y�!.i�! -. .�..' ' '_.. _'__ . •:�?Q"�1}3L'diL�.��1L�' ici��.� �L' - - - _ <br /> .. . <br />.-- _- .=-�t=��-�—_—•-�.- -,. •'_�_' . �___.. _._ .___-_ . __ _ -- .•-_._ •.__-- • �r ___ .___.-.-.. _—, . <br /> ,�j.�.. _ <br /> 8!�{KfW�ID7 Yk�_1.4.� <br /> ,'_" . �; . ``' T` '' �. . , r ., .,. � . - ... ' . _ . , <br />-� i� v�. t '�1!- . .- ' , . . • r 1i,Y'�'I S-l�_'�:,.` ` i. ,•r. '�.+_'.j 7. - <br /> ,_ ,fci�0/ .��A�,��s�•1t r � t cr , �G��'., �.i';�':� ;+ " �t�¢�.�'].G?y'�,. �; �;:.�s�r,LW' "h+ �"� <br /> l t= a ' . � . . ;'�� r•,:- . ' � i e � ��., <br /> ��{t�r�'/��,rQ iC,i,� :ti 'r 'ti 4r';y,,, �, ,n�� _2 r, }'� i } ..r...�� r �.E�' r2, . <br />____--�•'l�F1P�L�il�i t (.� y� 4 Y." .. �! q �'�.•:t�p���4�1L; L a,'• 1 f� t,,.a��de �+Ta � +: ifK :yk. - .ra..i� ?'���� <br /> �' � .c .,�,: � ��.� V�'j?�I 6 .��4� . .... r ,c'. Ai Y i .�fi Y r4�+ � •f ��' a�'*:t^' � h' <br /> --- '`l���iS�fi���: �.,�`,�^. .�,;A\ ,��j�,�_'�;�u�.j'l�L. 'a,.'��.��, t.t r;�+ :; •'��::�"v � t�. tif . i�` t �, ,�,�. .4� ��a•�.;1. '�j:;,j. .�. •�,ft� <br /> { �y,1�Y � ,{ � j:��� ( � ` 4 ' ft,'L'� �,1 •1 �e�t�,1 V � �Y. <br /> — 'G� h ��b].la i. �+,1iar' �:�li �tr ,3 r �,': •;Y. �hiS� �, �t. -a,:f.� si 'l 1 i� i:: S�,.a;�� =�JS..:�k� + ��;r2:• i t��Vl, <br /> i:� -.N,�`} _c� ! . T' r, n�1��f �t�.vr ti •}� 'n��� K]!� 4 L• t i��+.� l��,�,.i.i n�{�.4i .V:, �,�;'i i�„� i :�)P'.�i <br /> � f��,s �� ��, � ��t ..�.. .i Y.�,�u ti' � f-1 i- ,5 r �+ 1.i�i ,,,r�ti '•�; � .,u., ,,,1: )h,Y�f�,� �j �� v. � ���{' �� � <br /> - k � �'� �� jl. ��1�':,;•�.��..\�.ii�)'if•�'n ��4 �,1 d�. :.+�� I �l-� '�''y�t1�a. ,. � 4r;:- �(�:; .,t;l: ' �, v�!{� �� ..1: ,��.P�-f�.,Jl r <br /> �. � �u ?(l,p e t;,,f ,,�. .T ) r, ^F�+�. �y9�•,�,�`p,�'iR� .� s tt �1���; t ' �' t f t j�� ,..•, <br /> ''� t ,� y }.� •ic,•ti,, ,'tt'�' y '�t. ���r �1 1� `ii•+M1��'�S'r:a�J���;}i�';.1 ,S}i �•°it i� + 'ii';f..,.l��S,.�e��'�Y.•`�• G� 'I1�c;,:iS'�. ,.� ,11 � 1 l+y: i <br /> i� ..} y .1Q'+��` 'p.<{�i; tr 1 ...1•;S:\.:��•�•,��.1,.q'..:Y`�y:��� �r •.I ,�r..:. .4:,. .}.P�.' �{, �.1!h�..,.1,. ,tl.��� t� 1 ,� -1 :IZ;•� -�' <br /> .. , ,i• I+ .1 Y,r• � I •n l{. � f,�.i,r..s.r.r ���d�r.��i i':- ,���V'.1�1 1 t��eY�;;�1. .y,l�ii_1 1 ;�.'.,��• .�;. <br /> _ e tr:�i�7�.( r! t F� �r tC��tG.���t�it t� J;3, f.t„�'.y•��.,.�1.��:�A,;.1'�1��i�1. �t. t �'J. 5 {",' f: S' •.�V I� � .�� .;�T.�.� i:::� tJ�.:- --�� ..� ..�t�.:, .��;� <br /> .�: fr�� � �� �.;.}lr:�t,1'r��. ,{.A.\,}:�.t .�_, �\ ,t ry.{ j .� A� �4i ;SP•�-..1.,.�1 ��'. .�. l.�l. �1 ' y <br />. �. f a �l�.r. ��, t 1.�.` °t � ,j' [� f� l J<,. ;_ '1q1'L�r�. �7 .,�1-��(.:,�,.f'�Y:i'�•7:+, "C. i?oy:��':S:A�ki�.pl;- C ��S',. • !, <br /> '�j; .�.� .�.. n��� �!�! l�' 't. •\..1�'io.�;�lV¢ *t q� � Yj�}.�.P ;�i4•�; t.,,... ..;.� f',��, q.. 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