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. - <br /> , . <br /> . .... --- <br /> •�,: a �,,, . .=��--.,- <br /> '��1f1��iF.:.atd1'..LL� . • . ._.... _ � , .._ <br /> . . • • • ���� ... • . <br /> period�d�at La�der roq�dros. 7he 4wxroe c�nier pro+►�tb�iawir��p be dro�a�by Ba�o*ro�wibjra�a�1� ., . <br /> „�ppro�vd wl�icb�il not b�u�auon�bly withfield. It 8a�ow�er tdk b naia�ai�oo�w�e dNC�ibed�bow,�L�er wy►.at <br /> • iandety opdo�oenb� 10 prAOC1 l�aidetti rl�ip 11N M aoc�ad�w�h p�ny�7. � <br /> All iia�tnooe poticia�i�enew�lt slWl bo�ooepubie to I�aad�ap inelude���d aiati�/e clw�. ��wlar . . <br /> � �ull N�ve tbe ei�ht w bold t6e pdia#a�nd tenew�ls. if l.eir1er raqui�a.Baeaweir�11 ptanpely�iv�o b irender�1!n�ripe� <br /> . of pdd paniwns rud raiewd nbtioe�. in tha c�roat of Wa.Do�trower rfuH�ivo p�aenpt natMoe ro�ba ata�t�eo car�ir�qd <br /> --- .._ � i,,ender I,e�dcr mry maioe puut ut iu�It�i ii�ada�r�tty�Y BwmA�. <br /> U�les�Leader nfd Bo�rawa athawiso I�+roe in w�.iiawr�noepoaeod�vWl bo appliod b reqorMion a��ir d -- <br /> �- --� � fho P if the �+estonutaa or rcp�i� h aanomkally kas bi k and l.enderb ascurity ir ncM le�ened. tf 1l�e ----_ <br /> R��i a�not amamicdlY fasible ar tRndrtl�sxurity wa�W bo laoaie4 the iacwanoe pooeeds�WI be <br /> +�ppliad ro tLe wnp s o�w e d b y t W�S e c u r ity 1 n W r u m e n t.w h a h a nr�al t l�a t d u e.w i t h any csoecs p�i d w 8 o m a w r� I f <br /> Ba�o►va atMndoa We Ptopaty.or An�nat an4wd'within 30 d�ys a�wtice ftom Latder tMN the Instu�noe curkr b�t <br /> otY'aed to�eale a cl�Cn.tbeA lxndcr may wlbcl tho Mauanoe p�uceedc. I.ender m�y uce Uto pooeedc to rcp�ir a�eibm <br /> tho Pmpeny ar to p�y suna sxurod by thii Seauity lowumat.wl�ether ar not U�n due. The 3Dd�y paiod wjll be�ia wbea <br /> �he notioe ia givaw. <br /> Unless L.ender and Bonawet utbetwise a�uoe in aritEnQ.any application of pnocabs eo pineipil siWl ad eattend a <br /> � pastpo�o tha dua d�qe d�he momhlY Wyn�ts r�efamod w ia poragwphs 1 aad 2 or cl�e tde sioaatat of the p�ymeot�. If <br /> wider puagap6 21 the Propett�is�oqwnod by Lender.Bonvrwat�r'r,�h Ra aay�ooc po�'ies ard pr000�de rcsuldn� <br />— fiom d�wge tp thp Proputy pnpr W the#OqutsW0�1 f07�11 p�ss to Ltnder b the t1[IqM 4f 1[�r cumat�ecWed by dds 3ecurfty <br /> G�tbwnent lnunedl�tely pria�r w d�eaoquisit�iion. <br />_ f. Ooa�pau�cR Pre�atiaa. MaR�la�w�oe s�d Pratcctioo d t�e Pro�crl': B�n+oKer'k I.aa AppUatbai <br /> l.ea�eboi�, BonoMC�r sh�p oocu�r.cstaiblish.aod use the Pnopertg as Ba�mwah piacipwJ�esidence�rithia cia:tSv days�fler <br />.:. — _ fhC CICCWIOO of tluS SCC�Ity IOStIW11C11t illld�Ifii Col�011t to oOL71py IjIC PilopNt)t a�t$Wnrwua pniu�qwi�caMicii�:d fOi it <br /> (C�SI UfIC y!#1' �Q a1Q Viit O� OOL'll�. YO�CSS �.lIIdC� OlfltfWlS[ i�t10[S IQ VYf11Y1�, W�C�I COIISlAI S�� qOl (1Q �-- <br /> _ -_ uorcawa�bly witt� unkss eatrnua�ing cinciu�ces exist which are beyand 8anowert cat�rnol. Bar�ow�er sbwU nat <br /> ,��R.�� des�oy.dam�ge ar imp�ir the Piuperty.�llow the PrapeRy to dderiorate.or caamu waste an the Propenty. Bmo�wer shall <br /> �"��,��w:' 6e in rALfsult if any forfe�tune actlon or procaoding,wbetNer civil ar criminal,is begw�hat in Le�der'�good faith J�B�� <br /> ��;a ;�;, <br /> � • oould rault in fafeiturc of the Pim�peny ar attinwise ma�etii:dly impair tbe lie�aeaad by �his Securiry lnsuttanent ar <br /> ;',,;, l.a�der's security in�. Borrower mAy cu�r such a default and providod in pua�raph causing the actian <br /> a P��B w be dismissed with a ruling thut,in Lende�'�s gaad faith deten�ian.p�ecludes WdeitMre of tt�c Banower� <br /> ' interrst in�he Prnpaty or atlKr m�terial impaim�ent of the lirn created b�+ �his Security Insuument or Lenderl�security <br />__ ��;� inter�t. Bonower sfull Wso be in default if Bonower. dudng the lonn application process, gave materi�lly fdse or <br /> �� inae c u r a t e in f o r m a t l a n a s t a t e m e n t s t o L e n d e r(o r f a i l e d t o p r o v i d e L e�d e r w i�h a n y m a t e r i a l i n f o rt n a t i a n)i n c o n n e c t i o n w i�h <br /> �he loan evidenced by �he Note, including. but na limited to. repnesentations conceming Borrower's axup�ncy of the <br /> P�operty as a principal rcsidence. If this Security Insaummt is on a leasetald.Borrower shall comply with all the prnvisions <br /> - c+f thc�k�re, If R�xmwer a�quircx fee title to the Fkoperty.the Icasehold ond the fce tillc shall oot meMe unles�l.ender ay�tes _ <br /> ,,r, �� to the merger in writing. <br /> rx- 7. Protectlon of I.ender's Rights ia lbe Propert}: If Bomower fails to p�M'arm ihe covennnts and ag�eerrKnts <br /> k' <br />— cuntaine� ia this Security Insdumen� or Ihere is a legal proeteding that may signifK:aac6y affect l.ender's rights in the <br /> _� ---- F�W�eny(su�;l�+u a pnx�ing in i�:uiiuupl�y.N+ubate.far condcm�adon or f.Hieltu�e oi tv ea8�;,;.,t«,�ti�s ar rcguladons3.that �-- <br /> �� s l.a�der muy do and pay for whatever is nece�sary to protect the vulue af�[�r Property aa�d I.xrader's ai�is in the Pmperty. — <br /> ;' �r�-..��:.`,r,., l.e�der's actions may include puying uny sums securcd by a lien which has yriarity ovcr this Se��i¢a,; In:rnunen�appearing � <br /> '�.�. in couR.paying r�a.conable attomeys'fees su�d entering on the Properry to mr�e repairs.A�O�awph L,�nder may take action - <br /> � ' w�der this paragraph 7.l.ender daes not have to do w. �:; <br /> ��r:� My amounts disbursed by F,x�nder under this paruga►ph 7,hull l�come additior�a�debt of Bormwer secured by this <br /> - Securiry Instrument. Unlesr Bvm,u�tier nnd l.ender Agree to other terms of paymen�.�hese a�ax►unu shall bear intercst from the ����;' <br /> �'.� date of disburscmeM at the Nwe rate and,iwll bc payablc, wi�h interest,uFon notice t'ro�a�l.ender to Borrower requesting �,'�',;' <br /> `�'�p "�" �;''��� payment. • �'?'nt, <br /> . ta.i,�,?r•,.�,.;.,r�,, <br /> : 'fi�:•�=.��:�t( " �s: & Mortgage Insuranee. If Lender reyuired mortguge insurunce as a concE�adnn�i moking the loon secured by this �«1,,. <br /> 4����l����1L1, y� �II� Instrument. Borrower shuU the remiums uired to muintuin �he mn�c ��r insurance in effect. If, for an •. <br /> �i �Y prY P �I F §� Y �'� <br /> •, .:,:.1,'�%.:' ' �,::;- <br /> "�'�'`� ,��t��;�� rea,on, the mongage insurnnce covemge reyuired by Lender lapses or ceaties [o be ;r effect, Bortower shull pay the <br /> . �''��•'`� � premiums required to obtnin coverage subs�untially eyuivulent to �he mongage insurunce previously in effect, at a cost °.'4, <br /> � �:r�������"ra" �r � substantially equivalent to the wst to Bormwer of the monguge inzurnnce�reviously in effect, fmm an altemWe mortgage <br /> ..•.y;.,. ,�.,:. <br /> . -� ,•:c::j insu�r approved by Lende�. If'subxtnntiult��zqc:ivalent mnrtgage imurunce cnvemFe is not avAilable.FI.��-�wer shall pay Io <br />• � � Lender euch month a sum eyual to one-twelf�h of�he y�urly mungugc insur.�nce prem�uan heing paid by Baruwer when the _�; <br />._r �'y�';;'Y Fy2ti . insurance coverage IapxeJ or cr�.�d to hr in effcw�. Lender will urcept,utie antl re�ain tMe�e paymeMs ac u loss reserve in lieu �,,��� <br /> ' '�:�^, of mortguge insuruncc. Loss�t+:rve puymenls muy no longcn c� reyuircd. �1 the optivn of Lender, if mongngt insu�nnce �;., <br /> , ���'�' � ��"''`" _ coverage(in the amount and for ti�e periai th•rt Lender reyuiresl provided bti an intiuier upproved by l.enJer aguin becomes ���- <br /> �' � uvailuble nnd i�obtained.Borrower shull puy ihc premium�rryuired to muini:adn m�mgage imuruncc in to provide a ,.�„ <br /> ;5�` ° ' '��' loss rescrve,until�he re wrement for murt u e insurunre ends in ucc�rd:uwr wi�h:m written a r�ment betwecn Borrower �'•-` <br />_`�� '`�'" �r ond Lender or a licable luw. � � Y � .7 <br /> .�.,•,�..,�:u�:• PP <br /> ��-�,�t'�"f� ;:• 9. Inspection. L�nder or its agent may mukc rcawn��hlr en�rie,u�xin:mJ in.pec�ians of the Pmperty. Lender�:hull <br /> Fy'� 1 �� give Bomower notice at the time of or prior to un in.pectiort��eri�uing rcawnable rau.a i'c�r 2Me inspection. i;�•�, <br /> . t�,.. <br /> ' ��'tc`_r'1�'_ ''� <br /> :. .„,.• I0. Condemnation. The proceedti of am aHard or riairn ior Jumage,.dircr��►r cun,eyuemial. ia comtctiliun wi��:u�y �':: <br /> v.� ..:. ,�.�.'� <br /> .t^��.... `" <br />=`.S'. � ::;�fr.Y:v� '. �.,� Sfngk Fxnfly..�Ann�1Uaz.�F�eddk N�c UM1IFIIRN 1�17'Ytl�fE\T••L'ndiam Cu�, 9'+1P rpur�+��r�9uar�� <br /> ::7' S i ,C' '�i;{�, <br />_..•y � ti��� �i � Wtrl�tnlwtiewFus�lu � �,_ <br /> �t, ,+� �.::,.�. <br /> i ti�t�Si,'i: `,���'� T�A�GL 4YOG63PY3YD D fAR 6t6T97.1191 N�.- <br /> , '� �,: -�. �l�r <br /> -;r�sE ,,� ��: � �''a'' <br /> '1�,! 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