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�/';`„ , '�,'� � e.. �ailaYi`._r^�.��.---•- <br /> _ _ . ';_._..�1'� � � 'S''li ^� . � , • ._ '-:.♦S'�` � . ' � � , ^ , '�'. `�.,,}' -T�lJf+r"f"v�;77z.n:r,�!TA'�__ �r... <br /> , �,�'Y��, `' � .. , � � .!' h,'•' �1. ,���- <br /> ao�d�a�tloa or oll�t�d�ny prt dIM P�apNyr.Qeor��oe�u.�ar�.�.�►«�yu�ia�� � - � <br /> .. ���ewea�: waQ ald�at dr�e�ey.d� , �.p 6e ippka�a u�e.una ��by►16t�Sa�urity ^�';„° <br /> . �aeht.whal�or a nat d�m dne.witb�ay e�coas p�Bat�sw� Ia tM eveat at+�prrtW q�py�at ti�a Mp�rty iN ���` <br /> � ..,.�vhicb the t�dr m�ukat v�lae ot tlie Property imn�Hately balibre d�e ati�i�aqud Id a�er tbw tra�erount;ot i� . <br /> ;. �eapea by ua�seaoi�►rn.tnmr�immeairery 6doro�he wdn�:w�ean�nwa,wa�or otherwLe yroe m wrtti�. . <br /> �,�he anM�eauad by dds Seca�i�y ia�amaeut�iaii ae�roanoea uy►u�e�aouoe d wep�o�ee�a mullipt3Mby tho fialowln� _ .--- - - <br /> _ �---.�..�----. __ ' {r�qlon: (�l�he IoW�naunt of the weu�eciued Mmedlyely 6efore ths utdng,divided by(b)�he fiir asuicet v�of Ute _._.. <br /> t+�ape�ty imra�edt�lely befaa die qkit�. My bd�noe shdi be p�id to Barowa: fa the oKOt d a prtLl of the <br /> h �� <br /> pfppetty in whicU the fiir m�tket valuo of tho Property immedtuoly bofae tha tddnQ ia las du�n the ana�t oP t6o am� <br /> m n a e d i m m e d i u e ly b a fae the W�ing, unka Bomnwer�nd Letidcr o�heN►�iAe�p+oe in wrltin� dr utilea�pplic�ble I�w <br /> odionvLe{NOVides,tbe poceed�abd!bs q�plbd to tho aom�ucured by tbi�Security lo�truoent wl�ber ar not die awra ue <br /> � tbea due. <br /> If�he ihoperty i��b�ndabd by eonower.m iP.aRer notice by I�eader to Horrowa tWt tde condcr�o+�oPfcrs w rawica <br /> -- �n�w�ad a ca�le�cl�im for d��ea.Ba�mwer fdls��espond to Lrnder within 30 d�ya dter We d�ee the notice ia giva�. <br /> La�der i��ult�,od to oollep�nd a�ppty t4e .a in opioa,eiUrx�u rata�suioo a eep�d tbe Pinperty a w�he <br /> sum�cacu�od by dii�Socarity in�enment.�r a aot thea d�e. <br /> Unkss L�ader and Bo�rower wha�wlse�roe In wdting. �n�r ' of prbceade tu principtl�bdl aot e�oand or <br /> — poWpw�o Iho due d�te of tre roaothiY WY��efarcd oa irt 1+aAd 2 or chw�e kbe ama�u�t of such prymeats, <br /> 11. Qa'rnwer Nat R�ek�edi I�6araice By I.e�der Nat a Wiirer. Ea�xsiaa of tbe titae fat p�ymdat a <br /> modiRauion of�pno�tiz�tioa d the auan securod by t6is Securiry lastnrnent gnuMed by i..ader w aay aMCOeuo�r jn intaest . <br /> - — - o!Bamwer�II aot apu�Me ro mleaie the Wbiliry of Ihe ari�nal Bamwer or Bo�row�ati suooesrors io intaat.Laider ___ <br />-- _ -- �ull not ba�equi�d to oo�n�qa�a proi.�n�c ag�ir�st�nr su��asor in interest or reflise to extend timc far p�yment or --__ <br /> -- o�bawisa nwiify amadzatioa of tbe wms securcd by this Securiry In�p�umrnt by�easao otF my drn�and made by tha ori�inal �� ---- <br /> Banower a Borrowerl�sucoescors ia intereu. My forber�ce by Letder in exercisi�any right or nanedy�lwll aot he A 'p � _ <br /> d': w�iver of or p�eclude 1he eaa�ise of any d�t or rcmedy. .f• •� <br />_ :=1 12 Suoceaors a�d Asdps Boiwd;Jdat�d Sever�l i.hbUity;Casi�aas. The wvenwus�ud agnee�nent�of this � . <br />- �. �ecurity Inst�ument s4a11 bind and benefit the aucceswrs and assigns of Lender and Barower.tub,yeci w the pmvl�ions of ' . . <br /> p�uagraph 17.Bormwer'§rnvawnts and rgreemenis shall be joint simA srvcral.A�ty Barrower who co-signs thia Securlty �'' <br /> _ inWrume�t but does not execute the Note: (a)is casignia�this Socuriry I�Strument c�ly to mortgage.grant and ca�vey.that <br /> _�� Baroweri�inte�at in�he Ptvperty under�ha temis of this Security Instrumen� (b)is�persan�lly obligated to pay;tdc:� <br /> '::i�;��. secwed by thic Security I�trument;and(c)agn:es�hat Len�ier And any d0ier�arraw�er may ag�ec w extend.modlfy.l'o7bear '. . - <br /> -_-_ or nulce any aocommodationc with rngand to the terms of this Secivic� lios¢rum�r�i a th Note wid�out that Bamwer3i•� <br /> .�°' °°acau. � <br /> 13. l.o�n Clu�e�. If tliee loan securcd by this Secu�ity lnstpwa�ent is subJe�ci M a law which sets maximum loan '. � <br /> � _ =� cAages.and Uwt law is fnall!y inte�preted so Uwt tfie Inten�or ather i�uue�fearge.a rrnAkcted ar to be rnllectod lo cau�ecdon • <br /> ;':h��, wirh d�e lo�n exoe�d the pemuittL�limi�s.then: (a)uny sucb loan cliuge ahap be rcduuced by Ihe amaunt ne�ssary to reduce = <br /> ;� Ihe charge to the permiaed IiTnia:and(b)any sums already collected fro�Borrower whxh exceeded permitted limits will be <br /> =�•;,:_ �efunded ta Bomower. l.ender may choose to malce�his refund by reducinQ the prineipul owed under tha Note or by making a <br />.r;�;,+� ';�� diRCt payment eo Qomower. If a refund retilw.1s principal.the reduction will be heated as a pnrtlul p�epeyment without any � - <br /> ;�;},��3t �•�"'�� • prepayment ch:uge under the Note. --- <br /> ,;.,r � - 14. Natices. My notice to Bortower provided for in this Securiry Instrument s5a11 be given by deliverin� at or by _ <br /> ,r:;,• „,N3� mailing jt by first cluss m�il unless appikoble law requires use of another method.The natice shall be directed to thr Property <br /> '' � .r ��- Addrcss or an other uddress Borrower desi �ates b notice�o Lender. An no�ice to Lender sholl be wen b first class — <br /> ;'s�;; +�3;#�,-a Y 8 Y Y B Y � <br /> mail w Lende��address stated henein or any aher aidress l.ender designotes by notice to Bomawer. My notice provided for <br /> �'�''''� �, in this Security Inslmment shWl 6e dermed to huve been given �o Borrower or Lendcr when given ax provided in �his °'�' <br />-��=� ,�,r,' - _ <br /> � :.������„� P��Ph• -- <br />�*I'� { ' 1S. Governing Law; Severabillty. This Security Instrumem shall 6e govemed by fedeml luw Lnd the law of�he ���- <br />� ��:; . r�t' �a�.. <br /> ��.�'`�,>> ' . jurisdtetion in which Ihe Pm�trry is lacated. In the ev�ni ii�ai uny provi�eion ar cluutie of ih i�Sea:urity Instrumenl or 1he Note . <br /> -:'�;}; �,;d �f .ti!{'� ` '•.�'� � contlicts wlth applicable law.�uch conflict sholl not affect other provisions of this Secumy Intitrument or the Nate which can ::� <br /> 6e rven effect withou� the con8ictin rovision. To�hix end the rovieion, of this Securi� Instrument and�he Note o�+e '""" <br />=='ii:( �}' � �,,�,�i`r:±.,. �� B p � y i"= <br /> c..�{.:! � ;'� .y�(y�: :. .�� ' d e c l o r e d w be severo b le. � i'.`„- <br />.;:-;�,;:': 1':.•_;1' ; � : ; 1 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrowe�xhal9 t�given one conPormed co�y ni the Note unJ of�h is Security lnstrument. ���"` <br /> r�'�+�(V }Y�' ' � � , . °'. 17• 'Irunsfer of Ihe Property or a Benetkis�l Interest In ilor�oa�er. lf t�U or uny part of che Pruperty or vm intefest in �;;� <br /> ;K ,�1>;�i3��, %, •..,"�t, ' iC i+ sold or trtutsferred(or i+f a beneficiul inlere+t in Borrn��tr is x�ld ot tnui+ferred smd Bomciwer ix not u nutura�person) - <br /> t"• ' �'•' "�}'�,?�t wi��hout l.en d er�s nor w�i t��n co n s e n�,L c n d c r m u u t i t s u �i o n,r e i a i r e i m m e d i a t e a m e n t i n f u l l o f A l l s u m s s e c u re d b Q•��_ <br />='r"r i:;� � ,, , $ P� Y• p 1 P'Y Y <br /> i',�}:;•s ��C y���'�'F�E:f:;�,�s iP�is Security Instrumenl. However,this optiun shull na hc exerci�eJ h�Lender iFexcrcise ix prohibited by federal IAw ns of �,:; <br /> r<<<�%,. N. �} ,°l� �,���F i.� ttx date aP tP�is 5ecudry lnsirument, a �- <br /> . t � ', '��;� ,� �?� If Lenclet excrcixrs this option.Lender shull �ivc B�►rrower nutice of accelerution.The notice,hall provide�period of i�,�,;,- <br /> -°'-��'`� ti �►��=�t:#!!t"'��t'• •', n o t less t han 3 0 d nyc froiee t hc date I he notice is dc liver�d or muilyd within whirh BarcoKer muz� r all wms secured b thii ��_ <br /> ;.-'� �.f,,;.ti,�,x� . ,,::, P'Y Y : �i'a.i: <br />�,%". F �, Security Instrumem. lt' �orrower fuilx to puy the,c .umx pri�x to tlk expir.�tion ��(r�hix pericxl, Lrndcr may invoke any � <br /> u�r?�' � k�����i��'� � rrmedies permitted by Ihis Securiry Intitrument without i'unhcr no�icr or demund on Burmw�r. �� <br /> Y�� <br />;7;�,;t ±��,:,Y�•;s. l8. Bo�rawer's RiRht to Reinslate. If Bomiu�er meclr crnain ronJitiim.. F3umiwer .hull have �he right to have _ <br /> � �- . enforeement oP�his SecuH�y Inxtrument Jiscontinucd ut any timc pnor xe�the earlicr utt �c�►5 duys(or xuch other period as <br /> }}�% � . Sfngk Family-•foank M�e/MYeddk Nac l'NIF'()N�11ySTRl;�tIsM1T--l�rtorm Cavmann 9/90 f/wxr J uj••�rutes i �� <br />- ,:�; �` ' . �" , <br /> .,t;; ., ��., , — <br />-,�?'ih' �';'_: �.`r.�-. � '.�r:, • • � _. <br />_. �..�.1i „f� � <br /> -:j, t 'l� I <br /> ��:�'j�;; ������.bi�l{i 4'��;;F}ti� . --- <br /> -_.��t�di �t} Yf� j i tt .4 �� <br />,7h9}� S ��3}r�'��;�� . . , .. . 1,•., � t y� - ?.'•,'.IS�","rs"�9:•• .. � . , ._ •.• ..,. .� .. ,:'•(. <br /> v�l ^ +�+��,dV��<,r..'��.'+1.t�.�.«„' . • � �- L.7� � , �, .•. :r• ;��:'•':� 6 �'.�l:i�^'�v..1. i'�yY..{�1L�'y+`S �r <br /> . <br /> , <br /> . .. - <br /> _��' �;����:�s= : ;w_ , . ,�: yY�,Rk. . <br /> . � , <br /> ...,, .. <br /> _ �sr.�,r+'�,Y.� .:v n , � �'t t ,. i �•a_ �ni <br /> ...-.e.z�a�.�.n-iti -'-_ '7�..-��u��� .' ... ---- � - -�•' - '--- l :��}�..1�J ~ iv��:� - --Y,_ �.J;e�sia+e�3rc,.� <br /> -- � - - -- --- <br /> _ , � _ �,��-...� �_.... - � - --- —'- '--�---=--r° �� — -- --- - — � — — ------ -- .- - - - <br /> . -.�, <br /> JS� ' h;. . . � -t `7 . . . . 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