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. . ;� � <br /> — ' _ . ,.k • ; _. . � . _u. <br /> .�:' � - �:. - . ,. <br /> .j "< <� �� . , , ;:,� .. - <br /> — , :.)'� ' " ' ^ � , . _ ' . ._ .'y' y,i�r:' ��_.,,: . t�. . � . - - • ..�. , � ,..-� ---- <br /> . ... . ._ - . � . . . , . _�"n+�s <br /> . <br /> , � . � . . � � - � g3=1�� , .. .�,�-:- <br /> ' ,.paiad�tlat l�a�der iequi�a. 'ibe ra�oi'aniir providin{IM M��11 b d�bp�andw�r ,�iot h��Le�IR1 ,}:;�; <br /> " .�,�pp�uv�wh{c��Yli�ot a uMwo�bb►wilMdd. 1�BarroMer AiM to aMh�piM d�iled�+�a'w��l�eur�w0►.�t ';.�; .�� - <br /> � �,,e�arrr op�m,oe�.oN ye 10 pawu l..a K��6a i n a a Propeny M.000�a�r►..�p M r��. <br /> Au Mwr�oe potkia�iub ra��hu bo�p�e a I�aeda�nd�11 incN�de a�mlp�Ie clw�t. L�dM' _. <br /> — .h�u Inve the�he lo fi�aa u�e polido.raa�atwot.. 1 ireaaar�eqauew eaenw�er�1�pranp�ly dee�o tw�d�r a�l tMOdpu <br />._ -- _ __ _—�-- o�p�!�sm aad ta�val��otloea. M�+e ares!d 1os�.Baree+rer s�N:ivs peo�yM aa�lo��n tlM f�r�a aai�r rd '-- <br /> t.oade� 1�aNy mwko proor of lon U not�pomply tiY BQ� � � ' <br /> _-�___ _ - --T"--'� IJide� 8oenw�r wherwt�e q�ree m writin�,ia�n�a dwll ae ap�uoa to re�tlaa ur,q�ir af � <br /> u <br /> ��P r a p e�t y d�od,if tbo�ontfan a�epait b �eoono i�ally �nd I.a�derti �ecwity i�mt iewa�ed. !f d�e <br /> i o n a i��a eoauamia�l�y reu�le ar t�enaerl.ocu�y woo�a be la�enea.we iaaa.noe pr�oeed�sh�u be <br /> - �pplied io�be sums sau�ed by d�Sea�ity lacuua�eet.whe�a aa thon due.wNh any e�cas paW w Barrowro� If <br /> _�, BaitoNw�bandoat the Propaty.a dooa aot�nswa wldtia 30 d�ys a nolioe fYom Laider tbM the iawnnoe c�nior b�t <br /> ofraed to sqtk a claim,tha�t�a�der aw oollect the inwanca prncaed�. La�der au�y u�e die pooeed�w ar restoro <br /> ta <br /> tbe Propaty ar a p�y wa►�seaued by Secarity imannneat.wbeWer or uot tbea due. Tho 30�d�Y 1� �� <br /> �T d�e oaioe!� v�ea. <br /> Unkss�and Bamwer aMavvice�ree�writin�.�uy 1 and 2����P�Y� U <br /> po�ane the dtK d�te of tbe manthly P�Y� <br /> �udu p�ra�i�21 the P�opaty ic�uirod by I�ender.Sanower�ri�1�t to aay inwmoe policia and pucaedi ranitia� <br /> ...:5,�.; 6+om to�he Prnpa�ty p�ior w tho aoquisitioa d�U pa�s w Irender to the e�ant of die�seew�ed by thi�Securiry <br /> = lnswma�t�mmodi�tdy priar a�he�o�lcidon. <br /> _- f. Ooonp�acX Praervatio� INN��oe aad Protedior ot tre t Borr+uwer� I.a� Applicatiaas <br /> __- = I.aaeeiwioir. Ha�ower sh�p ooeupy.exubiish.and uav iiw Rup�a,ty rr Ba.-eaw�p��r�a!ra�deax withht si�tty dapa aRer <br />.- tho ezocwim of�his Seru�ity lasqwaau and�11 aontinue w aocupy the Prape�ty a�BaROwerh principil�aida�co for u <br /> V`;��� least aae yeu aRer tha d�u of oocupaurcy. unless I�eader ad�e�wise �grees in wtidag, which oansp►t chall not be <br /> - umeasonably withheld.or unless eatenu�ting cincunw�noes exist which Ane bnyond Barowtrls cantml. Banouver�11 not <br /> destroy.d�unaEe ar impair Ihe Pmpaty.pUow the Propeity w deteria�te,or oommit wute on tba Property. Borrow�er sluill <br />,y:°�.�,�. a. 6c in defwlt if�ny fafeidue action or prooeeding.wl�ed�er civil or crimin�l.i�begun�ut in I.enderh�ood i�ith judgment <br />',•�'-�; �:hl'�: eouW result in forfeitae of the Prope�ty ar o�FKrwise materi�lly impair the I�en c�ted by t�is Socu�ty I�inanent or <br /> � �1 l.enderk security inte�esb Harower mwy cure auch a default�nd�oinst� provldod ia pa�'agraph 18.bY causinB�he actiaa <br /> '°. �i .;,;. , a P��B w be dlsmissed with�mling Lenderls good faith detem�inatian.Proc ude forfeidue of die BoRUVwxk ' <br /> �.: , • inu�rst in 1he Plrq�aty or othe�m�tedal imp�imnnt of the liea cre�led by�his Security Insdwnent or Leaderl�aavriry <br />-_:`�a• ,`y;�j,ry',�.,'•,, intercst. Bonower shall also be in default if Bortuwer. dudng the loan appliaulon process� BAVe maeridly i�lse oc <br /> ..,, ; ',Y..3'�;,;r:: inaocumte infi►nn�tlon ar suuemans to I.ender(or falled w provide Lender wlth any material informatia�)in conr�ection with <br /> "'L� .,s�,+.•x• the Ic►an evidenced by the Note, including. but not limitod to, rep�esenutfons conceming Borrower'§occupancy of the <br /> '",:'_ _._�•`r��•- <br />-:;:a�; — -- -- - Arape:il'as s grincipa!nesicleacs. !f shis Stcurily lns�t 3s on e lre�fi�ld,Rn►rower shall co�aply with all�he grovi�ia� <br /> ne <br /> • 1, # of the lease. If Bomower acquire.c fa ti11e to ttw Ptoperty.�he leasehuld smd Ihe fee titie chall nc�t merge unkss I.ender a�nees <br /> : � �; f�� ;<%.. <br /> �.�;�.;r�j�;e;- I to the merger in writing. <br /> •,.' ."" ` :,�. ,�•� ��:' 7. Protecfion ot I.ender's Rlghts in the PropeMy I f B orro w e r F a i l s t o pe r f o r m t h e c o v e n a n t s a n d ag�eemaKs <br /> '"�=''"• --�-- coatafncd in this �ecuri Instrurteeae,ar therc is s !e �! in thut ma •i ificAnt! affect Lender5 ri q In the <br />,,.�.;., m-�--- �.,..y,-,,��;;.�• �7' S P�a S Y �b'n Y S� <br /> ;:=,";� �:;;',`.h:��i°;'.?�:�:'%�',�,'¢;;� Prnpeny(such as a proceeding in Marekruptcy.probate,for condemnation or forfeiturc or to enfonce laws or rogulet�ons).ihen <br /> '�'�� ' 't�S''-f:,�•''�'�"1��`'^�"��': L.ender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect U�e vulue of the Property+md Lender�righta in the PropeAy. <br /> ;°:S`r;;-:;t}.' ." Lender's actions moy inctude paying uny sums securcd by a lien which h�x prionay over this Security Inswmen�appearing <br /> _ ';�;��r`��',��i`„i .�., ��` in rnuR.paying reasonaQ�le attorneys'fees and entering on the PropeAy to make repairs.Although Lender may take actian = <br /> � �' .��f; under this psuagmph 7,Lender dces not have to do so. <br /> '��: ':'``�'+f • 4' Any nmounts disbursed by L.ender under this paragraph 7�haEl become acldi�ia*� debt of Borrnwer secuned by this <br /> ``� ti,k s ;j'(,: <br /> f��, ' ' ` � ;��. Security Ins�niment. Unless Borrower and L.ender agree to oiher tecnr�>ef payenerart,th�se umov�ns shall bear intercst from the <br /> ',•� � i:. f,-..r <br />.�;;t; ' - �_ �, . „ da�e af diebursement u�the Note rate and sholl be payable.with inreast, upon rratice irom 1..��der to Barrowcr requesting <br /> ' �' °' =;,;+:�t;•� �� payment. _ <br />' '� ' �"�'�`"�' ` ' S. Mortgage insurance. If L.ender rt.vuaffe�•rnortgage insurance us A cc�fibon of m�tcing the los+n secuted by this - <br /> � �`�;���'�' Y •ri � Securit Imtnimen�. Borrower shaQl .�� tCie r�ae�iums re uired to maintain the mortgage ir�yutance in effec�. If,for any <br /> %` .' �r+c+�;�:�`': '+�„.y Y F"".' P ' 4 <br /> f ' �:�:'�''���;'�"'t reason, the mongage insurnnce ca��e;afie reyuired by Lender lapses or ceuses to tx in �6�fect, 8arrower shall pay the <br />: , i �V�y��j '�}:Y;� - <br /> . �� +��y,f�l,[t.t premiums reyuired to obtnin cover,ige ,ubxu+ntially equivalent to the mongage insurun�e �pt�et�iously in effect, at a cost <br /> x <br /> y��'�';,�t�� subatnntially equivAlent to�he co�t to Borrower uf the mortguge insurnnce pre�•�uusly in e�ifect,from an ultemate mortgage <br /> „� �'4'ti•.W� ; 1fd =. <br /> j��i�,`.l�+"���r; • iosurcr approved by Lender. !f subst.u�tially equivalem mortgage insurance co�erage is not uvrilnble,Borrower shnll pay to <br /> ���''� • �k��F��i Lender each munth u sum equnl�o one•Iwrlf�h��f I�e yeurly mor�gs►ge insurance premium bei�g paid by Borrower when the = <br /> �'� •�� . '��•" .��'�a::,� insumnce cavernge Inpsed orcensed w be in effeci. Lender will a«ent,use and ret,►in these payments as a loss reserve in lieu _ <br /> =•r �;,._. . . ���\;,��t,;1J ... <br /> e';`�yFfi��i�4 ap of monguge insurance. Lass reserve�ayments may no longe�be ..quired,nt the option o1'Lender,if mortgage insurance <br />:::�;��' e '•;f" ' .� :•�����t' covernge lin the umount ond for the period that Lendrr requiresi prov�ded by un insurer nppro��d hy Lender agnin becomes <br />:;'�;�-� � - Y' ,.,_� ; avuilnblc and is obtnined.Bomnwer shall pay thr�Srcmiums required to muin�ain mangu�e in+uranre in e6Feca,or to provide a __ <br />"� +1 • �.;;�,;,•; los.r rcaerve,until the rcyuirement for mortgage imsa�ance endti in uccordance with uny written agreeme�c i�ezwten Borrower - <br />�.��,�;� i • " kt�,�;:,•:�':. ond Lender or upplicnMlc luw. <br />:=tr� ° �� �(��s;� 9. Inspertion. Lender or its u�Cent muy mukc reusonable enlricx upnn•rnd inspcaion�09 the Prnpeny. Lender.hall � <br /> r� r�is:t�.°:�r:,,{rr`;a;'�.,t•�° - <br /> r,•-..:r,,-:•.7,;��r. gi�a I2uuuwcr nutic�at the timc of or prior to an in�pection spccifying rc.++onabte�au+e for�hK+a�.,p�::tion. - <br /> ;� ,,<���;�.:��.' 10. Condemaatiaa. 7'he proreed�of any uward or claim for J;unuEes,dircct or con+ryu�ntial,in cannec�ion with any -_ <br /> �, �:�<; ' `'`� � � ' ti9 k Famfi-•Fannk Moe/FYeddk Moc UNItY)RM INS7'RUMF:NT--Unif�xm Co��cn:ma 919Y r �r J o n <br /> � ;. . � p�� J P+.ees 1 . <br /> t.� �'4V1�1;':t� .,'., ,�'. <br /> y �?.� .,� . u�ex Lole�euyn+w va.s.�oc■ <br />-'.� ii71� 1�1'�-� TelUbt-Gq�1�Y00S7�9�YCi�YAXili791•1131 <br /> :w ��;'..����� �f�t�F�',` <br /> 'i', �� 1�,14�}���1, —T, <br /> { �*��r�y�;� �; T1'r:r+r'r-,...�..�.�..-----r..._ �,�•r'1R'�'LS7T+[ri" � "'�"`�'ns'�1'}1a'�"r"Q'�� <br /> r.:.r �•_ t � • p�•j�� 7 'pd ' ''' 'a"�,�LT` i.,� _ . <br /> :� . A , . ., . '�1�:';,.i���i.• �. ��r�j,tf.. ' ���y. . . -��Yv ��fV���'�«.�'�,"•', 1 �*.. �.oi 3':1�;: ; <br /> � '� , � rr ���.i�rf;`y � , . . � � �1' .-�'� ' :.!...•.p. � ������/.r � � ` <br /> �" ��a_sMr�. _ � f i.-i��'� , .l1 . .._ '�ij::.l:i��._'�r.�:ii_.a_t��_�_'�...r_ � . <br /> . � <br /> � ,'• -r�---- ---�--F ._-- _- --'---- ' '.,. . . .,�.^_. . _ - --..: .. .._ ' . „ _,ti. ,.,.5�_..�. _— - '_..- —--'_ --.s.-_.- <br /> Y�. �,.. . : ' �..� . . . �. . . � • ...�r� . . � - <br /> ,. ,b�.9� . . . ` :.\� J'tin„ti�1 . •� <br /> 1' �,. ;, ' � .� • <br /> �:y, .�� ° , '' ,._ ' .�".. ' --- +:,. , , �' ..�. ;�' ; • ., <br /> � �. <br /> , �. , . <br />. 4' • ,•S.� �`ti .. �• ` `,:' . . <br /> ��S 1�•. � . .. . - � . . . - . <br /> tit./ i. 1� � - .. . - • � <br />' v .P�' ;i'�` '� • � ' . ... •. , �. ' I . . ' � , 1 - �..�, . .� • . . <br /> ,' , �i���' ��, . , ...;. _ . , . . . . <br /> � � � ,,f . . . . •..��r"� . <br /> k '`�.: ,;. , . . • . � ......... <br /> �:i , 'e� , � -- , � � . �• .,.. , . . <br /> . . , <br /> �3 ' . , <br /> . 7�' ,a � <br /> i, � <br /> �� � - � � ' �' ...._ _ . . .. . . - -- <br />