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. , , .�� <br /> �' ' " �� ' ' ' � . <br /> �: ., . ;� � <br /> . .. <br /> J � ' ' <br /> � . ,_,.._ _ _ _.. <br /> �--._ ..ai_,—,' :i � ` -- . ''j ..... �-_ _—.-�_-� . .� . YF..'*��F�iMl�l�l��/N.R..11�RM1Y�/�� .. . �3�_ .. 'V.-���.�.� ..... <br /> � - .. '�. •r .t .c— �t;c�•r _ <br /> _ .� ., , � - . ' . n . � �� �� . . '.,n': <br /> � q�pllw�bM Vw m�y�peo�ly fa��)b�lat�iab d 1b�Prap�Ry punuMt b wY Pow�t aQ MM ao�M�d ip tbi� �. • . <br /> . . 80CIAity,�1YMOMi a�)���MM N�DI�CII�W�80C!L11t�1 IONfY1011W 7ti0/0 Op�OAS Y�(h�t�01l�Owet.• (R1 �, <br /> , pN,yA Ide{MI'�II i1NIM wMICh W bt 4N WMiK dl�/�c�rky IOI14Yf�Iqt Md dM��OM M i�110�DO�1N�fb11 M44 . " - <br /> , er�rned:N)cu�a�iby detwlt d ay alM�r rbwn�ods a ynaw�c� {Cl �fl�xpwr�Marnd la�IW 8�ritr ; <br /> �iaclwdnj�hw nw Iha1Md w�rewo�tabM w�on�n't�t md�) qkM wch�on r Lra+det m�y rorotiWy . . <br /> nq�+lo auwe Wu Ihe IiN�at Ihk S�cw1ry In.�rnent.l�enderl d�in IAe IMoMaty�nd Bonowork obll�tian top�y tiM <br /> __ _ -.--_-- wn� �wauedi�y ihiM Secu�lty i�ut �twli �aulaua a�ct�ad. UpaA rain�aoo�xnt bY Bor�owar. dda �r1�y <br />_.,�._�.. .....�.__-,_.,, Tn�nunna►t and Iia ubli�tMnt�ea�rod haeby�II nemdn Nlly eRxUvo a if no aooeleratlaa h�d oocuned. Howevar.thi� <br /> ri�ht to�einit�ta�tull nat�pply in tl�e ca�e of�ocelatitlon w�der p�r�h t7. <br /> 19. !�N d 1Vot�i CM�e/e d 4o�a 8�vio�. The Na�e ar• intaoen tn the Note( with thia Saauity <br /> laarument)m�y ba wld one or more dma wiihout priar t�odce w a�ro�wer. A�ab m�y rewlt n�ch�nQe i�tbe eatity <br /> (Ippown�t the" Savbcr")t11�t collocu montWY WY�U duo under tUe NoW�nd thir 3ecuriry Intovmeru. 71�ae�I�o <br /> tn�y be oae a mone ch�n8e�ot tho L+wn Servker uarclued W a wlo ot ti�c Nate. If d�em i�a cMn�e of Ihe Serviar. <br /> Borrowcr wfU be�lven wria�n notice of tbe clw��e in�xadM�ce with pangraph 14�bove�uid�pptic�bk taw. The natice <br /> will u�te dte twme�nd�iddretu of tt�o new I.o�n Servkxr�!Ihta�ddrcu w whicA p�ymaMs sUouW be qnde. 11�e aolioe�rill <br /> 3� �Iso conWn�t►y other infarmadoo required by�pplicable law. <br /> ?A. NwMou�Se6d�aoe�. Batower rlWl not cause at pcm�it Ihe p�esa�oe.use.disPoW�stoa�o•or�lease oi'�ny <br /> H�z�udou�Subawkes v�or in Ua Prnpaty. Barower ahall not do.nor allow�nyano elsc to d�.uiY�B��8� <br />_ P[opeRy thu i�ia violWon oi�ny Ratvltoameaq!l.�w. The preoeding Iwo sencenoes sl�ail�ot apply to tha p�esa� <br />;� – �e oo the Pmpe�ty of smad qua�MiBes oi H�r.�dous Swbcw�a�Ihw mo�ene�ally recogniud w ba�pptoprlrie w no�md <br /> --– residentLl usa and w n�intcn�ace oi the Nroparty. <br /> Bamnw�er siaU P�PUY�ive Lender wrkten nalico of a�►�m.demend.awsuit or ather actian by�ny <br /> _- — -- gc,v�ateruaf ar re$ulatrny egencY e:�r�tr p�invotving tlte Prapzrty�i�i w�y iiu���u'd►ua Subt.tapca oi-6nvi����[�tienlal • . <br /> — Law of'which Hoaowu has actual knowledge. If Bomowcr Ic�ms,or is notifiod by any gov�ramenlal or�+egulatary ' <br />- �utt�arity.tFwt any removal or otlKr remedi�tion of any Has.wrdoua Substance affectin�the�Propeny is n�cesa�y;8orrower <br /> -- -- sh+wtl��i+�Mptly talce all nocessary a�emedistl actlons in accorduue wlih Environmentxl � . _ , , � <br /> Y�j��;�t� zqs used ln lhia�wsgr�ph 2�.'A$sxardous Substances"are those substances defined as t�atic ar haxardcws aubstnnces!�y• '..';;',;, <br /> --- ."°=��� Er�vieaafiunental Law and We folDvw�ng substw�.�es: gASOline,k�.msenc,otfKr flammable ar t�ai�;pefrolaum pmd+�c�s,tqxic � ;. <br /> p e s t i c i d e s a n d h e r b i c i d e s,v o l a t i l e s o l v e n t s,r n a k:r a a l s c o n t a i o i a�g a s b e s t o s o r f a m a l d e h y d e. a n d r a c��o a�u v e m a t e d u i�. A a ' <br />�- : used in this I�B�Ph Z0.`Enviro�tmente!Law"means fed8#�il lawc qnd laws ot the jurisdletion wherc che�rUp,erty i�'IoeU�ed !.. �' <br /> --� -------�== dwt telatc to hralth.sofety ar envir�mental protection. �' ' '� <br /> , . . , . .�„ <br />���,. ' � NON-UN[FORM CUVENAM'S. Barower and l.ender fur�l�er coveos+nt and ag�ee as follo�s: ' , ; <br />����;.���`, ,.' ' 21. Accelerafioa; Remedla9. Lender sbdl give�o4ire to Borro�ver prior ta.aece➢cratk+�e fallowing 8orr�er's ' <br />::�'e°��`"''"� , bt�ch of aay covenant or agreemeat in this 3ecurity Iasts�nieat lM�t not rior ta acceleratba under parri�r.u{ph�7 . <br /> gre <br />�::;,�y� � ' uales�applkable Iaw,provWes Whenvise). The notke alwll speci(q: IA)We efault;(b)the actiop required to cure the ; ' <br />:;=-- , ". d�t�aitt ic)�d�te,not iess iiwn 30 days fiorr+t�ee dAte tiie natice 3s g3se�ia Sosro��sl�tcA ilse dclaa!!mast tsc � <br /> �. � cu�ed;and(d1 thpt tallure to cure the default on or betore Ihe date apecified in the�otice mpy result in accelerallon o� <br />� „ ,,� .,t� Y the sume secured by thls 3ecuHty lastrament and sale otthe PropeMy. T6e notice shall further Mform 8orrower ot <br /> « the rlght to reinetpte after occele�s►tbn and Ihe right to brNig A cou�t Actfop to assert!he non-exietence ot a defauh or <br />_•.�.,---_-.---+ . �ny Ma�r detenAe o�&►rrower to ecceleradon and ssle. U the detault is not cured on or before the date speclfled in <br />-. the aotke.Lende�at Its optbn m�y reqalre fmmedlate ps�yment in tull of all suma secured by this 3ecurity Instrument <br /> '''' � �; without further demaad and may invoke the power oi sole and ony other rcmedles pe�mltted by pppllcnble law. <br /> '�� ��`•"' I.ender slwll be entltled to collect all expeases incurred in pursuiag the remedie.v provWed in thlr {rara�nph 21. <br /> �, ,r_�;;; ��.-. includiog,but not limited to.reasonAble Altvrneys fees And cosls ot Iflle evideece. <br /> � ,. � • I�the power ot snle ts tnvoked.71�ustee shall record a notice of default in each counly in which Any part of Ihe <br /> 3�w, • >• Property Is IocAted�nd shall matl coptes of such noUce in the manner prescrlbed by applkable Is�w to Borrower ond to <br />– the other persons presc�ibed by applicable IAw Afler the time requlred by opplkable Iww.71ru.gtee shs�ll Qive publk <br /> ���;,-��� =�: notice ot sale to the persons and in the manner presc�ibed by applkable I�w 'I�uslee�wlthout demnnd on Borrower. <br /> ' "'�'''''" ' shall sell the Pro rt at ublic auctlon lo the h hest bidder at the time und IACe and under the terms deslgnated in <br />- � �„�,;;�' the natke of splein one or more parcels and in any order 7lruslee determines.71�uslee mwy postpone snle of all or ony <br /> '}�, ,yy.�;;;•'�:,�� parcel ot the Property by public announcement at the time and place of any prevlously scheduled wde. I.ender or if� <br /> � 'i*''°�� `��"��'� desl nee ma urchase the Pro eny at any sele. <br /> _ •t, a�.� .�.. R YP P <br /> �',;�',�,.;�.:.. �:��,;;,'�;�,,�;`t'. Upon receipt of payment of the prlce bid,'Il�ustee shall deliver to the purchs�ser 7Yustee's deed conveying the <br /> .�'"•�°' '''<�l;;y;Y��','' PropeMy. The recitals in Ihe'IFuslee's deecl shall be prima fack evldence of the truth of Ihe statements made therein. _ <br /> "` :' ,,'i..� k „� 71�astee�hpll ppply t6e proceeds ot the s�le in Ihe Pollowing order: Ip)to all costa And expeases oPexerclsin�the power <br /> � �������� <br /> � ��� �s`y,r�' �h�,?� <br /> ` ,;�,i�r�'�„.;x�'. <br /> ''�--_° , ,�,.�,�:.�, - <br /> • i.4°�: <br /> -���` � .-.�'�a,�'ir!_: . <br /> �''�.�..y.¢�,:,j�}-;�P;�'.���'- - <br />.s:�: `;fi'�',i/j�l�'{'�(' ' <br />� 114�r:K/,'.'.�fu,r.s�,.'N' - <br /> �';'•� • '��' ' ,�,;'� Form 3028 919� Ipug�S nJA�gts l . <br /> ^ �����5�, ���:..�' _ <br /> �i' :�i/��t;:;�i. ;}.• <br /> �:'.;:�J.��'.'i':-i.t.:. . <br /> ��.��:l,�Y�,�;;:.. <br /> ��:�t,_i v � ° <br /> `� ', •r{ F''"- ' � _. .. � , i,f+fe.:>'tbi4. - '7�t'g�„'� <br /> ��� '� i4 � , . � 1.. .y .�v'i �tV.�� �� <br /> � f�~ .I������ � "���'�9�t� i .�r :. }1i�. � � a I � . � ` �•}�`u '•�` ��,�� �`!� , -t �-vL ' <br /> ;_ . _ . �_ , . - �ri I` <br /> .� � '. ,.; '.. � �. :.,�.• . . � '. , � .•._' . _ ' ''t".�•� F - -S p 1 <br /> �k �,'�I.��.c�x r . . � <br /> . ..'. <br /> � <br /> �, <br /> , . t '%' - t! �F . . ._,�. . n.. _.r. .. t wryf�. ' -.�}.:,.-. <br /> --�-'SLL`3-d`lLidS6��.w�Hi.:�i..(y ..r•-�.�a��������.��_z� .r��?,s,.,'tr.��.-„_..r,�[4�V?�Si_rev256A'�r���a:�Y�6�A. � � - � •Ysar= .• <br /> -C�jr J� �:�f�A�lt��j t. t - . l ,,.. � ' : .,.1� 1. )11 �1 �� ^tT"r�_y�K�'�r ti•� �i�1��r��11 r�_ <br /> -- ' }?yj;�y'�. I`Y'�, 1��4�. �� yl:�}��i �JS�'+;• !. . . F: ..'��i�F�_ �t 3i.f -;y{;��..'.'..�ry1I,F��:•;S•�- i��.�.: .t�a� L! i �.- <br /> � �,1 � ,+ 11 -} . 1 -y *C:.:��:l�L{�� .0 � l '• �/ l <br /> �� r�:4��4y �'H[�'�::I� �- • �i�(��•I f:.�� _ .{ t 1.. � �d`+. U({ha.. �T,'.J5,51 t:`...• �,� c '+ �,�r i�t��� 3��'�'��� i� <br /> �y, � lY�.l__ ^ . .'��1���..•��� '�Yl��\'!1, !lV�(..�J.Yi�,l'i'`. •_. � .�'S 1� • .?J 11 � ' '_ <br /> �:,� . -�t— L\ M��� . 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