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r-_'��.-,;� � _ � •�,,;w;��{��'�',r,�."":sr�'5�,��rr�� . ., .x, , hc.�: <br /> =„�..�_._ri ' .. ._ : , . .�, �:- �c'w,� • J .. .. �!�`fe1� � '� ... .. <br /> , •, 1� . ���, • �,7 _ <br /> � ,I _ <br /> + ' ����.111l�1r ip11�IM. TMO ji1MI�qOR Crf�K�� ���� ���bt O�tl�M��IrIVYiOf MI�O�10��M/�ry � , <br /> �+DY���M1111G1 b�O�IbY0111�y V1r�111�N�d. �u��v"s��{b iM�iqoo���bb�101N��.����� <br /> LMrd�rti o�efm,abuubi oo+nlnya a p�raal l.�aaderti�ha In dr�y w� it�p�yny�b 7. � <br /> � A�1�OIIfl�100��I�IIO�i���M 10 �� i f�ld � (A�[ ' <br /> .� #hW bRYO d10 f�lt to b01d dle pOI�C�C1�Id I�Ow�1�1.01N1Ef I�Yilb„Rf1/�ONhf IIMMII plOp�tly jiYO b all Irolipb . <br /> ��Q�IN11��Ild Id1E�IIOfj00�. �A t�IC tY01M Ot�Op��fOM�Or{�11�� �YC pla{�t r01�Cf b IMO�IIfMM7�CYi�If� <br /> .��. �iliAji U1A�0�RO0�0���f fi0!f�LQ4 Ql�j►�1�11�0'fM�G� • <br /> ___ -- - -- Uq�OM�.OIN��e011�'M!�O�IC1W�0�1�C�11 Wf�t�l�.�1100 pR1C00d/i��bQ��b 1rqOfMj011 df I�I�f� -. '. <br /> _� -- ------=� tbe lf tba�atawtion or repiir b eoono�r�ia�lly fe�ible ad I.a�derti �eau9ty V eat fe���ed. �tlie <br /> n�nte on ar�h�wit ea�nomially k�aibb ar L�dark�ecurity would be�e in�ar�oe p�ooeed��h�p M <br /> appUod b We wmu r�tod by thi�Sawiryr Tnsuwne�a�vYhal�or na d�aa due,wbh any eaoas p�id a Ba�now�er. If <br /> Batow�er� tbe Prope�ty. ar daa not aruwa wUhin 3Q d�y��aotioe tYoa� lsnder�h�t 1he iiuuria�oe curier Iw <br /> oife�ed a seule s cldm,Wea La�der an�y oolbct the inwranco proccods. Lreader m�y uie tl�e pocaoda w�ir ar rawre <br /> �he�or un pRy wa4x mcwed by t�ic Secwity 1nRaumau�whe�r ar net thaA due. 7Ue 90�d�y pedod wUl be�in wba� <br /> tbe i� <br /> Unbs� ao�BaRO�er a�re�wisc�oe ia writinR,�ny ic�ion ai pm000ds w princip�l sAtN mt rauand ar • <br /> poctpa�o ti�o dna dato oi We�aooa�hl9 WYmcats ref'u�ed b in pira�r�is 1 snd 2 ar dw�e 1Ao rwwunt of d�e qyme�t�. If <br /> ander p�r�aph 21 thc �s aoqui�ed by I�der.Ba�rowerl�rigW to+�nny i�w�noce policia�md pooeoda�sWtin� <br /> finm daa�e to�he Plraperty�ar to Iha�qui�tio�iha11 pass ro t�eader to ihe e�t of tl�e ca�s�ecwred 6y thi�Septrity <br /> OodipNUrc�r��� <br /> I.easeYoM4. 8arrowersfaM occupy.est�blish.wid use thc�Barower���: Borrowery La� 11ppWcado�i <br /> �Y P�M�t�sMenoe wllh�nrz�jrx q�ar <br /> �---_ --:.--°-�' tha exocutio�ot tLi,.S�c-.�s&y fa�c�t�:nt an3 chatl cwubw�:tu u�.-cupy tfro P�upcdy+�s ifa:oww�;���ir�cl�S fos at <br /> ;=.,�;t_,�. kast ate year aRer ihe date of axup�ncy. unkss l.ender ahe�rise agroes in writing. which catsau shall �ot he <br /> - _�-":�� unieasow�6ly witlibeld.or uolass estenwdng cincumsumas cxist which are beyond Banowa�caw�ol. Banower alWl oot <br />';'��,����� _^,:::� • de�tmY,d�s�Lec or impvir Ibe Propeny.�Ilow the P�operty to deteiiaate,or commit w�ste un thc P►ropaty. Bnm�wer�all <br /> - -_- _-- 6c in defs�alt if any f«feipue acdon or poceeding.whether civil or criroinal.i� 6egwn tdat in l.erder��ood faith judgment <br />`sl�`.i�STb"'�'�"� , �xwld�sult in fori�inue of the Pnuperty or otherwise materially impaur the lien created by this Security I�hu�r�au a <br /> - -_- �-= Lenderl�se�uriry inteirst. �Surrower may cure such a defAUlt ord reiastate,as providod in puag�aph l8. the actiaa <br />-- �.x�li °r P��W be dismis.s�d wld�a ndiag i.ender�s good faith deternMnation.pecludes fafeidm�e of�lhe BomnwerS� <br /> intenst in the Plroperty or other material impximxnt oi the lien crea�oed by this Socuriry Inurumera ar Lenderl�savriry <br />-_ �� intenat. Borrower slWl alsa be in defwlt if Bomower, during the loan appliauian proees,�, �ve materially false a <br /> in�ccurate informAtion or swtements to Lender(or faikd to provide Lender with any materi�l infonnationl in connectio�wlth <br /> :�a t6e lan evida�ced by the Nde, including. but nd limioed w. rep�sentutiaas cvnceming Banowe��oocup�r�cy of tl�o <br /> — Property as a pdncipal residence. if this Security Insaum►�a�is on a kaselald.Barrower shall comply with all the provlstais <br />,._.,--- _ .�_ of ti�e fease. if ifortower aa�uiRS fee atfe to the i'�operty.tiie leageiairi and ti�e�ee ptie shali not merge unteu L.ender aQriea <br />�;;:� 'i'�1 �o the tnerger in writing. <br /> • 7. ProtecHon of I.eada''s RtglNa in the 1'ropetty. If Bomower fnils to perform the covenants andagrcementa <br /> _. <br />-'" - canmined in this Security Inadument, or thera is u legal proceeding that may significnnUy nffect l.ender�s rights io the <br /> ° — - Fioperty(su�:h as a proceed(ng lu banl•�vptcy.probate,for condemnaiion ar fodeiture ar to enfortx laws or�+egulatiansl,thcn <br /> ��?# I � Lcndcr may do and pay for whatever ig necessary�o protect the vulue of�he Prope�ep and Lendcr's rights in the Property. <br />;:;;_,� [.ender's�ctions may inclucle paying any rums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrumen�appeuing <br />- in court,payi�reasonable attomey.c'feet�nd entering on the Property to muke r�epuits.Although Lender may 1�Ice adion <br /> �s under this paragraph 7,I.ender does not have to do w. <br /> My amaunts disbursed by Lender under this puragmph 7 shall becomc addi�ional debt of Bomowcr secur�ed by thie <br /> " Securiry Insuvment. Unless Bomower suid Lender ugree to olher lermti of pnyrnent,�hese amounts shell bear interest from the <br /> "`�� dote of disbu�ement ut the Nae ra�e atid xhall he ppyuble, wi�h intarest,upan nntice from l.ender to Borrower requesling <br />_�' t<'��� ,; PaYmen� <br /> -. ��'i�: 8. Morlgage lnsurance. If Lender required mortguge insun�nce a+ a condition of making�he loan secuted by this <br /> Security instrument. Borrower shnll pay�he premiums reyuired to m:►imain the mortguge insurance in effect. If,•far any <br /> reason, �he mongage insuronce coverage required by Lender lapses or ceuses to be in effe�:t, Barrower �hull pay the <br /> ..- :�• , p�emiums reyuired to obtuin coverage substantiully eyuivalem to �he mort�age insurance prcviously in effect, nt a cos� , <br /> ��+='�°;i:. substantially equivalent to the cost to[3omnwcr of the m�xtgAge intiurance previously in effec�, from an altemate mortgage <br /> _'�— =��`'Z`-�'��'�' insurer a oved b Lender. If suhstantinll e uivulent mon n e inaurance covera e is not uvuilc►ble,Bomower shall <br /> _ ;. :; -. . Pp�' Y Y 4 g R B pay to <br />]:i;t .a4* • �rf�',��1,...' .. <br /> ;,i: f ,�y�; Lender eACh monih a tium equnl to one-twclRh of the yeurly mongage insurunm premium Meing paid by Borr�wer when the - <br /> -,, � 'r? � f�� insurance coverage lap.ced orceosed to tx In effec�. Lender will arcept,ux und n:tuin the+e paymems os u loss reserve in lieu <br />��;�.�ti•.: , , of mort a e insurancc. l.oss mr,crvc u ments mu no lon �r bc rc uired, u�thc tion of Lendcr, if mort s► e insurance - <br /> �}3.. SB PY Y �' 4 �P g8 <br />��:s ' ��'�,�F.., .,q � coverage(in the amount and for the period tha�Lender reyuire+►pmvided by un insurer uppn>ved by Lender again becomes <br /> �, � .available and is obtuined. Borrower sholl puy Ihe prcmiums reyuired�o muintain mongage in,urs►nce in effect,or to provide a <br /> "':;- ` -�� loss reserve.uNil the re ui�ment for mon .� e insurunce endti in uccord�ux�: with un wriUen o r+eement 6etween Borrower <br /> ,. ,,..F-rc:..,� . 9 R'@ Y B <br /> ';°i ,-t��� ..:• and Lenderornpplicuble luw. - <br />-��`� � � � 9. Inspection. Leoder or its ugem m�+y muke reationable entrirs u�n and inspectiom of thc Propeny. Lender shall =_ <br /> � give Borrower notice at the�ime of or prior to un inspec�i�m specifying rruwnuble rau�e fur thc inxpec�ion. <br />-•". -..t _`i�'�..�, .-�;°:, _ <br /> : � . ,,. lY. Cundemnwliw�. The pnxeeds uf any uwurd ur claini for Jumage�, direct��r cou�cyuen�iul,in cunnection with any _ <br />:�c�� ��'���'=�j��4, Sin k�amil Miwle MedFYeddle F1�c UNIFOItM 1�1511t1�M�:Nf•-Umfnnn Cu�enan�s 9f90 � Rr d,Jn - <br />-.�_}rti ..�'�ew.%}`.. � Y� � 7 /MiYl.4) _ <br /> :�� � f•< <,• � ;• - <br /> ;'�c ��;:r�. '.., ����,:t Creat Wtee 8irinrs Ydme.lot.� <br /> .:�, i � • tb 4rs GQ I�OP68D93Y3 O PAll�ti7Yb1131 � <br />.���.• 't {� .,1,'��[: a� : <br /> �'i: <br /> v` `� � } ',+•;_, �.. <br /> rv `; �1 1^i'•`t'tn�'' `�'t.+��d t�,:_ ����'r(, ;1: - <br /> ..�. _•U�• t� .;rMb,.t:,S.�]•,i�{ , � .. ��'� :. i�l�� �� ��'�,'�i,F''��4:'°�!°Ra:�- �.'�tr�,s�r{> �-�{..'4�-�.. <br /> _t� �`i .-'��� '}.',�'� � r..:i f F i'••' ��1•:,i:;�lfit.e�a',he'`:G: .�� , ��±� li II ��,,Y�!�t' i�it!� +s, <(��_..� <br /> 1�dG4. r,t:•l111f.�id1�.AF{!C.!`�.L._�_��l'1'�_I�m�tSn�ee��e���S.1�"' �'_�?Ei'�}�1'i�� S-`— <br /> ��: ._ r =_ .,, � �—i�, � �,� , 7;±,qq <br /> —__1' .�� � ��r` *rir� `' �n .,{�?71��j?r. . �1�i ���� � ���v ,. . I� �tiY�l':•7q�YX`73,F1'�i,'\�} <br /> a .r. r�1}��yn ' t,��' �hl('';� '�� b-.1�� -�l�. 'ra., . .. +_�:�) �n _ lr " =+_��'✓�' � -� J�y- ''47 ,, . <br /> �_� ,, ' � :;;'�y`,�I,IY 1 � '`�`'.� •.�k°r: < 18-�;�:�:+,• �� ,,�''•1;'lr°:b.ti.'..'. ',, . 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