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t � _ _�,_�" .. ..,.a'.,.r.:r . _ T . - . .. . ";.�1w+,`.S�;fs . .,.. . � ,r�_;�+ '�` <br /> t a;_ <br /> `._:?�,.� - . � " • ��#:. ..S1..t�t,,�+1� , '': . ,.�['("._ -- <br /> t <br /> � � , � � �� � 93-� .�. , - <br /> ; <br /> � ,e�,�,,�,d,r,�. ��e�a�+�.��►�ae a�u,►� �c a�� `, , <br /> �ppi�pyAl wbidl stall nat be un�Wy �faW b qMtnqidA pe��dbad�lw�.1�and1r mp!,�t... <br /> f�ade�r ap�iab;dbadn a�wer+�e a t�nle�t�+�a���eM w���vi�6 pMS� 7.. � „ . <br /> Ail in�nce pa�lcia and irenew�4 aai1.6e a o a e p t a a p ta.�iNd i1�aU it�Wda a�ndwd ma�t��o c�w�e.�� <br /> �fudl lµve the d�h t to h o l d t h e p o l k i a�n d n m e w�l�. �f[�t f d e r ro q a i t a�8 a t�w e r�1 1 P'�P a Y i�t o L�+n d e r�1 1 ro�1 M s <br /> of p�id poanium�+�nd�ouew�l� tn�he nve�u o!b�,Aamna�er�hdl�ive pra�t a�ollne to tba bu�aoe c+inkr�t• ., <br /> - -- Lcuder. I�na�►maica prov!'et!om ff t�ot a�M�a�p t 1Y b Y H e m�'a'. - <br /> Ualan lador and Harawer Wbaw(se a�roo in writGt�.lnwr�noe shdl be�ppliod ta�toaqlon or�it ot , . <br /> � ����_�, ���y d�ptt�ad, if tha t�slontkn or�q�ir i�ooatomiaiUy f bk pnd l�ct�der�:eanily i�aoi iec�ed. U 11w <br /> or�ir 4 eal a�namic�lly te�ibia or I.enderk�ocwity waiW be kaanod►�he incW�noe P�ooeed��1W16e <br /> applied w d�a waa�seauod by�b�s 5ecurity Iawumau.v�or aat tl�Aue.with any oxaar paid to Ban+nwer�U <br /> Darower abmdo�n tha Propaty.aa doas na��ncwot vv�thia 30 d�ys a ndiva ftom I.aide�r dw tho i�u�oe cairier!as <br /> of�erod�u�ettle a clabm,tbon Laider auiy collect tho inwrmioe p�noeed�. l.e�nuy u�e tbe pooeeda lo tx testoro <br /> --- ---- th°�ity or to p►y aan�cewuea ny�ni,secuiiry uu�wne�t.w6aner or not ma�aue. The 3o�a.y paioa u he�in a�hen <br /> tho ia Mai. <br /> Uakcs and Bo�mwer whe�vlce�reo in writin�.onY aPP��P��a to P�inCip�l shwll na�cxteod ar <br /> paatpato tho due duo of tho mond�IY paymcnta mfe�red ta io p�ragtaphc 1 and 2 ar du�nge ihe�tnount of the p�yaiaNe� IP <br /> w�der pa�ryjry�h 2� a�e Pnopert�ic .oguiaa by l�der.Bw�ower�aght w,�ny jnauanac po�icie�ma p�ooe�msu�t� <br /> - fmm d�magc ta the Pmperty pior ta Ihe Aoquicitbn Rhall p�sc ro l.endar ta tho exuot of the cumc�ocunod by this SeenrUY <br /> --- lnstnunan ima�ediaely priar ta tboaoquiei�tion. <br /> ' f. Ooaip�acy. Pi+e�ervatl�rM M�talcnance aad Pnot�tion of tbe P►operty: Borrower9 i.a�w Apppcalio�i . ' <br /> - I.dne4oWs. Botn�w�trr rJwll oxupy,estabUch.and uu tba Ptapc�ty as Bormwer�pincipal�esideoce witldn aisty day�at�ar <br /> __ _��__.___ __._..:--v.__ ttM exenetiost of tls�yutuity IRSuumcnt�td shalt cantittue to ercupy the Prts}�rty as Boauwa�s�gs!�+4de�x fo�at ' , � - <br /> _— - - ___— --__--= le�st ane ycar aRer the dato of accuptu�oy� unless l..ender othav►fise agrces i� writ�ng, which oonsent sl�ll aot be <br /> un►+e�sonaWy wltl�held.or unlass oxten�wting citeumsumoes eaict which are beyand Barowerh�ontrol. Barower�II not '.;� <br /> .;� destnoy�dartwge or imp�ir the Propaty.allow the Prnperry to deteriorAte.or commit waste on thc Property. Banower slWl • <br /> �; be in deiaWt if any fqrfeitune acNon or proceeding.whether aivil ar cdmiml,is begun that in Lendai�gaod faitb judga�a�t <br />-��.�L �?�,'� could �cult in forfeiture af tF�a ['r+operty ar othcrwlse materially impair the Ifen c�atod by this Secwity Inctnim�ent or <br />=�.:� l,p�derk security intens� Bamower may cure such a default and rei�st� providod in paragraph !8,by au�sin�the a�:tiau <br /> or prooeeding to be di�mixced with a iuling Ihat,in Lender�gaod f�ith deurmi�atipn,prccludes farFefWt+e of d�e Barowati <br /> '�:: inteRSt in tiie propetiy or ad�n'ntaterial impairtmnt of the lien crcated by�Mia Secu�ity Instrument wr Lxnderh aavdty � I <br /> � ��1� inurea� Bomower shell ulso be in default if Borrower. during t!w loan Applicauon process, geve nwtaially faise or , <br /> -"��i'� ' ��E� in�ccurate infixmAtlon or atatements to Lender(ur failed w piovide I.ender with any materlal infimmatfon)in c�anccNon wilh <br /> '"' � the loan evldenced by 1he Note, including, but not limited to, rep�rsentations conceming liormwer's occup�ncy of the <br />"°�'`' :�( pruperty as a principal residence. If this Secu�ity Instniment is on a Icasehald,Bomuwer shull crnnply with all the provisians <br /> ��, <br /> ____ - <br /> , - - of the kase. if Bomower acyuirc�fcx�iiln to ti�e Properiy.ihe leasehald and t�+c fcc iide sha!!not merge szless a�sses <br /> . N'�. to the me�er in wiiting. <br /> `.'�g: ,,�; 7, protectlon oP l.ender'e Riqhta in Ihe Property. If Bonnwer fuils ta pt�form the covenanrs and ag�eanents . <br /> ' r ;� � c a n t a i n e d i n �h i s S e c u�it y Ins�rument,or�he� ic n le gul proceedin g�hot mny significantly ait'ect l.ender�s righte in the <br /> :...i: <br /> - - ', Property(sueh us u proceeding ia bankruptcy.probate,for condemnalion or forfeilure nr to eniorce tuws or regulatiansl,�hen <br /> �=' - 's ' �p l.ender may do and pay for wha�ever i�neceswuy lo protec��he value of thc Property and Lende�'s righta in the Property. , <br /> �-,,`'�° .r�f� ,,�v,� I.ender�s ections muy include puying any xums secured by n lien which has p�iority over lhis Security lacpument,appearing <br /> ••"�' F '�'�' �i in coun,pnying reasonuble unarneys'fees and ente�ng on the Propeny to make repni�s.Altl�augh Lcac�r may wke action <br /> ;� . , <br /> . �?�� i,�� under U�is paragraph 7.Lxnder does not have ta do so. <br /> '� `; � �, Any wnountx disbursed by Lender under thix psv�grnph 7 tihull become addilional d�M of�iorrower secuned by this <br /> �' ��1��,�'�, , <br /> •;i � y,��a�?�1i��� Securiry Instrumen�. Unless Borrowcr und I.ender ugree to other�crm�of puyment.�hese amtiums sC�ll bear interest from the <br /> �"• ,,.,,,, ..- .;'':+{;�wY�..., dute of disbursement ut the Note rAte and,rhall be puyable.wi�h interc+�.upon ix►tice frorrn Leader 10 Homower reyuesting <br /> :,iE , SG.,,,r•. <br />_,-,;� � ,q��.:;�,..._:•�.'r PaSm�ent. <br />_;i� • • ;•,r_„,. 8. Mwlgage Insurance. If Len�er rea�uun.d mortgugc imurunce uti a condition of making ihe laan secured by this <br /> gp•S ��:',A;,'����:'j Security Instrument, Borrower �ha00 pay i!� pdemiumx rcyuired to mointuin the mongoge insurnnce in effect. If.for any <br /> vT�'•.' ���v::•'-„'1i+ir=��';``f`� �num�re u resd8o obt in c��crace subatunuual beiuti�i 1uPthe m�xt a�e insurnn eeff�v'.oulrtin effec�,"ataycost <br />-�� ,,�: �i: �.,!}��•«••j`.�r; P�'e A S Y 1 b K p Y <br />:�,r;K,-;�' ; %����jt.��+'p���,Q'.�•t� suMaantially equivalent ta the co.t tn Borruwer of the rrao�gage intiuran�e prevawtily in effect,from an pltemate mongage <br />' ;'' , ' �,,s?•;•lt�� � insurer npproved by Lender. If substamiallv tiyui��ulent mnrfrage in.uruncc coveruge i,nnt uv��ilable.Botrower shnll pay w <br /> � i{;,i,�::, 1 A s <br /> � �;. �•�., J'��:+�. �< ' Lender estch moMh u xum e u.�l to one-Iw�l1'th nr�h� �arl mon�u��in.urancc remium bein aid!� Borrower when the <br /> . �•� �`��,,. �. y • �... Y E b' P B P � <br /> �o' .�{,(�f����, ':;�a insurance cnverage lupsed or ceased�o l+c in c4;e:�. Lcnder will uccrpt,u�r•rnd rctuin these puymcnt�as a ioss reserve in lieu <br /> , l._,,;,,?•.,.'�•q�,��;st� of mongAge inxunu�ce. Loss re�erve payment.may no Innger I+c reyuirrd,at �h���ption of Le�xler,if mortgage insurunce <br /> �,,<<�o <br /> ;��.;�;,5��.,�•1,�,,,,,, covernge lin the umount und li�r�he�rial�hut LcnJrr rcyuirc.l pn►vidcJ by:ui in.ur�r uppri�veJ hy Lender again becomes <br /> � �jtY,�:;��::;:> nvailnble ond iti obtuined.Borro�.�r�fiall p•ry�hc pnmium.reyuircd�u muimain mungu�:e intiurunce in effect.or to provide u <br /> �''l,fr �'s'•,��,r�1 :" <br /> �" .�,�:r � �•f..�a�r, .l. loss reserve,until the reyuirem�:m 1r4x mortgage in.ur•rnrc ucrunlanrc wiih uny wriuen u�treement between Bomower <br /> � ��;���= �'�� � and Lenderorn I�cuble luw. <br /> ` '� '- ��� y '�`���� 9. Ins �Uon. Lendrr or itx u�en�ma muhc mu+unuhle�mric+u m anJ im �tiun.r ut'ihr Pro rt Lender.hall <br /> { , ,.t.;'�,� �,�t. pec 6 y f" f�' Ix Y• <br /> � '�;�,��?�Y�f•r' ive Borcuwer no�ice ut the time of ur prior to:m in,{xcti�m,pecityin�!Ru,unuble ruu.e f�r�he in.pcc�Km. <br />: � ',,r.;:55,�,��.�� � <br /> ; ; .? , r��,�:;.'':/:,�,{� ra co�aemn4�ion. 'lla�{K.,ceed.�if any awurJ ur rlaiiu tiir Jamugc+.Jinr�or«� runncctian wi�h uny <br />_—�'.•' , f ' :���.,���,��'�4�r+F�`k , Sin It i�+mdy--Fanpk�lae/FYeddk lfac CNlhlllt�ll\STRUMRtiT•-Uniiom�C�i�cn.mir 9�90 �pivr:,-n/�uK�s1 <br /> r;�o . `.:� '{�"i�:��j��(�f[, p <br /> ' � +�'�'� � ?, �r Grrat latte&c+nt�FanM.Inr-M -. <br />,•' �!. I .t�,,tb' . 5.� <br /> •i. �•�� �ii.�1� � f�J `- t 1b 4Wr PiY�Ii00:A7aK1Y0 O YA1l iKTBL1191 <br /> „ . . �� �'._�.::.S�i!(f;�;��,L� <br /> a� l� ; i�l�%�1�,� • <br /> �` �F,} . <br /> 1� f' ���1t�, . 7!:� . ..: .�4 t Y* r��N, — �IT�Y���1�29f.J,-�--r--�__•_t�-��a _ ,— tr-:. <br /> ' ���'�., ` . { u���������� <br /> ' �5 '' 'l�i�:" ' � - te�•- - 4h. • T �i { '�1. ., � �Mno <br /> F�.�C�� t '� . . .I. �I��:�f � It.' t_Y.;�pL�. . 3.1 � <br /> �`�. ;�� •1._ .�d�' - - -,�1- 4a-! tf{ I� �):�;� �ir 4i �• jc-•iC - K"a l�v"�'�`"x���n"S�:r'��--- _.—. <br /> -�1 g {..f��.:Y S �i' '4` J�{ '_y�1'I�IaQS�i.— <br /> . . -.—.— f ,. �t�� , ' ' _�.� " � � ""' ' T _�_'_�"_ __'_ __' �__TVr .--�� ' _ ." - _- � <br /> . . �� . . � . T- .. <br /> �_ . <br />- � !� .'�F��r��t�f��V;. ` '' --.� _,- �5`� - � , .. ' .1 i. ' �� ��� . , � . <br /> �+ , P. ' � '� ,',; i i'� '� <br />^ i, 4,�'��°.'�:^�,�:�.;• , .�', � , • . . ,,� '. . .m�, ' .... .. ,' . , <br />,�:.,.:: ,{� ;��.r � • . � . 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