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=n.�T . • .v,��"="— ..'" : . . •.- . <br /> -1,:�t.,�}.. �,� . . � ' � . .. , � ..- o.. e ... ,.:,,'�l ' •- .o .,� .cn•�t -.. <br /> '���� � .. � � ' ` if�'• , , . ; . . . n• .� ' �� 1�. ^ �. �...�.,_„ - <br /> �WY�f1iOR wR�n������#W�WQaYi�y�������� � �'-. <br /> . � OOM 11f �10f�" • � t1� (�Ip pR�OQ�!!!1. /�,10�O�IM1� � ��t�1�fM�f111 l�M)IM OOY/[� � � � . �'� <br /> 1qiu�nae.Au ot d�e toro�o+n�i��+rad r,V tbi�8eaui�►wa�.n�nt�tu."Prop�fy.• ..� .'• <br /> , . 1WaR0�1Vl�t QOVBNAI�7'�Ib�t�no+w is I�rildip wi�ed o�rMe MtM ha�lr�amMey�rd�nd Iw dw ii�4e�o►p�t+W'` . <br /> � oonwy t6e�hape�ty�ad drt ttl�e Proputy is uaenam6erod.aacept t�ar�et�eor�d. Ramwer �rr��d���lil ^ <br /> dd�nd�ealnUy tbe title W Ihe Prapaty q�inM�I cWw��pd dem�nds.wbjea m aa!'aooun�6ewoe�af teoo�d. <br />__. __ 7'H!S 88ClJRlTY!MS'17tL1YBM'aomdner aaiitoua aovaoMts far n�NoiW�w rd�o�iEa�c+DV�111pt��limili� , . ... : <br /> �pirlWon�b!';uri�dlctlop bo aowWute s t�niEorm�eauity irot�ammt oamaia�ral pnoprty. ,� . <br />_ ��,_-���.--�==��� UNIPORM GOVBNAN7'9.8omn�va a�d Lender�xws:�amt iad egroe a fdlowr. <br /> l. Payme�t af Peiudpd wd [�ta�ti h'RP�y�at �pid L�te C��. Bonow�a �11 P�'a�t1Y p�Y wbea 4uq 16e <br /> prlpcipl of�and intaat on tbe 4abt evidapod by the No10 and my pt�ya�eat�nd Wo cl�ry�a dun wider tue Nde. <br /> �.I+�dr for'hua� a�d I�t�oe.S�bject w q�plicabb law or w a wrlum w�iva b�►l.a�dor.Hmtower�haY p*y to , <br /> irender aa�IY�e d�yy roo�ttWX p�qrmean uo b►c wde�r the Nato.uatll tha Nota h p�3d i�a fl�N.�sum("�wd�")�oc:(�)Y�9� <br /> +Nad a�asmanq wrhich ma,y attda p�iorky anrsyr tAin SocMdqr Inswaaeot��lien on da P�aperty;(b)Y�Y�P� <br /> or�ound�eats oa the�ro�►efty.if�oy;(c�Yculy 1�rud or pto�yr i�nr�noe p�rmiuou��(d)Yar1Y fbod'i�r�ooe�aa�wo�. <br /> if�a�y:(e)�piY n�atg�e ina�r#occ pnami�uoc.if�aqr;aad(�arry sum�P�riblo by Ba�ov�w I.p�b`r,'i p�� <br /> - the pt�avj�iaw of puagnpb Ifeu of tho p�yment qf�mo�S�e+asn{�noe P�iva�c.7Le+o ita�.��}�sc.l."Facr:��tra�l." <br /> �.'�I�ndor•rt+Ay� at�n9 Wne.•a►Iloct iud hoW Pu�'io"an aaioun�t not to ea�000d t4e muia�tqi��A l�er'�at'iiE�cad�Y . <br /> �;� �lued:nwrtgage Idan mq,y�aWi�for Bo�rawet's cscrow acoouot under.the federnl Real Bs�tAte Se�tticmeiat�hooedura Act oP , . <br /> — , � �•1XIa tw q�hended,tran�une tti time:121.1.S.C.Secta� 26(�1 et seg. t"It�,SPA'?.•unl�ae�ioi�e#�1�W'lbt�applies w the Fuods <br /> ,..-..,-.,.-,�__ _-...�. . •�s a lts;;er.amottstt: if srr.l.tpde;ntay.a! astp tttt�e� t�olteCt stx?l�old Ftteds in Rtt�M�k+an? +x�t tl►axaead ttrs leiuer�wouat. ' <br /> ---=------,�.-_...� .. • . . . <br />_.—_._:,,_,,......___._._. ..__.. ,'�er may eslimnte�tho amount of Funde due an the bpcis of cun�etK tiata Ntd t�Wawble e�tas of oxpp�diwms of futuee <br /> __:°"=� ' '� ;Bccmw Ita�w arothctwi�fn axorcla�e wlth applicable law. <br /> The Funds sh�dl be held in an insdtudon whoso deposits aro insu�d by e federal a�enoy. inQtrumcntality. at adty <br /> (including Lender.if Lender is wch an l�itutfan)or in any Feder�l Homa Loan Bank. L�ender slwll apply the Futdt to pay Iho <br /> Fscrow Item�.Lcndor may not ch�rQe Bartower iar haldin�ond applyin�the Funda.�nnually anwlyzfng tlte escnow�abu�M,or , <br /> varifyinQ the Eccrow Items,unlps I.,ender pay�Borrower inte�xt on the Funda ond applicable I�w permils Leider w m�Ce wch <br /> — a cluuQe. Nowever,Lender may roquirc Borrower�o pay A one-time cborac for an indepe�u rcal e�utc ux ropottf�i�en'1oo <br /> u�ad by l.ender in cannoc�ion with this Icwn, unkc� opplic�ble Iqw provides dlierwlee. Unlas m �roement le uMda or <br /> �ppliablo low�eyuircx interat to be paid,L.ender�lull not be roquined ta pry Bom►wer any intcre�t or wmir�s en the Rwida. <br /> .. Bormwer and t.ender:nay wRrce in w�ilinp. howevcr. tlwt interest�hrll be pald on the Rwds. I�ender cludl Qive to Bom�wer. <br /> wi�haut chuQe,en annwil xx�wnUn�of�he Fund�,stwwing crodit�wd debfts to the Fund�ad the purpose for which pd� <br />- _._--- _ debii iu ii►a Fu�xia w�nt�da.71��and�arz�iedgsd u addtiiaas!srrnrliy ior a!!sarns sa�ur+ed by ttsla�ty I�susxnt- <br /> If the Funds held by I.ender exceed the wnautNS permitted to bo held by applicable law.I.ender ehWl ocoount w Bon+nwcr <br /> ,�, for the csasss Funds in accondunce with tbe rnquirements of upplicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by [.ender at any <br /> �- time ir not sufticient to pay the Fscrow Itans whcn duc,Lender muy so natify Borrower in writing,and,in such case Bomowcr <br /> shall pay to i,ender the amount necessnry to make up the deficiency. Borrower shell make up the deficieary in no mone Il�n <br /> twelvc monthly puyments. nt Lender's solediscretion. <br /> Upon ps►yment in ft�ll of ell sums secured by this Security Instniment, Lender siwll promptly re6und to Borrower�nY <br /> 't, Funds held by Lendcr. If. under parngrnph 21,[.ender shvll acquire or scl I the Propeny,lxnder,prior to the aa�uisition or s�le <br /> ; of the Property,shall apply any Runds hcld by Lender�t the time of acquisitioo ar sale s�+R crad�l Agair+�t the sums senuiod by <br /> �, this Secu�ty Instrument. <br /> � �'`'��� 3.AppllcAtian of Paymeots. Unlcss applicuble luw provides otherwire,all payments received by l.etder utider parr��raphs <br /> �f�• I and 2 shall be applied; first,to any prepayment charges due under the Nae;second, to amounts payable under pwag�Z: <br /> `?'" thir+d,to inlerest due;fourth,to principal due:ond lact, to uny late charges due under the Nae. <br /> ��. .. <br /> ,;� 4.Chwrges; I.lens. Borrowar shall pay ull t�xes, aszea.mer�t., charges, fines und impositions atlrlbuteble to the PrnpeAy <br /> ' "' which may attain priorily over this Security Instn�ment. and Icusehold payments or ground rcnts, if any.Borrower shull pay <br /> � �'���t these obli ations in the tnanner mvided in ^ra h 2,or if not aid in that mumer,Born►wer shnll Ihem on timc directl <br /> `. ��.�': 8 P P�`�b"P P m+u PaY Y <br /> �' '' to the rton awed u ment. Borrower sh�l[ ��m tl fumish to Lender ull no�iccs af nmounts to be id u�der this aroaraph. <br /> �', y r•.;'�' Pe � p Y Ix P Y Pa p <br />. ` . ` +'-•v ..� <br /> ���; , lf Bartower makes these pnytnems dircc�tty,B��nowrr shull prompUy furnixh to Lender receipts evidenciag the peyments, <br /> r,.Y. I�{ �, Borrower shs�ll prompt{y discharge uny lien which h•rs priority over this Security Imtrumem unlesc Barrower.(a)agrees in <br /> ,'�ir�....;'.... <br /> '• •,vr,�;,y i�� wrftiag to the payment of ttk ntdigutiun�ccurrd by Ihc licn in a munner ucceptable to Lendcr;(b)contests in good faiQh the lien <br /> A:.,.�lr,:;. .�d� <br /> °.� • r- by, or defendy againrt enfnrcement of thc licn in, legul prcKCedings which in the L.ender's opinion operate ta prevent the <br /> . �. :,,,.;,, <br /> ��';,,•• . enforcement of'the lien:or(e)necures frixn the holder of the lien un ugreement�u�isfuctory to l.ender subotdinating the lien ta <br /> ��, this Securiry Instrun�ent. 11'l.ender determines dwt ony purt ��f the Properly ia subjec�ta u lien which m:�y uttuin priori�y over = <br /> ����'� ;�• �, this Securiry Inatrumcnt, [.enJer mvy give��irn�wer u notire iden�il'ying�hc licn. Bnrr�iwer shull wti�fy�he lien or�uke onc ur <br /> �'--�---� mur�uf U�aclioue,ct fu�tii abuve wilhin IU JMyr of thc gi�•iog of noticc. <br /> -'` .: fam 30�Y 9fY0 - <br /> . �,^,_;. , <br /> . s=: r.o.2 a�a <br /> - ..� , <br /> .� � . . <br /> ���� :�'. . <br />.: �'�. � [ �: •_; _ � • ' . - �+°'%�'.�6' , . �,n11.6i�.;�k�.�'dC,Y�- - - . <br />-`� �".._-_�.:�.y- i ' • _ v, - � ,- ....• .+ . _ ' .. . ) �• . _ , <br /> �_atYi�if.'it��� f. N � r, +. T � - L 1� -'� � ..�.�.d`.. <br /> �" '� ,p, u ` etr r�'+n a�`�p+- 't �� �t sd�x.r.s�nw,ra-- <br /> 6�1���.lx��..t.�,e:.a. Fi� - � �l- 't �., �r j.:.� r�k�Ij�f,L�LY..`4�1�i+a..,.'_- <br /> �}i�3�7rt�e i:;'S+�'tr sL'S,� -�f.��;•r��a�d41l.a!_�tY{�"..._._._. <br /> .. - ._ i ,- . , . • --- - � <br /> , . . . <br /> �. �..�Ya''!�, �"' � `.. ' , : .r��,� bL�. ''�,�K''i�:;}�•,,,r,.r�v �—�`�.- v�r 1 4-q�'�C?."��' " <br /> =� �"""` " � _ ' • • :'�'A��+!� .�11 ���� rti' � <"";�a�ro�'�'� <br /> -,�� �s•,yex �+..�.�. F ;v, R.. F • . �ri Y�'. 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