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� .treM!!4!'rw' l�.J .'r . � _. Y�,w��• �.,F i��:'�,+�; -��+�Al`£�it��•jy11;IRT ., �u ^ •�. , .� � :. <br /> __...�_� , �i._: . . , . . --� <br /> - � �.. .�� .;,. . .)y0o . �� . . r . .. . ,�. . . , . , �„.�r _ <br /> . , , ;.���!!�'., ' <br /> . 7nG6t��Blt Vvl'fl�sq�Me i�pnva�aow�M�rodlair abc�f aa q�pap�es,q'�aqe tl1 a�ri..�, <br /> . �sd A��ar MrM19nr a.,put d tM:p�apwey. AJl wepl��p a�d ad0itfar��MII�:M aw�d b�►M��lkOwity <br /> I�awna�.All d��o�e�oi�i��elMNrd a i�d�k B�ar+il�r Mrrw��M��'1Mo�ty." � - - <br /> ��XyV1�IA�'$dIM HOfliffMNf it�Y�d dl0 M�fMO hlllb�l COIIYOyOd Qld Iq�iMb l�it b�111 <br /> �nA aonvay d�e�+a��rd dw a�e Prapny i�.�a�La�.except wr mownbaaoa oc�eoo�d. ean�ow�w, � <br /> wW defad�e�aYty dM eitie a�he Prq�eny�wt dl dsiaa�nd denwydi,wbJea a aoy�d�aooid. <br /> -- 'l�iQB S�liR11'Y t�tS'AtUR�]'1'aous�ss e�coYat�e tbr�we wd�ov�MS MIM . _ -�_. <br /> �_,.,,r_.��...��_m..�„ IM�ilad variMidM b�r�+kdictkn to aonMiaMe�mifarm ra�ity ia�awaaYat ooyaittsmal p�apaity. __ <br /> UNIPORI�IOQV@IAM�t. BaKaw��adl.enderooMaa�atmdy�eeufdlo�: <br /> !. lw�M�f!'�M�ef fM�11M�'�M;�lwMt MA I.nq CMw� Bamu�wa�II p�onqMlypqr�bea duo tbe <br /> d�nd lerwen ao dte daht evlda�oed by da Nato and aay p�a�t aad We dia�a dne unda tde Na�e. <br /> �h <br /> IANi�r 7Y�rd InRa�a. Snbjoct to�ppiic�bie I�w ar w a vnitla��iva by I.a�der.6ano�ra�dnll pqr to <br /> Leoder an tMs d�Y�i'P�Y�+�ro due under Wc Note.�dl da Nae i�pai�l fn PoY.a am C'�s`)foc(a)S�! <br /> t�x�a�ad weaa�aN�wbich may atuia p�ia�Ity aver tWt �ity Iawwamt u a Um a�the Propqty:lb)I^�Y wK� - <br /> ar�mund roats aa tba Propaty. lf�ny. (c) yeai�y�asa�d oc propaty io�nao�e� (d) ye�fy fbod <br /> �p�aaeium�,if my;(e)Yaal mo�t�e i�nura�oe p�eai�.if�p,ad(�+�I► a�p�y�e b�r�o�o�ar�o <br /> mo� <br />�ooadiutoe rrUA tl�e of p�a�apY�.i l�a d iepy�mt d mia�e iiwraace pemirsQ. 7fesc <br /> iies a�pUod"F.t��torr 11an�." L.cder�ny.M aiqr ti�c.calioa�d b�d t�i�+�a�ra�et aot b eaaoed t�e� <br /> �oiowit a kader far�kde�nel�ced sa�,�e lo�wy ra�ri��e far Bona�er�escr�► acoa�t mder lae foderal Re�l <br /> F,wie Sededert P1�oc�edwa Act af 1974 a�aiettlod from lio�e b tiae.l2 US.C.f 2501�rsep l'RESP�`!.ual�sa�aa,ha <br /> lav�rt a�pplie,s b tra Hmd��as a la�er aiaoutM. Ii sa.L�endey'a�Y.�t aoy m�e.ooNect ad bald Nnd�ia�a�aaqnt nat w <br /> eu�end d�e le�anr�t. Iwwder wy esti�wr�e d�e r-�o�M d fiwls dwe� t�a hria d c�neot d�ta aod�m�6ie . <br /> _ -- - - �d of fl�wre Escnaw Ilaro a�aqww�se in acootdu�oe wid��p1ica6k law. <br /> The N�6dd io a�iauippioa wbo�c depocits�ne ioaued by a-�ederal+�eocY•L�St�'.a'�' <br /> - (iadu�La�der.if Lader is�cb�a iastitutlai)ar ia my Hedawal Haa�e Lom Badc. Lendet�p appiy tbe Fieads�o P�Y <br />- �he Escro+v I�ems. Ltnder may cwt char�e Bartmrer tat boldin8 ��PdY�B��aanually aa�lytin�tba c°scrow <br /> - a000�uN. ar v�aifyL��6e gsaorv Itaa�. �[.a�der pa�ys Bortower ia`amst oo tbe fi�nds aod applicabk law pcmdts <br />'•:� l.enda to malce sucb a dw�e. However.Ls�der may Borro�ra w pay a aie-time d�rge for an iadepandeat rcal <br /> espNe a���avbe used by C.a�der jn oomonioa w�thi�lo�a.unkss apWiaWe I�w provldes ahe�wisa Unlas an <br />� a�reaneat i�rnde ar�pplic�6k Isw�equircs intaat w be prid.t�rndar slWl not i�e�eq�ired to pay Ramwer any i�q�ncst ar <br /> =- arnings m tbe Funds. Bamwtr and Ln�de�may agroe in wrFtin�.huwevu.Npt inoaest�hall be p�id on the Ru�wf.�. I.ader _ <br /> sbau�giwe a eamnw�er.witbow cfwge,aa mnw�.000�ang asf'tbe R�Ms.siawing rno�u ma deb�[s to thc Rmds artd che <br /> -_ - purNoce gar whid�each de6it w 1be RiMs wac m�de. 'Ibe Wnds are pled�ed u additlaW sacority for�II swns recured by <br />——��sr�o� Ihic Sea�rity Iruawnmt. <br /> -- -- If d�e R�bdd by I.a�der e:ooed the unounts�e►witoed m be 6eld by �pplic�ble law.L.eoder ahW�ocawp ta <br />° Bormwer fa the escras Rund:in accadana wlth Ihe roqui�rmaus of applicsbk Ww. if the�noiu�t af�be RaMs I�xld by <br /> b } <br /> • L.ender at�oy dme ic not wfficient to pay the F.scrow Items wlrn due.l�ender may so nai+fy Batower in vvnidng,su�l,ln <br /> :Y:��, , `�,. such use Boriowet sh�lf pay w l.e.nder the amount neoessuy w m�ke up tbe ddiciency. sarower slWl mate up Ihe <br />-_ - -- - deRciency ia no ma�dw�twelve monthly PaYmmts,at Lmder�s wle disc�elion. . _ <br />- �� Upoa payment in full of a!1 su�sa�u�ed by this Security Inswment.L.ea�der shall pmmpUy netw�d a Bamwer my <br /> � ' ;•�;:•::� Ftmds held by Ixrwler If.under por�gnph 21.l.ender shall acquirc ar scll the Plropaty,L.cnder.pior to the acquisition or _ <br />_ .r, •';��t;.��::A+i:�. ,,,� s�k of the Ptope�ty,slull appiy any Ru�ds heW by Lenda u tbe time of xquisitlon a sak ac a cre�W agaitut the wros <br />;;.,,,: ,..b .,� secwied by Ihis Sccuriry InstrumenG _ <br /> - : �* 3, Applicatioq of P�yment�. Unless applicable Inw piovides ott�rwise. all pay�nents receivod by I.endcr under - <br /> ^'��,, ,�•� :�p paragraphs I and 2 shall be any prepayment charges due w�der the Note; a�r�ouras payable wber _ <br /> `�•�,> : , r , � �2;third,to intenest due;foudh.W principel due;and lau,to any late charga due ur�da the Note. <br />.�� 4. C6a�es;�s. Borrower shall pay ail teues. assessments. chuges. fines �nd imposidons aaribumble to�he <br /> Propeny which mAy attafn pionitp over this Secucity[nsuument,ond leasehold payments or ground�ents,if Any. Bannwer _ <br /> .. _ '� shall Ray diese obligatjans in the n�anner provided in paragraph 2,or if na paid in Uwt m�nner.Barower shall pay them on <br /> es <br /> - �r:'�'" • �'��' time di�ecUy to the person owed payment. Bormwer shell promptlY fumish to l.ender al l aotives of amounts to be paid under = <br /> •„r�r.,:.-� <br /> this pa�agroph: If Hanuaer makes these payments directly.Borrower shall prom�tly fumish to L.ender rcaipts evideocin� <br /> �`�'�� ' � �B�shall disc e an 4en which has ori over this Securi Inswment unless Borrower:(a)agnees - <br /> ,��!'J.�','��' � <br /> • ��i��` ' • in writin to the �of U�e obli�ation secured b the lie�io a manner acce ble lo Lrnder,(b)contests in ood faith the - <br /> "'�K:+�•,:;•.:,?f�:: 8 P'aY"�c 8 Y P� 8 <br /> lien by,or defeMs against enforceanent of the lien in,legal pr;,ceodings which in the l.ender�s opinion operate to prevent the _ <br />-'��f� '� •'� Y ` enforcement of the lien;or(e)secures from the holder of thr iien an agrcement satisfactory to l.ender subordinating the lien -- <br /> ain,»-:. ...•� — <br /> '-�,�� ' to this Security Inswment. If Lender detenniaes that any prrt oithe P�perty is subjec��o a lien which m�y attein priority _ <br /> � ;r'�i t, ''� � � • �. over this Securlry Iasdvment,Lender may give 8wrower a notice identifying the lien. Barower sFwll s:uis-�y 1he lien or tWce _ <br /> ;;;: �� , � one or mae of Ihc u�tions set fwth above wi�hin 10 days of Ihe giving of naice. <br /> . �r•k ��� S. Hv�rd ar Pro las�rana. Bomower sha0�1 kee U�e im rovemems now existin on c�reafter erectecJ on the ° <br /> �;�� �.���rF �iLy�tNi.. �Y P P B _ <br /> �,,t':{�};�.;..> Pmperty insurcd against loss by RirP,h9zar�ds included witd�nn a;ee tarm"extended coverage"sind any other hazancic,Jncluding = <br /> � -.'.�'��'"' floods or tlooding.for which Lender requires insurance. This insuronce rh�lt be mainained in �he amounts and for the = <br /> �., �'�.', , r� �(+� <br /> � � ,:-, <br />--';��, ; '• .,i% r7�tF. . Form�Oti 9tlo rvose 2 of 6 voxes� � <br /> %4i;. t; �a7�:��;, rr. — <br /> •�,�� ,SY�'i^yi'Fi... .t — <br />'� � �. ` } �ha4tE �<, h <br /> �� `� ��',� — <br /> �+71,.��j4 � _ k <br /> ;:;: �� � ;�;��}�;�. � �Y�,. -- <br /> i:, z.� el,� ; s .tY �.. 'l g7�t'z;it� �1�ar,.�t [��,:4� <br /> �. {� - f -� �1 t 5 1:1";' p 1 �:. <br /> � .s �,r _����,;--- '� �.�ti�•a�,..r ('ii;r�� 4:".r� �. ,.��r•. �.xa'lv1�i���.�"R � " ,�•�:; .��� {y+ � .sr.:j�:'.�ti,F , �,.�,.5.� <br /> y r1i t5 � ?�� jR'r •} ,r:11 1 � y:: ��. �� �ii(� !� i ..,5`::' .�I �'r.�7( �h: � <br /> y/�� �{ti�`��1e ` "G. • �•� ,i �5 .1��,�tl`.t: r' , ;.f;. 4f hr f..ti •`�� � �� .�' i�r , . ',, a',. <br /> �.e.e � 1 �.3(�)�t � �3:� 1�'�� � ..P� {�1 , •�'` ,. !'t•;�'C ��;� ��1•�' f.'•<',-` 'f t� i�"r�°...� �rr-•A,t�� <br /> i � . r`jf'.•�j� 1 4....�.;,�:�,' .�{. ,�,,� }t •1.;.� .', rit''�...' Y''. 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