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�1T � �..�•;� ' ' v� -. <br /> . .. � P „ �� .. <br /> :�,ia,." _' _ i _..__ _.__.__ . .. __ -.. <br /> � . . -- --- <br /> .�.. , . , E ------ __..__... . .__ . _._ <br /> .A.,� ,{;•. . . � -`i°�a�=r,-=-- <br /> -_h__.'.:.�'lv�:._:�..���'� .. . -� - <br /> — ' � ��� _ t <br /> , +�p�ic�ble lan►dyr �peetfy►ror�)Nerae sde d aa ProphtY p�wot a�►po�er d�de oeatdeea iq�hi.� <br /> ` Sentitp In�waea�ar(b) d�j�{akat aJa�cinj dd�Sa�rky Ga�qruMea�. '�1�e ao�dkl�an d�M bona�wrr. t�l ., <br /> a rky <br /> �ro��.�`���"' a�ai��«a�s«�► ���a n�e rr�.�U�a ,�aa�.�m�a . <br /> lasdumaM.inctndiu�,but ant l6n�ted�a�escaublo aaam��a�nd�d a�ac� la�ym��iie�on��bly <br /> _ - J msjt►W�o�wr t�tt ttx Oi�t at tbB Sa�uriry h�a.Lcndcr�ri�tac in tbo t'�y��rs�a0li�tlai w p�y ti�e <br /> — auua �on�ed b�r Ws.Savrity Instnnnent dull oantinue w�ch�ojed. Upon �Ianar by Baino�►�c+r.thi� Sawrity <br />_ -- '�,�`"�"-'� l�t w0�he obi�pqiaw sa.�urod haeby ch�U�anpiu ful{y eitxuro as ii no pvda�rlioa bd wcunad. H�uwover�thi� � <br /> r1�bt to�le s6W�ot apply in tMo case of asaela�tioa under p�r�apb!7. <br /> 1f, Satt d 1WIei��p ot La�Sa�vioer The Nae a a pa�l iaoane�t in the Natc l�wIW Ihi:Searity <br /> L�)mq'be �oW me or mao tima v►+�thout prior notkoe to Borrowa. A:ala may�esWt a cdan,ge in the aatjty <br /> _ (Imown�a Ibe'Lwn Savicer")Ih�t ooQecte montdlY P�Y�dne w�der the Nab u�d�hi�Security Insdument. 7Uarc al�o <br /> - eday be aae�mone clanges of tho Loan Saviar unrcWod to��le of�ho Nae. If thrne is�ch�nge ot�hc Lo�n Sexvkw. <br /> Baeower will6e�iven written notioe ot Ihe change la aocwd�noe wlth puagraph 14 above�nd appNcabb low. 7Ue nalioe <br /> � wili a�te dro n�me�u�d Addresa of the naw I.oan Setvfoer and the addnes�to wbich paiy�tants cl�id be m�de. Tho�otice wUl <br /> �Iso oonWn any other infamadon raNi�ed b!►aPPlicabla I�w. <br /> IQ Nwrdous Sub�oea� Barow�tr a�tl not cause ar permit t[�e presence�use�disposal�staago,or Rlease of any <br /> Haaaudous Su6�t�nces on or ba dre PU+npeitX. Bortower shail rot d0.oar atbw m�ronc else w do,anyihiqg atYe�cNng tMe <br /> - Rnperty Uwt is ia violqiat of ao�►Euviramn�ta! The procedFna two s�entences al�ll no1 apply to�he preseoce.uso.a <br /> --= s�oruge aa the Pmporty of sm�p qur�ntb6ea d Hazuaous Substaaoes tbat aa;axraUY�iud a be appropri�le�o naoul <br /> tesidential uses and to m�intenan.�of the�Plr�perty. <br /> - _ So�cr'a�!�a�tlY Siz�e Le�!�-:,-�s notfce of�y ia��e���,cj�'sm.ctan�r.d,la:s�suit Qz otl�t actiau by arry <br />:'=n;-�:�• - - - '�= � govemmental or reBuWorY aBe�cY or pri��party involving the Ho�tdy and any E#usrdous Substu�x or Fl►viroomeWd <br /> .-`.,� �� ' , 'Law of which Barower hes actual 1�1v►�ledge. !f Barower leams, or is notifje� by any gove�nn�l or �egul�w�Y <br /> - �uthoriry.that any�moval or olher rcmodlat�on of ony Ha��udous Substrnce affeca�aa 111e Prope�ty is nooessuy.Bortower <br /> '�'s�;',' . �P�PUY take all ne�YSStuy rcmedi�l actfons in accardance with 6nxironmen[al Lww. <br /> As used in thls puag�ph 20."H�uar�ous Substences"are those su�sta�xes ckfirted As toaic or 6�r.ardiws su6s�ancca by � <br /> -"'°`�1 �;: ' Envlronmmtal Luw and the folbwing sub::tances: gasoline.�eroseroe.other tltimmable or toaic pepaleum ptotYwxts.t4ucic . <br /> :;r.�i;,; <br /> �;,�t,}r� pesticides and herbicides. volatile solventa.materials containing asbostos or forn�aldehyde,und a►diaanive materiu4�. As <br />-"°_:':����+�:�F,,,� used In this paragraph 20."Envlmnmental Law"means federal laws and Iew�of thel+acasdiction whcre�he P++qpecty is;located� . � ,�, <br />-':'^��:�`.:�'f'i Y+�3; that�elaoe to or envirnomental protection. ' <br />`;t��:' ��f��`� NON-UMFORM COVENAN7'S. Barower und I.ender funher covenant und pga�ee as followa: <br /> ;'�` . 21. Ascekrati000 Remedies. l.eiadpi shall glve aotla to liarrower prior Rd accelerAlio�n toqlowiq �18drrower'a ',' ', <br />-'�`'���i:;f breach dasy oovenwt ar agree�aeM ia w�is Secu�lty Inst�umeat Ib�N not prlor to�ccelcrar�o��nder�arag�p617 . <br />.:j�,:,.,� . <br /> -- `-� u�s egp!lcahle las�pr�flilssse+��r? '31st noNct al:s!!spec�r: qa?Slse t!tl�A3:1�)!6r as4�oa ses�n�!u ss�sx tlse <br /> '""'� default=(c)a d�te,oot lesti tb�n 30 dAys d�aro the date tbe notice is g9ven t� whicd tbe defu��t must be <br /> ,�.». �� ,,rr., , cured;nuud(d)tlwl�nlbn to cun the defaaat a►or 6esa�e the da�e speciP�ed 7n 1��e notice may re�ult b acce9erntiow of <br /> x'• '� ��'�• � '`''`'"''`;� tbe sums secured by this Security Instr�ment aad ss�Ye oP Ihe Prope�: The notice sfwll iliMf+er iotorm Borrower of • <br />=''!�!�: ��� the rtgbt to n�rstate oAer aocelernNon xa�!1he Ngf�� t�►br�c��:!S4Si'!'!&C1IQ11�O&Y4EP�tI1B ROl1�CYL9LlIIfN 0�A fIl'�!lUII O! <br /> ��`l;;? '�' r` 5�"� any Mher det�aae ot Borrower to accaNe�.alion�nd safe. It the dePawli is not cured on or betore tbe dak speclQed in ' <br /> .....:��:~ ��::.a: , <br /> -.�=�,ti.' °�.�.'.���,,:.�Y We notla,I.ender at ifs option may requ�re immediate payment In iull ot�ll su�ns ssecured by thi�Searity Instru�oent <br /> `' � ��a�t��f?,�''�•4�;• aithout f1�rt6er de�twnd �nd may invoke the power of sole and any other nrnedies permitted by s�pplkaWe faw <br /> . �,�rM� :. , <br /> . '�'�. Leoder sbAM be entitkd to coNect all expenses incurred fn pursuing tbe remedks provided ip f41s par��aph 2l. <br /> _ . ,.... ,..,. <br /> .1���,�`:: iacWding,but not limtted to.reasoaable attorneys'Pees And casfs of tltk evWena. <br /> ��� :: If the poWer oi snk ia iovoked,'lirustee shall record a notice of default in each county in whk6 any part of the <br /> �• ��':li::`;:h.,� Property is iocated aad sholl mail copeah oi'such notice in Ihe manaer prescribed by ApplkAble IAw te Borrowe�aad to <br /> ;j„�., �t��;y ti:�•�'� � �"� Ihe ot6er persons prescribed by appflenbte law Af�er the time required by�pplicable Ipw.'IY�ustee shall�ive public <br /> � +'� �,�� �"�ti'��` nMfce of sak to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applfrseble luw 71�ustee.without demmd on Borrower. <br />-�1�':��' .' '-��""�`� ..� shall sell the P - <br /> � �•• �' ropeMy at public auctian to the htghe!it bidder at the time�uad pl�ce And under the terms deslgnAted in <br />-:7;ti1�� �'„'�G�}FL,.�_�, • _ <br /> �r,: . �.p . . the notice of sale in ane or more parcels And in any order 7lrustee dete�miwes. 71�u�lee may postpone s�le of�11 or any _ <br /> � ' <br /> �,,t�.�� , ,�`. • �i�=:;: psred ot We Property by public annauncement at the time and ptacr of aay previnusly scheduled sole. I.ender or its _ <br /> «:;•.;. .. .. :. . deslgoee may purch�ce Ihe Property et any sale. <br />-�`"^ - �•J Upoa receipt of payment of the price bid.7Fustee shall deli�•er lo the purchoser Tractee's deed conveying Ihe <br /> "�>�'.�o�• "•�' "' Property. The recitals in the 7lrustee's deed shall be prlrrw Pacie evldence of'the truth of the st�tements made therein. <br /> _ ,�� T�° " 'I�uslee�Iwll npply the proceeds of Ihe sale in tbe fol�owin�order: lyl to s�ll ca�ts�nd espenses of exercisia�the powe� : <br />_ �_ ��r�.-�. L,. �u <br /> ��t ;+t.. �,t,` - <br /> �� . . _ <br /> ;• ,a �'�•!iJr�'' <br />_ T y' w <br />- ������•.�i. <br /> • ' � ,�.I„•,���.�r,��; , <br /> r,y:t,j�. ���^-;:�.iSf:.7YA -. <br />_f'�_.!�{:y �Y%�11; ����� . <br /> .1�l� <br /> 1: �,;,It�.�:,�;,j;� :'�,� lbrm J0271 9H1 I�Re i��J A puRrsl <br /> y I � I��.�����i'�. ,`I'1 <br />� �l'�, t{��{ r � <br /> '``a�s�'� .� , '�� � . � • „ . . � s i '�2?�,,� _ Yt' . y��. �y?AF' <br /> .°M� ' ' .. .. .� .! f y' r� t ..,!-^^'�;��t_i. ! � . �� <br /> { • �^` i►�',i.:Y�,r i� ". {., ��pj ���.i �i�.. �,� i. <br /> .�� �Y���h.s ', - � �,r1`�'.i �i.�(�1'��tj�'', ''�• ''t '�'` t <br /> . . . <br /> I���.r.l• •... . � <br /> , ,.�. .� . ` vx.... 6�,:. . .. ,t ' . 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