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__ - _�� . . - . . . ,. _ .. .,iwi:c,_ -_ <br /> �T i'j\:.:_v.� <br /> �y-�-_ _ . .. � ��3" ��e �:. �;,} . <br /> l�.'IY�nrw ot u.A b�s�1 raere�t w somawa�.u d�or r�p rrop�t�►o�.ay�.�a.�i'i�it � . <br /> b�ald m triva('a�rnd(ar it a �inte�at ia Bo�rower i� aW or tnwfemad and�wer i�not�a�Wrrl Mitb�tK �,,.'- , <br /> Lender'�prlor wtiroe� oao�ait. Iraider nay. M i�a optiou� �equire iaunedlMe p�ymaK M Adl ot dl naia ��� , <br /> Sow�ity ImpuqAent.However�thi�aptioa vnll aot be exeic1ie16y lasdor it e�tarol�e i��bi�od by fed�rv law a�ot <br /> of U�Sxudty lmtnuneot• <br /> li I.eMor wca+ciw Wii optiolt�I.onder clWl�ive Borrower notioe of�oceleradon.7fw notioe�11pa vMb a porbd uf aot ' <br /> lat th�n 30 dayA from the d�te tho nottoe ia ddivemd or a�ailed witdip whkh 8onnwer anu� p�y vl� �a�erod by thli <br /> -- Socvri�ry Inspunien. If lla�mwex fiilt to ps�y tl�ae�prior w t6e e7cpin�ion of thi�pa'iad.Lm�der nyY im'olm rpy�anodle� , <br /> by thla S�rhy te�uun�w wWKxu ti�N�antiea or daaMd m Bonuwer. <br /> —_�� _�._.._.�.., 18. lia�tbwp•'� Rptbt tn Rele�fate. If 8atvwer nieda oaU�in ooadidont. Bamnwct slull h�ve the r��bt to iaro <br /> - enforoement of thi�Secu�ity Luuumant ditoaWnued at atry tia�a or to tbe ariier oG• (w)S dwya(or cuch otbcr perlad aa <br /> ap�plicable Ipw m�y specify for relnpuoa�aa)Uefon t�1c of�l�e pu�w�M w my power of�le oap�iaed in Wis <br /> Security Tnadument:or(b)entry of�jud�nau ehforain�thie Socurky 71ace oondiUons aro thu Borrower:(�)p�y• <br /> _- i.ender�II sunw which then aould ba due under Ihis Socudty irudumau and the Noto aa iP na�000lmatian brd aoarred: (b) <br /> curcs aay deGwlt ot any othcr wverwnw or ngreemcnta: (c) My�d� e�cPa�se�incurned in�nforcing this Socurity l�ttuma�t. <br /> ic�cluding but not Umitod ta,reasonrble ntcorneys'fas:aad (d)takcs such actioq as[.cndcr m�y r�eAwn�bly toquiro ta wwro <br /> th�tM lien af Utia Savdty Insuument,L.ender's dghes�P,al�m$toperty u�d 8ornawer's ablig�ulon to pay ihe suma ravrod by <br /> ---. ._ _ ----_._�_.a t�ia Savdty IasuumoM slwll continue unchangadl. Upoh .�tement by Borrowor. thie Secu�ity Instiuunetx aad t6o <br /> obligations secured henby shall r�emain f�lly cffeativc ss if na a�axlerAtion Iwd oa:urrod. Ha�ever.lhis ri�E1 to reio�taae sSYi <br /> not�pIy in the c�se of accekration under pwaigr�ph 17• <br /> - � -�9. Snle ot Notei Cb�e ot Serrk�', 71K Notc or a putiad ioteres� ia tho Note ttogc�her wi�h this Savri�y <br /> t�uument)mey 6e sold ono or mare rimes withad prior notice to Borrower.A sale m�y result i�x chenge m tl�e enlity(known � <br /> -- '�'as the"Lo�n Servleer')that oallects monihly payments due under the Note atd this Security lnsirumept.Thero also tnay be ona <br /> - .. or mon cinnges of the Loon Ser�iver wuel�led a a sale of thc Note.[f therc ic a changc of thc Loan Servicer.Ilor[ower wi�l be � ,.,. <br /> --_ -_— -_-- , �leas r.iiltsn ss�tice of thc�hao�ia a000nda�ioe with pnraAraph 14 obove ard aPPlicable law.The noticc will state the twume w�d <br /> �� address of the new L,oan Servicer and the add�cs to which payments slwuld be made.The notice wdl alm coatain a�y otha' <br /> � onYornwtlpn roquirod by applicabk law. , ;, <br /> � � Zp. i�rdous Substances. Bqr�awer sha49 no�cause ar pern�i[the presence. use. disposal. storage. or rclease of any <br /> ' H�ar�ous Substsu�ces o� or in �he �.operl;r. Fi�rrawer r,hall �wt do, nor allow anyone else to do. anything afl'octing the <br />_'rJ:•.; •��,� t u ce <br /> — ��-�� Properry that is in violatbn of any Eaeviro�ual Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the prcsence, use.or <br />'��'�� � .1',`r"� storage on the Pr ny of small caies rt'Huza�dous Subr�a►aro�s that are generall reccgniaed to be riate to n�xma! <br /> �, ''��: pe <br />.1��'f� . <<z,i.� o qusiuuui me Y aPP�'oP <br />°:,'•, =' a, residentinl uses and to mainte�wnce of the E'ropeny. , <br /> �,; r`,, �,�;�; &xrower shall peomptly give l.ender wnttea natice of�y inv�sligAtic�o, claim,demund,lawsuit or ather action by any <br /> ;'� A <br /> `��.',� governmentol or regulatory ngen_ry or p�ivAte pany involving the Properiy unQ uny Hazwdous Substence or Environmenl�l Law <br /> ;+ of which Bomower hus nctual knowledge. If Borrower leams,�r i�ndifled by any governmental or regulatory autho�it��. that <br /> - any removpl or other remediwion of any H�za�dous Subst�e aiYeeiing Uie P�roperty is oeoessuy• Horrowcr shal�Pmm�x�>�ake' . <br /> nll n�ry remedial•�ctions in ncrnrdance with Environmental L�w. <br /> •,`i;; -�f„-,--- --.-- As�sec! in thes patagraph z�, "Ha�ardcws Substences" are those substances defined as toxic or hozu►daua substwkes by • <br /> < < ,� Emironmenwl L.uw und the fallowing substnnces: gusoline, kerosene. other flammable or taxic petmleum products, t�aaic <br /> � n,� �k�'?�f�"�'� ticides and herhicide�.volutile solvents, material�contuining asbestos ar formaldehyde,und mdioactive mate�fals.A�us�d in <br /> �j��� "" '' '�'' � i� , this pnmgraph �0 Environmental" menns Pederal laws aa�d lews of the judsdictian where the PropeRy is located �fiat ' <br /> � n� di,,�� T � • <br /> }3{� • °``��,'1�;�: relate t�►fi..^ or environmentat ptotecti�n. ' <br /> _ ,�6wi ,��:.�,� <br /> -, �r �� „��4`' NUN-UNIFORM C�VENAN u�. &�rrowcr anJ I.enJer fucti�e�cu�enunt and agrcc s��.follaws <br />-'. •��� ,.�.���:���� 21. Accelerntton;Remedics. Ler�der shpll glve notice to �orrower prior to acce9ers��3on tollowing Borrower'ti breACh <br />"' ''.�•,�°��y`:'•'`�� of uny rnvenant ar a�recment in thk Security lastrument (but nM prlor to Accelerallon nnder paragraph 1� u�dess <br /> , �' .•:.' <br /> ��;',�"�< ppplicable law provtde.r otherwice). T6e notice shall specify: (a)the dePuuBa;(b1 the action required to cure the defaa�ll; <br /> '. ` �'��;;��7����;j<. �' (c)a date,not Ic�w then�0 da�•s irnm tNe dpte Ihe notice is�iven to Burrower. by whicb the de�ault muist be cun�t; and <br /> '„{������`,r� (d)that �uilure to cure the dePAU08 on��r bePore the dwte specliled in the notice may result in acceleration oP the sums <br /> 'M4_" � ,�:;5�`,'�, <br />_ ^. , �� secured bv this tiecu�ily Instrumeraz nnd sule��P t6e Properl�•.The notice shyll iurther iaform BorrnWer of th� a�gl�t fo <br /> ' :.� �bw::� . 7 <br /> � • r.,,,., , reinstate a�ter arcclerallon end the rlght to bring a caurt ar�ion to asseM the non-cai�tence ot a default or An�• other <br /> '° defensc of&►m�wcr to acceleration and ss�tc. U t9�c delAUlt is not cured on or befure the date 9pccifled in Ihe notice, <br />':� '�:..' , 7r'�""" ixuder. at its opNnn. may requ3!r(mm�ia�v pu�meaf l�n fuU oP all cnm�vr��rn�! by thiv Securit} I�trument without <br /> .�'' ';�����;� _. futthcr demund and moy invoke/he powcr of snle and�i�v nthcr remedi�permilted b�•upplicable taN. I.ende� s'hall be <br /> •"' ;"'�`""�' .�"' entitled to collect all expe�es incu�rred in pursuinR the ren�t�ulies provided M this pur��r:aph 21�including.but ix�t aimited <br />• � ,_• � `�•��,' to,reusunAble atlornevs' fees und cns4c of tide evidence. <br /> u <br /> ,.�y.,,;h ,' ' "rt. j > If thepo Wer of wle is invoked.Trustee shall re�rord� nMice nf dci'uult in eacb caunty• in N•hlch any porl nf Ihe <br /> �,��'r�:;:;.,.•�:����.� prnprrly h I��culed und tihull maU copie�oP such notice in Ihe munner prescribed by upplicuble law•lu Borrnwer and to <br /> ����rw�''�' the other r�nnx nscrifxd bv u lirablr la«•.Aftcr thc time rcyulmd bc applicuble Inw•.Trusl�r shall�ive public nmice <br /> ',;:r-.•�•t,<� ,� pe • P pP <br /> - �����E��'',��ta�i� f oPxulc to thc perw�m und in the manner pn�xritxd b�•upplirable lu���. Truxtec. afth�wt demond on&�rrowcr. shall scll <br /> ''� `� }���`/�`��{��`'' the P�r�prrty at public uucti�n tu t0�e hlRhe+t bidder ut the ti�e and plvice und under the terms desianated in the notice aP <br />- h� 1YJi[•��'F'7':•�. ",. <br /> - r� Y -�� ��';��,�,{y�, �Ic in one or mnn pur�'eh nt�a0 in:�ny order Tru.lee detrnn�in�x. Trust�r mu� pmtpnne xalc oP all or any parccl of Ihe <br /> '""� i i �.n•, Prnperty bv publfe ann+�+incr�nent a1 the time und place of �m� pre�•ioutil� uh�duk�d tiule. I.ender or its detii�a�ce may <br /> ,,,;`.., r��� ' pur+clwse the Pr+operty ac��,v vule. <br />� ��'•i . ':+Q;' .. • <br /> �' '� - - ''�•� � . <br />�-- �---- =,-�-''�� FMm 30Y8 8190 <br /> + '� . <br /> ' •� :;, a.o,e o�e <br />.>.', ' . "' . �. 1:. <br />' � �� ' ' ,t'''l('�:/1,�,' <br />�-I�• 1�. � .�'.l �r!.'%:.`:��,1�� - <br /> ` 1.��`_./••/:'" V~;r " <br /> .�1:�f��r..ti�iks�ii,'•�;;.� <br />.- �� -'(i�Y,4,t r,1 �'rd 1 � —--'— <br /> 1 i �,�k..`'�� QJ <br /> . �� ��t 4�tir i��/�n'��f'��t� .... �t�.r�� �u.�n� ,�,��r � ^^r.: `�r�, <br /> �1';7.�7(�1�'��.f.'.•T''K.�('j, .� ��if.l:�..�*�u..t r�'�%� S;i',1�,��ew�p,an•'QCnnc!�a r7'IY�iu i�s . i �.�' . <br /> �' ',K�. 4 A,{;���������5'!�.Q'�L �1 ti x • . � ;f � r �t r!.; �' S I�S•ari^" S�;"'t, y ti.ti.�.�,: �f{/�{� •'� <br /> f � " '}� � 1-�' . . .j.': I,�1,� l, ('- �}' l. y� - . r' rT- ,t3tAG--lT <br /> �r� .��3.11�����4��y'�p�, % ��1�5i- .. ��. �;� �' r. . • • ;,' �: r�-"s�, .1 i'n �rIS�J�"t' �cr r `�r i� . <br /> �� ' � , <br /> '�. '. yjr �� �4� :•4 �.. .J ���,i • ��,.> »!�Y. , � w R- <br /> �" ' .�� { r � • ,..' .�� \L� t • . � .� �1� . x�n . i � �Y• .h\��rr'- <br /> , <br /> .- <br /> �r 5�1,.�.iaL,.`�u�1��_�1.,� ' . 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