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';`-��^�`.'`'z'�'°�'� . .. . , .. .. �.. •� , .. _ �,.���;�t;��:�'�,:��.�'":,Y+�O�►+', . ; . _ �. _ ___ <br /> �� � � . . „ 1' . _�. �_. <br /> ; . P�Y���0'������ M tbe apllol�d toartpl�e i,qp�w�oo aorla+l�e(���t������1�� . - <br /> ' �hM trpider �r!iros)Pnoro1ded bqr�° l�ur�r Mip'a'�'ed bY�.ader�beo��a wdi�bb.�od i�obt�ed.6o�row+r�Irtl piq1 ' <br /> ., �P����M�p p�p���p�11�ID�iri tlfOCt.or b p10YWe�IoM IOIOfY�.oN11 tM pf�t�If Mblf� . <br /> �I�MMIO{MM�1 V�000(�IMOi�1�1 MI�►wl'�1111�I�M f1A1MOp1 Q011O1Y�����All�A����yM►e.. . � . <br /> !�L�ctlet�. i�fe�a�.iu�al ar�y aa�e rrao�bte aatrie�upon wd iMpectlo�d die Aaoe�yr.t�fder irl�iw .,' . <br /> �aenrwer notion�t d�e tfaie ot or ptkK w�a iatpectbn spad�l�rlN r�a�ble cauie fat tlie iwpealm• . , " <br /> 1�.C.oWw�.77N P�oeeedt of any �wud or c41m far dvn�ao.dlrxt or aan�equa�al. 1t�oo�aaedioa ��oy► <br />----- oon6paa�tioa or ad�er atio�af aq+p.nt�f Ilw Propo� fat�M lia��eesd�tias.anyre�by�i�d atl_. . �_. :.;_ <br /> . �."�"'.T...�.,__�""�' �iall be{wid w Leadar. <br /> In tho eveat ot a wW akin�of tia P�opmty.the prooeeda chali bo�pp8ed ta 1he wm�aoaued by thb Soa�rky 1a�pumeot. , <br /> whaho�or eot Ihen due.�vltli�ny exow p�id to Hefmwor. Ia the evau af�p�uttal pkio�ot tLe Propaty in�hk�tbe fdr <br /> nwica value of tho Pmpaty immodhtoly befnre the Wcin4 ia eqwd to or g�paar Unn tho�nau�of tLe war yeau�ad 6y thi� <br /> Socuriry Instiuman immedf�tely bofan tha uki��unleu Bamocver�u�d l.endar ot6awlse�roe in wriNq�.the aaw reourod 6y <br /> thio Saadty Inq�ument chall be roduood by tho arnaunt of tho prooeodo multiplied by tbo fdlowlpg fraetioo: (�) Iho toW <br /> amount of tne cuma caeurod immodiapely befom the u�kln��divlded by(b)the fiir naricet value of tbe Pmpat9�mmodi�telY <br /> before�ho ukina. Any bwl�nco slWl be p�id to Bonuwer. In the avem of A pwrtW lalcin�of the Propaty iu which the fdr <br /> mMtet vWua of Ihe Propetty immediately before!ho hkin8 i4 kcs tluin tho anou�t of Ibe au�sxurad 1m�roodiatdy befwe 1he <br />= tatio$.unleu Borrower apd LerrWer atherwl�e agree in�w�iting or unkss�pplicsble Inv oti�erwko provida.tbe pt�oeoeds�11 <br /> be�pplied w the sums securod by Ihis Secudry instruma�t�rhather or oot the�are then due. <br /> Ii'�he PrnpeKy ie abmdor�bY Bormwer.or if.afkr mtioe by L�eMer w Borrower dut the oondemnor ot�'a^t w m�ba�n <br /> #ward or settle a claim for daro�es, Borrower Fails w �espood to Gender within 30 days�Ra tl�e date the catioe i�giveu. <br />�:;;.a ,� Lender is�wthorizad w colkct�e�.apply the i�s apiiun.eirwa iu�aimaiiuu�n�i�fi'af ilsc Pra�tf ar sa!!e� <br />�:�`�:,1�_ c�ecurod by thic Sxurity In�t�uaieta,whetlur or rat then due. <br /> --:;v.rlll <br /> _=;n,t.,. Unfess l.ender and Borrnwer otherwfse agrce in wdtin8. enY upPliaUion o�prooeods ca principal sholl not extwd or <br /> ``��� posqwne the due date of the monthly paymeius rcferrod to in paregraphs I and 2 or ct�nges the amaunt oE such pAyments. <br /> 11.Borrower Not Rdeaied;Forbairaace By 1.euda'Not a Wdver.Extension of the time for paymait or modiflcatfon <br /> of amonization af the sums secur+ad by this Secu�iry I�strument granted by lxnder to any sucaessor in inteKSt of Bon+nwer shall <br /> ^_ . not operate�o rclease 1he liobility of t6e original Bornnwer or Bormwer's sucxessor4 in interest. I.ender s6a11 not be t+cquirod w <br /> '±.�• ' camnu�rce procadings agaiast any sucaessor in intcrest or refusc to eatend time for payment ar otherwise modify mnoRixation <br /> . <br /> of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of eny demand mude by the odginal Borrower or Botrower s <br /> - -- I not bo a waiver of or lude the <br /> ,:t�� er in cxercixin an ri M or remod shs+l p� <br /> .. . n ioterest. An forbeara�ue b I.end � Y 8 Y <br /> x <br /> ._si � successurs i y �u y <br /> ,��'�'� <br /> � •,.{y exercise of any right or;emedy. <br />.--;���;i�°. ' 13. Sucres�urs smd Assi�m Baand; �h+iai �uid Sevtr�l i.iAbiO�: �a�-s�gncrs. Thc ravesrssus sr�d agr+xssxnts of tlsis <br /> � • ��•�� Securit Insuumena sfiall bind and benefit the auccessoB and a.4si�ro.c �f Lendcr end Borrower. subject to the provisbng of <br />`_r�r�"9i�h � r ';M° '� Y <br /> �, '•�;� paragmph 17. Borrower's c��ti•e�nant:K aniD a�reements shalt be Joim enJ several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Securiry , <br /> ': ,t' �,,,'::; <br />-'��'t:�� ;�:�'_ Instn�ment but does nat execut� the Nnte� (a) is casipnang this Secut3ly Ins1rumer�t e�nly to moRgAge, grant tud convey tlwt , <br /> �-`=-'•'�� � ,�''� Barrower's interest in thc Property wndcr tOre temu uf this Securily Instrument; (bl i�na perwnully ubiigatrxi to pay th�sums � - <br />:=_;t¢i�.�:, ,_� „.ib��,i _ <br /> '� necur�!b this Securi Instrumem;nnd lr)ae�ees that l.ender und any mher Borrower may agree�o eztend. modify, fotbear or <br /> •-.f!,,.�.�• � Y h' , <br /> '."_:���.Cd"li <br />_�� ;`. ,...;� � make uny accommc�datiuns with regarJ w�hc rerms of this Sacurity Insnument or the Note without that BoRawer's rnnsent. <br />�':�• �:'ti�':°'•'' . l3. I.oan Charqes.lf th� laan sccured by this Seouriry ln�ttvment is subject to a Iaw which seta maximum loan charges. <br />---r :. f,'`'-• •i$42l?.1��. . . <br />-_— , ;.��� u n d t h ot law is finull y inte r pretcd so that thc interest or�+�t�cr loan charges rollected��r �a be collected in connectia�with the <br />� �'�� i • �.�J,k,��, • lunn exceed the permitted limits. �hen:lu)uny surh loun rharge whnll Ne redured by the amount necessury to reduce the c h a r ge _ <br />��:'��'}, � ,, ,.;., ��. , t a t A e p e r m i u e d l i m i t:a n d(b l an y sumc nlreud y collecteU fn,m$orr.�a•er which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to _ <br />••�,•a<<. � . ,�,•,f,f - <br /> �:,•j,• ��� �^�*•`'' Bonower. l.endcr may chonse to make this rcfund by reducing ihe principal owed under the N��te ar by making u direct _ <br /> ..c� 't1ri{ i4�h t +.� - <br /> ��� •,� `°p�;;�,�r,;, payinent to Borro«cr. lf n rcfund reduces principal. �hr redur�inn will hc trrutcd a� u partial prepayment withoul ony _ <br /> � � ,�,�' ' <br />.� �, �,�•,.,vSt;�:,,;h,:�., prcp�ment chs�rge undcr the Note. <br /> -;�` t i.,'or?r11��'��f�:�",Xp . 5 ■ <br /> . ,,,•,., ,4 �, s 14• NoUc�s. Any notice�n a►rruwer pn►viJed ti�r in this Security Instrunxm shalt be giveu by delivering it or hy mailing <br /> b,J': ,,r, <br /> � �µ��,; ,a+�'r.•�,� it by first claqs m;►il unless applicablc law require.uxe�if�n��iher methal. The natice�hnll be dir�erted to the Propeny Addrecs - <br /> � ,.. .;i,.� <br /> � ;�; .'. �, �'�;• '� �x uny other address Borrower Je�ignut�� by �xnice lo Lender. Any n�uice to L�nJer .hull br gicen by first class muil to - <br /> � � t"�+'� I.ender's aJJrc�� �tut�d herein�r any nthcr uddress I.cndcr dcsign•rtc� by notirr to &mower. Any nntice provided for in this <br /> '��,i' ti.tR:�.�:<;it ' ° <br /> � � + �� ;i�,�r•�j Securi�y Insln�ment shall be decmed t��have been given t��Borrowcr ur Lender whcn�.ivrn uti pnwided in thix patugraph. <br /> �, � ' '� ` u�i�;r 15. Governing; Severabillty. This Security Instrumcnt whall t� guvcmai hy federul la«• und the 1aw of the <br /> �; .�;� <br />'• ,�"�.;, r;,!, _��i; jurixficti�►n in w��irh thc Propeny i. I�xated. In�he evem that uny pTa��•isian��r rluuu uf thix Securin• lnstrument or the Note _ <br /> ��..,.. ., <br />. ��:��. • <br />, 1•�{�� , �:"� r'� �`';, •%-�� cimflicts wilh upplirahlc luw.�uch c��n0irt shall not affrct�nh�r prrn�i,i�m.ol'lhis Srcuritv In,trument nr lhe Note which can be = <br /> , 't�'i�a;;' 1,�k�fi'���, �'+;`��` = <br /> �. ��F, given cffcct a�ilhuua the c��nflirting provi�iun. Tu this cnJ thc pmrisi�m+�7i'thi.Srcurity In+ln�meni unJ the N�NC are declarNd <br />,-�!�`� ;:. t��.t>.��, , • to be severnblc, � <br /> ,,p���t•:.::.�i.G;"� ,'lr�c: <br /> •� �".'14�i;;,a�;:ur:at^.', 16. Borm«rr's Copy. Borrower shull be Rivcn onc rooli�mk�l ropy ni thc Note and of thi+Scwurity Instrument. � <br /> �; , ,.. �., �soze s�oo <br /> _. , ;r,l. <br /> �`:'f i� '' v.o.���e <br /> :;y, �,.;(��;�,,, � <br /> , �;.:,. ,.,.:�,E. <br />,, ,, ,.�:� ,;..�.,.., . <br /> . :�':;;•�j;;s,�:�,!�,,:,;,���� = <br /> s � +�, c ,s, �•>'?'1� <br /> ��Y�y�!{, 'l,.,, a - <br /> -.$, ��+• -� �I!1��1'�,�r�yi�', r., i �r:.s'r}c.� f.9ttw�.:''�aR't�t�Ir�r,l�!;',h•,; -� ', �'�7^' �rt:'���. <br /> .��A: �- � t f , �� �'!'��'� � � ��. �°L � �+t�� .r�1,.ITmv+-*�- <br /> t p4{j� ,`t ' - - . , '�� + �; ;�^;�..;�!1� <br /> {,�!t,: . ':e �E � � 7':.a�k�•„ .��� � <br /> j r 9T, ' � •rfv1�{,ct,,yr, <br />- ��r{�:, �'j u ��'i "`) �,o._t _ �_ . ° . .- . '�r,`..: , ��...Y� '.+ y �s',t„� �.a .f.l,r�t1li�i��li,.!7.13:�,�,aa.� � ': <br /> �.. � �. ^ : . . � <br /> ']�' • : `_ :r� ' : <br /> - k%it1�.i • . :�a9cwt-- ------ --- ---` ---.._. . . _- -- - --__._.__c..�.Y .--`F -a.::ifa�. f c�-.. - ��.,_�•�°p t+�, <br /> � g ,�. � --- �---_ ,. ..., - . . -• •- - �-- ------------�.—�----r — -�--° � ___ ,.-- ...-.. <br /> .��; ' ' ;:�<," . . .. • . . � . ,. � � <br /> ',•.it���f : �' . ,.E�� � , ' , <br /> °==�'`` �:':�::J4�!Sy:;y.__t��.;..����-� ���`,= ' � . ' . <br /> -.� ,�'fi r '` �,ea t•. ., .,,�, . ... � <br /> L � �. �, <br />.���� •.1�'���k�. . �t��r e ' � .. . , � . ; .. ` - ' � '� <br /> 11.• :�r/' . .tl.�..,�. � ' • '1 - .. • . " .• � . •'� , <br /> y ; . .r�. ' ; ' ''�1`� . ' fh, ' .. . . . , � ' - • �� , <br /> l�.:r � `4i �_ �� ' a. , • ' {�t' . . . , .i�• . .�Y' . ' • ' . . .. .. <br />'j,': ' r�`V. e ,if " .. ' ' . . . ' ' , " � \ .. ` • ' ' . , . <br /> �, ` .�� . .. ' �.•'� - •-',t .j� � , :.•ht��1' .. ��" ��-. <br /> ., S .•'� ��, � • � <br /> ,4._ <br /> . <br /> _` _ !- <br />