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Fr*1_� -_ _ � • ' .�.'.�- ,- ' __ _ ..�r�_ <br /> A� - .. -� ^'^" . . - � . • - ------�- �- �4 - .�:� <br /> :� 6..a_ . . :.: - �`93� � ` ..�,-" _- - _. <br /> . . �4�0 .,. <br /> �_ <br /> condaq�doe a a1ha�Wda�d My pn d die�at caatie�nr�oe i�IMu d aoad�rwfo�.aro Ma�b�►wiprd rd ' . . <br /> iu b�p�td a I,�ewd�r. . � <br /> yq m�e�al nf.�ad u�ktt�a d�t Ropa+y.tM. .a.0 be appllea a tAe�wn.weauea by Ibf. sacnrita► <br /> wqnrnen.wbqlMnr or na tl�en due.wbb+�uuy axce�a ap�k��o�ow�t io�he aMaat of�p�IW ukiiy of the Provat�ia , <br /> whkh Ibe fiir awtci v�luo oP Ihe Propatyr lnwtledi�iely�Ee�a�e the td�in�is a�wl w or�nWet IhMn Ihe i►�tnowM d tGr w�t <br /> --� - ------� r�t�„�0�,y tAi;�•I�nnrxnt im�ely betora dt�1ekM�.unk�.ii��rn►w�r�d lad�t aiho�wipo qna b Mrki�. <br /> tha wan�ecvnad by�hi�Sacud�y In�huntoM�11 be rodiwod by ihe amount af�he p�oce�ds awMipUei b��e 1'olb'� - <br /> ° �--�.�..--,--_------c' fn�ction: (rti We taiwl a�nount of the sums sec�ned immedia�ely befarc the tatcin�.divk�a�d hy lb)the t*ir r�wuicd valNe d�Ae <br /> phupo�ty hp�aodiwalq beforo Ihe uWnp. My IM{�noe�all be p�id 10 Bortawp: in �Ae avaN ol'+�p�idt�1ci�ot Ibe <br /> p�opp�y i�v►fiicb the fdr m�uicel value af�he Prope�y immodWely brfom�ho ulciny is ksa tban the�u�ttount of t6o s�an� <br /> eo�vred inunodWolY be�ae Iho ulcing�w�lac Bomower�uid I.eoder ahcrwice �ee in writia��x unleu appUcablo I�w <br /> otberwipo pw�aide�tNsa pocad�clMll�e�ppliod to 1he sums secwrod by this Secudty Instrumam v�hatha ar nat the aur�aro <br /> tlwn due. <br /> If the Pr�npeey i��bwndw�od bY Aomuwcr.or if.aQer notice by l.snder lo&�mnwer�lu�t tbo caitdemnor oti'as to mtke <br /> �� �n�wud ar satle a cW m for damw�es.8onawcr faJls ta�espond ta I.ender within 30 d�yr aiim the date t6e adke!s given. <br /> 1�a�der ia+iuihoria.ed tu colket�nd apply�he p�ooeedc,a its optioa.eUhar a rauo�iloo a�pair ot Uio P+opaty or to the <br /> wms�ecuiod by thk Socurky Inct�umeol.whether or not tha�due. <br /> Uniccs L.aider+r�d Ba�ower otherwlse+igroo in wriling.any application of procoed��o principal slnll not eapead ar <br /> -- poctpcMie�Ae due date of d�e nonthiY P*Yments refemed to in pusgrapl�x 1 and 2 ar clwige the wnount ot sa�papt�ota. <br /> ----.�--,��s 11. �orr+o+�er NM ftde�nl: �bearanoe By I.ender NM s Wiivels E.�censian of the �ne far p�rvinM or <br /> -- <br /> modifi�t�on ot�ot the ama�s securcd by this Securiry In�urtunent ganted by Lender to aeUr w�oessor in io�erest <br /> ""--�----- --`---� ai 6mower shaii ua opera�e w rc�r..s�ti�{tabi8ty af ih�,.wigic�s!P�ar:tr or Sarto�e�cr8 s�xees`nr+ ��r��t.� _ ._ <br /> -��:;,� sl�all na 6e �oq,uirod w conuna�e proceediqgs�B��Y �in inrerest or rciusc[o extrnd o�oe`ior pa�nn�+u or - <br /> ' odrcrwise modiiy amo�t�ation of the sUms sen�mi bY�his Sec�riry lasaument by rcason oi any demad a�adc by�he an�in�l <br /> ;r°" Bonower a Barrower'�succ�essrxs in interest. My fottKararce by Lenkr in exe�iw�any ri�Nt ar anKdy shall not be a <br />=:� waiver of ar prcclwle the aaeroise of any right or remedy. <br />---� 1]. Sua�rs a�d Ascips Bauud:Joiul�ad Several 1.f�6ilitF:Co�si�ers The c�,ven�ats md Lgrcements of this <br />`:, '; .�'; .. Securi�y l�tnunent shall bind and 6enefit the successorn und c�sigru of L.eader and Ba�ower,subject to ihe provis►am af <br /> ' t:�. ' 17. Dotmwerk covcnants w�d agneements slwll be joiot and several. My Bonnwer who co-�ignx this Security <br /> -• � �t!wt does�rot execut�the Nde: la)is co-sigaiag�hia Securi�y In�ttument only to mottgage.brant ond convey Ihat <br /> _ _ �.,.1 Banower's intercst in tAe Properry uoder the terms of this Secu�ity Inswmem; lb)is not pe�sonally obligatod to pay the suma <br /> ._,� � � : sxwed by�hix Socurity Inswment:and lc)agrees thut Ixnder and any other BaROwer may a�ree to ex�end,modify.fotbear <br /> - ; ,i,+,�;� a make w�y acconunodotions with regard to the temis of�his Security Inswment or�he Nate wilhout tWu Borrowerl� <br /> .;. <br /> �.:t:`� ,,.,, ca�scnt. <br />--��`" !3. I.Qen C�at$� �f�� �� �� by this Security InsuumeM is subject to a luw which sets mauimum loan <br /> ..-� ,._ _ _ _ <br /> :' 3 chnrges,and thw laur is 6inally interpreted u�that the interesl or other laon charges collected or to be eolle�led in coenection <br /> . `•�` �'�,�?. wi[h�he loan exceed eC�permiued limi�s.then: Ia�any wrh loan charge sholl be r+educed by the amoud�rcessnry to rcduce <br /> ,� , ttie¢harge to tMe permaued limie;and Ib1 uny sum.,AY�eudy collected from Bomower which exceeded parmitted limi4c will be <br /> -- ,� , ;.;� refunded to Rorrowcr. Lender may chc�ose to muke this t�efund by reducing the prinripnl owrd under the(Vate or by malcing a _ <br /> ;: i r�'`\' _.. <br /> '����?',�'f.�=. direct pa!+nent to Borrower. If a��'uad reduces pric�cipal,thr rcr�uction will be treuled �.�a p;utinl prepayment without any <br />,'�;L. :.#1 : ... `.,.;�`�:�€ piepuymcent chs►rge under the Note. - <br /> �,��, �; � ' 14. Nottces. Any notice to Bomower provided For in this Security Inxlrumen�tihall be given by delivering it or by <br /> _ �{ �4��ti " mniling it by Gn�cluss mail unle�zs applicable luw requires une of another methud.The aaice+h�ll be direc�ed�o�he P�openy <br /> '� Add�xs or any other uddress Borrower designates by notice to L.ender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by fiM cla+s <br /> y:.�' ,•�+`� �if�• mail t�l.ender+uddrcs,stuted herein or any other addre�s Lendt�cksignutes by notice�o Borrower. Any naice provided for - <br /> ���.•a. , • in thi, w�curiry Inxtrument shall t►c deemed to huve heen p��en tu Borrawer or Lendcr when given u.�provided in �his <br /> ,,.,�..:,.�+,:: p�8ruph. <br />.'�� t5�... '�h f'�'�" <br />-`� ��� '�.�� '• •s � SeverAbUit. Thiti Securit Inalrument +hall M: governed b federal Inw:uid thc Ipw of the � <br /> ,��� ��';` � ;.4''• 15. Governing Low: y Y Y = <br /> i��:���'�^� ' urisdiction in which�+he Propehy ix locuted. In t}k e�•ent that uny provixion ar clause of this Securily Instrument or 1he Note _ <br /> ilz;� �, , �..;,,', J _ <br />"� �. ���''�� ��' . conflicts wiYh upplira'h1e law,such ronflkt shull ncK aifec�other pmvi,ions uf thi.Securi�y Imtrument ar the Nae which can _ <br />-�.t., ,:�•''�;y`��"'��.1.�:� be give�ef4ect withou�tfie contlicting provision. To thfs end Ihe provisi��n�of thix Securiry Instrument and Ihe Note ore <br /> - :�.K=`�.-y.�i�}=' <br />:'�,��`' , �=� declurer]to be seven+ble. _ <br /> ..;,� �,;"'_' ' � ' ,',tia�: ,. 16. Borrower's Cupy. Bormwcr.hull lx given nn�confnrnied cnpy of the Notr unJ ot'this Security Instrument. __ <br /> � ' " '. `:��`': 17. 71�ansfer e�the Property ar a Beneficla�]nterest in Norrower. If all ur uny p:ut ul'ihc Propen«ot nny interest in �' <br />--� ��'�' ;Yr. �: �" `''' � it is sold or trun.r94neJ(or if a hcncficial intcrest in Borrower i�,old itt�ramferrcd and sormwer is r�:�a nnwrol per.son) _ <br /> `"�```� '' ; - . '.� without l.ender: priur written may, at ity option,reyuire immediatr payment in full of al0 sum+xecurcd by _.. <br /> • -�-�,''�: �' �"•., this Secarity Inxlrument. However,thi.��ption,hull nrn be exercised by Lcndcr if exerci�c i�prohibited by federul law us of <br /> ,-,� ,�.;• TM . • �� �he date of thi,Security In.trument. <br /> - � '.n ��• <br /> ��,:r- ,�Aj�� • � • It Lender tr�rrities this�iption,l.enJrr+hull�ive Borro��er notice of accelerutiwt. Thr nrnicc shall �mvide u period of - <br /> a�' `� � not less than 30 days From the datc the notice iti dr ivered i�r muiled within whirh Born�wer mu�t puy all.ums securcd by this f <br /> .z ,., ��a�•. _ <br /> �•'•� � Securfty Inztrument. lt'8ormwrr fuil.�o puy thcsr +um. prior to thc expir�ifon �if thi.�xriod. Lender may invake any _ <br /> • • ��� �' ''��p' � remedies permiued by ihis S��urity In.trument withaui furlher nolicc or dem•rnJ on Bnrrowcr. <br /> .._.._ . ��.•�_:�. . _.. <br /> ,,.-�:=- , �:,f.t;.. i8. 6orroK•er s Rtaht to Relnstutc. !i'Borro�.er r.:;e:�: ccrtain runditions. B�•no��er,hall hcrv.- �hr rit•h� �o huvc _ <br /> f A�4�. <br /> ; :�". ;��:y,•..:�� enfarcement M'this Securi�y Inx�rumeM di.corninued m uny iime priur to the rnrlirr at': �:u s da},(ur+uch other pericx!u. =- <br /> ^';°i'�' ` , '"��;• ' Single Fumlly..Fnnnk�tne Frcddht Nue L'NlKIIRM IVtiTRI'�14�YT••Unitnnn fn�rnam+ 9/91 f/hrRe J u)A/wRes1 E'' <br />.;�is � r;�� ..�'1,,`tL_'', � <br />..�' ',�;�"�_;• '.(�;i,f��r.-'.' , ;, <br /> ' 't.`i�`:r'��.'�;;•.;0.° <br />�`�":sE.. �''!Y',{'s�'�yvl��,��'rr e <br /> �j�:�,�,t;T '�' Rr=a'� -,--r--•--rr�r- , -��na .�• .���,�ti�{>:at:oa�_ <br /> _�y ;� .,.` � v�i��:' , , S r�,•, t+�kia►�'k il.,•:+#�.. f�r_;�,,:4 ,� iiY .�4, M <br /> � i .S ,�. . � . � • �;; i:... � ' <br /> �..�`i. ,' ��.ii �, f�� r���'. :'w`» �C.i:,.`•; .c� i`t� .�{���o�.�, .. 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