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y ���'..� '+ �� '.� .� ' .. � ' . y - - <br /> -- ._ ;r . S ��„'''� . .,. .' . . ,. . -:'� . .:;'�..+.. =tr . --, . : � ' ' � . . , , _:,r,„ �' v-t- .r-{- -- <br /> � � <br /> _ -HdwLlaiW ��. � vl�7� �:�r� ..A1.'. '_,i ' ,t y_ ' ' ! i�.4tirC�iu <br /> .. : . �� . � 4�= 1�� . .,� <br /> � � aoadem�lo�o�a�or�ak�a'wr wK d th.r�opo�a,ar aa ao�.vaymo.a liw a�loa.+�.b«�►.�ip�ee.m . � . <br /> � �M11 be p�id ro i.enel�r. . . � <br /> is d�e:avait at a �oql �y a�tbe Pro{w�y. th!p�oe�sh�u be �pptiee w dM�.d by d� S�cutity <br /> , Iqd�oaaK'w�hwMee ar not tbeq.dwa.wlth rny�cow p�id to Barowa. tn tbo eriaat d a prtW akinR o�tbs�ety in . .. <br /> �rhiCd d10 hir plwicet valpe ot�e Aopmty immediMbly b�ePoro the t�kinj u eqwl b ar�nr d��Ihe Mnow�t d MMas <br /> �ecuued by dds Secwiry Latnunau imme�ia��ty b�o�fa�e tlie pJclo�unbw Borrower�ad l.ader alhWwire�poe in��tiBc�, . <br /> --- '�e waa�ecu�ed by d�Se�tY Lwaw�n[�afi be tedooed by d�e arnmat af the poceedt�by tbe ioiio�rL� <br />-�._�_r��____�.�r-r--,-��, ftactian: (a)tbe tntai�nwwtt M the wa�s�ec�u�ed immedi�tely beforo the hlcin��dlvWed by(b)thc fik m�ricat vaWs of tbe <br /> prope�ty immediMaly batao trio hkL�. My bat�noe dtdl bo p�id to Bomowsr: In the evmt af s p�ttW�of the <br /> — Piopeity ie wbich tfie fair nwrket value of the Property immedi�tely betae d�e Wdng b lw Ilw►Ne amount oP wnu <br /> �ecurod immediuely beforo the t�icing. unlesa Barowcr u�d Lender mhervvl�e agroe in wdtin�or unku�pplk�bk I�w <br /> otherwice provide�.lbe pmcaed�WuU bo applkd to the wm��ecurod by thi�Saudty IMtrumem vuhetlier or not tbe wm�ue <br /> tf�on due. <br /> If�he Pirope�ty Is A6�ndamd blr Bonuwer.or if.�fler�oNca by Leoder to Bo�rower thu the condemnor affero to mNuo � <br /> �n aw�d a�ettb a cl�m far dant�e�.Bonowv fails to reapond to L�ender wid�in 30 d�yc oftcr the d�te thc natjoa is pven. <br /> I.a�der is auWorinod w cdkct�nd apply�ho ks ap8on.eW�er to tertar�tion or�ep�ir of tUe Pnoperty ar w qa <br />•.�. auns aa.�ured iry�his SecuritY Iostn�cnt,wt�ar aot then due. <br />= -- Unlcsec 1.endet�atd A�rowor oU�erwisc aRree M writing,any appticatiat�of procroeda to priocipal shdl pot extead or <br />-=- = po�tpooe thr due data af tha mo�athlY pnYmetua refemed 1a in�a�aphs!and 2 ar chwnge the w�ount of'such p�yma�ts. <br /> �--_:.� 11. Barrower Nat Relesud; Rorba'ranoe By Leader' Not A Wdver. Ezunsbn of tho timo for paymau or � <br />-- �'�""� madtficatlon of emani•rueiaa oi�i�a suma secwed by this Security Insaument granced by Lender ta any succc�sur jn interest, � � <br /> - --="«r��s� a�Homnwcr chafl not apemte w release tbe liability af the original Borrower or�awerb successwa in intciec�l�etKlet ' ! <br /> -° __-- ,�hatE not i�e m�uGrt!io cs,�u�.�ncc praccedfnge against a�y successor ia inter.::t r.r rflu:e m e,-cend time fen paymeQt m • <br /> _ .M� `dherwlse n►artit'y amatization of the sums secured by lhis 3ecurity I�nsuument hx�eason af any tkmwid mwde by d�e ori$inal <br /> mat <br /> - „e�iirr���; . •� Aarrower ar Boirnwer�i aaccessors i�interest. My forbearance by L.ender i�exec�cisiny rmy dght or remedy shnlll�wt be a <br />_��:::;jr�i:.� , , waives of or prcclude the exe rcise of any right or rcmedy. <br />:�°""'r'�� • 12. Suooesso�oad�ne Bound;Jdnt aa�Sereral Llabllityi Co-sig�era. 7'he covenants and agnE.�a++ents of thfs <br /> ---�--.—.,� , Security Nstnunent shell bir�d and benefit the succe��ars and essigns oP Lendor ue�d 8omnwer.subjqct to tOt�pruvisions of ,�± <br />-. -- ---� parag�ph 17.Borrowerk covcnunts�! agreements shall be joint and several. My Borrower whn¢asigns ii�ia Sccurlty ' <br />� --t:�� Insaument but doea�at exxute the N��t�: (a)is cas�gning this Securisy lnshument only to rpai[guge,'g�i and corrvoy that � <br /> - =-- BornowerS�intercst in the Prope�ty unde�i�e terms of tP+iA Secudty lo,¢rumen� (b)ia rwt potsonally obligated to pay the sumx � <br /> --- -- _ -- - secwed by this Securiry Inswmcmt;and�c)agrees tN:�e�.ender and uny otl�er 8o,rower may�gree c�exte�.modify,forbear �;' <br />""� or malce any acconutwdationc with tegard to the tetms of thia Seeupty Ir�.vtruniestit or the Nuie withaut �hAa 8otmwerti . ;, � '' . <br /> ca�sen� <br /> ��� - - 13. Low�Char�. If the loan �cured by this Security Instrument is Fubjec� to a luw which se�x m�ueimum loun <br />_�:.: .- - che�rges.ami ilwt iuw iti t[uaii� 4it�ret���a that the inter�st or�r�charg:.s�o�lc�d o:ta bc co!lcct�!:n r�ciitm <br /> with the loan eacced the permiued.limi�s,ihen: (a)any such lonn ch�urge shalf 6e reduced by the wnount necessary to reduce . . <br /> ,r �,t the charge to ihe permitted limi�and(b)any sums nlr+eady collected from Bonower which caceeded pemtitted limits w111 be <br />�",, � ,r;:, rcfunded to Borrnwer. irende�muy chaose to make this refund by reducing the priacipel owed under�he Nota or by making a <br /> = direct payment to Borrower. If a�fund neduces principal.the redaction wil!be treated a.g a partial p►rpayment without any <br /> ' ��'�;�' . prepaymcnt charge under thc Note. <br /> °"''"�'�•�� �"-0>�. 14. Notkea My notice�o Borrower provided for in Ihi�Security Instrument shall be given by dclivering it or by <br /> .:._ .. <br /> ��-�� mailing it by first clsiss mail unless applicnble luw require�u.r•e of unother methal.The notice shull be directed to the Property <br />; �r �'t Address or any aher uddretis Bornower designntes by notice�o I.ender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by�rst class <br /> muil to Lender's uddrcss s�ated herein or any other ndJrerx Lender designutes by notice to Bomnwer. Any notice provided for <br /> - , in ttiis Security Inst�umem shall be deemed to huve bcen given �o Borrower or L�:nder when given as provided in this <br /> `• ,��ii;��,;, ,. �- �Governing Lww; Severabillty. This Security Instn�ment ,hall be govemed by federnl law nnd the law of the <br /> :"���•�,;�•��, v+���' jurisdiction in which�he Prapeny is lacated. In�he�vent thut uny provitiion or clnuse of thin Security Instn�ment or the Note <br /> -�,:•,;t,. ��;.�r;.rr. � conflic[s wfth applicable law.such canflict shull not nffect other provisions uf thi�Sc�:urity Instrument or the Note which csu� <br /> �.,i': • be given effect without the conllicting provision. 'li� Ihis enJ the pmvisiom of tQ�is Security Inswment and the Note are <br /> .J� .k .� <br /> ��•.`��.�..,. ,. <br /> ,.,�,;::,;..• ..�n _ deelarcd to be severnble. <br /> �� °� •� ���� 16. Borrower'aCopy. Borrower.holl t�e given one canformed cnpy of thf Note and of this Security Ins�ru�rnent. <br /> ''`�� � "� � 17. 'llr�nsfer otlhe Property or a Beneticfal lnterest in B��o�►•er. If ufl or any part of�he Praperty or urry interesl in <br /> ;���' .� . <br /> �;:t)"ss,�. .: it is sold or transfeRed(or if u beneficiul interczt in Bamwcr i.xald or transferred und Bormwcr ir not u nalurnl person) <br /> �` • H��:-�'� without Lender's prior wrinen consent,Lender muy,u�i�s i��ion,reyuirr immedi�ue puyment in full of ull wms secured by <br /> �'i . <br />�:,� ,���,y�:� i,,,:;���f�; this Security Instroment. However,this optbn tihall nw be exe�cis�d by Lender iF exrrcise ix pmhibited by i'�deral law u.g of <br /> r �' �;;,w'�%,:.r.S;��,. the date of this Securi�y Instrument. <br /> ,�,:�: If Lender exencises this o uon,Lender sh•rll wr Borrower noa:ce uf ucccleration. The notice shull ravide n riat of <br /> ;�, i. . :,.: •.:.1:• �ti p' 8� P Pe _ <br /> _�"� .�.:".;'>>�ti;-��� <br /> •�.,V,:,, ; � � not less thnn 30 doys from�he dute�F�rwtirr i.dclivend ur muiled��•i�hin which BurroWer mu.�puy all tiums,ecured by�his <br />'.��,� •;,'� •. r" �s '��"'� Security lnst�ument. If Bomower fails to puy �ha� vums prior ro the expira�ion uY�his �xricxl, Lender may invoke uny <br /> ���'� :"'��' remedies permitted by this Security Ins�rument withrnit funhcr notice ur dcmand�xa Bnrn�wrr. <br /> _ �tYj'?�irf` "`'��'';��y t 18. Borrower's RiRht to Reinslate. It Bocr�+�ver mer�x cen�in ronditic�i�s, Butrower �hull have Ihe ri�ht to have <br />, -_��`-��4' enforeement of ihis Securit}� Inxtrumcai diwontinuc�i.�t•rny timc prior tu�hc c�tlirr uf: Ial S d3ys(or sach aiher p�:riod a, <br /> ��, �c,-_�. ��.,; <br /> ,� s;, l.�`••;,t Y•- I'nA � ImRear+ <br />.,.y,, �(��.. �:',•f��,l;Y' Slnpk�amil VAO�Ie ModFMldk Mae UNIF/IRN INSTRU�IF.IYT--UMf�xm Co•raann 9l9p / r J� e <br /> '.��rF�yt ' . ���� � - <br />' .I�1'.. � ., <br />_ '+'ji•.`�!-;1 �' � <br /> .}„`,f�4F}~�. <br /> . y f�' r ryv!i. . .l-•___. - ,._� _ .___=: <br /> Z{, yt'r _ e , . , �; . � . ,r. . t.�. .. � ilrj/��t':'' z ``-'' ,- <br /> .�'� -.}�'U �,�s��`�.66.i', r,�.. � .; � �) . ` "� ��'rS�Sdf!',n;_ S.': � .�i7 �p ! i�F��.�;�:.r _�_. '�Gi�:B�w'�tr,. �-1�4 t/?+� 4..�,J `.:• r �iR' �S <br /> �� - •�. � � .-:' � ,f .i;y' �i 1.�' � r .�p�"��7�q�� ��I'�.-• <br /> �����- �f � ,, � . rr�r�l�{`�%^:a,M ��al�f. 1'�i.x' �l4 n L�n1 Y 1� •.�, �yl�l f f4 4ri^^ .4��i-• _ _.. <br /> •���ili���St�nrY�.4'�i�r�.1..�i�%'v.�syi!.. •. ,. �c.t i i. . • �;lr.-1 - .. �. i:� i:� ^ - �. i t: <br /> ��1t..��1.luY.L14����.e�il:••:•w1__iA�1 i e!' �f��'! tJ._ ��is _•sLL•el��.�.!��� �L lI!-1SL�/.��.__ - — ——.. <br /> �_��. _ <br /> ._ � -..— .- . � . . —. , Fv�, - ,_ <br /> �l �_,�.,�,f� . .` - :- -_ - -- r - �Y ' . - -ZU`r' _ __ - ' �..,nM,-�� . �7�i��,���„iwa'CSC:.''..�..,.'=�s•��.'/-..�.��. <br /> - . • <br /> , .. � . .. � � . ... �. <br /> . . � ..._.. ��� <br />. LZ '+��Y � S� ♦r �� r. 1 ' hi -'�. - .� -- �, • S.�"•,"•�•.. - �, - '. •ar•Jy.v.�.��.i.- <br /> __� •Y'�•.I� 1 .;y,�i.qw tat ��_:5b't�1191i��'� _ ._ . .r � ��C�.;i;.��_�5._r�.,i�r�����;1E�i�':.?-�lY�'_t+'1"'Y;�lfi.�. - <br /> r{r,e 'e._> ', 1 <br /> ,i � J,� .. �� r� - , r. 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' i-���ld . 14 J �S r'�� ; f�i'� y �,� � .i��t{Si�„ F. ,�., u'1' <br /> s r •��' ,.- ' . . � � t_��l L•.'y,-,• . i R- ,4 `Y{�i . � •���''"��� - )rt l•� <br /> -;� � .. �.a. . : . . I- �Y' �, t :C t� `i� . . , ,ir �' tf (��,,w1.��� `, . <br />-}t' • `�+" .•bK - ' _ ' .. ' . r �����i'� . e �� �. �.i���.��4! .V ' . �'r a ;. ��'"w�R�;y;`+„ '^�p�^r`�� .�t.. <br /> _ ' . . . - • " ., . 'i. , . . • - � <br /> ' , u . <br /> . � ., <br /> . � L�•. ,r . .. <br /> ., . � . � <br /> � <br /> . , �. <br /> .. ' <br /> ,, .. . <br /> ,� . . .. � � _ . .._'__� <br /> „ u ., • <br /> .. . .. , ....r.�.._ .._ . •---- -- --- _ — ___ _ _ — <br />