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. . ,I �—�— '^�.T,'����;•y� '?�, .,�tc� 'J�i` ' n,�. .. �'.: i��+jtC:"%:�:z <br /> .r..� . � �.. , ' . .� � �� � .�.�,� <br /> � . . , .. ` � � -. <br /> 1 . r �� • <br /> � � . � <br /> . • Iw1ls�naR W111��11 tbl�qOMI Or hN01�1lf d1�001�a111A0 Ra�lpty I�d�II��� M*� . <br /> �flIYMM�'W af hM1A�Of w�11't 0�1�p�!��. An.I��OO�Ori��00�/b/U�O a OAMM00 Oy��n " . <br /> � YNt111�MM. All or dle�b l�If1�Id b M tlW$�01�IY��YIO�!�{W'lMOpM1r. .. <br /> ea�ROwme rnvert�Nrs d�e aon+�wr�awmny.a�ee a�.�e eensy ti..�a�w v� , <br /> _ ' -����a�de�aP paty�ap�at����►�aac br�o�d�'� _ <br /> - �----��' 71i18 3BCIJRI7'Y INS't'RUMP.f�7'rnmbLrca unifomt oovnu�na far n�tiaW we �nd noo-uai6o�na oo+�on w4M <br /> ' . IY�idd vatl�dau by Ju�i�dktian Ia aonsddqs a uaifona ieapity buon�eat co�atina ea�l pioPettY• <br /> UMFOItM DOV�IANTS,BarowK and I.aider covdumt wd�eo a fdlow�: <br /> ' 1. ih�y�t d PM�ctp�l�d Wtw+�Mi�7�t u�d Lqt C1u�Le�. Bamnwer�11 P�AUY P�y�due the <br /> ��oP�nd interest an the Aebt avidaioed by Ua NMe wd anY P�Y����due under dia Nale. <br /> f�had�far 7h�ud I�weu�ca. Subjact w�pp1k�ble 4w or w a writoea waiver L�aider�8arower�ull p�y!o <br /> La�de�on Iha d�y momhly P�Yme�u a�e due w�da tAe Nde.uatil tbe Note b pdd ia f WI.#sum t"P1�Wt")fa:(+�)Y�Y <br /> Wu��nd u�ewr�enu which rnry ami�pdoriry over 1i� yinsuutndtt�u a lien on�e 1�ropexty:N)�Y kneAdd <br /> p�ym�nts or �round ronu o� dio Hvpony. it as�: (c)ySi�riy�i�wM ar popaty iawraoco p�ani�ons: d( )y�i Y tlaod <br /> — ituut�nce promiwnr, if any;(a)Y�Y��°P� if aay:and(�W►wan�P�Yable bi► oi rmwer w <br />- L.cnde�.in�ornrd�noe witl�d�e�mvhian of pau�raph lia�af tha pa�t of mortga�e�ooe prc�mimn�c. 7Leso <br /> -- ltenu iuo c�Ued" Itei►s. L.cnder aay timc.oollect�nd bold Ei�nds in�u►anwuat tqt�o exaoed We� <br /> -- �mount a knder fa a kdaallY tcWM mo�tpge loa�►m�y roquiro i'ar Bamwcrb escrow a000�au aader 14a faiad Rr.�! <br /> -- - Fstate Seplement A+oadu�es I1c1 of 1974�a+�uaended iram time to dme.12 U.S.C.4 2601 st uq.("RESP14'7.�aless�qvtbrr <br />_-�f`_�`�� iww ii'iW�iics ta tt.r.!'uszds sets s lss.�tr a�anas�t. !f w�.l.t��!►mny,a�aaY�ae=ooll�ct a�d 6oW(i�a�k in iw umouot pot to __ __ <br /> — ---- — exceed t!ro lesser amoant. L..eadar aaay eswnwte thc �arwmt of�due ao the b�sia of cuma►t dsu�a�d�easonabie . <br />__ �tes of expatdipu�es of fiatuo Escrow Item�or od�rwise in�ecadancx with applicabk law. <br /> The Rntds�II 6o held ia an instiwaon wUoce deposia a�e inw�ed by a fede�al age�wy.ituhtaad►tality. or auity <br /> (includln�Lender�if Lendcr is such m insaw600)ar iu xny Federal Hane Loan Bank. Laxler sltoU�pply dre iiu�ds to pay '. <br /> • n <br /> -i�. Ihe Fscrow lta�w. Lender may nat cha�ge Borrowc�r tar halding andappIyL�die Wnds.w�wdly n�:dlr�an�the escrow <br />-- __ �ccamt. or verifjring the Escrow lkms,unkss Le�nder pays Barower interes¢ on the H�nds and ap�p9:cu&le I�w pertnits <br /> .�'� � I.ender w make�uch a chuge. However.L.e�der mup nequlte Boimwa to pqy a one-time ch�cge fiv�sr�it�depa�da�t ra) <br />-_=; — --i cwitc lu�repotting service usedby I.ende�in cannect��on wd¢te ehis ioan.unless applicable law provides otliawise. Unkss an <br />-``,�.�,5�7�� �gneement is�nade or applicdsk law roquircs interest to t+e pui�,t��+�aer�i�oc ne n�y��ea w wy eo�wer�r�enes�cx , <br />.`±���r�rs1�R1�_��0� earnings w 1he FLnds. Bomowa wnd Lender may au�ee Jn wri4ing,�t interest shall 6e paid an the PWnQs. l.rnd�,r , <br />��� � thall give w Bortuwer without a�ut►1 accoundng of.the Punds.ahowing crodits aed debits to the Wnds a�d t�e � <br /> �=���: purpose for which each deWt w ihe hLnds was made. The l�nds pra P�edge�as�dditiawl recw�itY for all sunu cocwld by , - <br />:;v;t�riivn ihis Su�sr�iy lssat�ts�ss. . -_ <br />;;h4(,� �":�}- If t6e Funds held by Lrender exc�ed t�e umounts pertniae�l t�.be held Dy applicablc IAw,Lender shall acoount tv � � <br />-;�. � �,t t1,� .` I Bomowe�for the excess Funds ia accorlance with tPae requi�emea��ofapplicable law. If t@+��xc+ount of�he E�nds held by <br />-:�: a Lender at any time is rat aufficknt to pay the�scrow bems when duc.l.ender msy so notify Borrower in wridng.w� <br /> �--.y,..��� sisch ca..�e Bonower sh+dl pay�o I�cnder the em�x�n� n�xasary to make up the deflcien�y. Borrower shatl malce up tho __ <br />�''•s defici in no more tlwn twelve rnonthly paymems,At[.ender's sole discretioo. <br />.s ,�:,;'� p,�y <br /> �'���:,�!��= '''+T Upon payment in full of dl sums secured b��e�a�s Securiry Instiumenc,Lender shall pramptly rcfbrr.i�1•N �omower nny _ <br /> . , .;.:-,rr•'..!ey+�i� p���Id by Lender. If.under pangraph 21,l.ender shall ncquin or sell the Property.Le�ader,prior to Ihe acquisiNon or _ <br /> � sale of the e'roperty.sBall apply auiy Fluids held by L.ender at the time of Acquisi�on or spl�r as a cred�t�gaiast the swns _ <br />'_ �•��,a� cecwed by this Security Insavment. �_ <br /> _ `�4�ik, � °:`•'• 3. Applkation a�Payments� Unl�ss applicable Inw provides oiherwise,all payments received by Lender under ___ <br /> ��%";��� �,. r:. - paragrapha 1 and 2 shall be appAed:firs�.to uny prepayment charges due under the Note;second,to emaunts payable under �.9,_ <br />�`� �,<j'" ``'` para�nph 2; jntecest due;fauth,to princlpel due;and last,to any laze charges due u�der the Note. � <br /> ��� — <br />.-�; - - .:.,�..�,„°.� 4. C6aRes; Lieaa Ba►ower shell pay all taxes. assessments, charges, fines and Imposttions anribu�able to the � <br /> �s ; Prc�erty which may ada��priority ovsr�his Securiry Instrument,and leasehold payments ar goond rcnts.if any. Barower �.,tl <br />`�J�;'• � �� .�� ahall p4y Ihese obligatians in the monner pravided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in ihat manner,Borrower ahall pay them on <br /> ��'r�., ��k:;�:: z _1�'�, Ilme dfrocU to the rson owed em. Bortowcr cl�all rom tl fumish tn Lendcr all notices of amounix to he paid under �";;, <br /> �a :�,� � �• �.... Y Pe PaYm P P Y <br />-,.r:• ;�i!;,�,••,,, Ihis puagraph. If Borrower rnakes ihese paymentti clireetly,Bo�rower shull promptly fumish to l.ender recei,�is evidencing !~ <br /> ;. ,,, ,��2��,.. '.��.;�:. , <br />�.�:. �,.�.:�••���•F:�, .,:•_ thc payments. .; <br /> '•�.�'" ' Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over thi�Security instrument unless Bortower.(a)agrees 3 <br />':�:�1.: r.»s:.;,_s ' �. <br /> .,c', t,^• . t `�{%r^ •r. in wriUng to the payment of the abligation secured by the lien in a manner ucceptable to Lender,(b)contests in good faith[he d.- <br /> . �,,,,. .. .,;r <br /> __ � .�,;. > �'� lien by,or defends against enfiwcement of the lien in,legul proceedings which in the Lender's•opinion operute to prevent the <br /> _ {. �.,�.��: �S•, .r-.i� enforcement of the lien;or(c)securcs from the hoider oF the lien an agreemen:sntisfactory to l.ender subordinating the lien �t�� <br />�� ��- -����. �.'..:. ,'_ •" <br /> ,�_r�., p`3:1�� ,,:;:°•�.��,,;','� to th is Sxuriry Instrument. [f Lender determinex that any pan af the Proper�y is subject to a lien which may atwin priority �;{ <br />_- �f.;i �• `y over this Sccudty inswment, Lender may give Bonower a notice identifying the lian. Borrower shall satisfy tl�e lien or ts�kke <br /> ;;.� .. }•�' ��•v.; ' one or more of the actions set fonh at+ove within 10 days of�he giving of notice. • <br /> :t�ir...• rl,�. <br />! y`' • �I,.,;,{�:��,,,i��;3�-�f-;,. S. H�rd or Property Insuru�ce. Borrower shull kcep�he improvcments now cxisting or hereafter crected on the <br />"f;�;��: � �,� � r.:, Propeny insured against loss by fire,hazards included within the�erm"extended coverage"and any other hay.ards, including -�.. <br />= e..:�����' ftoods or floodint,for which I.ender requires insurance. '11�i¢inaurance ,hal� be maintnined in the amoums and fnr the x�. <br /> �', �!• ' k�t• , r: <br /> _'1�I.. ti�� i.s��l?"A�`�� , <br /> ,{..t; �;i.��,, *�.�i't•;�:i�ii�k�4r fmmJO7Y 9f91 1I►n�►e2nJarxr¢r�► �ti <br /> }.,,...xu f' <br /> ..�?,. � i„•�r'ry1,v�;;;;�I',A �rx,� <br /> �I� 1 {,�{�('+�''i.i•4'ldi;��f�t{,. _•- <br /> �"����r7.•' y.�ti� <br /> :_J.;' '�,3; r .� ::�:;�". �.- <br />-•u,; �' :�x�.i�,����.'��� �"i=>: ty:; <br /> ;:f, �,����,.�k;f. .�j_S`i,r. , r_,. � .;t¢�� i`� � , �i5�k',�- . , d 1 . �.. , .,�.;�t..�. <br /> ��.� , •�f,�' ���,��;� �� .�i ,� `��,`v -'QG'�p1��.-i:.Y''8��;.���`�`3������ .:�. � � 1a;`' , .,���(, , f ,' <br /> . i� i ,. � 2 �.�, � �� � n�:,;<<,.• � f:.�.�i.� +��s •' .. <br /> ,, . <br /> ,. <br /> .,�, , �+x�n� ; . . `. �r'`y ''t������� ,l�' ' ��'t . . <br /> , <br /> � �. <br /> ••-` l.y.,V �.� . � ._ „ '.�- • <- f <br /> � .. <br />«.� � , � � (!x��t'�1,4t �';�f� � . .�, a.-1 <br /> -- �� _ , , �_ .: �.�� :� <br /> _ � _ _ �..a <br /> ���,��• �_ti � �t.�. 1 :�'1'�' �y- � <br /> � 7'-"`—�+'"--'— .� - , — . __ '- - :::J,v�"}"'�-r t Y"Q ( 1�� � I -°--•e� c a'+� -4e <br /> � � ±��, u c� , S . „ Y�}�r � �;� �r t�� 1 � � <br /> .��E } r� � i� 3 +'� a• . 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' - ' ,-t�i�. t'I•��52�"t'i�•.r�,G ty�U.��,C�}ti`,�'�+",�1r� 1Y�a� a•;! •'� 7'. � •1 <br /> �1 't A5f i ,R. �. _ . !�,'.�(�I 1� "�y�f �. .A 5! �,j� . �..,r, ,.�..�� <br /> j 1�,%P 1"!� � y 4 �^:. 1 � ��� <br /> e1101 '�{'A {f'Yf �I!{ -• 'tF'� -b � . . , - . . . .._ ' _ 1 .i.t•lY� I� ,��i'�� 1 . f' i' . .. •wT.j' . <br /> i:;: r i �il ►r �} �7 t'v- ��,�.^ .f,:��X��,� <br /> -.mnp 1�,�:� .�..���.f, ���,,�,,� , , - .. ° a��. � . . -' , .t�:.;�,•�.lt,.�,;; y�,� ,�ky�a� �� ��� � , �, �� . <br /> � �, �1,�...>r,�;, �r (st �� :�� � � ..� <br /> 4Y f''t�` '� 1 `4.���rot .. . � '.��,,,]•'..� r �1��'�'j �j.'tl�:�,(�I t �r,.,.,.)ll1Plt� �'� 1 �:��, ;�'�y• 1 '• <br /> �*� (,�.,, �(� ,s �,. _ . .. �. • ,:r . . 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