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� :. .�. r�� �._____ -.—,.. ._ _ _ <br /> ._ r=� ,� � ' .. ... . • . •aa�•.. . . '�.' .. .. , ,�, ,. :...,�„ '"-- e <br /> . _ � , • . . <br /> , '1�008'l7i8R WRH'�II Hio Iq�vea�w�q�q�i�we�Aar aeol�d oq d�p pro��Ay,a�d�11��i�,M���i!iM ,.:'''-� <br /> ilminN iw�w ar ke�w11Yr� p� ut d� p�a�ty. All np�l�oen� �nd addNlar��1 �I�o r a�rw�i 1►y � Mar�iy► , -: <br /> 1�a�.All ataM ta��M.�nd a iq IYis dicwiy 1a�aaati�da"(K+up�ty." . � "�'° <br /> � �pRR�Qwe�aovtdN�t�l»�Mr aa�row�r��M�w�i�►.�a uf a..�aa�r�•f►�d�1 M.e w�+�ti a p�t�/ , <br /> " aorwy;�Wo�l�►�,dw dM 1'rc�eey b u�a�wd�ace�t 1br w�oua�r�of noord. Yonn�c�t w�r��M�aA wlll , <br /> , '�M�ae jeaardly tGe ehl.a a�a Propercy�,dne�I!cltlrns�nd aem�nd���ubjea to�q►«�wl�d r.oa�a. � <br /> � 'CH19 9�CURITY UVS'!'RUM6N'f`oaaibiva uai�,rm oovaumu for�wio�ad we�nd ao�rw�itofm ao�N1�U wbb Il�qM�d <br /> �v�rlUiune bf►lue�dlttla+to�on�titute�uMPo��eeeu�lq►�co�sina ra!�a�l�►. - . - - - _ , _ _.._,_.„-. -� <br /> -_ __. _-_ ._ UNIPORM O�VBNAN7'St.Borrower�nd Lader aovaa�M ad�oe�n[dlowr. . <br /> _ �_.�.��_..�.���,.__�._.. �. P�y�at ot Ni�clMl ip�d I�1w'e�lt �J�t �I L�t�C'Irrpu Borrav�er�I!pr�mptlY A�Y '�IP dua d� <br /> P�P�of�atd i�Manat aa the debt evlda�ood by tuo Nate�ad Wy p�paymau�ad IMe du�ry�a duo undor tho Note. <br /> 2. �ar ro�r.ze.wa tnur,�noe. subjea�o,��ae aw a w•wr�aan w,tve�ay�r. Bart�+nwer�II pap►to <br /> Laider an tho d�y moiMidY P�Y�u aro due uade�the Nale.wKil�he Nate is pW in fWl�a wm l'FuM�")tor:(�)Y�Y� <br /> u�d�ue�menta which m�y�tuia p�iorky ova�thi4 Socurlry lacquman as�8e�on�ha Propeity:lb)Y�Y��P�W� . <br /> m Rro�u�d ronu an tho Pnc�perty.iP�ny:(c)Y�Y���WoP�Y�P��:(d)Y�Y flaod iawanoo prt�i�s. <br /> iP+�ny;(e1 Youly moAgy�e lnwnaoe pn�aiums.ii�qr: and(4+�Y�P�yabb by Borrowe�to a�oord�oe�ritA <br /> tYe provi�iona of Pa�raph 8�ln Iku of dK pyrma�t of rao�t�e io�utanoo p�endua�.71rora Itean aro calied'Bt�cmw Itan.' <br /> I.endor m�y. at my tlme.oolbet+rnd dold �urd�in�n mount mt w enooed tho m�ucirr�m amount a la�r for a tedatally , <br /> rolRted mo�tp,�a lown rnay roqutro far Bo�r�o�wer's escrow#000unt uader t6e fadenil Ral Fct�t�5epla�ot Pcaoedureo Aa of <br /> . 1974�c aa�cadod frQm tlme w time. 12 U.S.C. SocRiau Z601 et s�q. l'RESPA"). unless iuwtber I��r�hat applias w dio Punds <br /> t�a leuer�rrount. If�o, I�ender�ny timo.oollect sad hold FaMs ia aa�unount ont w ex�xod the le�r�umount. . <br /> _ _ - --.� Lader may estimat�the�IllOqlll 4f Fpild!�G QA lIIG�SIS Of C1u1�.MM dllla Ofld il.09WbMG CSIIIIWlC71 Itt CkrR.11O�W1Y.6 OP NWIV • <br /> B�crow Ita�or otherwise in Accordr�r�oe wlth�pplicable law. <br /> The Fun�is shWl be held in an inctitution alase deposits arc insu�ed by a federal ageney. iacwmeatality. or aitity <br /> :� , lincluding l.ender,if I.eMer is such an institution)or in airy Federal Home I.oan Baak.l,ender st�oll apply the Fuxd�w pry the <br /> Escrow ituns.Lender awy not chorge Borrower Por lalding And Applying the Fw�ds,a�uWly analyzing the escrow a000uot.or , <br /> _ vetifying the Escrow Items,unlas[,ender pays Harrower intcrest on the Funds and applicable law permits l.ender w rnwke such <br />:� p charge. However. Lender may requir�e Borrower to pay�one-time clwrge for an independent neal esfate tax aporting servkx <br /> � used br i..enYkr in connection with this loan. unless applicuble law provldes otherwlse. Unless an pgt+oen�eat ls made or <br />-�__— - �pplic�Ge IAw requires interest to be paid,Lender shall not be roquirod to pay Bormwer any intercst or eanoings on the Funds. <br /> ;.;� Ban+nwet ua�d L,ender:nay agree in writing. howeve�,�hat lnterest shall be paid an thc Funds. [.etulCr sa►aV9 give to Barrower. <br /> -- �, � wilhout•c�n�ge, an cumual accounting of�he Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each <br /> _ ___ '-�'_'� IIE�f�f(A(hC�l1K�8 Wfl�IY18dP, TI!£�!4�1A1�flrw pl4xigexi ax addi�in�aB xecu�i�y for all sumx secured by this Security Insuument. <br /> _' �:=u��r� <br />_:;�'8�4.i •. If rhe F�nds held b}r I.ender eKCeed the umounts permittccR rt�he held by applicable law.Le�der shell account to IBorrower <br />��;. for the excess Funds in naonlar�ce wi�h the requirements of ap�p0isabfe law. If the anwunt of 1hc Funds heW by Lender at nny <br />-�.��: : � time ia not sufticlene�o pay the Escrow Items when due, l.endet may so notif5 Borrawer in writing,and,in su�h case Borenwer <br /> ='���'—- _ - _ — sha!! �y to L.endcr thc amaunt ncccssary w ou�n up q�r JeP�c+�ncy. Hamawer si�ali make up the dehctency in no mo�e li�an <br /> twelve rnonihly payments,at Lender's�le discretion. <br /> Upvn payment in full of all sums secured by �his Cecnrity Instrument, I.ender shall promptly refurd to �orrawer any <br /> Funds hefd by I.ender.If,under pArngruph 21, I.ender shall acquire ur sell the Propeny,Lender, prior to the ucquisition or s�le <br /> '' of the Propeny, shull upply s�ny Funds held by 4tin�ler et the time of acquisition or sale ac a credit aga�nst the sums secured by <br /> � `� ;{;�.,� this Secu�ity lnstrument. <br /> ',; �,, .�:.� _ <br />�=,�� f;:;:;�; 3.AQplicatlon of Paymeats. l'nless upplicable law prc�►id�•otherwise,ull puyments�eceived by I.ender unde�pasAgraphs <br />=:t'ie�` '3';:;�E� 1 and 2 shall be applied: first,ta any�repAyment charges due und.r tl�e Nate: second,tce a�wunts pnyable undcr paragraph 2; <br /> �' � third,ta interest due:fourth, to priekipal duc;und last,to any latc churges c�ue undcr�he Nozc. <br />.�;i��• ; . � 4. Charges; Licnc. Borrow•er shAlf ps�y ael �axes,assessment,, churges, t'ines and impositions ala�ifiutable to the Property <br /> - -'�'� r�'y��°';�'`'"+ which may attain prionty over thix Secu�ily la�.a�uarient. unc! lea�ehold payments or ground rents, 1f ang. Barrower shall pay <br /> • .��`t;''"'�;�s�� �":' ' these ubligations in the manner pm�idcd in purugraph 2,or de nm paiJ in that manner, 8orrower shall F►a;��hem on time directly <br /> ���'i5°'�.••�: ','- to the ersnn owed a ment. &�rrower shall rom U furnfv4� tn Lender�II ninicc�of amounts�u be atd under this <br /> '•�.. ;;:;r;';,:,- - P P Y P P Y P � P���• <br /> If Burrower tnalccs thesc payn�cnt,dircctly. Bi�rrower ahall prumptly fumish ai Lcnder receipts evidencia�the payments. <br />' �b�` .�`�. &rrrower shull prompUy diuhurge un�� lirn which hps prinrity ovcr thi.Security In+�run�ent unless Qorrower:(a)agrees in - <br /> ��, ` '` �" '�,`�""�� writing to the payment of�he obligation secured b} the lien ieo u munner acceptable to Le�xler;lb)mntes¢s in good faith the lien <br /> ' by, or defendti ugoin�t enfi�reement of thc licn in, IcFul prcn:eding. whieh in the Lendcr'� opinion opemte to pmvent the <br /> , r��.►,� _ <br />- , n. _ ;.; ' •_ enforcement of the licn; ar lc)secu�e�from the holder nf the litn an agreement�uti.furt�,n to L,ender aubordinating the lien to - <br />=='�r;�,r`'-+ ' �, �;.:�•,�` this Security Instrumenl. If[.cnder de�erniine.thut any p•rrr.�P the Propeny i� ,ubj�tit tc�a lien whirh m�y�ttain prioriry over - <br />��;�_� • ' ' ��' � this Security Ins�rumem. L.ender muy�!ivc Bnrriiwcr u n���irr iJemit'ying �hc licn. &�rrower,hall sat�xfy �ht lirn��r wke one ur - <br />:.t�'!; p.� .� � , .,., ;.� mor+e of the actions set fonh abovc within IU day�af'�hc�tiving at'noticc. <br /> �z..r G �:- •a• <br />-',i ��.�•• fam�9028 9/90 <br /> ,� . �8:. Ppv a or e <br /> °r:+. ' =- <br /> i�i,`.:.. - '��[ ^. �I <br /> _.�. i,�.a.;, '. i; Ar�.J: . . "1 .. . . ., '- - . ` ' . . .1' . .--��If�w.;, 1 T.'J�t v J, .' •-. <br /> �;L' tv'•4� . ��1� � . ' . •.•- `� �.• �� r ��� �,fy��� <br /> t.:;.N: `�^' . . ,,. , . ;��"::Iiu�l1',c�.c�swt_k�•..�'.��'r��i� <br /> 'i.� ., � .'�k, y f� • � �•.; .. . . ,' � t, t-�'s.��'•�„�-.r:��� ��_..--�r °" - <br /> ,� ,�.t'a�a.,. ,� �:�K <br /> --- z .— <br /> . <br /> •�*�I.�.n�:.u:_�r:_ '-:� ,!;L i� _e"a.�ttw-}:11N�r1�.,•: ,." �fi.iu�Z{�.ae'���i"►=`3•Y°,ri a��: <br /> R}i . .•..' ' .. . . _ _— —__r __� —�` - _ _- __ . ._— . .. __—_ . �y'r�� �:k.�ti.R �Jm�T"i;t:`'��t�:- .---' . <br /> ��.�T.Y� _:.� A..+�i� �� � . -:h`'.t. 'tl�5•'�fY �T 'I ` � Si. � � � <br />_ -aj i.i�� .}; }w , li . � •v�J�.. � ��' .,��, _ <br /> ,' �, ,wat�e,�. .u:A.rrj,�, 'Yhw 3�`�b r r ve� <br /> ' �� Y \' 4 .. ' � °'„ jM�jk;�"'' iI� . <br /> . � �� � . �,3. , . �� ' . ,� c!'..:�..^ +�� ,r•' ' ' - <br /> .3' .f: `�. .q', .••„ �it� , e� � � '�. • � .- _ . },1.��';�..' •k:�. ' _ '. .. ���� _ Rt:'.�,Hd. L�i'.:i:. . ' . '�a +tr • <br /> • . .,�F �j �1'�' - . � . I� ' ..7��.4' . . ^T' ''^ ' . . .' � '. <br /> �� ��_��.•'1 r <br /> � .! • i B ' ' -n/�� - fl:,� - �.' ,'.`� �1 J.^.\.. +� <br /> {z :� � ' -f7�'1 '_ ' - . '�., , r .°`. . . '. -' , ' �t�.I�l,'��11':„);ijf���b�ia:".Yx.r^ '?' . , ' . �1' _ <br /> .,. � Y. • _¢ •� t�T �,, .,��.n,, a < ��,x�i•' f I 4h'.�1 , : .. <br /> � � � �� �' ',� 1) � .1 �- '�'r�!r'...,,,i�t � . <br /> �ti . . - - . . . � .`�•� - . . - •����f�!, ��_ ,:R, s .4:►+vCy�?.f� . <br /> . . � . �`�` �i .���'� • -.�.�% . <br /> � ` ..ii� • . . r` <br /> �� (��+'�- . . � � � - ' � � . . '�+�ll f��L,1IY• - _. S �: '- ,.i�s::,....�: ' <br /> r; � .#y,' .t',��.�: , ' . ' . .'!�''�.�%?SF �� �. _ �,. . ..•t'e+f�H�-�1��4�1'M �. . . . <br /> rl , f's , - . _ . .. 1 �� +}t r!. L'A...,,LY�...4i _ . . - <br /> .i •'iG� • . � . 1�t�JA�7;I1 ;rt�t�� 41' � � -t��� ��,,.^). .:'� <br /> .-t�1 . � � it tyl� r.S'��tlti ' r.n•� �••� -. ._ - :�ti't � . <br /> `,� � " . .+..y f�' � . ' . . .�. :�. '?'�ll��� �t��St r`�i�r.�';r} .� 1i;l�b`.� . . . . .. � � r',I . <br /> . .. . cl,� � a...-. �I�kT17+�.�� <br /> . . - )•,"'f i��•jt � <br /> ' „ ; .,��� � ' '-�` . ' �. . �. ,��.�C:' �. L.'v^' � _ ' .. <br /> . . ��� � . . -���!1f�Z�: e �\� . <br /> . <br /> • «• <br /> : � <br /> � �, . � , , !��1��. �� ,. <br /> . <br /> ,�M ' t' ' , • �r . �7;`t <br /> ; <br /> . <br /> � . <br /> . V' • • p <br /> , . � , '�. ' :i tl�r _ <br /> . <br /> ' <br /> l •' <br /> �� J � ._ _ .. .. .. __. . ....___ ___ <br /> . �. . <br /> L�I:'I .`_. _.._._ _..._..____. <br />