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{� .. �� ._. .. . �-- �--- - .�: <br /> _ _ .. ... � t .-.; ...-�" _ _ . • . - — - -•r�- .. <br /> �.�t.__. __ ,'_ . 'A AI-: . ' • . ...... ;,�:,r .. , . • . . :. �'�u <br /> 93_so�.'�s . <br /> 'i'00�W17���ll dio impmn�ane�ue now ar heneafler ara��ed aa It�e p�ape�ty��nd all e�r�en�t�,�ppwoe�naea, <br /> �nd tJxturp aoa ar be�flor�ry�t oP tho All�oement��nd addidaiu i1Wl�o be oova�e0 by Wb S�arky <br /> ia�tn�ot. All d the kropN�u�dated to i�tb �Secudty Intqumeat a d�e'Ropehy.• . <br /> BOitROVI►BR�70VBNANT3 dw Ban�uwa ir IawfWly�dsed ot tAe awe horeby aouvayed md tw tbe d�bt w p�ot <br /> � rod oonvay tbeP�p�ty and�hat d�r f'i+npe�ty h uaa�ta�bmed�exaepl tar encwn6naoa of neoo�d. Barmvver wnaols�ed <br /> _ --__ wNl dot�d��qy the tUb b the Aopaty apirut dl cWm�t+d danwd�,wbject b�ny eo�a6anoa d roc�d. <br /> 'I�II9 S6�CUkITY tNS7RUMNM ooaabiq�w�ifam �oMa�nq fu��atlontl u�e a�rd � oov�t�fp whb _ <br /> -- uaiba vad.don.ey,iu�i�dicdou w oo�1e��w�ttom�:eauiry in,a�nmart�vak�tau v�aty �. <br /> IlNIFO�RM G�OV�IAN7'S. Bonorver aod L,endar covanint aad a,�ea n�follow�: <br /> 1. N�,�mMt ef Pri�ct�M a�IMawMi P++epV�p�t�d�e CMa��s. Bamawet sl�ll P�PUy W9 wUa�duo Iho <br /> _ piaclp�1 af and iMaiest aa Ihe debt evide�ced by Ihe Nme and anY PRWYmau aad I�ta cbtt�ye�duo wider the Note. <br /> Z. Ih��(lo�'7M�oe��M 1�wts� Subject to�pplicable I�w a to a writrcn waiver by Ircadei.Bomowar tbNl pay w <br /> �,pnder oq d�e d�y moruhly pwyma�ts are due undet tla Note.wuil the N�Me i�paid in tbll.a`um("Ru�ds")fa:la)yeatlY <br /> t�u�es and a�ettroa�u which may atWn prla�iry over Uiia Socurity Inshumc�t a�a lia�oo the Praperty:(b)Ywr1Y leuehold <br /> pt�y�aor�c ar�{round nents m tha Propeity. !t any: (c) Y�9 ���ProP�Y ir�cu�ance p�miwns: (d) YeulY fiood <br /> � i�uutiu►oe p�emiumo.if�ny: (e)Y�Y �+i8�insuranoe prcmiumr�if�ny:and(n �nY �W!�b!' ��w <br /> Le�dc��io�000nl�uxe wlth Ide povi�iw��af parsg�aph liw of Uie p�ymrnt of moAg�ge insuranoc p�emiums. 77�es� <br /> —� itema a�o called"Sscr�w Itam." L.adet m�y,u�ny time.collect�nd hold Rmds lo an amonot not Ro ea[aed tfie tna�wn <br /> --=` a�oouat�laxkr far a fakraUy rel�ted mo�tg�ge laan msy rcquim fa Bortowerl e�c�o�r�oca�on mder tho fe�a�l Real <br /> F�tate S�Wement Procddurcs Ast of 1974 xc aatendad from timo to Wne,12 U.S.C.¢Z6iD1 et s�q.('RE�PA').uoQes.s mother <br /> = I�w th�t�pplies to thc Pondt sas a letse�amoun� If w.I.eoder may,at�ny wne.crolkct�od Add(�od�in aa+pmoutr ooi to <br /> --- - aturw�i ii�a kx�rr amouni. i�.qrier may caiimric ii�o rnwwd ui Fwria aiuG w iic i�ni.i ui a.iiuic�i d�t�d:..�..:"'..�. -- <br /> --�.� - --- eWm�tes of expadlaaa of fwune Pscnow Itemc orahawise in aeeatdw��e wiW applicabk iaw. �_ <br /> _�. The Plmds sl�ll 6e heW in an inctitutioa whose depocits am i�u�ed by a fcderal agency.�mdumdwl�tY.or entiry <br /> (iacluding l.eoder.if L.ende�!c sach�n inctitudon)ar iu any Federd Har�e Loan Baak. Lender slull�pply the iimds to paY <br /> ; tue ��cmw Items. IxiWer mwy not ch�rge Born�wer for holding and apptying 1@rc Funds.annwlly analyzing tbe escrow = <br /> ,_r� s000un� ar vaifyL�g tha Escrow Ikms� unkss I.e�det pays Borrower inta�st an the Funds aad applicable law pern�its =- <br /> i.ender�o malce such a chuge. Howevu.l.eader may Rqaine Barowa to pay a one-Wne ch�uge far an indepa�deat rcaQ <br /> estate wc�g savice used by I.ender in connectioo with Ihis loan.a�miless applicable Is�w pravides otherwlse. Unkss an <br /> ._,,^- a�eertknt�S m�de or applicable law roqui►es interest to be paid.La�der s1Wl�ot be roquired to pay Bamwer any interest oa' <br /> �_.� ennings oa the tiuids. Barower and I..ender may�ee in vv�iting.however.that interest shall be ppid an the Funds. LerKler <br /> sbsl!give w Borrower.withaut cha� amual�ng of the Rmds,showing crodits and debits to the Fiom�s and the <br /> ,,,�-= pu�pose for which each debit w the Plmd4 wm made. The Iiuids a►e pledged a:addidonal secwi�y far all sums sec�nod by <br /> :�:M thia 3a;uriry InstnutKn� <br /> -�, If the Phnds hetd by I�ender excced �e an�ounts permitted to, be held by �pplipble l�w.U...�t'nr sl�ell acoount to _ <br />�"�"' Borrower for the excess FLnds in acca�danc��ith the rcquircments of�pplicabk I�w. If the amount of the Funds Aeld by <br />�,';:;i;;�, 't, + . �,;. L�ender at ony tirt�e is not suflicient w pay ti�e E.SCiow Items when duc.Lender may so notify Borrr�wer in wridng.�nd,in <br />:"„':+'.� sa�case Bamwer stull pay to Lender the uyxwnt nr�:�ra�y to make up the deficiency. Ba�wer s6aU nwlce up�he <br /> --_-- r '_►���rv�---= deficicasy in no�nore than t�vclve moitthly��.x+sder�s suly dlsc:ed:on. - <br /> _ ,','�j �,. Upon���nent in full of all sums secured by this Secu�ity Insuaau�.nt,L.e�der shall prompdy�efund to Bomower any _ <br /> �'-' Wnds hekf C� �Lender. If.under paragraph 21.l.ender shall acquire m�a sell the Property.Lxnder,prior to the acquisiuon oT <br /> ::..`�„• �5 � s�le of the�all apply any F�nds held by Lender at the t�rarc of acyuisidon or sale as a credit againat dte eums • <br />