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,. .. a;..�� "' , . ' . r ':N . . .. ; �� �.ei:V"'= T - <br /> �",.�,.:. �(. .;y �q. .a .��:1-....t . _ . ,. `ri�.i+.a:..�i ' .'�u�.b7l��S -- <br /> ,t `�t•- •.-r- <br /> �"'�.(�A� �T <br /> ^�oo.d�Mtoru ar aNer tNdnt aP+rq►p�et o[td P�rop�n,r.ot tar oo�wy.nos io u.n atoo�d�ios��ia tror++hq wi1�•a� . . <br /> . � idl b�pdd io t:ander. ' ' ; ';` <br /> 1�Mw e�rait af a t�ohl ultL�d dM A�opwty.11Mp� �hall M appli� Ip'tYt� �a�nd 11y.tid��'My ' �';:�•�r;�• <br /> . 1�aarat�whelher ar nat d�eo daa�vhh�ny axoeW ,p�id 10 8ar�awer. in tbs�vaet d s p�tW�of d�ePto�w1�ip� , <br /> _ �ich tAe hir au�ket v�lue of the Prapeety iawmdiwly�+Poi+a tite ukin4 It acpqlt w or�e�lpr tlwn dis r�ou�al lha sumt ' . ., <br /> ixv�erl by thia Sacudty Inttrumant i�tuoedi�tdy betoro�be tWing,wda�Bar�ow�er�wl l.�wler��L�wtidn�, . <br /> sl�e ast�aeaaed bs► this�u3�b�ol�t ba�by iba s�aaum o�tl�.i by#s!�- -� - �--='' <br /> _ ..���--� -----_—, <br /> fnctim: (�)the toul anount af tbo sun�iocu�ed imaaedialely betore tho t�lcing.divl e�d�@)tbe fiir mMfc�t v*lue at dq <br /> property inunedi�ely befione d�e WcM�. My bwl�noe�b�ll Be pid ro Barowrr. Ia tbe ertaat d a p�tW of 8�e . . <br /> Mropaty in w h i c h t h e f i i r m a k e t v�N�e d I t a P i o p a t y b n�r b d i�t a ly 6 e f a r e 1 h e t tl d n R i�l e�t l a n I h s rno�a►t o r�i e awm <br /> xuted immadWdy befae 8ie t�ldn�.�u Bonowar iuid Ireader aherwi�e�nee in wdda�a anbu applir.�ble l�w , <br /> a�vi�e pavidea,tl�e pnpceal�r�l be�ppliad to tbe wm�recuned by thi�Secudty inqnnna�t wl�qbet or not the a�au a�e <br /> 1kn due. <br /> U�be P+noperty ie+�b�andoned by ii.aNer aotice by l,ader w Batower th�t the caaddnnor offeA w mtloe <br /> �o�w�d ar seqle�c4im fa d�a�s.8a�awer f�ils q res��oocf q l.a�da withi�30 d�aRer We dMe d�e notke is�I� <br /> I.adcr is�hotixed w oolba and appiy w�at it�opt�oo,eithv a�ata�a�tian ar r�r af rbo Fhapaty or a dia <br /> auns aocu�od by�Security inspuma�b or not then due. <br /> Unkss l.ender�md Barow�er otl�ecwise�tee in writia�,any �tion of proceed�ro pincipd�WJI not oxleud a <br /> poatpone�be due dare of the matthiy MYmeats nfotred to ia p�+1�ad 2 or chaige the raiwant ot sud�p�yn�aM�. <br /> 11. lai+a�we� Not ltdea�ed; Fbrbe�raaae By I.a�der Nai a Ws�ve' Buteneion of We timo for payman a <br /> aaodifiaRian of amaAh�tian af tMe wms secwrd by thit Secwrity fa�nuna�t$ranted by Leoder to�ay wcoeswr io i�t <br /> d B«rower siuiU not opaste to rekace tba liability of�ho ai�ual Bomawex or iiormwal�suooesw�a in iate�st.L,eader <br /> _— — — s6�4II�at G, w comtn�rtcc pra.czditsgs against�y suecessor L�inteiest oe ra:isse to ext�ud ffi�e far psya-�e�t at <br /> o�wiee ma��rwttization of the sums secured by this Socurity f�su�unem by�enson of�ay demmd p�de by the arl�ind <br /> Bor�ow�er ar Bonower's sncoessort in intetest. My fa�bearanoe by Lende�in eaencisi��ny rl�ht 4r neaudy rhaU not be� <br /> w�iv�er of ur preclude�he exercise of any right or remody. • ; <br />- It Suoce�as aad A�ip�a 11o�ndi Joiat aad Several A.RaWUt�.Co-tl�nnera. 71�e co��as ur�al�eementa of 1hi� , <br /> -" Securiry Inctnunent shall bind and benefit tho sucoessars and r,�signs of L.ender and Bamaa-��.su@�o[w the provieiaru of . <br /> �, pua grnp�h 17. Borrowerls rnvenants and ag�+eements shall be�vnt sutd several. My Borrwwer w9��signs this Security <br /> Instnunent but daess not execute the Nate: (a)is co-signing�his Securfty Inswment oniy to rnrar�ga�e,��wnt wid convey that <br /> Ba�r+nwer's intcrest in 1he Property under the te�mc of this Securlry Insaumen� (b)is not peraa�aUy aMi�a�ed w pay�he sums <br /> seeuned by this Sece►rr,ty lnW�ument:and(c)Agaes that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to oacuend,mod{fy.forbeu <br /> " or rt�e any accomnwdations wfth rcga�d to the tenns of thic Security Insttument ar ihe Note wi�hait thot Boho�verk <br />-� cansent. <br />= 13. l.oan Chqges. If the loan secuted by this Security Inshumrnt is subject to a law whkh sets maujmum loan <br /> - - - ci�erges.urd ti�at iaw�ia finaliy interprc[ed so�i�w�he intcrest or wher losn cherges rnitected or to be colioctod in cannocdon � <br /> wuh the loan eaceed the pemiined limi�s.then: IA)s►ny such loan charge shnll be reduced by tha omount necessary ta reduca �� - <br /> �° �� „ the charge to the pennined limit;und(b)any sums already collected from Evnower whiah exceeded permitted limits wlll be '� � <br /> ':���: refu�ded to Barrower. Lendcr m�y choosc to meke this rcfund Mr Mducing t�e principul awed under the 1Vote or by mr�king a ' <br /> - � �i's'i direc��a;,ment to 8ormwer. !f u refund reduces p�incipal.ttte ;educrian wi!!be MatetP a,a partial prcRaymrnt withaut any <br /> _�:t,�'� l•,�4� prcpay�nt chargt under the Note. <br />.�.�;.=,—°.,� 10. NWiees. Any notice to Bomower provided for in t�?ii� Secarlty Instrument shall 6e given by delivedng it or by <br /> ;.,� t •1; " m�ilin g it b y fiast c9x.s mail unless u p plicuble law re quires use ot w�a ther mez hod.The notice ahall be dl r e c tod to�h e P r o p e R y � <br />`';:�.;� ��` Addness or ara� otheP address Bortower design�tes by notice to Lende�. Any notice to L.ender shall be given by first class <br />':1 ,y� � mail to l.ent�tr�uddress stated herein or ony other uddress Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any�wac�e provlded for <br /> ���3�;��t� in Ihis Secu�ily lnsirument shall be deemed ro have been given to Borrower or l.ender when given �s provided ia ihis <br />._� .�'���,`';' parugrnph. <br /> ,,,. •.�� f S%`� ls. G�verning I.Awt Seve�nbilNy This Security Inst�nent �hall be govemed by fedarul law �nd the law of the <br /> �n <br /> °`� jurisdiction fn which the Propeny is la:oted. In thc event thut any provision or cluu.r•e of this Sccs:::�;,;�;...���..���w u�i�uiC <br />���`� -M1A�` ��,: '- canFlicts wi�h applicAble law,such conFlict shwll na affect o�her provisionx�f thix Security]nstrument or tf►e Nae which can � <br /> "� be given effect without the contlicting provision. 'Ib this end the provisions of�his Securi�y Instrument and Ihe Note are <br /> 'Y;;r-.:. ,�'4�r�,F declared tobe severnble. <br />° �`'`"% .`��' ;,s 16. Borrowe�'s Copy. Borrower sholl be given one confamed copy of the Note und of this Security Instn�ment. <br /> "`�iN 17. 7�ansfer of the Pro rt or a Benefltial lnterest In Borcower. If All or An of the or an mterest in <br /> �''�s� � it is wld or transfemed Ior if aebeneficial interest in Borrawer i.�Id or tran�femed and Bomower�is na a natw�l person) <br /> .,,_.. .. <br /> � • wi�hout Lender�prior written ronsent,Lender mny,at i�s op�ion,rryuire immediAte pnyment in full af all sums secured by <br /> -'� �4 ' �� '��� thfF Security Instrumen�. However,this option shull not be exerci+ed by Lender if cxerciise is prohibfted by federal luw as of <br /> ���`� '.`����� : a- thedateofthisSecuritylns�rument. <br /> -_-' � If Lender exereises this option,Lender shall give Borrowcr notice of accelerntion. The notice shall provide n period of <br /> -;,�'�ti;� � ��'� ��'«� � nd lesti than 30 duys from the dute the notice is delivered or mailad within which Bomower muxt puy all:�ums secured by this <br /> �s � � ���°�`'� �° Securit Instrument. If Bcxrower fuils to t► Ihese vumti rior �o Ihe ex iration of this riod. Lender mu invoke an <br /> ,�.oz ...,�„�:.: �� .., Y p Y p P Pe Y Y <br />_" '�� � , +} � ' remedies pertnined by this Security Imtrument wi�hout further notice or demand an Bortnwer. <br /> ��,;`•.`. '�•�'•:��• IS. Borrower's Rishf to Reinstate. lf Bnnawer meetx certuin conditionx, Borrower shull have the right to huve <br /> ��'u- '•+���� '' enf�rcement of this Security lnstrument dixcondnued at any time prior w the earlicr oL• (a)S Jays (ur such whrr periad� <br /> -r• <br /> - : �:)if {/ ti <br /> ��;� 't�Sl'? �', Sinpk Family--Fannie Mar/FYeddk Moc UNIP'URN INti1'RONENT••Unlfoim Covenaats 91l0 I/mRt J nf 6/wges) <br /> %, '�;��``4�`��,,.� .,, <br /> if• �f�4��:�Stl+•y}r'E5• <br /> y�r rt�' ' �'. '�� <br /> j r u:f�rft`�, L.,��� - <br /> el.i'�l1� �,�f���E. <br /> +�1�'��-c{`..71;, si".. - <br /> . ;ii !��`'�iel,C,^l�+j�j�„ _. <br /> . -� { •G j y ,f �,� <br /> � ' � j�31�M�y{ac�i K y rl„� Yt .} l;��tiCd, <br /> }i�: t( J G�,�- �r}�.°`}` ����. 1•. �- . � �- . ..�-(') 1- •. - r•a�:,.,• � . � ttFt/i�i ii-: <br /> -�_1=F3i_ r. ;e�.•i 'r]J�•�S;Y� - . . �1 t ifr . .. .. ff i , r''..'�.•. .. ,,;.,�t� l4�. ., c:�:��y�41. '�2• - � ��.;� f,�:� ,�. <br /> .�t��:.,�T Y!A'Y,�i��'�Z.a.�;. - �- � . �1 � ,(,! � (7;6 , 1y. � r s r�,i�a . <br /> `r�` t' t ':'.'. . ' ' ', l v '���,.:.;, �j�"�. ]. .l.r,•'^g,] 1,�'': i:" <br /> 1'i:�, �,;�.�������, y, Ju <br /> -ot��.sEYliM�fd�-�XGS�.1S ri� •.�{��'���•.E:_ -_i'r,_t���il��£_I',�tis •.��.,.s?�ar�Si�.�.����e1��Sf/.�7�i���1:�����io-SY�c.`.:_��.°it(7�i1���{��I! `1-- <br /> .�� .-`tlnr��-e�ie�,M1x 'S-�7n" —�,�- . . �� . -- �-- —^",.�.'��,."'—•T'� Tr7�I• . �n 21_'_jTli� `n...., c�j <br /> F s �)���Al��.��IH�� r�;��� � >.1: T '),.� i i�1 {' f..L '�al,,:, i. .i y�:�,1�tr�Mt\,�'y !��y�'•e � <br /> x�1.. �t,,� t , L.� .', r + .�. , . �;' � �{t..e�.• �orvi � �I 1 , y (-�;i`Yr` <br /> u � r:ti.�._ �'j'�'!{ r . �f a't ,, ' �S.0 y 1�•{'r1��i ���{�' ��•���.::�{������t,• <br /> '� ' .� t�' r' t':x.. _ y ',��l,r• . . . . . � �1'.,l+;ti -'r�+:�i;i'1�.•"� r;l��,,;�.'�rW <br /> r}'it.l 1 � � �l'. � ._ ��'�• •L '�� . �.61Y■91 : {ir <br /> . } I :,��_.-jf-_aL�t _ . . - . . . 5� �/. .._ . . . .� . ,�_ � -t. • ��'��ll����'�/`, ��I(• YY }: ; i/'�� . <br /> Y . f ,a/� . '��• ' ' . - . 1• (. <br /> _ i p- . . . , •'`r. . } r�,,.. <br /> ` �'�- �R'f' - •, . . :i' .. : ..i'�'' - :��•, � � �.. <br /> .�' ,� . �. � - I . . . ' . :1 ' . `'�i� r. <br /> .� � ��.Is, �. • . . .. . " . , . ' . � . .�. ',....�. .. <br />, - ',�'�r' ���.. ` ' . ' ., � . ..1:' �. <br /> � ',�. •+' : .::�' .\ p ', . .. , . ' . .� - � ' , ...:\t : .�.. . <br />_', .�i�� � '�r��.., ,. .. .. . . , »� . ` � _,��'�ia��•. ' � . . <br /> �. ,t�:,�. . � , � . . • � . o ' . . '.� , . .�i�... .. - ��'.����LL�.t+.:..�,`�... .•-*"p, <br />�-i: � ' . . . ' _ • ' � .. . . � .. . . . . _ - ,� - ' . <br /> - �G . . • „ . . � . , '. _ . <br /> � �.. <br /> . ., <br /> . , <br /> 1�" " , .. . <br /> . � . . _ „ .. <br />