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,.:��� � . <br /> _��, � � �r . . , ___.-_ <br /> a v_,..,..._ � 4 : ,r •�, -,-Y. v, . , — <br /> ..�1 � , '�, � -�.: <br /> �r�w.a ��}•�.i��9�S-�i. y''•,��}��.-�; '.�bE �.;� "r :.,y" d' F: , <br /> , , . . . . 3 ' � <br /> . � „ .. . ,, -9 ���� .. ���t-- <br /> i�dw I.aader roquMw. 1L.i�r..c.c�ai�r�a►,di�IM�M�w.c.�bN,� Ba�aro�w�c.ubj�ct w l�drrti : ._ <br /> �pprovtl whioh�not be�won�biy wi�hlNid. u�ano�er t�fts 10�oovwy�d�ribed abo+re.l..oe��y►„�t :. <br /> Lenale�k opaa�,obadn oiwer.�e oa po�e�a�:p�de�r ri�a ia dr �pe�y�io.oeo�d�ooe a�h pr�ph y. <br /> All inauanoe polides wd��tbdl be�ooe�nWe�o L oder ind�II inalude a Msod+�e1 mat�e cl�ww. l.arl�(� � � ', <br /> � siutl h�ve�ha ei�la a hold d�e policia�twi renew+b. 1�eaquitat,9arow��I!proen�Miy�fve m l.endbr�1!no+ipa <br /> ot paid p�omivau��nd ra�wa)notioa. In tQe event of ba.Ha�oMa�bW�iw p�ompt aolioe oo the la�aoe c+�rbr rd <br /> -- �—� . . I.ender. l�ender nu�y aa�ke pndof taa if aot�wio pramp�iy by AanoNer. , .. . <br /> - �- �--�-�r,�_ . Unles�LaKier and Barnw�er othenvlc��grae in wrideg�inwuuioe��o�,�sd�el�ll be applkd to netar�do�ar�ir af <br /> ; �a�ty dm�ed� it�he�dom a� i�eooaom�lly feaible md L.awkrti sxurity i� na le�aial. �t tbe ' <br /> an or�ir i��aot eoa�amiailly feuibb ar lxnderk�wity would be leu��ed, t6e b�sunu�cx pnoce�xh�11 be <br /> applied a�ho cuma sea�rod by thia Socu�ity Inq�uma�t,�v1�or not diai due.with Any wuxu paid to Boauw�cr. i� <br /> = Harower ab�ndona the Pmperty,or does nat nuw�a within 30 c4ys�notloe from Lender tiu�t da iruuraaoe�trkr bu <br /> oifo�ed w sottle a cldrn.lhen Laader m�y oolled tha inwnm�pmoeed�. I.endcr m�y u�o Nio pnooeed�w or reata�e <br /> thoP�pe�ty or to p�y�uta��ecurod by 1hi4 Security Inanuaent�wl�ether ar ea thrn dae. 'fha 30�daY P�� �w� <br />_ tbe natioa ip given, <br /> Unicss l.cndcr�nd Bomnwa otha'wtce a�ee ln wridn���ny a icatfoo of pocaodi w priocip�l�hall nat euand a <br /> postpara tho duo dale af the mantblY pwyma►te�efamed ta in 1 +Rad 2 a�dw�e tho amounc af We pq�maurc. U <br /> under p�gmph 21 the Property la acqui�ed by l.crider.8amuwerl�ri�ht w any incur�ee poticiia,RM P�ocae�� <br /> fiom damwgo to Iho ProF�nY Prlar ta tbe wquisWon�hall piuw w La�der to�Lo oxo�nt vf d�wins�priod by tbi�Sacari�r; <br /> 1nWruma�t immedletely prior to tbcacquisicion. : <br /> -= 6. Ucaup�acY, T�sarvAHos, Nl�iatenNae aad Protecthw of'tMe Propa�tyi Bar�'� L�w A <br />._._ _..__ , I.a�holdw Borrowu ahwll occu usa tlw �; � ' '�� . <br /> P1�OQOI�t#H011�Dwet'��f�11C�pa)�p�dC�IDC W�fhip S�I[ty d��Y ARCf '•� <br /> _ -_ _ tha oaecutian of this Security inwtpiYw�nu�[+url adwli.;a�ti�w�i i�u�a:ug,r iira F�upcuiy rr Borrr�w�r�pri��cipal resideaoe f�ai <br />_. �__r�i� s�c�� . '. leut one year aNer the dato af occupuky. uNesi L.ender otherwise agmea in writing. which cansent shell not be <br /> _ �a.;;��; wueasonably wid�held,ar unlass cxtenuating circamatanoes e�ist which are 6@yaad Bomnwerl�coatml. Bormwa siu�U not `.�� <br /> r�� da�roy,dmnage or impuir ihe Propet9y,allow the pioperty ta rnmmit weste on the Aop�riy. Batrower shaU ' .��� .'. <br /> __ —��� be in default if any farfeitur�acHon or procxecling. whether clvil or begun that in Lenderls good faith judgmait .'�'�:• ..�;; <br />�� • • cauld �esult in forf'aituru of the Property or aherwlse moterlally lmpair the !irn created by this Secu��ty Jasm�ment or <br /> ;� 's�; Lemferk security interes� Boirawer may cu�e such a default and provlded in paragwph enusiag the actia► <br /> or praceeding to be dismissed wi�h a�uling�hat,in l.rnder's gaod faith determination,p�ecludes farfeituro nf the Borrowgrf� <br />_% _ intee+est in the Property or olher mKSaia!Im�ent of the lien crcated by this Securiry Instrument or L,er�der�s secudty <br /> :�, inte�es� Borrower shaU also be in defeult if Borrower, du�g the loan applicatlon prooesv. gove matetially fWse or <br />_ - in�ccurate information or statement�to L.endcr(or failed to provide Lender wlth any material infamadon)in connection wllh <br />� the laan evldenced by the Note.inclading,bu�nat limitod to, roptesentations conceming Borroweri� qccup�y of�he <br />��`�; + �'� �,y�! , Froperty as o principei.r�esidence. lf this Secu�lty Instrument is on a leasehold,sarower shall comply with aU thcs pravisians <br /> ��y(;;s�;�`��`�'i ai the lease. tt tiorrower acquiros fee title w the Property,lhe leasehofd and tha fee dUe shall not mer�a unless Lende�agrees <br /> '��' .rj„', tolhe merger io writing. <br /> A �•�+•' ;' �� 7. Protection of Lender's R�ghts in the Property. If Sorrower fAils to perform Ihe covenanus and agroements ' <br /> . •;r-z�- .. <br /> �+� " - �� canuiined In this Securiry Inatrumenw or there fs a kgal pmcceding that may signit�cantly affect Lend6r's dghte fn tUe <br />",•�= -�- . � Property(such ux n praceaiing in ba�icmpicy,probate,for condemnation ur furfeltur�or to enforce laws or ragulallons).then <br /> = ����' `l�' L�mder may do und puy for whpt�ver is necessary co protect the valuc of the Pruperty and Lender�iights in the Property. ' <br /> ��,�:•.�..� ",� Lender!c uctions may include paying any sums secured by u tien which has prforiry over thie Saurity Instrument�appeaeing <br /> �,�.;r�.�,;a,,.,.� in courb pnying neasonable attorneys'fees nnd entering on the Property to muke repairs.Although Lender may take action <br /> >;�;F�,,,.�,;��` under this perngrnph 7,Lender does na huvc to do so. <br />-- ' �� My amuun�s disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additionc►1 det►t of Borrower secuned by this <br /> ��'�� �`�%�� Security In�strument. Unlesy Bornower and Lender agree to other terms of payment,these umounta shall bear interest from tlte <br /> '' �� �` °''�, date of dicbursement at the Note rate und stwll be payable,wUh interes�,upon notice from Lender to Bomower rcquesting ' <br />.^�' ` <br /> .;. .r_"'i�4;+'1�;�{i�a pnyment. <br /> ' . �,;.r ,•. .:�: • <br /> • :.��;�•,v.e�:;., +.�:.;; +. ti. Mortgpge Insurance. ]f l.cnder reyuircd mortgage insurnnce as a condition of niaking �he lonn securcd by this <br />'a`� :`�ti;•;??�.�: ��+��-"�•i '. Srcuri�}� �nstniment. Bonower xhal! pay �he premiums tequired ta maimain �he mortguge insumnce in effect. If, for any <br /> ,.�,., , t• ,,}�;� . <br /> :.�� ���-����?�t1�',y}:;,. • reason, the mongage insurance coverage retyWired by Lender lapses or ceuses ro be in effect, Borrower shsill pay the <br />_ �,;��;.;.;�;���<<`.,:�;�j;, premiums reyuired to obtain coverage sub�iumially eyuivalent to the monguge insurunce previously in effero, Al A cost _ <br /> ��:�r��,��a),1�'`� �ubytuntiaqy eyuivalent to thc cos�t�n Borrowcr of ihe morcgage insurance previausly in effecl,from an altemat•�mortgace <br /> � �'••��'y�:h`���/jj�'�f���� insurer�pproved by Lender. If sulntantially equivulent monz�ge inrur�xr coverogc ix noz��vailahle,B•�nowe�vO�aDl pa���o - <br /> n'. � '%�:.. ��. � Lendrr euch month a curn equnl to one•twelf�h ot thr yeurh marlgu�e insurunce premium be ing paid by Aorrawer when the <br /> Y /t�;i = <br /> d , , insurance coverage lapse{l or ceased to 6e in eftect. Lender a•i)1 accept,use and re�uin these pavment�a�a loss reserve in lieu - <br /> �'' ;� '«�;;, tt; of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payment>may no longer be reyuired, ut the option of Lender,if mortgage insur�nce - <br /> `� ' cove�age(in the umount and for Ihe period th�i Lender reyuiresl provided by un insure�upprovcd by Lender ugain becames <br /> �,�'' C�� �t�,: ��: _ <br /> •t' ;,.,;, ., s�vuil��ble and is obtained.Borrowrr shall pay�he premiums required�o muintc+im m�rtgage In�urance in effect,or to proti icle a - <br /> � � w ,•�� ".,�� loxs rescrve,until the requfrement for m�rtguge insurance ends in accordunce with uny writicn agreement between Borrc��tier " <br /> ;' ��;;ilry;'? ,;�iv and Lunder or applicAfile luw. <br /> �''' �%`�'`.' ,,;_.�., , 9. Inspection. Lender or its agent may make rcavonable cntrieti upon and in.peciionti of the F'�openty. Lender shall <br /> ` fH � . ive Borcower nolice ut the time of or nor to u�ins , etian K ciWm re•r,onable cau.e for the ins ctian. � <br /> �:.�:�'i�-::�_ � 8 P� 1`� Pe �.� F Pe <br /> ' ,f;1;�zr.',; ltl. Condemp�tion. 1 he ptoceeds M any uw•ard or clairn tnr damage..Ji�c�or run+�yurmiai,in cunnecdun with any : <br /> , ��t�"'^�'��'� Singk FaiMly••Faqnk MadFYeddk\1ac U\ItnpN INSTRUMENT••Unit:wm Co�en�mv 9/90 r 9���n <br /> i�J��,�. {, PaXe. p<rers� - <br /> �� �%�.��.i�; <br />- n�¢'� ' Orat Wn Br.+�aa�Ib�Mr.he.r . <br />_. .�i .f:_+.'�,P�: ' , T�(MSGp.FYY073GKi99 C�At 61i791•11J1 .. . <br /> ��•r i ... <br /> "C�� ,i• , . � �. �n°-" '�°,5tlr.-r-"r+-�^�*—T-'-^ rrc+_.r-�...._._..�...r.��r�7r... ..._,�,- .� - --!�. <br /> i: � _1 P . , �r�,j��,�1• .. ��.'I' ly+"jl•-'.,• � �y� ,' � l �_ -.��'�'�,��-�..-- <br /> i� � .; �'- ( �t��� . " "r:��� . �ri�ti�l� = 4 ,. i4��c 7�41�'l � n+� 1r <br /> . , } <br />� r r r' � .�e��, � . �v�- . _ • li�;���� - , . '1 A��n�� ���� -:�y /�ii`1�'� � � a'� 'l3���fhL el���� ,"t'` - <br /> �- .t �o� , , � . ,. �:� f �� • t�r� . . ,j�� � � Y) Yt} <br /> . , <br /> ee . - � � R . . . .+ l • • I)�� � --, 1-1 - ��� t�' � �\} �' '�Y,�' <br /> -:. �1tiS.ld. _:-�_ �� __ ' ' ' ' _ ' ._ .l._..f �. �j�-.lL.. .ti. _ _ :11L�::�.;-.- .,J���11{�.L'.: <br /> ��.[_ . _ � • . -�__ — . . .� _ __ _. . - _.., : ."' " :,�t,. . . . ' •"" '__'-•- r•-'T,�'."�, '.��:!..,`�rv-•-+ �y .�r 1 <br /> . � � � y� . .. . . ` ��.'• '.'� • ; .. 1�1•(�:��j:•'r _f . <br /> �l lt� �5�:, y .. _ . -- .�� .. , . ..�ti!}.,,.. ., <br /> S`� ! � �. ;i� <br /> �r .�':i <br />- - '1: • . . . . : . .�.� , . . . .._ . . _ . . <br /> � — V .. N,,:. .. � . , .. �. . . . - � ., - _ � <br />—-r �M 3 `S �. r ,J v _ • , . ,. , � . . � i r - .. <br />-; � °j.,' �`}iq. � .' ., . , „ , . • ,„ .}' , ' .. <br /> . ' . ' `'.L.�•4'�. . ♦ , ' . - . .. - .. •• ' .. •. ...� �. _�Y��' .. � .Ks. �. <br /> k�, ,��,,,,; ,t .� <br /> ; . _ , • • . <br /> � <br /> � . <br /> �. � , <br /> t . .r . . �.. . _ . ._ . ._. . . _ . _ .. . . �� _.. . _. . _ . <br />