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--�.'' �� . -- - - —__ -- - <br /> " ; !� � - —�- — <br /> ... - --_.. .:,;,� � �� .- -;�.�`__-, --. <br /> , , 9� � <br /> , ,����. ,�������.,���e,►�.����ti � <br /> �ppra+r�l whiclr�b�11 na�t be ue�os�Wy witl�held. If Ra��ow�hit�w a�uio da�ai6ad above.�.andor a�r.�t <br /> i.eod�rti aptiay ob�tain oovot�pe W ptotaa I.enderti ri�iw in the R pa aty iq�uoo�d�e�b pm{�ph�. <br /> A!1 imun�noe policie��nd ia�awab t�ll be�ooepuble�o I�ender aud�!1 include t��prdad mort;ype cf�u�o. Lm�dar <br /> __ ---.-`� �htll I�ve the ri�kt w bald tba policka�nd�eaow�lc. ! La�der�oquira.8arower auU prany-Mly give w I.a�da�11�ecaipt4 <br /> ot p�ia paau�rn Md�ral notioa. la u�e evaK or�o�.eo�ro�war alwu�iva p�o�opt�10 d�e hata�noe qarfor aoa <br /> - , �,,�,._.�.,��,..,_�--�--� l.aade� L�eadax uury ante pmof ot los�U not mtlo P�PUY bY�. <br /> Unk�s Le�r�od Aa�ower dkerwico�oe in w�itiny.inauanoe sh�ll ba�ppikd to rouoratlou ar reptr d <br /> ��Property d�u�ed. if tha�estondon or� i.a�nomically fa�I.a�der�s cccurity h na lesxnod. If the <br /> res ioa or r�ep�r 4 ea ocan�nic�uy fea�iwr ar L�eadery pec�aity wnu�a be taia�ea,u�o inwra�oe proaean sa�u be <br /> . �pplied m ttie smra�sxurod by Ihi�Secu�ity Insuuma�� whdher ar nat Il�en duo.wilh�ny ezow paid lo Barower. !f <br /> � Awrowtx ab�ndona the Ptopeny. or doa not+uuwer within 30 d�ys a ewice f�om I.ender�h�t the inturanoe carrier iw . <br /> ofTen�d la aqle�alabn,tben I.encier nuy collmct�he ineuraaco pioceat�. I.aoder m�y uce d�a pnnceeda lo�epir or rostoro <br /> _� - �� �he Property or�o pay cunu seanod by thi�Security Incuumenl.whatl�er or not Ihen due. The 3(I�y pariod wW 6e�i�w1Kn <br /> the�atice i�given. <br /> Unksx Leader md Bon�uwer oihawise�ree ie w�itiag.any icalon oP pracxds w princ3pol sAall oot e�uead a � <br /> postpona the due dak d'�he�aaattd!Paymen�rcfe�red m u►p�wagr��s 1 wd 2 a cAa�ge Me w�ount oi�he p�ymala. IF <br /> w�aa p.r�nip6 21 �ee rropeny is ao�uiroa by I.ader,eamwer�rigw w ar►Y irt.uxaoce pdinies ana p.oc.-eeds rewltinQ <br /> -,�::�� fiom diutwge to�he PropenY piar w tUe�poa�all pos w Lender w We oxteat oi die sums s a�ro d b y t h i s S a u s i t y <br /> �„ Inwnnnn�t immediauly prwr a�he uisirian. <br /> '�uj� f. Oanpu�cg Pra�rvMiaM,�Me��ce �d Protectfon ot the Propertyi Barrawerlt Low AppYc�tio�i <br />-.,:;� - - - i.ears�odde. i3arovecr shali uau�:r,i.Si3bl� i�L���3.:90liC:!�GlL pi�ttt�il CSIQ�ii�r wii�7i11�iMy uiAya Y�er <br /> -y� ihe eseeudan of�his Security lavtrutnent�nd slutll continue to occupy the Propnty ac Borrowerg pi�ipal�i d enoe for�t <br /> — k�t a�e yar �Rer 1he date of oocupurcy. unless Le�du othetwise agtee� in writing. which �roesent shall aot 6e <br /> unre�sonably witdheld,or unlesc extenwuing.rarumst�nces ezist which are beyond Borrower`s cantrol. Bomower sludl not <br /> '�r,' deswy.dam�Se ar imp�air the Propaty.�Ilaw tlie Prope�ty w ckteriorate.or commit waste on�he Ptoperty. Harower sh�tl , <br />-. t be in deiault if'any fafeitwe actiaan or pra�eediag,whetto�c civil or begun that in Lender�gaod fahh,judgment � • <br /> _ � could nesult In forfeiture of the Praperty or wherwise r�e�aztlally impair the Uea crcated by this Sxurity las�nt or <br /> = �� Lender�securiiy inuoes�t. Bomower may c►a�wch a defawEe and prrwided'm puagraph 18,by causipg rtfra actian <br /> or proceoding to be dismissed wllh a ndiag ti��,ln l..ender's good failh detem�i�wioa,prccludcs forfeitw�e of the Bvnpwetk <br />_'� ,�.. � � intercu in the Roperty or ather mAtedal impaim�ent of the lien cm,eted by this Security I�suumeat or Lender�s securiry <br /> `�"' intercs� Bormwer shall ul�nn be ia defau�� �f Borrower. during �hc loan s+pplicatlan process, geve materidly f�lse or - <br />.:;Y;:� j' � inaccurate infornwtioa c►r staW�.�nae�s i�m l.ender tar iailed to provide Lender with Any materi�l infwmation)in conneclla�with <br /> • �=�-:' 1he loan evldenced by �he �ote, incauding, but na limited to. �presentatlons co��.�a�ing Bomnwerk accupancy of the <br /> � � i'�operty as a p�ncipni�esidemr. 6u ii�bs Securiiy inamiment is on a tea+enoici.Borruwer nhaii�uruNly wiih�fi ti��avisions <br /> • .`. ���� of the kase. If Bormower acquires fee tiqe tc�tFiee F'roperty,ttie kacchold s�nd the fee litk xhall nat me�ge anless Lcnder agrees . <br /> • 'i., w the merger in writing. <br /> " �.� , <br /> • 7. Prnteetbn o�Lender's Rlg6ts in the Property. If Bomower fnils to pert'a�m the co�•ennnts and egramenls , . <br />_;::,-' �! -„r. r contalncd in this Secu�ity Insl�ument, or therc is a leFa4 praceeding that may signi!'�cantly affec� 1_ender`s rights In the <br /> • � , Property(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for conclemnn�ion or fort'eiwrc cK ta e�force lawa ar regulauon�),then <br /> _ ��'';:: '.`''''i� Lender may do md pay for whatever is necessnry to protect�he value of the Properry a�red L.ertder's�aghts in Ihe Ptoperty. <br /> � ��;;.'.,,,����,; I.ender's uctions may include payi�g nny sums secured by�lien which hu.4 priority over 16is Secucity ImstrumeM.appetving <br /> ,.<, <br /> . i.r;;:.,^ in coutt,puying r+easonnble Anomey�s fees und entering on the Properry to muke r+ep�ita. Alt�taugh l.ender may tnke xtion <br /> '�� ' under this pnrs►gmph 7.I.ender does not have io do so. <br /> '������•� An umounts dlebursed b Lender under thi, aru rn h 7 ,hull t�:ome udditii�na� debt of Borrower secured b this <br /> � ,�,..�.,,� �, Y Y P F P y <br /> �'{, Securiry Instn�rnent. Unless Bortower and Lender ugree to ather�erm+of paymcnt, ihexe umoun4�shall beur incerese from the <br /> �,•`.; '� ;�Yi,.,,_ �sr, date of disbunemen�nt the Note rsue und s�hull 6e payuble,with intemst,upon nc�tice from l.ender to Borrower requesting <br />�,.� ':j�'.���;p,�` ... pt+yment. <br /> •�. -�.�e�,;-;•;i•:�:• .' S. Mortgoge Insurance. If Lemier rryuired mungagc imurnncc u.u condition ot'making �he lo:m secured by[his _ <br />'�.; ..�.,;y,:•�.. �',� Security Instniment,Borrowcr shAll pAy the premiums reyu�red to muintain the rnongage insumnce in effect. If, for any =. <br />- � ; ,,, , �,z,. �t+son, the mortgage insurance coverage reyuircd by Lender lapxes nr ceusrs �o b�: in ePfect. Borrower shali pay the <br /> `' '-� x�'' remiums uired to obwin cavera e subxtuntiull c�wv�d�nt to �he mort u e insur:irsce reviousl �n effect, at a cost <br /> ,,.. " .';.d.��:.. P �09 6 Y 1 � • S S P Y � - <br /> � �``'�• substantially eyuivaknt to Ihe cost ta Borrower of the m.�rtg;�ge insurunce pmviously in eUect,fn�m un ullernate mortguge <br />� , �.�..s..' .,.,••. � 'a insurer�pprov�d by Lend�r. If xubxtpntiall�•eyuivulent monFu�c imurance roveruge iv nd avuilable,Borrower shall pay lo = <br /> - . ' °° . Lender each month o sum eyual to one-twel4'th of the yearly monguge inwrnnce premium�being paid by BoROwer when the - <br /> , ., ri• .. , �� <br /> .''.�� •::�`•_"_ ,� insurnn4e coverage lup.ged or ceused�o be in eifert. Lender will uccept,use sutd rewin these p�yments a�n loxs rcserve in lieu <br /> '?'" ���.}. ''•'s` b�` of mor�gage insurance. Loss reserve p•ryments may no longer he reyuired,ut Ihe i�lion of Lender,if mortgnge insurance _ <br /> `' m�:crAge(in�he amaunt und for the period that i�ender rcyuirex)provided By un insurer:►pproved by Lender ugain becumes - <br /> ` uvailable and i.obts+ined.Borrower shall p:+e the premium.rcyuired to mafntain mextg•rgc in.uronce m effecl,or to provide a <br /> ��:�. .,'�.::;:� <br />,�� r:- y,,: �, ,, �' los+reserve,uc�ti!ttu requirement for im�n�age in.ururkc cnd,in urci�rdance wilh uny wrilten ugmement between Bortower <br />: � "' � �r�;.��„�; und Lcnder or appl�cu5le luw. , <br /> ' '��`�"�''�` 9. Ins ection. Lender or its a•�nt ma muke rc+u�onublc cntrie+ u n unJ in+ ctium oi the Pro n Lcndcr shall <br />-�.�.. i:r;;��::" . p 6' Y , Fx� Pe Ix Y• - <br /> � ��.'�`-` - give Borto�►er ao�ice at thc time of nr prior to an insFsec�:c�r.�p�cit'ying rcasonahle raux 1'or Ihe in��ction. <br /> �; . �.� " !;�•.`•:7:.: 10. Condemnotion. The procecd.��f any•rward nr claim fiir dumuEes,elircrt ur ronkyuen�iul,in connec�ion with uny <br /> �.� "-� . Singk Fumlly..Ftxm�e VNadMYeddie Nae UNIVOR(►11\tiTRCMENT••Unilumi Cm•enam+ 9l90 r�xr?ujepuXn� <br /> _�;�• , . <br /> �+eai Lnex Bu�lnne t•am�.Inr.� <br />,�s�► •-��. •.�.�/���:t•;..d".�.�,� fl IM�M1;Nl•691M)31DY7iCi O YA1[8LL7Y1•1111 <br />. .�.. +;. ..�u:��.;F1'��: a"�t '. -. <br /> e f'�-:/� V��r�t'� � . <br /> t t �l��t ''l s,{�{` . <br />,5��F� �.�'`<�, ,,� ��.•,,: ,, �,�� 4sr., �a.� F �W�i:_ <br /> ltle i.� .i� r- �:�'t��„ • ' j ii . 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