�:,�, :;b�., . .tt,ii:•., �... +�v� Y'' �'Y'?if i .;�? .,.i.r 1 � i �.id•• s�'.<,.,tir{„y �rlli�}Y.�`�k:
<br /> yt � r�"�B��k� F� . . . . . �. :, � �' _.t 1" � ff,� -�' v�.N 1".d• aa �dt
<br /> ' S/1�� K1�` c '; ' 'f• �5�. �Y •r. �1. .i.. �i }..{�I��.yS.,. �i✓l.:i�Y�^ '
<br /> `j�`�T�1����/1YVY��� �4}�� . - �.0 .. ' -_._ � :... j ..
<br /> 1. f � f�ii t �±'��ar. _
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<br /> ... .�_I��YYL�yf�-l1.:�.
<br /> � �l . �.l.sl•'' 1 �i'..• � �..1 -�- .
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<br /> . . ,,�,, ;. 91_ --�_�:-:`.v.�
<br /> ;, ; 1 U 2 3 5 g �:=�1��..�_
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<br /> .�m�!er�i..u.':a"�
<br /> ,•t�i�� .
<br /> i, ' �_
<br /> . , � —__�,�._
<br /> i: •' If L.ender roquired mort�e insutance�s �conditioe af makin�the losn sacured by this Seeurity Instrument. �-�..:.�.:�'.;—
<br /> `..,,.. .---:
<br /> ' Borrowcr slull p�y the premiums required to msinuin the insuance in edec�until�uch tim�a�he requiranent for tl�e •.,E::�=;;,_
<br /> ..�. �� „ in�u�nce termiruta in accordance with BorroMer's�nd Leede�'�written a�reemmt or�pplicable I�w. � _ :�-'"�s:..:--_.a'�
<br /> ..�, �::�_;�__-- —
<br /> S, iwpectioe. Lender or its ajent rtuy m�ke re�n�ble entries upon and inspoctions of th�Prop�rty. l.ender
<br /> , ��.-�-_�---_�-�
<br /> - "� slull�ive Botrower notice st the time of or priar�a an inspection specifyio�reasonable c�uce for the inspectian. ;,,,':'.;,��; " ��
<br /> ...�4.i�?;
<br /> . ~ y. Co�d��qo�. The prooeods of any aw�rd or cl�im for dsrru�a,dircct or canxquemW,in connection with ' . .. r,• .,,-..
<br /> � ' � My candemnuian or other t�kin�ot any p�rt o!the Propeny.or f�r convey�nce in lieu of condemnnion,arc hereby ��__• �� �-���-� -� -
<br /> � � "' ' a�si�ned�nd�hall be paid to I.ende�. �--
<br />� � " lo the event a!�totd t�kin�o!the P�operty,the prac�eds�hall be applied to the sumi securod by thit Securiry =-i-a��,.;�. ,.�
<br /> a ed
<br /> In�eniment,whether or nat then due,wfth u�y excas paid to Borrower. In the cvent of�putial t�king of the Property, �•_•� ��-��`���'
<br /> �� unless Borrower�nd I.ender otherwi�e sgree in writing.the sums sxured by this Socu�ity lastrument:hdl be roduoed by ��?--_��==�=_=—
<br /> the�mount of the pra¢aeds multiplied by the following fnc�ion:(�)the total Amount ot the:um�:ecured immedi�tely �=^�_����•"�
<br /> � beforo tha takinQ,divided bg(b)the fiir market value of the Property immediately before the t+�ki�.A�y b�nce:h�l)be _ - -________
<br /> psid ta Borrower. �'�'�r ��.
<br /> � if the Property is ab�ndoned by Borrower.or if,after notice by Lender to�orrower tEaa�bie condemnor affers to �-' '�° �:��,,,;.;-
<br /> --- - -- make an�aard or settle a cl�im for d�m+�ges,Rorrower fail�to respond to Lender.vithin 30 days a►Rec the date the notice is � •
<br /> �iven.Lencier is authorized to cullxt�nd�pply Ihe praceeds.at ita option.either to ratorslion ar repsir of'the PropertY or ,�,�.iu;..-; »..°..
<br /> tp tb�e sums iocun�l by this Security lnstrumenl,whether or not then due. �• ��..
<br /> Unlas Lender+nd Horr.ower otherwise�ra in wri�in�,ainy ppplic�tion aPproceeds to principal chall not extrnd or •�' ' -
<br /> '� � po�tpoiae the due d�te of tbe montbly psymrnt�nefenod to in pa��r+phs 1 and 2�p c!►ange the amount of euch paymen�c , -- _
<br /> �p, Bor�o�e� lVot Rdeawd;Fbriipi�ee By Lewder Not�Wa3re�. �xt�ion of the time Por paymmt or �` -
<br /> ' :• , � ' modigption af amortirstion of the sunu securcd by tdis Security InstruQn2n� gffan,t¢d by Lender to any successor in ..- '-. ..,��
<br /> . � �� ` "'' • interest of Bomower shall twt opente to relesse the liability d'the origir�aJ�orroaer or Borrower's auaes:on in interest. `� r..;p��:,
<br /> ere.
<br /> �i -: -
<br /> � I.rnder shall not be required to commence proceedings sgainst any auccessor in�intzrat or refuse to extend time Por . .�.,,.: : __
<br /> " p�ymait or dhawise modify amortiz�tion of tbe sums secured by this Security Inatrum�ent by reason of aoy demsnd m�de �,+��-�-`
<br /> �.,. ���:.
<br /> ' � by che oripntl Borrowu or Borrower's sucee�ors in interat.Any Porbearance by I.ender in exercisin�sny dght or remedy ,,,., .. ''
<br /> �....'� � shall not be�wdver of or prxlude tha exercise of aoy right or remedy. '`',""'"-_--
<br /> ;.: , �• 11. Sucea�ors wd A�dps Boa�d:Joht wd Se�enl I.i�biUtn Co�ipers. The coven�nt�snd agraments of �.G�,,:::. .;
<br /> �;;.;� �;��,� thia Security Instrument siuU bind and beneflt the aucceasors u�d auigna of Lender s►nd Borrower,:u b ject to t he pro v iaian: �.,,�,u� �a�
<br /> ��. • �� ,, p!'�ragaph 17.Borrower's cavrnants and agraments shall beloint and several.An•Oarrower who co-si s this Securit '� �r;!��_�
<br /> S gn y �'}:`'-:-.
<br /> �'``�':;i'e�iy:- lu�suruanent b ut d o e s no t execuas t he N u to:(a)i s c,a s i g�i n g i h i s�u u r i t y I a s t r u m rn 2 o n l y to mort g e ge.g r eet end c�+�vey 1:T� ' __�Y'��■a
<br /> ,�.�,,:�•.;.�, ,y, ,; . . . �_:� -
<br /> r;,:, ;, f�!,,; �
<br /> ,,,,,,,, tfia��+rrower s�nttrest in the Property under the lerms of tbic Security lnst�ument:(b)is not penontlly obligated to pay '�;.;�, ; _ t,-�
<br /> t 3�e su m s s e c u r z d b y t fi i s S e c u ri t y l n s t r u m e��;a n d(c)a g r e e s that LencYer and an y othrr Borrower may agrx to extend, .'��:•.k . ,___
<br /> . ��' l`..'' . —
<br /> madity,farbear or make any accommadations with regsud to the terms oP ihi�Security Instrument o�the Note without ;;.,r..;�•m•-
<br /> , � .. ' " thau�ower's consent. ,��• .,:.•�.�,=°
<br /> ' �. 12. Loaa(.'h�rQa. If the loan socured by this Security lnstrument is subject�to A law which aets muumum loan � �•
<br /> charges,and th4t law is finally interpreted so thwt the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in � • . , �'
<br /> connxtion with the loan eaceed the permitted limits, then:(a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount I ;�i Y
<br /> f necasary to reduce the chuge to the permitted limir,aad(b)Any sums already collxted irom Borroaer which excxded � �•s::
<br /> � � �' permitted limits will be refunded to Borrower,Lxnder may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed �
<br /> ���'� under the Note or by m�lcing a direct paymmt to Borrower.1f a refund reduces principel,the reduction will be trated�s a C. .. ��
<br /> r�•r..
<br /> , ' :..�, �r�iaD prep�yment without any pre�yment ch�rge under the Nate. � - -_
<br /> 13. l�W�tlo� Alrecdn8 II.ender's Rlahts. It enactment or expiration of applicable laws has t6e e9fect of .
<br /> �'� , � renrkring any provision of the NotT or this S�curity lnstrument unenforc4pble according to its terms.Lender,at its option.
<br /> ;:,�:`j msy require immedi�te payment in full of all sums secuted by this Securiry Instrument and may invoke any remedia .•
<br /> pertnittod by par��raph 19.If Lender exercises�his aptian,Lendsr shal]take the steps speci8ed in the secand pAr�gnph of i • .,:,,;;
<br /> .�� i Daragr�ph 11. , ..,
<br /> 14. Notiees. Any notice to Horrower provided for in this Security Instrument slwll be given by deliveriag it or by
<br />. , mailing it by iirat clau mail unless applicable law requires use of another method. The not�ce shall be directed to the ��{;
<br /> � Praperty Addras or any other address Bo.rrower designetes by notice to Lender.Any notice to Lender shall be given by ,. .,�,;:.
<br /> , � `� Rrst class mul to Lender's address stated h�rtin or any other addras Lender daignates by notice to Borrower.Any notice �:�` ;}%;1:::
<br /> � � provided'for in this Security Instrument shaJJ be deemed to have been given to Horrower or Lender when given as provided ; •,� ,, ';,.;}�•s'•'�i,,
<br /> i�n uhis para�raph. � �• ':� , ,
<br /> , 15, C�ernlnQ Law;Serenbility. This Secunty lostrument shall be govemed by federal law and the Iaw o!the '�,,r�'" .
<br /> '. jurisdiction in which the ProFeay is tocated.ln ihe event that any provision or clause of this Secunty Instrument or the , �� •���
<br /> � Note conflicts with applieable I�w,such c�+n�flict shall not atTect othep prrvisions of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> . which can be g�ven eflect without the confl�cn�ng provision. To th�s ear!the provisions of this 5ecunty Instrument and the • .•
<br /> Note are dxlared to be xverable. �`},.
<br /> 16. Borrower'�Copy. Borrower shall be give�or�e canformrd copy of the Note nnd of this Secunty Ins�ra�ment. . � •
<br /> , 1y. Tnade�ot the Property or a BexBciaU ➢eter�et in Borro»er. If all or uny pan oi the Proper�y or any
<br /> intaest in it is sold or transferred(or if a beneficiaD interen�m�onower is yold or transferrcd and Borrower is nw a natursl ��'�
<br /> . person)with�ut Lender's pnor wnuen conser.- �rnder ms�y,�t �u oy��i cr•rrqwre immed�ute paymcnt rn full of a11 sums
<br /> secaeed by th�s Secunty InstrumeM. How•evar. :Bi�opuon sh�ll no� he aaercised by Lender if exerr:se u pPahib��ed by ,
<br /> federal law as of the date uf el��s Secunty Instrument.
<br /> If[.ender exercises�has eipewn.Lender shall g��e Barrower notice of accelerat�on.The nouce shall prov�de�percud
<br /> ; ' of not less than 30 days from the date�he nouce�s deli�ered or ma�led w�thin w•hich Borrower must pay all sums secured by
<br /> ; this Security Inslrument.!f 8orrowec fa�Is tm pay these sums pnor�o the eap�rotion of this penod,Lender may mvoke any
<br /> ._ ....,.,,i�.,.,..,��r�h.•�h�c Sece�nev lnstracaent w�thout funher notece ar demand on Borrower.
<br /> _ .:,.,.. _ .
<br /> . - . .�...�.��"---" -- � -
<br /> ' � 18.Borrower's RigM ta Itei�sute• If Borroaet rruets certam conduum�,Borrower tihall have the nght to Aave
<br /> � ' . ,I enforcemen�of th�s Secunty 6nstrument d�sconanued ac arey nme ptu�f to the earl�er of:lAl S days(or such otYr.er pertod u
<br /> , '� applicable law may specify for re�nstatementl before,ale of�he Prorycrty pursuunt ta any power of sate conr:uaed rn thrs
<br /> ; , Secunry Instrument;or(b)entry af a�udgment en(orcmg this Secunry Cnstrument.Those ronGinnns are thac B�rrower:
<br /> • � (a)pays Lender all sums v►hich then would be due under this Secunty Instrument and the tie:e had no acceleratcon
<br /> ; occurred: Ib► cures any default of any other covenants o�agreements: (c)pays all expenses mcurred in enforang this
<br /> Secunty Instrument,mcludmg,but not I�m�ted to.reasonable attorneys'fees;and Id)takes such act�on as Lender may
<br /> ' reasombly reqwre lo�ssure thn the I�en of th�s Secunty Instrument. Lender's nghts�n the 1'ropeny and Dorrower's
<br /> . � obhgatinn to p>> the sums stcured by this Secunty Instrument shall conunue unchanged. Upon remsutement by
<br /> Borrower,th�s Secunty Instrument�nd the obhgations securcd hereby shsll remsm fully efiect�ve as d no accelerat�on had
<br /> ' + occurnd.However.this n�ht to re�nstate shall not apply m the cax of acceleration under paragnphs I 3 or 17.
<br /> . �
<br /> ; �
<br /> � '
<br />