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-� . � �� __—__ .. __.`\ ..__.. ��' <br /> __'—... ' 1 ... __ ' _ ^ .. ��i"_ __ <br /> '— a� �� :t � -" <br /> .�...._�-+..i_m - . . -I <br /> 9'�„����"4�i � ..- <br /> ,eader�io�ar ad�ukUy of ary p�rt d dw Plrapeity.or far caavey�oa ia lien deandMa�adae.aro b�ebY�red a�d <br /> �6Y1 ba pdd w landcr. <br /> M Ihe e�et u�a toql Wci� af d�t flrope�ty.tbe siall be aqilied 10 t6e suau rea�aed by t6i�Searity <br /> flrop t <br /> taa�on�tt.�betfia�ar aol tha�due.wIW��y eaoao co Haro�. In We avent ot�pRriW t�ki�of dw�ropersy b <br /> whid�die taic mrt�a�ralue af the PMcpaty iirwnedi�tely bafae tbo Wcin;i�eqwl to ar��han Iba amount d�he a�au <br /> �ecvrod by thi�Security Incuwne�Immediaoe!y befaro�he qicing.wdai Bonawer�ad Lender ad�avvl�a�roo in wtitby. � <br /> -- w_ _ -- el�s s��by thia sn�ry l�nr�ehau be�raucra!�y�he�at ubp�o�eed�mukipliea b�me rd�owlns <br /> firncdae: (a)tl�o 1ata1 aunoiuN of the wna�orurcd imn�edWely 6eforo tbe Wcin�.divided by(b)the fiu m�uirat vtlue d tk ' ` <br /> Ptopaty Mm�edietely be[arc tho biking. My badance ihnil be p�iai ro Bormwer. In the eveat of a pvtW a�ing of tbe _ __ <br /> - phupaty in which the fair mukat v�h�e of the Prape�ty 4�nbdWely befae the t�ln�io kcc tp�n the m�d tho wna <br /> �ocwod iaunedLteiy befa�a the ukhig.unksn Barower�nd I.ender ahawiso�ee in writin�ar unles��ppUcable I�w <br /> whe�vvise povides.the prooeeds d�W be y�plied to 1Fa cuma mcwed by d�Secudty Incawnau witelher ac�ot�be wau�u�e <br /> q�n due. <br /> If the P�apaty i��ba�nda�d by Bonowu.a if.alter notke bar A�ender to 8atower�4�It 1he coade�unor ot'Pers w auate <br /> — �n awa�d or settk�claim far dRm�w�Bamwer f�ils to�rpad b�I.en�r Withio 30 day:afi�er the daoe We nodoe is�iva►. <br /> I.atder it AutMxi�.ed a colkct and apply Ide prooeeds,�t ies option,either�o Rstodion aR��u�r d tAe Ropetly or to tMe <br /> sum�soctii�ed by thix Securiry Incuwna�t.whdher or oot t4ea due. <br /> _ Unle�l.eoder�nd Nonower dlKtMrlse�gt+ee in wr�g.aay application of Pvroods w Princip�l ahaU not oxtend ar <br /> -- — poctpono tfw due dste of the monthlY WY�ts�efatbd w in pav�1 and 2 or elw�e d�e amomt ot sudi payments. <br />-- - 14 Barrower Na Rak�edi �riwoe �y I�ier Nat a Waive�: Fa��a�sion of the tn�e for p�ymau or <br />.- modifi�atiao of anoAl�calia�of'tla�ums securod bp Wis Secutity Instnunent gran�ed by Lea�r tc+aap suooessor in inteiat <br /> o��f Btorrover sl�ll aa open�te to�ele�se the IW�ility of the arigiml Bamower a Bono�wt�e�,�.�'; suooesso�.s7.,i,,n atcrat. La�der � <br /> . ._ _ _ _.-�__-.. ... – —� p��1��Q W COIIUMIICC,,,�,,�,j� � �Ily 8{IOCCSSQ 111 III�C1qI W(C�Pac I'lf GT�t{',�Nww�p7i�1t OT <br />_ � _—_—_— __ P"„"."'11�5�1 ' ' . .. �- <br />_,°�,, othrnvise mod��amo�ti�ation of�he wms sCCarod bryr this Securiry inmwnrnt iry neason af�ny dcmand aa��y the ai�inal , <br /> .r, Bormwer ar Ba�mvrer�sueca�sso�s i�intercst. Aary�fartearaioe by L.eader in e�:icinQ any rigM a�m.1;, �II nat be a -��- <br /> , waiver aior proclude the exercise of any rigtn ar�emody. <br />~;:, 1Z. S�oceseor�a�d A�Bwod;Jdot aad Sevual Wbility:Co-signers. The coveaants and ag�eements of this ' <br /> Security Insauman ahaN bind and benefN the sucasso�s and sssigns of Leade�wd 8omnwer,wbject w the provlsiais of � _ <br />_'� puagrapb 17. Bonnwer's coverm�us ond agreements stwll b:joint and severn�. Any Barower wtro co-sigas this�Security <br /> lnsuumaU but does not oxecute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Secutity lawt�m�ot anly to moAgage.grant and canvey tlwt - - <br /> 8omower�s intenes�in the P�ope�ty wder the te�ms of this Securiry Insuumem: 4@+)is not persorully obligated to pay the sums ' <br /> secwed by thls Securiry Inswment:�nd(c)aBrces that L.ender and any aher Bomower msy a�nee to extend.modifi'.forbear <br /> i or malce any a000mtnodatiom with �e�and w the terms of this Secw�ity Instnunent or Ihe IVate witlwut dwt Bamwer� <br /> � cauen� _ <br /> '' 13. l..a�a Cbs�ss. If the loan securc�by this Security Insuume�u is subject to a law which sets maximum lo�n .s <br /> =-- — rhar�s.�nd that luw�is finally inte�pnetod so that U�e�aterest ar other loan cha�rgrs collecud or ro be rnlleoteil lm m�nect�an <br /> --v - -� wi�h the laan eaaed the petmined limits.�hen: (a)any such loan charge slwll be reduced by the amount necesstuy to iedua _ <br /> ''� ����`r�f� the chuge ta the permitted limlt;and(b)any sums already colkx.�i from Bomnwer which eaceeded permitted liroits will be � <br /> ;l, �;;. ' .�:�.. <br /> '.ts;; •`S•��;�r� rcfunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make thia refur��;t�.o�3ucing the princip�l owed wder 1he Note or by m�ing a --- <br /> --'"'" dirctt �tstent to Borrowrr. If a refund rcdaces doci 1.the r�.Y�u�tion wlli 1K treatad as a st .. t wEthout an � <br />-:;r:: -- -- Wf P Pa P� R�'WY�n y - -- <br /> ,�; i�,;�: .1 w P�'�PaY��t charge w�derthe Note. �k_ <br /> ra. 14. Notk�es. A�+y notice to Bomnwer provided for in this Securiry In±srwnent sh�ll be given by delivering it or by ��?��• <br /> wn <br /> r� ' ' mailing it by fir�t class mail unless applicable law requi�s use of aiwther method.71�e notice shall be dirocted to the Property ��"� <br /> Add�ess ar any dher oddrcss Bomower designates by noticc to l.ender. Any ootice to Lender stwll bc given by first clags = <br /> • i mail to Lender's address stated herei�or any dher siddress Lender designates by notia�o Borrower. My ndice provided for °= <br />,{.,: .E,', � ,, � in thi�s Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given ris provlded in this ='� <br /> �•ss�h,�a.,:'�'.: a1'e <br />-A� ''�'. �i � ````'���� `� � p 1 S�Governing Law; Severability. This Srcudry Instrument shall be governed by Pedeml law and the law of ttie �' <br />:�� ,,,. ,c., ;=''�;;...,• ... � <br /> , •�+' p. jurisdiclion in which the Propeny is lacated. In the�vrm�hat ony provision or clause of this Security Instnrment or the Note �`- <br />�:�ii`,: .� r`•� <br /> :;,_. .•��.. ��{� co�flir.��with npplicnble Inw,such canflict shall not aiYect uther provisions of thig Security Instrument or the Note which can <br />'��''.: �•! ��`' '! .,:���• I+e g6z�n�.�i'ect withou��he conflicting provision. Ta thi�e�7 t�hr provision� of�his Security Inswment and the Note are '-?� <br /> r` . decl�red to be severable. . .� -�� <br /> y+�t���, ::=;�;�'•.'. 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower�hall be gi�an one confarmrd copy o(the Note and of this Security losuument. �t'�:, <br /> h�iti:.�,:,� . S ••';, 17, 7Yansfer of the Properly ar a Beneticia9 Aaserest in Borrower. ff.+al or any pan of�he Property or any interest in ,r' <br /> , `{• ;•"K��'a;�'�,• it is sold or trancfemed(or if u beneficiul imerc�t in Borrowcr is sold or transferred and Bomower is not a natuml person) <br /> • w �'� -° �• • ••� without Lender�s pryor written conseM, Lender muy,ul ils option,require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by � <br />:..� �`- <br /> - „ `' .•,�.•:�.�,�, d �� this Security Instrumem. However,this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exereise is prohibited by federal luw ac of -- <br /> • � �-'' the date of this Securiry Insuument. <br /> �.; � , `'�`�•" - If I.ender exercises this option,lxnder shall give Borrower notice of accelemtion. The no�ice shall provide a period of - <br /> - -� +�:';�-•;-•= �r <br />;a':,' 's:�S:.; , ,.<�, ••:Y�,., •: I not less than 30 days fnxn the da�e the noticc is dclivered or muiled within which Borrower mus�pay all sum.secured by this -- <br />:�.�.._ .. ��-- <br /> •��� '��`���: � Security[nstrument. If Borrower fuils to pAy these sums priur to ihe expiration of this period, I.ender may invake any <br />:Y��T-- ; r,�..,T;..�,+,� • -_N. <br /> . +-•-;,•�:., remedies pem�ined by this Security lnstrument without funher r.�uice or demnnd on Bormwer. <br /> ;-, T;•�^;. � <br /> f <r��° "G<;'•;,:,�;': AS. �f�orrower's Right to IFeipcvate. li Bunower me�:�� cenain condition+, Borrower shAll huve the right to have <br />-�l.�:ti i, ,,�d� - <br />.°;:i;,i,: �.�af.. u:..j�!� enfortenietu of tbis Secu�ity In�Uui�xnl di�cun�ic.u�cd ut any iime prior�o ihr�arlier uf: lui S Jvy�(ur.uch ult�c��►eiiu�l+u <br /> '7 r�t���?:�'; � y�•+;., Sin k Fami1 FLanie H�/iYe�ldie Mae I;NIFUNN f�i.STRY'11I1:!NT••Uei(urm CovmrNS 9l90 � Re�. e <br /> �:�}a} '�iyt�t Q .�.t,� YQt�' Y Y•- Iw N� /w+81�) � <br /> �� rots�C[�C1��t - Ir.. __ <br /> ,'4 .7.'+.. :':�i V;f•• —_ <br /> -;-� �� �, ,,.� ',", 't:��� , � _.� <br /> -u�ti ; ��� ,�, .'�:��(;;; � <br /> `��11%'S �C.'.Vj"`•�Ytl��`��17•�'1� 1 <br /> ;���:� �t•J�,i.+, ....[_„—__ , F" . ��;:.^,+� r <br />''�!�� �� f .i....., ,1�':. 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