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*L°- "�--��� .. ' ' "Y ..,,. . • .. _ ___. �� . �..- ; - <br /> t��_.M.� ..,.t... ...t <br /> .Y� <br /> �� ���� � � � �� ���w���� � . � ...:: <br /> �y ta�+�a�w�oa ey ero, a�w-�in��aoa wwan.�ae a�•,��a�a«�o'.pa ay od�a.�,+a�dw� •� ... <br /> Oaod�ar tload3q��f6r�r�ich t.eafar roq�inwr�noo.Tblo�nsunaov dull bo �iwainoe In�he ut�ouaq�tnd tat t6o ptrlo� ., .. <br /> �h�t La�aer nqulne..�nie i�nwnoe aurla p�nvWiaa �he ina,n�oe�r�u�e r�oua ey Bo�now�er wbjea oo La�aer•..pp�oval .�, <br /> which �bdl ntA 6e ue�aNldy�rhi�MeW. If Bornow�er f�lls w mnintaia�avaa�e da�cribed�hove. I.eoder mq, �t l�det'� . ' _ <br /> oplan.obuin oovor�e to pmted t.a�der'���in 1he Prnperty ia�oaordanoe wltb pus�ph 7. ' .�:�� <br /> 'AI�lnwrance pdicia�nd ronawd��11 be�ooapt�de w L�ender�ad �II indade�a�rd p�orl�e c1�o. I.and�' <br /> - �h.11 bave�he rl�ht tn hoM�he pofidrs and� i.a,3a neqairos.BanuR►�r ddi p�ompliy Yivn w t�e.�iae�tl�04 .__ <br /> __�_�^� �_` " pdd pr�miwo�and ra�:�l notiaes.In tho evaa of loa.8onowor dall�iva prompt awba a�bo lt�wuaua awrler aad La�dar. .: <br /> Leider m�y rdke praot of la�if not nude pr�ptlY by Horrnwer• <br /> Udaa La��od Bomower dhavviao�groe!n writing.inwranoe pr�ooeals slWl 6o appUad w�+ator+Mioa or r�ap�ir of the <br /> Pronqly d�a�ed.if the ratonuion or nep�ir i�000numic�lly fe�ible uid Lender'a sacudty i�nat lec�a�ed.if the r�atonalion or <br /> nsp�i�ie not eoonomially foasibk or Lendeir'r exu�ity wadd be Ics�cned.tfio i�tcutitoo prooeod��hdl be q�plied to the am� <br /> �oairod by thlc Secvdty I�t. whether or aat tben due.with any exoac prid to Bomower. JP lbrtower�bmdonr tUe <br />_�.�. PropeAy,or does not ar�swer wlthln 30 dqs a aotioe irom Gender thrt�he inwinaoe c�rier Iws otTar�d w�atie a cloim.tben <br /> [,ander may calixt tha incun�ee pnoceedc. Lender may uca �e pooeoaa to�+epair or rcstoro the Pc+opaty or b p�y tuao�... �. <br /> sacurod by lhis Sacutity Instnunrnt.whelher or not tdeti due.79ie 3Qdpy poriad wi116tgin aheo the�noda k�iven. <br /> Unlesa I.ender aad Bano�rer otberwise rigroo in wri�in8. anY applicwtio�of Pnooeeds w principrl�N aot o:tad or <br /> _ postpone thc duo dqtc at'�he mon�tWy payments nfcrnad W�n pvrag�phs 1 �d 2 or clm�ge�I�c amoud of lue pymeaw.IE <br /> --- under p�ragnph 21 tbe Propeny is acqtd�ed by I.ender.Hor�ower's dght to any inru�anoe policies wd pmooedt raultit�{finm <br /> .�r —---- <br /> danwQa to the Pnaperty prior w the acqi�inhion�hall�pas�ta l.ea�der w the extent a�f'Wc swus�ew�ed by this S�acoo�y It�uumaot <br />. ;' immediately prior to the waquisiticHO. <br /> -_ 6.O�cnp�ncy.Hre�erv�tiap.'119sidadtt�oce aud�ratection o�tbe Aroperty;Lta�e+o�'A I.oBR App�tq�;'I.eaeeboid�. <br /> Borrower shWl occupy,cctablish,anrl Ihe Property as Borrower's prineipal rtsidenee within glzty dsa+s�t/�r th��exacvtlon of <br />-�.', this 5ecu�ity Instrumern and shall continue to axupy the Property as Borrower's yrinciPol residenoe Y,eust�oi+e year after <br />..:.i�, the date of occupancy.unless L.ender otherwise agras in writing. which eonsemc.hall not be unn�co�b{Y�ui�'Id,ar unksc <br /> extenueting ci�+cumswnoes exist which ate beyond Bomnwer's conunl. Borno,wver shall not destroy, dar�r,a,�e or �uryppit the � <br />�, Prnperty, allow the PropeRy to deter�a�s�te, or commit waste on die Pmperty. Bortowcr shall be in defwK it'a�'ry' �Orfcitatie <br /> action or proceeding,whether civil or i:riminal,is begun�hat in Lender's good faitli judgment could resuN ia forfeiturc of the <br /> =• Property or otherwise materls�lly impair the lien created by this Socudry Ins�rureem or Lender's security interest.Borrower m�y <br />���'� ' �• � cure such a default and reinstate,as provided in par++g�roph causing the acui�n Or proceoding to be disrtuis�ed wlth a mling <br />--= — that, in l.ender's�ood i'alah determitudion, �rec9ude.s forfeiture of thc Borrow�'s intercst in the Property ru other materi�l <br /> =-=�:,• '�(��c impairnient of the lien cr�led by this Seeu�iry �mstn�ment or l.ender's secu�lty inlerest. �irrowex ai�ll dso be in defiwlt if <br /> °�: ' �f F'�����' � Borrower.during the Icu►n application process,�ave rnaterially false or inaccurate infom�ation or stutements io Lender(or fajled <br /> ••.,;, to pmvide L.ender witEe�;:meter�al infomuttion) in a.�rmectinn with Ihe loan evadenced by the Note. includiaag,but not limlted <br /> _ -_ � � to,representations rnn���ning Borrower'soccupanc}c*f the Praperty as a priaci�al residence.If th9s SecuPity lnstrument is on a _ <br /> � " � ��k? leasehold. Borrower shall comply �vith all the provisions of tOrc leuse. If Horrower acquires tae titie io the Yroperty. the _, <br />=:.r� ����r'��:xY.�;� Ieasehold and lhe fee title shall�wt mergc unlra�I.eixier A$rees tu thr merger in writing. - <br /> , Y �j'��''� '•� 7.Protectlon ot Leader's Rights in the Pt»perty.If Borrower fuils ta perfotm the covenents and agraements conteined in <br /> - '��;'S'� this Security Instniment, ar there is u legal proceedinF that muy significunUy affect Lender's righls in the Property(such ac a <br /> ;��.��: , �,�z�� ' — <br />_ �'�''�;�i! , praceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnati�m or forfei�ure or to enforce laws or regulations).Ihen Lender may do and - <br /> f: <br /> .,'�. �`�� , ,!,�, pAy far whatever is neces�ary to proiect�he vulue of�he Propeny �nd l.ender's rights in the Properry. Lender's actions rt�y � <br /> :.7+�-e ?n' .,•,�<<��,�hy3�� � include pari�g eny sums xecurec! b�• n lien which hati priority over this Securiry Ins�rument, appesidng in court. paying _ <br />��•�'�' � �"s�1:,� reasonable aciorncys'fees and enteri�g c�n�h�Prupeny to mukc mpairs. Alth�wgb Lender muy take action under this paru�raph - <br /> �' '"' . .�,;;i, 7.I.,ender does not hAVe to do so. - <br />.�� );�, yf� �r4 Any amounts dosbursed by L.ender under t�iti parugraph 7 ,hull become aJditional debt of Bonower sacured by this ` <br /> � 1Sy,�s . �.• i <br /> ' �� `"'�' `� � Securit Instrument. Unles4 BoROwer anJ Lcnder n rec to other ternis of u ment,�hese nmoun�s stiul l bear interest from the - <br /> � . �`� ;rr�;ti� �:d4�'� Y F P Y = <br /> ` � " '��'` date of dislwrsement nt Ihe Nae rate :ad shaU be avnble, wi��a imemst, u n naice I'rom Lcnder to Borrower uestin " <br /> .. ;'�4i:s:'• ," j•;. •°,a; P'. Pn �9 S <br /> F c%>�; <br /> `�: :°sa,5�y.;�.ir'��a,�f�4C paymen�. _ <br />'-=:+: ; :•%�1i'rj����:- 8.Mortgage Ia�raace.If Lender rcquircd mortguge insur.�nce u.+a cunJit ion nf m•rking the los�n se�.�ured by this Securiry _, <br /> ��'2 r� '�5;;?��;;,��.^': Instrument. Borrower s;�af1 pay the premiums rrqu+red to mainwin thc mort�age ia�urance in ei'fecl. If,fc�r any reason, the _ <br /> %' ''` ��''� � �t; '`}t monguge insurunce coverage required by Lender lap�es or reares t�t+e in effect, 8��rc��wer shutl pay the premiums required to <br /> ``` '� �'`'�' obtnin rnverv e subunntiull e uivalent tn Ihe m�ir► a e insurun�ti r�viou�l in ct'fec�, at u cas�substnntiall �vdent to the <br />- �'�,:r�;�.,�r S Y 9 � 8 P ' Y Y�� <br /> � �.��'., <br /> ; a;��:.;... <br /> ;,:.�; 1f:%r;.'•��•, rost w Borrower of the mongagc insurance previouvly in cffirt, fmm un ulternate monguRe insurer s�ppmved by [.ender. If <br /> �' s'�����t '�� � substantiall c u�vulent mort a e insurarce c.iti�r.:��e ic n�i�avuilaNle, &irrower ,hull v ai I.�ndcr each mnnth n sum uul to <br /> ,ry:''�i� ..�.•.;�. . .•� Y 9 � 8 t� P Y �4 <br /> -�� "'`�<�`�`�•: • K nne-twclPth of the ycarlc maflgage insurancc pm�r�fu�,l+einE p�iJ by&�rrawer when�h�in�urunre c�,vee:�ge 8ap�ed or cea.�i to <br /> , �'.c..:,.<._..:ii.. <br /> -_ ' �i+i�:�� ' ��rda��5 hc in effect.l.ender wilE accept.u,e s�nd retain�hese payments us u loss rc�ervc in lieu nf Illltf/gflg1� IYIS4�AOili. LOSY reserve " <br /> �. r ;�VT:,;� fl <br />_ i �•a��l�",{i.��,r;.,:��' r•o►�,3oza a�eo _ <br /> . ;! ���}r;t�fa.ri::�ci+: <br /> _ �4d'�. . ��`�!�:r. Pp�3 0�f• <br />.. � �' �•!C� • _ _. <br />.-' f�:�: . � <br /> ..•�.1 .... � '. _. _ <br /> _> } ��. .�.I.1 , __ <br /> • �� tc,r;;�g�.try.r,t►�'�:xz�cx++��:-- . <br /> ta" � � . . . , 8"' . - • " ;43°,�;�:,`T1` 'r'.�.:i r-�_-_6 4` <br /> �. :�j� ,��� . .. ' - ' . . . ' . . . 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