�'«�r..`�r '�'r`'.i�l��o. '; �_ ' ...---
<br /> . _..;_,.:�Aj. ��• __-- —
<br /> ..��, tr;;_-.' . • • . . -_-
<br /> .....
<br /> •Y f:._; � ._. -�_._._ _..... .-
<br /> t '
<br /> _ . : �.r..;. �:. gl'��' �OIH�J t7 ----
<br /> I '�'� NoN•UNIFDRM COVBNAMl.BorfO�Ye�aad l.ender(uttbe�ooval�nt and s�ree w iolbwf:
<br /> "� _ ".� 1!.Aoo�Mndo�i R�w�ii� I.�s1�U a��Notk� to tbrroww Klor to uetleMNw tdlo�dt{B 3ro��� _
<br /> h..d d my cowN.n ar.�r«�e iN w.s.enrtt�t�at�u...e(wn�oe r��•oake�uo�wiK wnR.N� -
<br /> � �� ,�o.�rar�,a��+ro�ra.a�«►.n�.aoao.�.0�:w ew a.r.�a c��t�••�cioo�a�.a co�.w.
<br /> •��. ��hMlti lel��b,�ot{w�tYr 3Q�tyt Ita�tM dW fM aotia b dta to florrower.by wMlc�eM dehdt wwt 6t cundi -
<br /> .,,��, °
<br /> ,.., . , d.. Mi(U dut hl1Nn to c�n tM dehdt u�or bKan tY�daq sp�cid�d iN t6�sotice auY rault la�calsnNoa ot tlre Nw �,-----—
<br /> .��. � Merni h►tYh S�ereity 1�haaMt�i aM a tW ProNrtY•71M�otla�al!Nrther Uto�Bon�owu or t6r ryMe to
<br /> � nirfab dbr�oo�Nlo� ud tM N�t to brl�s�coue!�a to iweK the naa�xi�ta�a ot�dsl�Wt or ay otMt --
<br /> ����.4��a�� ata�.or e«row.r ro aooebaaa�..a au..lr ai.�sr.dt a.oc�.a u.or betore me aat��poclsea In th�noeta,ceeae► �_--: - -------
<br /> �«�,,, a Ies o�ao■aa�naain hnwell.a p��� (�u w.p s�.�e.reO by�Yl,Secnrlty l�aru.eac wi�You�f�ua� -----
<br /> "..���; ,�x,r;..,;;•. ... d�w��d ud w�Y h�oke tM�Oowa of aN ud�uY od�r rewedla P��by�poll¢able I�w.Le�d�r sl�li b�adtl�w _
<br /> ..:,`�.,:....•.,,»� : ��t���.��...�:��-
<br /> ...Drt?•,.:6''.n.:." �:
<br /> aollut dl a�w i�wn�i la pvaiaa tlN rs�iM� Mo�id�d in tW ParaaraRb 19� iacl�din�.bnt not UwiNd ta .�,a,_,���.,._� .
<br />-- .�f�i4�:�..; �+w�►kraror�.r't.M�,woaaofaa.•�le.�ce. =-
<br />� 111Me�o*er a�ale u isi�otad,Trwbe vuN rocord a aodce ot d�halt ia escb conn4la wMtcY�nY Pwt ot tb� �...'-w, `.
<br /> , . - ` . pro�e�tr b laeate�aMi�!1 m�U wpie�o!r�M�attet Is tYe m�naer pracriMd by�ppliaible law p�9oerower s�d to t6e -
<br />�� - at�er penor�aerAe�y►q�YarM bw.AMr Me ti�e reWtred bY�pOfldi6le I�w.Trn�tea�1�'i�e rNk noda ot =
<br /> ,r;. �' _-_--
<br /> ��...�:�:.ti: e W w.T r w t e e�w i t h o u t d e�a�d a B o�r�o■e r.�N 0 1 MII tlK
<br /> .�:�.:.,�,:���,�u!,�`',, aM to IM���U tlie w�e�p�'�bM y�IMRe+�e =�.._ _-
<br /> , •��...�� ;.
<br /> �� ;� 'ir f-,.,.� . pro�trty�t pablie a�ctio�to tl�Mit6at bldder�t tbe ti�e M�I�hco�nd unde�We tena dd�*ted i�Rlie�ofi�c ��-:-�,r,�t=,;�'�-
<br /> :f is� �'�`° o�e or aora Pa a 4�d la�ay o r d e r T n a R a d e t e r m i n a.T r a o t a m R Y O a t p oae�ale d�00 or*nY Ps�l ottb Propert!by ��_�� __�T.��-=-
<br /> sde.IwWt�ar iq dqi�a�e w�y P��� ``-==- -
<br /> ,.,. �`�;;�4v blk�naouncee�eat�t t�e tlwN wd pt�a ot�1 Pr��loasly�c6ednkd �s�-::r=_._--_
<br /> `4f:4" �/t Yy f�l� ` � r.1�,�
<br />��,�:� ��'i�� ;� ��� � ,u � Wd.t'ewtee sh�Df deU�er to tMt paci�ser Tra�tee'�de�d coa�e�a�� �n�f�;;!;�,y�,„.
<br />�x,�. �� l`,',c,:�}'�i, � �°�tM�T�rwt e'�i dNd�ull be pr8�a fACie arldence ot tbe braW1� o?ibe nqtemapts made ��,,���'�r�;;.::i���.:
<br />��'�`, �h;�'�k����'�f5,?;`�!� T�raatp e�eb�l1�tYe proceeds ottlw plo W the followl�order:(�)to W exP�a�a af the�le.iaeludir�,bnt oot Ne�tted �`�Q�¢��'' , li`s;;`,"�;;
<br /> ' . �"��� ti�4� to Trottee's[�a�s par�altted by�poUc�bk law�ad ta�sonable�ttorney�'teex(b)to aJ��roms�ecqred by tYV S�euritY �����r"
<br /> �.'',�°i%'`��'�� ��,��r' lut�uwaia.aace�..y e:c.■to�e p�ooa�,aas tew�ay�oaaed to it. —�-��
<br />�,�;:;'�' ,: .�,;;,; ?�!. ,..�. _� --- _
<br /> � `^ '•�=`_� '� ��+�Y" ! U n accelerAtion under paragraph 19 or abandonment nf the Property. Lender(in �M1� __ _
<br /> +;.,,,rrts��^.t t 30. Lender ia Ran�nlon. po.
<br /> f.';.• .: ';�•��'{�ts�,.:�)� , _.�.�.
<br />��N•, .,.�<<t��.r.:,.;.•��, perwn,by a�ent or by judici�lly oppomted rccciver)ahall b�entided to enter apun,talce possession of and mansge the
<br /> ,.:s��+!'•'''�"�'�� Proparty�nd to eollxt the renu of the Property includina those Wist due.Any renta coftected by Lender or the receiver
<br />��'�: '""'' , �'y�Sh<i��� ' �h�U be applied flnt to pRyment of the caats of'mu��gemrnt of the Property and collection oi rrnts.including,but nat ����''��:
<br /> r. „�����,���,;'� ,�.�.,_ .
<br />:. �%':;;•.., �'"• �,.,, , • Ifmited to,reoeiver's fea,prennums on reaiver's bonds and rawnable attorneys'fea,and then to the sums sccurod by a• •
<br /> r ; ,. ; �.rl ,,�..,:
<br />�•• , .•��;��,�,;��1'��,/.L,�' , (�iSlCY�tyltl�tNillttlt. -- -
<br /> � � `�"''�"���`• 21.R�co��ayuee.Upon pwymenc of�II sums secured by this Security InstrumeM,Lender shdl requat Tnutee to ��.�.-
<br /> �'�'=f�����'� stcanvty tht Praperty aad shal!s�rnnder this Security Imtrument and all notes evidencing debt securad by this Security � _
<br /> . .,;.,.ti�. , . . -
<br /> � '� ��'r''` ' instrumant to Trustee.Trustee shsll reconvey the Property without wareanty and withoat char�e co the perwn or persons ,,;,r_.;::__
<br /> ;':i��:.„.._,,���
<br /> r' ' , ; '.t'���i' lepqy rntitled to it.Sueh penon or rso�s shaA y any recordation costs. j y�"��`��.'+'
<br /> ff,�. P� P� .t ��''s'�1`�-'.i�
<br /> !"�,�';�'�� � '`. u,S�b�q t n t e T r u s t e e,L e nder.at its o ption,ms y from time to time remove Trusta and�ppoint a suaasor trustee j±��., .,r,i j' ��•
<br /> ' L. ..� I...y��. -� Y �[;ifri:���:�.�w ,.._J`.
<br /> ,�, •�� ' , !;;,_;S'���p„ W�ny Trwtee appoi�ted here�nder by on instrument rceorded in the county in which this Security Inscrument is recor d e d. ,,,,r•;° ,; ,;._°__
<br /> �� � � •+%•'•� Without conv ance of the Pr rty,the auccessor trusta shdl succeed to all the�ide,poaer and dutia conferred upon ¢,�'����1;�'`•ft'.�t'%�_:
<br /> � ,� !'?it,r. aY °� �
<br /> ; � �. '•,,... Tnutee haein�nd by apptic�ble law. �,
<br /> . �:'.�.;. . . „� �_�a;;.1:..�.. .
<br /> ' ,•:{;;;, -• , . 23.Rpw�t for NoNoa�.Borrower requa�s tbat copia of ehe notices of defoult and sale be srnt to BorroMer s �;�Y,
<br /> .�;•.. .. .
<br /> •• uldras ahich is the Property Addras.
<br /> � •• ' .�.�;., ?A.Rtden to thb SecrritY Imkumeat.lf one or more riders are eaecuted by Borrower and rxardad together with ���,
<br /> �• ���l � this Seeurity initrument,the covenanta and agreements of eaoh such rider shall be incorporeted into aad sh�ll amend and �t�;�;. .• -
<br /> �.i
<br /> ; .�; �:f� ;��;• tupplanmt the covenmts�nd agrcements of this Secunt Instrument as if the nder(s) were a srt of this Security �• '"`"•
<br /> ; � Y P `' �S�'�";:.:� •-
<br /> � '� ,�e�,,,1 Itatrument.[Chxk�pplicable box(al] � r;�;,�:., .
<br /> ;_�. , ].}';r�a',.<''F
<br />���',' ,f �,i`;�' ' . �. . ,_ ❑ Adjusubk Rau Rider C Condominium Rlder ❑ 2-; F'amily Rider ._ �«:*�kf�f��_�'__
<br />•,� �',. ,�t���� �' , ` • �• —
<br /> .� u'!�. L.�.>>�.iti�,.^.,^�r-z�•
<br /> ,?' . . ' ' ❑ (iradwted Payment (tider ❑ Ptumed 11ni1 Development Ridt� "°F"'�_�
<br /> ,. e�,�..,.�..-
<br /> ;; ,�� •�i s�s:r�. T-.
<br /> '•t ; ' ��.;',;j�. ��.:':':_,' �x� _
<br /> , ,;:.r � ���• ., .. � p�her(s� �spec�fy� Acknowledgment i �
<br /> � ��': ..,;;. .,. � .
<br /> , ,`► �;,; . � BY SIONINO Be�ow. Borcower accepts �nd agrea to the terms and covenants conuuned i� tdis Sxurity ,.1� ;_ '�
<br /> r.: . .� � , Inttru�ment�nd in�ny rider(t)esacuted by Borrower�nd recorded with it. i�
<br /> _ . �.� r.s+����•r,,,-�
<br /> . . 'i py. � .i .' .. �•��� --
<br /> , �i�. '{.Et�. �• �/ / �.f�. i�« w.
<br /> . `��:;.�::i;.<<; ,�.�G,:.tl:�:1...�.�:'.Cf..::!�.��.�� .... .dsaq .�' � .L'
<br /> ,,
<br /> . ... ;•o..�r.t! .. ..
<br /> ... �.1,�,� ........................................................................................ . • ,�..
<br /> . ,,, : mi el A Panowicz , -�.ro.w � '� `{:!!��:;r1•_•_
<br />, ' �.{`,: , ��.,r . ........................................ ..����:.��....1..!...!:....��;(.i.K.S'4. .......... ..(Se�l) � • 1 , ,
<br /> .��, .�•'3 ��. . ............................................. .. Patricia m Panouicz � � ,;�.��, , .
<br /> ' ';� i 1 '•: ;3"t
<br /> ;r;=:,}4i'< , ti;..' . ''�`�'•:.:�. ,.
<br /> �, • ��' �,r �•.ti.,
<br /> ;.r�+t�.Ji' . Hal l � t1°•`;:;.
<br /> :.` 1,. iF.. STATE OF N�iN/�SILA. C�QOYI! ss: �'t�`�'f'
<br /> '.'�.'�;;.; �!, ' . � , • `. .
<br /> � �;':��.,:,tit.: On this 16tr' dny ul ►�Pril ,�y aT, hece�e me. �he unders�gned. a Nocary Pubh� � . •,
<br /> . ,,q;:,., f�icr,�c I A Panowicz and .i ",�:.
<br /> .,,,,.,��, duly commissioned and quaGi�ed For�a�J coumy. persoaally tame
<br /> , ,,,.,.,7,_� , . Patricia m Panowir_z, h��sband and wife ,ro me known ro be the , ,
<br /> i identical personlsl whou eiame(sl are wbscnbed to the foregomg tRSttUfReR! and acknowled�ed the execuuon , '�
<br /> .j thereof to b)l� their voluniary acc and deed. �� • ,
<br /> f'...,.-..d T�1-,nM 111eFirneL� �n coirl rn��ntv tEl!
<br /> Wit u ana nocanai seai a�
<br /> . •� dzce afo • .
<br /> �� ' My Commissio �� � `
<br /> ��. �� .. �F�C,��, �� . ...... .. . . ........... .................
<br /> �,� V�.��n Puhh.
<br /> . . ^ �'��Z�G,y`�ti EQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE �
<br /> ' TO TRIISTEE: �
<br /> � •a ' ' • The undersigned is the holder oi ihe nuie ur notes te�ured by �h�� f)c�J ��t Tru,t. 5aid note or note�, tugeiher
<br /> � with all other indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust,ha�e been pa�d in t ull.1'uu arr hereb�•directed tu cancel�aid
<br /> l�ote or notes and this Deed of Trust,which are delnercd herrh�, and tu rccume�.���ih��w Narrantv, all �hr e�ia�r
<br /> ' � now held by you u�der this Deed ui' Trust t�thc(+erwn ur persuns Irgally rnu�led�herr�o.
<br /> " Date: .. . . . . `
<br /> : • .
<br />