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� _,�«�: � ----.�.._.W _'- ---- _ . <br /> a�� <br /> •- �---_.� �, . .� . ; _ .,� <br /> ,rh_�,. .« . . .. .,. �•... —. . <br /> . � • � 93=so�,sa� � <br /> �P011cabi�IaM'ayr�ped(y fct�eia�a�aaeat)be[a��le d die Pra�perty piuww w eny pow�at Wa oo�M�iqed ia lNt <br /> -- Sec�ty f�nlron�ea�or(b)mpy d a Judonea�eaW�1hh Sx�r Iaww�aN. 7hoie coaditiau ae IbM Barrow�er: (a1 <br /> pq►i I,�ad�t tll wan wfiicb Ihan woaW 6e daa uader�W Sec�ty I�nuneiN aqd da Note u if no�oodaWp�h�d , <br /> ' oo�d;N)are�aay deliuh af'�ny aWer oov�t�ar yroan�;fc)P4n�rll atpe�u M�CVn�d la enib�oln�t4b 5ecu�fty <br /> tertneeM.I�cWdM�.bMt nat lGni�ed w��a�m�ie aa�o�ae�'laa: aud(d)W�et wch iolion iu I.endet m�y te�aa�My <br /> nqwhe b��ae qnt tAe lien Of tlli�Secutity�clert rldW 41 ibe PrOpelty and Baaow�xl�abliptial fo p�y d10 <br /> - ' ap� seaad b�► tbi� S�a�ity Inwwnoat �11 000tii�e u�od. UPm teinqaarnont bY 8artower. 1hi� Socudty _ <br /> -- - _��—J � tastnmeec a�d�ne obll�tiaa�a�ned haeby dwq�etiin�lally eRocdve n if no a000lantlon 4tl oocumd. Hopover,tbi� <br /> - - d�l a ni�ata�e�ull na apply in t6e ca�e d yooeie�Mion w�der payrnph 17. - <br /> --- --- � 1� Sale d Noki �M�d I.oM Sw�lo� The tWxe or• �I interat in�ho Nae(�wW�tWs Secudry - - <br /> _ , Iup�ant)m�0'be�old ane ar moro daKS�pdor natke to A sale may teiWt �chaaje ip tho aNlry <br />- � rowwn a tbe•l.�n se�►toar")tluu aouoa�montlur ar�aue ander�ne Nae ana ua.securicy Iwawneat. 'IUa�e.�r�o <br /> may b am or mane dtwnRes of the!mn Savioer wKei�ed w a alo d'the Note. If dier�e i�a clw�IIe ot the Savloer. <br /> Borrowu wUl be�iven writta�nntioe of the ch�n�e in�aoo�danoo with p�ph 14�bove tnd appdcable I�w. The notioe <br /> alll a�te tbe aune and addtecs of the new Lo�n Servlar and Ibe addia��w which payment�shoaW be m�de. Tha nntice w1D <br /> - - - - - � d�o oanaici any ad�iatnmatian requirod by�pplicable law. <br /> 20. 8anrdow Snbqa�oeo. Banower�Iu�JI�ol uuie ar pamit�he p�a�enoe.uce.dicPoc�l.uaa�e.or rekaio of any <br /> Hasardow Subqanoes aa ar lu Wa Pnopaty. Barow�a�all not du.nor�dlow myone e1�e to do.aaythin�sfroctin�the <br />,_--- i Pnopaty tlut f�ia vbWio�ai'iyy F�viraana�W Lsw. Thc p�ooeding iwo�entenoes shdl not appiy to the prc�a�cn, <br /> qar�o ao ttie Aopaty of sao�q quwo�oitia of Il�sardou�Sul�nnoes that�e Reneralty tbcoyoi�ed to be�ppropdiwe w nonnol <br /> --_ �esidauid uses�d w an�uitiomo�e oi'Wc�ropdty. <br /> -_• Bano�rer d�U pro�oiptlr pve I.e�ader wriqex��wloe o!aay iova�ti�ioo,ctvom.dem�d.lawsuit or other actba by+my <br /> -- �!��!'='sY�!R'7�L"�"'-!='4"�ty e�wt����Ar�•�y �I�aa�dors Su6aaooe or�ri�o�d �-- <br />.-=:- I.�Mr of whicb Baraw�et has actwl knawlodge. If Ban�nwer le�s.or �mtifwd b�r aoY 8��a�a7' <br /> :=� T �_ <br /> � awMa�ity.tbat my�eaioVal or ad�er ren�odiapun of any Haza�dous Su6spu�ve s�aYing d�e Ylupetty i�aooess�r�►.Bonower —:- <br /> . chaN promptly W�e W naessary ndnedial aetia�in aoca�danoe wiW F�ruonnental Law. <br />_ As used ia tbis p�ragraph 20."Nar,udous Suhcunces"a��subslanoes defu�ed as wxic ar h��r�douc subst�ances by ---- <br /> }. F�vironmcntal I.�w and�be foUowing wbstanoes: gasoline.l�ausrne.odKr flammable a ooaic pepakvm p�nduct�.wzic �'"- <br /> } pesikides�nd tmibicides,vol�tile solvems.rtuterials conaioing asbestos or formaldehyde.and radio�ctive materials. As �� <br /> ased in diis p�uagraph 2(1."Envl�anma�ta!Law"nteans foderal laws md lawc of tlm ju�isdictian wl�ere Ibe Proparty is locatad <br />=- u ���; thu retate w bealth,sofety or envinaimaRal protection. � <br /> . NON-UMPORM C�OVENAN1s. Bonower�nd L.rnder fia�hercovenant and apoe as fdlows: �- <br /> '�. ' 2L Aco�kr�tioa: R�a�edke. I.e�der sMsll sive�otla b Barramer priar W sooet�ratfou toNowlaa Borrow�r's �- <br />�?=��� . 6rsacr d any euce�aat ar a�roeme�t i�t�is Securlty Iaslrwued 16�t�at�for to�eleratio�uoder p�aRaph 17 <br /> ='� �,,��►y;; wle�spplica6k I�w�pravides Mrerwisel. Tre ooti�e shaU specif�• (a1 tie defiptl:(b)Ire�r+equ6Yd to enre tlie _ <br /> ., , <br />��" liL�,�__��.�.� ddadt;(c)�dak,iot le�tla�30 dsys tlrom tbe d�te tMe Natkt is�i��ea b Ror�w�r,by wbicb Ik defwH�be � <br />----_ _ <br /> _ _ . _r ._.4, - cured'.a�d(d)tipu i�iin'e to c�tLe deiwii oa ar iui'ore the dak spe�iicd ip ii�e aoiioe mr9�i�aooekr•atio�oi <br /> ;,,�' f4e sums seca'ed by thl�Sern�dty lostr�ment snd sde of the Properlv Tbe potice s6all furfher inl'orm Borrovrd'of �' <br /> 'J•;l - <br />. '..,, t6e rig�t to rei�st�se afler aocderatlon a�d tl�e�igbt to briag A court�tiwn to assert tbe aon-existeoce d s ddaWt or �e <br /> ��, �ny nther defi�nse oi Barroaer to aoceteratiao and sole. 1�the default is not cured aa or be�ore Ihe date spedfled in <br /> ;; ��'�'��-"``z',� � the aotioe,Lender at its opNoa may�+equire immediate pnymeot in iull of dl snms secured by Wis Secu�ity Instrumeat - <br /> . '•• ,., ,.�.:j,��; withnut furWer demaad aacl may Iavoke the power of sale aad any dber remedies perm(tted by applicabk law �"•'?;. <br />--•�� Leu�er slwll be editled to cu9Yect all expenses incurred in pursuinq the nmedks provided in thi�prra�rap6 21. — <br />;i��1� '•��� :";��„� . iaclodiag,but a�ot Yimfted to,rtssonebk attarneys•fees aad casts of title evidence. - - <br /> •'' �„�,��.� ' I�t6e power of s�le is invoked.7lrustee slwll record a notice of Qe�ault in each county in wYich any part of tbe — <br /> -_: ��,, Property Lv locnted and ehap mail copies otsuch notice in the rtwuner p��escrlbed by appllcabk law to Borrow•er and to �"� <br /> the other rsoas resc�il►ed 6 a Itcable aw. Atte�the lime ui�ed bv a licable It�w.'Ylr�ostee shall ve ublk '="" <br /> :;3�;?' P� P f PP �1 PP 8i P <br /> �: ��i ,.r -� <br /> '�•;�4 r,, �, notice of sale to Ihe persons Aud lp the manner prescrlbed by applics►bte law TrrcteP.wi14ou1 demaad on Borrnwer. <br /> �r-3 �•s�{:i%;,_.,ti,,Y-.,s_ , �?. <br /> = . �•:�,;.� ,; slwll sell the Property s�t puR+➢ac Auction to the hi¢hest bidder at lbe Ume and place and u�der ibe terms destp�naled Ia <br />;';� ,. ` � the nWice ot snle i�oae or more parcels awd in any order 7lrustee delerea�ines. 7lravtee ma,v pus�poae sak oi aU or any �'"- <br />. ; �;:.,,,;.,�, ,; .;�.- paroel of the Praperty by public a000uncememi at Ihe dme and place�P pny previously schedwYc+d sple. Leader or its `-:;- <br />:.;� '�.���s,. •�lesigaee may purchase Ihe Property at nu�•sal�e. �A=,. <br /> }Y'.::ctnR�nj'•��`'� , vpoa receipt of payment of tlie price bld.71ru��e c�ll deliver to the purchaser 7�u6tee'�deed com�eying the ���� <br /> � <br /> �f` {� �•_��a , ' Pr�operty. The recitals in the'll�ustee's deed shaN be praono Pacte evldence of the trulh of the statements made¢Q�rrein. �1�' <br /> ;,?44 . :�.`�,'•' ., 7iru�tee iball apply We pracceds ot We s�le b the following order; dz��to al costs and expenses.��'exercWng the�wer �:�' <br /> �� ` .�� '���,:.: :� w�-. <br /> � — ;Y��^`, .�,�+, i+� <br /> ,� �'. <br /> c�;ti Y f.a.i� ;.• . <br /> '�►;_` �k�+�}�i y;�,.,.t;.. . <br /> ,., �6 <br /> *+.,(`'� r,j,,�- ttr!" �,.�,�:v ��' <br /> . ��'.� �'t� <br /> ,�Fj��,��� ,; .. <br /> .•' `'e:;;y�,�� Fbrm 3Y3s tl90 �p,xe t„/n nngrs► � :. <br /> .`r��� ���:': oi�, .. �"�i <br />.. .fqt � ..�„ � <br /> ������ . � - ' <br />_-`>�f��j� ` l;.r;J1�i;.r•7ti.;`.:. ..�: ��� <br /> �. +F ��t� ��t�...-:b, �� . <br /> �r�t� ti , ;.;�; �;.:i�:., �d�+. a.�:��i':'!:, � �ti <br /> ���° ia' <br /> �•C � �`{t�j�IN � j1-'� i.i��'lS�;if .`+�1i�.� „ � �- � .. . . _ �,tij"��fl�l. -�i y,f' L .� ��i�,,�i'�y��;•�_�..�, ,�" ',l�^.rf�l��{I !(..t�� :�, SQ�- <br /> �:�t!�.�'���? . � •. ,�(���� �7 iR%•l 4..° , ' ' . 5� �.. �fllf.' � �,.�y"��. °-`'. . . �, S]:�'ib:w'o':1�.' . �•�� ' <br /> �. :L, �.�` , .r i�c};. ., . � • 1,,�;t '%ir� . j1��ti'. 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