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�. , � . , <br /> .�_ � ..,'.• _.-1 � .�:. .� . . . . . �,�,-� ..-.---r--�--. _ �� <br /> q,g''y;,�-��� � ., , ,� . . . . _ . .r t;7`'. r�a±��"-'r'+�'�°"' _ .'t, „L- T-i . .1,. �f'-- '^� .L:,i`-,;. <br /> �. ...� • . �• .. � 'I; �� ,. .1'' � ��� <br /> ��., f • � . �� � . . .. <br /> .1::_. <br /> �yC�I�M►���Of IrirNiMwil)b�01r MM���IR�hl�,�ID My CQ�. �111�1 .��.�''-.-".,in <br /> ��MMlll�lw:Q(b) 0�t���IW. ��M1Y' qi�. 711010 C0�111 �SOIp�N�+ (� •' .•.,,,�,. <br /> „ �yi Y+MIdOt�Mllp{��N�OMIO 0�1�YO�1� �r �A1 Mid 1�10�101t iL.� i0tl�tl�011� ; :,:i; <br /> � OOC►11�Od:lb�CIY��►delWll d�11y otillf o0'Y41/M1�0/yIr0�IM1,; C)p,y��q O,1�p01MM fi1CYfltl i��Ildt S�O�Iilq .- ., <br /> {It�011t��IIQ�1Null�h01 IIOt�Ilq{tOd b.f��i011�e���i1M:/b(� 11�G0�N�0�1�Cl�OO Y L.Nlf�lr M�AEq011�11y <br /> _..._—_ __� �a waa�e d�t�e lien dd�S�i�r te�.t�a�dr�d��►Jo da�o�aty�d Sua�or�ob�an w�y�M ,._,..:: <br /> w� Yeawed {y d� Secwiry (nMnm�en� ab�p ca�we ua�pd. Up�a �M by pa�a�r. W� Sea�riry . �� , <br /> ���--.-- -_--_-..�, /mnament Mnd�be ndl�tiane�eourod hael�y elWl t�Nily oK�otive a it�o�ooebt�tion hd aot�utred. Nor�ver�Mb <br /> �� �6t to i�inule�II�01�pply in 1be a�ue d aooalanrtlan wder p�nip�pb 17. ' ' <br /> ili. 8r4�f NMei�of Loa�S�lo�t '11�e Noro.P�� LMaw h Ibe Nato(�o�elhcr wi�h U�Securi�y � <br /> Imtnsneat)naY be�old aie ar mae Qanes wid�out pda�r aotGx to o�mnwat. A ale au�y result in+�cb�n�o N►the aMiry <br /> - llnawo�p the" 3orvioet'f QW co1lau monthly P�Yman�dao wder Ihe Note�nd Ihis Secmity Inp�wpart. 'tbere�IIO.. <br /> may ba oue or mae clum�s ot�o l.o�a Servioor unnl�ted w�s�le of tde t�te. If 1fx�i��cb�a�e ot ilr l.o�d Swioa� <br /> Barowar will bo Siven wripd��otioe oi tbe dupi�a in�ocaaWioe aith p�ra�rsph 14 above u�d q�plicabie 4w. 'ft�e notioe . <br /> _- will atate Ihe aNae�od�ddress of tAe�eMr I.aan Servka and the addnes�to whieh p�yn�eats�bouW be rtade. The�qotioe wUl <br /> dso oonWn�ny olha fafa�mation�ned b�applica6lo law. <br /> � Us�+�wri�s S�fa�ca. 8ormwer cMll not causo or p�ami�t ILe pe�ao�,�e.use.di�Poal.ctaa�e.or re{ase of aay <br /> Hsz�rdors Sub�qm�ea ari ar io tbo Pe�ope�y. Batower aMW not da.nor dWw �apoae e3�se to do.anylhing Wa,�1�e . <br /> pfropcnty tW it in vioWion oi'�ay Fmriranrrmtai Law.`f1�pecrodi�two ea�nca�11 ow appty to the p�e.u�.a <br /> �-.. '��' ��y�of tba Pn�pertg. SnEaapoea that aro�aataUy rie�ed w be appoupi�lo w mt�� <br /> Bonowcr�li pioaoptly Rive l.nider w�itlea notlx af any inva�atioo.c4�m,demtind.L*wsuit ar ai�r a�tiioa by aay <br /> �---- - _ -- �a*�WaY a8�y a Pr�vwte parry lnvolving the Ptopaty and any F[r�zor�s Su6swnce or Bnvino�raoeoW <br />";",'� Law of which Flarowa Iws anual Icnowbdge. lf Bortower le�us, or is aotiflod 6y any gov�nl ar negulvtory <br /> wUrxxty.�hat any�moval a aher remediaaoa of oay Hawdoua Subcunue a8'ecdn8��Y��Y.�rawa <br /> :``= �P�PUY���Y�ernedial actia�s In acmrd�urce with Envlro�maital Law. <br />�:��it As used in thes pa�graph 20.'Hazar�do�us Suba�anoes"srr those subat�upes defined aa toxk or I�a�rdous w6stanoes by <br /> `.�. • Env�ornnetlt�l and thc foUow�ag substances: gasoline.keroscnc.aber iWnm�bk or Wxic peuolwm pr�oducts.twcic <br /> r;i <br /> :ds;'f!"' � � <br />"-�����- pesticides wtd herbicides.vMatik solvents.mueri�ls containing asbestaa a�'a�n�debyde.�nd�adloactive m�uri�ls. As <br /> .°'F�.4�--�'„{_�,�� used in this paragn+ph 20."Environmrntal Law"mcans fede�al ucvs and lawa of'the jurisdicsion whete tAe Praperty�c localed <br /> _ _ Ilwt relate w ar environmenW pmtoction. , <br /> 6':• NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bomower and Lender further covenant and a�ee as follows: <br /> � ".•t 2I. Accekratioai Remedies. Leuder sWl giYE ootice to Barrowcr or to�coderatba t <br /> bra�b ot aay covewat or ag�erraeat in Ihis SecurNq I�strument tbut paot�tor to Acaleratlo��p�ra�np6 17 <br /> �--� unles4 applica6k law provides Mherwisel. The aotke sbaU specity: (al tbe detarlt:lb)the action rapitr+ed to wre tk <br /> - ___ _ <br /> '�i,� defiult;(c1 A date.not lesv tb�3o dAys lrom tlrc d�te the aotice is glves to ifomnWrr,by wMk�h tbe defadt aaast be <br />- �`� ` cured;a�d(d)that fallure to curc tMe default oa or betor+�tWe date speciNed in Ibe�otice ma'resnit in a�rderAtion o� <br /> � �` �' the spmns secured by thls Secu�it�pe�strument and sole ot the Property. The notice shpU flurl6er iaforw Borrower af <br /> �:;� S the rigP�t lo reiastate after aceeleralion wid the rlght to bring a cou�t Actbn lo uscri t1rc nan-e:istence of a detault or ,i, <br /> � �ny other defense af Borrower to accekrat�on aad eale. If the default i�a�t cured nn or betore t6e date speclQed M � �c <br /> n <br /> `T' y�•- `��- the notloe.I.ender at ifs option may requlre immedi�te paymeM in tull of all sumv secured by this Secu�ity Jnstnt�aeel • � <br /> ...,x._•. �,� ,. <br /> ':':•� .i'%�',,a'•.�_v °: withoul turlher demand and muv invoke the power of at�le And yny other remedies permitted by applkaWs Rav � <br /> `"��'�' ' I.ender shall be eatilled to rnNrcl ull ex nses incrrred•iw� ursuln t6e remed�cs vided in 161� <br /> ; .�i:ti�'�� Pe P S Pru WraBraph 2L <br /> ' ��,�a.,r, Q;� inrlud"ar�g�but not limited ta reasoaable atlorneys'kes and costs ot litk evidence. <br /> `��• '-�' . r If the power of sale is invoked,'I�ustee Ahall ncord�notke of defpuN ip atch county in whkh ony part o�tbe <br /> � *��i'• P r o p e r t y I s I o c A t e d pnd ShAll mail co pies of�fi�aatice in the manner prescribed b y a p p lkable law ta Nonow e r a n d t o <br /> � . %�����.," *��:, the otber persons prescribed by applicable Yav: Aller Ihe Iime required by s�pplicable I�w.7lrustee shall give publk <br />_:�� �;�;���".`:";'•`"y` notke af sWe to the persons and io the manner prescribed by Appllcable IAw 7Fustee.wilhout demand on Barruwer, <br /> .�� . ���•�+.r�'�,�;�. shaN siell!he Property at public wucNon to the highest bidder at the time and pl�ce and under the terms des�gaatei�In <br /> _!i:� �.°^i : Ihe nuQice af sale in one or more parcels�nd in any order 71�ustee determinew 7Fustee may postpope sale ota�i or pay <br /> •:.:. � <br /> ,.�;� * parcel af the Praperly by public unnouncement at tbe time and p1ACr at An��previously Fcheduled sale. I.eador or ib <br />,�l;i,�; `�":^.�`:` • <br /> r'r.r,;;;. �•:�� z�;, deslgnee mav purch:�k Ihe Property�t nny sale. <br />.';�f�i��;;; ! ���� , • .`� '�, Upon recelpt o�i paymeat d'Ihe prire bid.7Ynstee shall del�ver ta�t0ar purcNwscr 7lrustee's deed ranveping the <br /> �^'�'`�''.'' F•�•{:� �� Pr rw. The recitals in Ihe 7irustee's deed tihall be rima facuc ecidPnce�>>the Iruth�tthe stalementx made Ihevela. <br /> , ,ai;s��.�.�ti :,..• °� P <br /> • Ti��rwee shpll ppply the prucee�Yr�1'1he sele in the folluwiag nrder: lal lo ail costs wnd expenses oP exercisinB tPee pr,wer <br />. . i:�CtL�'�"�iy�y.• <br /> sir. <br /> � . .� <br /> _ . ���r-�4`' �`S'� . -. <br />�, .,,.. - , �,...,y�.. <br />;.�� - <br />'�'i'r'.�� }',�_ ;�.. <br /> . ..t;j , _--:,,,.:• <br /> ,';�/l}1j �, . ,, •~q�rr'�1, _ <br /> :., ��� 1{1t����ti��..�� ��III�� 9iqQ �l�yJ1�•t��Jry�y1L'fdl <br /> ° 1 ~ \�`I�: ,,.•�jYk�ff�n�,� <br /> �, ' 1 <br /> - „ {�o'"� . - c..y� <br />.` �,�A , .,,J'•••y,,'•t• �iT(�1ti4�Z'.�•�rt:k:7���;:C}`�%ii'qy:s+Ihl�Cwr.+�:�%'.•�a"����i,r�Tt"'n,w�! .�►.u� ,�.+,,.�.��_— --�... <br /> ��- � ..•��b;'z'� •y,����'. .,`. . . . +�•,�'. . , ' '"'�. �''�'�`'�` -:C+���'�`�" �' S�FSis!a;4--.-- <br /> ,�` r � 11F '• . �_ ' � � j,.' n L�'r�'l <br /> -?�... i',��.�'� ��A.�� . "�� �,. � .. -...•-.� �.,��r,�,.. ;.�, r, ,;��yi�•��,,� <br /> '--"-� �kf y �wl�'la•�sr; �L�^,t-- -- ��R:"�i_ . .. .:i'L'S'. il �-�:�;. �aa.f.'�� •,-„1►'Yli�t' � <br /> �i' <br /> _ -�— _, u{. ..a5-_. ._ _ .. y: .—. . . - . . _ ___ '.-- .���u-.. ' . "_ . ' .._._ . _ .- . _ . �nC...fl:. - . - T?�A{t. `��:r�` �_.. <br /> `, �'�- �- v ��-I� �r 1 � . . . :4�•�•�?'S+AI'(�1 s,� . . . t�4A� - <br /> ' •`' ��1. . _� . .i ,t ,A.` tf� � a. • ` A���� . . . _ , -� ' }�. • � . ' ' •,r ' <br /> � �� •,����1 1\ <br /> .\, �e.:'��1. S��:tii �• '� ___ .ts 1 . <br /> .. �,� •�,_� t ,� `i;_—..-=�— -- • . _ 'rF -r . : - , . . . � '3 . i_ .. '� , ' . <br /> — � :, •'.tf <br /> �� . ' '�';1 ., • � • • ' <br /> ��.. � �,. '� . . . . , ,. . J . � . <br />.. i �� ,.��� � . . ' • � . ' •. • , . <br /> � ��; '. �.+�fi� . � �, , . , ' . ' . � t '.". . _ , <br />. ' t' . .,i-,�'![1' '� %l'•� • . � _- . .�� ' _ � . . •_ ` .�;.�I!MF'�`�r'�e" . --!rY�. <br /> �' "'f" . .. . ° • ' . - .. ���. <br /> �' , I� , � . <br /> s � � <br />