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r. <br /> .. �. : _ ,;_..� �� _ _ '' - .. <br /> �_ - i t 1 - . , , � -- -- ,. ----f--,:?�:.- <br /> _— .,� . . . . � �s�j,y. <br /> .,�[.—•.1: rr�� . . � . - , . . --- <br /> � � � g�sa�t � <br /> � Tooen�e wr�.0�o i��a�t�r e�aea oa��n,►.�ne.0 o�a.,� <br /> � �a fl�paet noM►ar hone.tbt�p�t.ot diepop�ty wn�opl�oanan..ea aaditio�u sful�ala be oovae�by aii�seanity , <br /> la�oruaneat. All dtbe fa�oi�is�efuredlo- i�d�is Sea�rlty imdu�aent�u dte"Pt�opaty." �. <br /> BORIWWPR OAVANAAIT9 t�t Baetiwar i�I�wfWlh►sei�ad oP the oxt�le ben6Y oonveyed and Iw tli0 d�p1 to in�nt <br /> �nd aonvay��ProQat_y Mpd Ilw �f��w�a�cumbe�od,e�capt fa�ncnm6�anoe�of r000�d. Aanowar w�n�nu aad <br /> - - - -� -- � arW ae!'aW iy IM dtls w t�e � �11 clvau aad deaaoda�ibiect Iu tp�r aKwabanoo�af�ovo�d. . <br /> 7iiI3 S6CURITY a1S7RUM�NT oombine� unifam cov�nts [or aeion�l nse�nd na�-mifam oovmmt�wkb <br /> - �---r-._-��.,-----� watoa vui�om b��k�w oo�tute w w�ironn ucuriry�n�w,�nt cov«!ac n�l p�perty. , .. <br /> �.— — UMPORM C�OVBNANT3. Bon�owu and Lrndcr cova�aat and agt�ee as fdbw;: <br /> 1. Pa�t of IM�dpd�ad i�tera�ti�7���� liortower slWl p►amPUY P�f'wbea due tbe <br /> ,° of wd iata�est a►Ihe debt avider+ood by Ihe Nata md anY PRt►+�Y��t uid lue ch�rges due undeNhe Note. <br /> �FMad�tar'h:a a�d l�ra� Subjoct to�p1ieabk l�w or to a wriuen waiver by I�der.Bamowd'sbdl pay ta <br /> -- l.enda an the d�Y��!'P�Y�s a�e duc wider the-iVotc.until the Nae 1�paid in fuU.a sum I"F1u�de")far:(al Y�Y <br /> _ tua and as�a�ncnU which msy Mtdn pNaity ovu tbi�See�uity Inswment u a lien an the Ptopaty:lb)Yearly learhold <br /> - - paymrnts a ground�u aa �he Ptopaty. if any: (c) Y�Y ��a Prop�Y � P�ium� td� �ra�rly ilood <br /> iesuiance p�emiwn�.if�ny:(e1 Y�Y�8+8a insuraaoe P�i�.ii any: and(��nY �MY�'� Bana�rer to <br />�oeo�d�noe wid�the provisiau of pragapb Iku of Wc paqrmeat oF mortgage ln�wainoe pRemiwa�s. 7tiese <br /> = items an calkd'Fs�mw items." I.rnder�nar timc,co�krt�od h�W F�oda in an anwimt aat to exaoad tUe ma�sJMOam <br /> __ - aa�o�1 t kder for�► fodacally related mongr�e Iwa m�X nequiro[or BoaowarY escmw aoeo�an under�he fodcral I�yl <br /> - �c�e Seuk�ueW Aocod�n Act of 1974 as arq�nded ito�aoi ome w liae.l2 US.C.�2601 et ser/.l"IFESP�"1.unksa�ottier <br /> � • . . 1..►dw.qoliec n tre ii�ode�ets a kssa anount. U sa I.a�dor naapr.�u aay[ime.�ollkct�nd tafd wdc in ao ama�nt�a a <br /> --- - ___-� . <br /> .:�;;=�;:�-; - i- - exceod t�Iss�mno.Aa�. l�eader m�y estimMe tAe sn�ounai oi liw�ds due an tbe msis ot c�n�at d�+md�+wu�or6ic _ <br /> _ ' estjmues otexpa�ditr�rs of iotune Escroa Items or aderwise ia�o�daa�ee n�i�h applicabk IAw. <br /> s . . <br /> r�:':`.� '['tie Ru�ds st�ll ee held in an i�itatiaa whose depasiu a�r inswc�A�by a (ederal agcnry. a� ewity . <br />-= (includFng Leifder.if l.ender is s�b aun ias�iwtionl vr ia aieg Federal Hane l.wn Bank. Lendcr shall apg�ly�hr Nunds ta paY <br />��-'���.. IF�e F.scmw Items. Lender may na eipitge Bvmov►�r far hofding and applying �he F'vMls.annually a���g tt�e �scmow - <br /> �- : <br /> =:„�: account,ar verifying the Escrovr irents.nnlzx.�4ander pays Borrower inueaust on the Ii�nds and applicable i�w•�rrmin <br /> , � l�ender ta make auch a charge fYowe�-er.lx�ier may�+equire Bortower to p�y a one•time charge for an independ4m nal <br /> �� estate taa�e�ort�ng savia used by l.ender in cmnection wi�h thia laan.YOItSS A�IIICYDIC IAW P1OV��GS Othenvl&C. Unkss an <br /> agroement ir m�de or applicable law requircs intercst w be paid L.ender si�ll not be roquired to pay Ba�ower any iruercst or <br /> �:Y earnings an the Ruds. Botrower and I.ender may agrae in wnting,fawever.that intcrcst shall be pnid on ihe F�nds. Lrnder <br /> �:�:�: shWl give to Bortower.without 3nnual uccuunUng of the fiinds.showing cr�edits and debits ro the Funda aad the <br /> .�. � �. <br />.�-��: '. �{ purpose for which earh debit ta tiie FuMlc was made. The Fi�ads m pk�dged as additiawl socutity for all suma securcd by <br /> �,,.,;� ' �� • thic Security Insuument. <br /> -_ '.. L��. <br /> -__.. - ---=___-� if�ho Funds i�eid by ix,�ea��1 the amcwnis pzrmktcd to Dc hcld by applicsble lse��.l.z�es' shal! accepns to <br /> • ' •'• r::• �.��'. 8ortower for the ercess Funds in xcadance with the requirements ot applicable law. If the amount of tfie FUnds held by <br /> � � '�'t..,�,. :�.,.;;.•;�,f14��; Lender at any tims is nw sufyicient to pay tho E.ccrow Items when duc.Lender may so notify Batmwer in writing, <br />_:. r� such caae Borrower shall pay �o l.ende�'�he omount necesxary ta make up the deficiency. Borrower shdl make up the <br />.,;; ,,�: ��f''t�,�;��?;�J�,• �;a deficiency in no mom than twelve monthlY puyments,m l.ende�'s sole discre[ion. <br /> rR�'Cii',Tiir ,�.+•r�..•,.V.. <br />`-� • ; ,�r�,�.� 5,.,�:,Y�-,�,.ti, Upon ayment in full of all sums secur�ed by this Security lnsuument. l.ender shall promptly refund a Barrower any _ <br /> `.,• ,�.• , � . ,....,, g or a the uisition or <br />_.t; .,. #,r':�;.�,:�`�n; �}�.�4, .,,,� Funds held y Lander. If.under paragruph 21.l.ender shall acquire or sell the Properry.Lender,pri acq <br />-== � ,-y��;�.,�;:;�,,;':��.;��� sale of the Property,shall Apply any Funds held by l.ender at the�ime of acquisidon or sale as a credit against the sums <br /> ��'s.;;;:;;�';.�.•'.�i••: secured by�his Securiry Inswment. .�. <br /> ,!.�., <br /> �_. � ' ` 3. A Ikatlon ot Pa ments. Unlexs a IicuWe luw vides otherwise, ull a nts received b L.ender under ;� <br /> , �:3r� ' :,,•, pp Y PP P�'� P Y� Y . <br /> ; �:�„'�..:.... paragraphs I and 2 shall6e applied:fint,to uny prepnyment churges due under the IVote;second,to nmoun�s payable under : <br /> "'�'` S "7; �.<'�;';�.0 ' paragrnph 2;third,ta interes�due;founh,to principal due:and lost,to uny late churges due under the Note. �: <br /> � : *"i t���'���``' Liens. Narmwer shnll all toaes, n,sessments, chur es. fines and impositions at�ributable lo �he � <br />, �!�';• . �•%r• '� 4. Chqrges: I�Y � <br /> i';; ' t�:'.;�`'.��Y!��' ' - Pro which ma attuin riorit over this Secu�it Instrument,und leasehold a ments or round rents, if un Borrower <br />•iy��j, • •.r;;�•. ,�`�. P��Y Y P Y Y P Y 8 Y• ., <br /> ,:�-,q.,A.�,-,•,,.r;�.:' �, shall pay these oblisutions in the manner provided in paragmph 2.or if not pald in thut manner,Barower shall pay them on :: <br />����• � •'"w.�:�n..j,:,'�s�iii;t �' • time direcdy to the petson owed puyment. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender All notices of amounts�o be paid under - <br /> � ;'�.•• ''e�;� � this parAgrnph. Ii Borrower makes Ihese pnyments direclly,Borrower shall promplly fumi�h to Lender recefpts ev�dencing <br /> , � a <br />�;�:��� i, •. �.�:�`;; �. � ::,; the paymems. = <br /> ° � �`••'''�"• •''"''• Bomower shull promptly dischurge uny lien which hAS priority over this Securiry Instrument unless <br /> .. �� ,� •._•�..•_ .,_•. - <br /> ,�" °?L..:';, " in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by�he Ifen in u munner ucceptuble to Lender,(bl cantests in goal faith 1he = <br /> �• '.. ' 'i..:';;. .,1 .. <br /> '.•,�r�= , • lien by.or defends against enf'orcement of ihe lien in,legul pt+eiceedings whirh in�he I.eMicr�npinio�operaie to prevent the �_` <br /> '�`•` • '9°''��,'��'."f�'�`�. enforeement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of Ihe Ifen An agrrement salicfucton�to Lender subordinating the lien ry <br /> fi. ,.t., ��.'...r ; <br /> '•.. ����' � ,:' to lhis Security Instrument. If Leoder detennines�hA�uny pan of the Propeny is+ubject to n lien which muy ntUun priorily - <br />+_ � 1'�-�.r' �,� � ;'., over this Security Insuument.Lender mny give Bnrrower a noticc idcntifying Ihc licn. Borrower shall wlisfy the lien or take __ <br /> , �., ,',' �;:,,, ��:: �, one or more of the actions set forth nbove within 10 dayc of�he giving��f no�ice. _ <br /> �� �.,.. ��� • 5. Hazard or PropeHy Insurance. BoROwer,hall kcep thc improvements now ezisting on c�reafcer erected on the ' <br /> �pr • � Propeny insured agoinxl lozs Ny firc,hazards included within the�ertn "exlended coveraFe"and any olher h�urds,including �' <br /> '^�r '';��,:_�^.�:_ floads ar floodinR.for which Lender requires insurance. 7'his insurana slall be muintained in the amornts and for the �:- <br />� � � � l <br />'�h�,', � tbrw�JOli{ 9I90 I�+uRt:�y'e�wprr� <br /> '� „ , _ <br /> +Ft; � � <br /> . , •t'�.' , <br /> �.,:, r„ . <br /> .X .�' , �-r:.; ' �%' <br /> _ �; '1�,�i{A��{. � <br /> ,� ' .�''ti`,•� � �`yy� r <br /> � • -�. � ��"� 't�•i-ti�';�•n�'��C74T.7;T7PT'.!!^I�'r��Clj�/�IMM�!4'"�{f�F•:`d1'� l �� ,+'�V�"ryAyllAvtygfr..w��v �� I�Q.7�P1�(��r.x.....� �`;IIA7':bIW�'S1W111�1�'��. <br /> .�. . . ,�� ��..•�1>•� " .,i, , •��,,.. . . �'� 1,�,�j` �(7\;�, • � . . � '1��+�; y F3'Rf_ . ��� :� ,i�'� <br /> ��J .�: „�`,.V.ti.t'!v �I �!t ..� `i� ! t� �yt�YI • . �� ..i .. r r • ,� <br /> �..... • <br /> ,� , ;% <br /> ... . . . , , � � ,,:,:. 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